Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Goran Sarenkapa (JordanGS), and a number of other of contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package org.jenkinsci.plugins.zap; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.jenkinsci.remoting.RoleChecker; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.FilePath.FileCallable; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Launcher.LocalLauncher; import hudson.Launcher.RemoteLauncher; import hudson.Proc; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel; import hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.Builder; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; /** * The main class of the plugin. This class adds a build step in a Jenkins job that allows you to launch the ZAP security tool and generate reports based on the alerts. * * @author Goran Sarenkapa * @author Mostafa AbdelMoez * @author Tanguy de Lignires * @author Abdellah Azougarh * @author Thilina Madhusanka * @author Johann Ollivier-Lapeyre * @author Ludovic Roucoux * */ public class ZAPBuilder extends Builder { /** * The @DataBoundConstructor is a constructor and it's parameter names must match the fields in associated config file {@link "com/github/jenkinsci/zaproxyplugin/ZAPBuilder/config.jelly"} and additional can set the parameter values for the global configurations {@link "com/github/jenkinsci/zaproxyplugin/ZAPBuilder/global.jelly"}. * * @param startZAPFirst * of type boolean: start zap as a pre-build step or not. * @param zapHost * of type: String: the zap host. * @param zapPort * of type String: host configured when ZAP is used as proxy. * @param zaproxy * of type ZAPDriver: port configured when ZAP is used as proxy. */ @DataBoundConstructor public ZAPBuilder(boolean startZAPFirst, String zapHost, String zapPort, ZAPDriver zaproxy) { this.startZAPFirst = startZAPFirst; this.zaproxy = zaproxy; this.zapHost = zapHost; this.zapPort = zapPort; this.zaproxy.setStartZAPFirst(startZAPFirst); this.zaproxy.setZapHost(zapHost); this.zaproxy.setZapPort(zapPort); /* Call the set methods of ZAPDriver to set the values */ this.zaproxy.setJiraBaseURL(ZAPBuilder.DESCRIPTOR.getJiraBaseURL()); this.zaproxy.setJiraUsername(ZAPBuilder.DESCRIPTOR.getJiraUsername()); this.zaproxy.setJiraPassword(ZAPBuilder.DESCRIPTOR.getJiraPassword()); } private final boolean startZAPFirst; public boolean getStartZAPFirst() { return startZAPFirst; } private final ZAPDriver zaproxy; public ZAPDriver getZaproxy() { return zaproxy; } private final String zapHost; public String getZapHost() { return zapHost; } private final String zapPort; public String getZapPort() { return zapPort; } private Proc proc; @Override /* @Override for better type safety, not needed if plugin doesn't define any property on Descriptor */ public ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return (ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl) super.getDescriptor(); } /** Method launched before the build. */ @Override public boolean prebuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener) { Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] START PRE-BUILD ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE REPLACEMENT", Utils.ZAP); /* Replaces the environment variables with the corresponding values */ String zapHost = zaproxy.getZapHost(); if (zapHost == null || zapHost.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZAP HOST IS MISSING"); String zapPort = zaproxy.getZapPort(); if (zapPort == null || zapPort.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZAP PORT IS MISSING"); String sessionFilename = zaproxy.getSessionFilename(); String internalSites = zaproxy.getInternalSites(); String contextName = zaproxy.getContextName(); String includedURL = zaproxy.getIncludedURL(); String excludedURL = zaproxy.getExcludedURL(); String targetURL = zaproxy.getTargetURL(); String reportName = zaproxy.getReportFilename(); String reportTitle = zaproxy.getExportreportTitle(); ArrayList<ZAPCmdLine> cmdLinesZap = new ArrayList<ZAPCmdLine>(zaproxy.getCmdLinesZAP().size()); try { zapHost = applyMacro(build, listener, zapHost); zapPort = applyMacro(build, listener, zapPort); sessionFilename = applyMacro(build, listener, sessionFilename); internalSites = applyMacro(build, listener, internalSites); contextName = applyMacro(build, listener, contextName); includedURL = applyMacro(build, listener, includedURL); excludedURL = applyMacro(build, listener, excludedURL); targetURL = applyMacro(build, listener, targetURL); reportName = applyMacro(build, listener, reportName); reportTitle = applyMacro(build, listener, reportTitle); for (ZAPCmdLine cmdLineZap : zaproxy.getCmdLinesZAP()) cmdLinesZap.add(new ZAPCmdLine(applyMacro(build, listener, cmdLineZap.getCmdLineOption()), applyMacro(build, listener, cmdLineZap.getCmdLineValue()))); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e1)); } zaproxy.setEvaluatedZapHost(zapHost); zaproxy.setEvaluatedZapPort(Integer.valueOf(zapPort)); zaproxy.setEvaluatedSessionFilename(sessionFilename); zaproxy.setEvaluatedInternalSites(internalSites); zaproxy.setEvaluatedContextName(contextName); zaproxy.setEvaluatedIncludedURL(includedURL); zaproxy.setEvaluatedExcludedURL(excludedURL); zaproxy.setEvaluatedTargetURL(targetURL); zaproxy.setEvaluatedReportFilename(reportName); zaproxy.setEvaluatedExportreportTitle(reportTitle); zaproxy.setEvaluatedCmdLinesZap(cmdLinesZap); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "HOST = [ {0} ]", zapHost); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "PORT = [ {0} ]", zapPort); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "SESSION FILENAME = [ {0} ]", sessionFilename); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "INTERNAL SITES = [ {0} ]", internalSites.trim().replace("\n", ", ")); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "CONTEXT NAME = [ {0} ]", contextName); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "INCLUDE IN CONTEXT = [ {0} ]", includedURL.trim().replace("\n", ", ")); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "EXCLUDE FROM CONTEXT = [ {0} ]", excludedURL.trim().replace("\n", ", ")); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "STARTING POINT (URL) = [ {0} ]", targetURL); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "REPORT FILENAME = [ {0} ]", reportName); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "REPORT TITLE = [ {0} ]", reportTitle); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "COMMAND LINE = {0}", cmdLinesZap.toString().trim() .substring(1, cmdLinesZap.toString().trim().length() - 1).replace(",", "")); if (cmdLinesZap.isEmpty()) Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] END PRE-BUILD ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE REPLACEMENT", Utils.ZAP); Utils.lineBreak(listener); /* Clear the ZAP home directory of all previous zap logs. */ Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] CLEAR LOGS IN SETTINGS...", Utils.ZAP); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "ZAP HOME DIRECTORY [ {0} ]", this.zaproxy.getZapSettingsDir()); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "JENKINS WORKSPACE [ {0} ]", build.getWorkspace().getRemote()); /* No workspace before the first build, so workspace is null. */ FilePath ws = build.getWorkspace(); if (ws != null) { File[] listFiles = {}; try { listFiles = ws.act(new LogCallable(this.zaproxy.getZapSettingsDir())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); /* No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page. */ } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); /* No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page. */ } Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "CLEARING ZAP HOME DIRECTORY/{0}", ZAPDriver.NAME_LOG_DIR.toUpperCase()); Utils.lineBreak(listener); for (File listFile : listFiles) { Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "[ {0} ] LOG HAS BEEN FOUND", listFile.getAbsolutePath()); String stringForLogger = "DELETE [" + listFile.getName() + "] FROM "; try { stringForLogger = ws.act(new DeleteFileCallable(listFile.getAbsolutePath(), stringForLogger)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "{0}", stringForLogger); Utils.lineBreak(listener); } } /* Start ZAP as a Pre-Build step. */ if (startZAPFirst) { Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] START PRE-BUILD STEP", Utils.ZAP); Utils.lineBreak(listener); try { Launcher launcher = null; Node node = build.getBuiltOn(); /* Create launcher according to the build's location (Master or Slave) and the build's OS */ if ("".equals(node.getNodeName())) launcher = new LocalLauncher(listener, build.getWorkspace().getChannel()); else { /* Build on slave */ boolean isUnix; if ("Unix".equals(((SlaveComputer) node.toComputer()).getOSDescription())) isUnix = true; else isUnix = false; launcher = new RemoteLauncher(listener, build.getWorkspace().getChannel(), isUnix); } proc = zaproxy.startZAP(build, listener, launcher); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return false; } Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] END PRE-BUILD STEP", Utils.ZAP); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] COMMENCEMENT OF SELENIUM SCRIPTS, ZAP WILL NOW LISTEN ON THE DESIGNATED PORT", Utils.ZAP); Utils.lineBreak(listener); } return true; } /** Method called when the build is launching */ @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) { if (!startZAPFirst) try { Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] START BUILD STEP", Utils.ZAP); Utils.lineBreak(listener); proc = zaproxy.startZAP(build, listener, launcher); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return false; } boolean res; try { if (startZAPFirst) { Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] SELENIUM SCRIPTS COMPLETED", Utils.ZAP); } res = build.getWorkspace().act(new ZAPDriverCallable(listener, this.zaproxy)); proc.joinWithTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.MINUTES, listener); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.lineBreak(listener); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] SHUTDOWN [ SUCCESSFUL ]", Utils.ZAP); Utils.lineBreak(listener); /* Upon ZAP successfully shutting down, copy the files from the ZAP home directory into the workspace folder. */ Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] LOG SEARCH...", Utils.ZAP); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "ZAP HOME DIRECTORY [ {0} ]", this.zaproxy.getZapSettingsDir()); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "JENKINS WORKSPACE [ {0} ]", build.getWorkspace().getRemote()); /* No workspace before the first build, so workspace is null. */ FilePath ws = build.getWorkspace(); if (ws != null) { File[] listFiles = {}; try { listFiles = ws.act(new LogCallable(this.zaproxy.getZapSettingsDir())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); /* No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page. */ } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); /* No listener because it's not during a build but it's on the job config page. */ } Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "CLEARING WORKSPACE/{0}", ZAPDriver.NAME_LOG_DIR.toUpperCase()); Utils.lineBreak(listener); ws.act(new ClearDirectoryCallable(Paths.get(ws.getRemote(), ZAPDriver.NAME_LOG_DIR).toFile())); for (File listFile : listFiles) { Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "[ {0} ] LOG HAS BEEN FOUND", listFile.getAbsolutePath()); String stringForLogger = "COPY [" + listFile.getName() + "] TO "; stringForLogger = ws.act(new CopyFileCallable(listFile, ws.getRemote(), stringForLogger)); Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 1, "{0}", stringForLogger); Utils.lineBreak(listener); } } Utils.lineBreak(listener); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return false; } return res; } /** * Replace macro with environment variable if it exists. * * @param build * @param listener * @param macro * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ public static String applyMacro(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener, String macro) throws InterruptedException { try { EnvVars envVars = new EnvVars(Computer.currentComputer().getEnvironment()); envVars.putAll(build.getEnvironment(listener)); envVars.putAll(build.getBuildVariables()); return Util.replaceMacro(macro, envVars); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.loggerMessage(listener, 0, "[{0}] ERROR, FAILED TO APPLY MACRO: {1}", Utils.ZAP, macro); listener.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } return macro; } /** * @Extension indicates to Jenkins this is an implementation of an extension point. * * Descriptor for {@link ZAPBuilder}. Used as a singleton. The class is marked as public so that it can be accessed from views. * * <p> * See <tt>src/main/resources/com/github/jenkinsci/zaproxyplugin/ZAPBuilder/*.jelly</tt> for the actual HTML fragment for the configuration screen. */ @Extension public static final ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl(); public static final class ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor<Builder> { /* In order to load the persisted global configuration, you have to call load() in the constructor. */ public ZAPBuilderDescriptorImpl() { load(); } /* Indicates that this builder can be used with all kinds of project types */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> aClass) { return true; } /* This human readable name is used in the configuration screen. */ @Override public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.jenkins_jobconfig_addbuildstep_zap(); } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { /* To persist global configuration information, set that to properties and call save(). */ zapDefaultHost = formData.getString("zapDefaultHost"); zapDefaultPort = formData.getString("zapDefaultPort"); /* set the values from the global configuration for CREATE JIRA ISSUES */ jiraBaseURL = formData.getString("jiraBaseURL"); jiraUsername = formData.getString("jiraUsername"); jiraPassword = formData.getString("jiraPassword"); // ^Can also use req.bindJSON(this, formData); // (easier when there are many fields; need set* methods for this, like setUseFrench) save(); return super.configure(req, formData); } /* * To persist global configuration information, simply store it in a field and call save(). * * If you don't want fields to be persisted, use transient. */ private String zapDefaultHost; public String getZapDefaultHost() { return zapDefaultHost; } private String zapDefaultPort; public String getZapDefaultPort() { return zapDefaultPort; } private String jiraBaseURL; public String getJiraBaseURL() { return jiraBaseURL; } private String jiraUsername; public String getJiraUsername() { return jiraUsername; } private String jiraPassword; public String getJiraPassword() { return jiraPassword; } } /** * Used to execute ZAP remotely. */ private static class ZAPDriverCallable implements FileCallable<Boolean> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private BuildListener listener; private ZAPDriver zaproxy; public ZAPDriverCallable(BuildListener listener, ZAPDriver zaproxy) { this.listener = listener; this.zaproxy = zaproxy; } @Override public Boolean invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) { return zaproxy.executeZAP(listener, new FilePath(f)); } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { /* N/A */ } } /** * This class allows to search all ZAP log files in the ZAP home directory of the remote machine (or local machine if there is no remote machine). Returns a list of logs. */ private static class LogCallable implements FileCallable<File[]> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String zapSettingsDir; public LogCallable(String zapSettingsDir) { this.zapSettingsDir = zapSettingsDir; } @Override public File[] invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) { File[] listFiles = {}; Path pathLogDir = Paths.get(zapSettingsDir); if (Files.isDirectory(pathLogDir)) { File zapAuthScriptsDir = pathLogDir.toFile(); /* Create new filename filter (the filter returns true as all the extensions are accepted). */ FilenameFilter logFilter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (name.contains(ZAPDriver.FILENAME_LOG)) return true; return false; } }; /* Returns pathnames for files and directory. */ listFiles = zapAuthScriptsDir.listFiles(logFilter); } return listFiles; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { /* N/A */ } } /** * Allows to copy a log file from the ZAP home directory into the job's workspace. */ private static class CopyFileCallable implements FileCallable<String> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private File sourceFile; private String destination; private String stringForLogger; public CopyFileCallable(File sourceFile, String destination, String stringForLogger) { this.sourceFile = sourceFile; this.destination = destination; this.stringForLogger = stringForLogger; } public String invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String data = FileUtils.readFileToString(sourceFile, (String) null); String filename = sourceFile.getName(); Path path = Paths.get(destination, ZAPDriver.NAME_LOG_DIR, filename); File destFile = path.toFile(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(destFile, data); stringForLogger += "[" + destFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"; return stringForLogger; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { /* N/A */ } } /** * This class allows to clear (delete) all files in a given directory on the remote machine (or local machine if there is no remote machine). Used to clear directories within the workspace. */ private static class ClearDirectoryCallable implements FileCallable<File[]> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private File dir; public ClearDirectoryCallable(File dir) { this.dir = dir; } @Override public File[] invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } FileUtils.cleanDirectory(dir); return null; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { /* N/A */ } } /** * This class allows to clear (delete) a specified file in a given directory on the remote machine (or local machine if there is no remote machine). */ private static class DeleteFileCallable implements FileCallable<String> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String file; private String stringForLogger; public DeleteFileCallable(String file, String stringForLogger) { this.file = file; this.stringForLogger = stringForLogger; } @Override public String invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { stringForLogger += "[" + file + "]"; (new File(file)).delete(); return stringForLogger; } @Override public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException { /* N/A */ } } }