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package org.jembi.rhea.transformers;

 * Handle XDS ITI-43 Retrieve Document Set response
import ihe.iti.atna.AuditMessage;
import ihe.iti.atna.EventIdentificationType;
import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType;
import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType;
import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType.DocumentResponse;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jembi.ihe.atna.ATNAUtil;
import org.jembi.ihe.atna.ATNAUtil.ParticipantObjectDetail;
import org.jembi.rhea.Constants;
import org.jembi.rhea.Util;
import org.mule.api.MuleMessage;
import org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerException;
import org.mule.api.transport.PropertyScope;
import org.mule.transformer.AbstractMessageTransformer;

public class XDSRepositoryRetrieveDocumentSetResponse extends AbstractMessageTransformer {

    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

    private String xdsRepositoryHost = "";
    private String xdsRepositoryPath = "";
    private String xdsRepositoryPort = "";
    private String xdsRepositorySecurePort = "";
    private String iheSecure = "";
    private String requestedAssigningAuthority = "";

    public Object transformMessage(MuleMessage message, String outputEncoding) throws TransformerException {

        // process response               
        if (message.getPayload() == null) {

            log.error("Null response received from XDS repository");
            return null;

        } else if (message.getPayload() instanceof RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType) {

            String request = null;
            try {
                RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType originalRequest = (RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType) message
                        .getProperty(Constants.XDS_ITI_43, PropertyScope.SESSION);
                request = Util.marshallJAXBObject("ihe.iti.xds_b._2007", originalRequest, false);
            } catch (JAXBException e) {
                log.error("Error marshalling request ", e);
            String patientId = (String) message.getProperty(Constants.XDS_ITI_18_PATIENTID_PROPERTY,
            List<String> doc = processResponse((RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType) message.getPayload(), patientId,
            return doc;

        } else {

            log.error("Unknown response type received from XDS repository: " + message.getPayload().getClass());
            return null;


    private List<String> processResponse(RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType response, String patientId,
            String originalRequest) throws TransformerException {
        boolean outcome = false;
        List<String> documents = null;
        List<DocumentInfo> documentsInfo = new LinkedList<DocumentInfo>();

        try {
            // get a list of doc unique id separated by ":"
            documents = getDocuments(response, documentsInfo);
            outcome = true;

        } finally {
            try {
                //generate audit message
                        generateATNAMessage(originalRequest, patientId, outcome, documentsInfo));
      "Dispatched ATNA message");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //If the auditing breaks, it shouldn't break the flow, so catch and log
                log.error("Failed to dispatch ATNA message", e);

        // return the content of the document
        return documents;

    private List<String> getDocuments(RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType drResponse, List<DocumentInfo> documentsInfo)
            throws TransformerException {

        RegistryResponseType rrt = drResponse.getRegistryResponse();

        if (rrt != null && rrt.getRegistryErrorList() != null) {
            RegistryErrorList rel = rrt.getRegistryErrorList();

            if (rel != null && rel.getRegistryError() != null && rel.getRegistryError().size() > 0
                    && rel.getRegistryError().get(0) != null) {
                throw new TransformerException(this, new Exception("TotalErrors: " + rel.getRegistryError().size()
                        + "FirstError: " + rel.getRegistryError().get(0).getValue()));

        String status = (rrt == null ? "" : rrt.getStatus()); // ??Shall we log this and other information(e.g. totalResultCnt, documentLength, mimeType, etc) anywhere??
        int totalResultCnt = 0;

        List<DocumentResponse> drList = drResponse.getDocumentResponse(); // <ns2:DocumentResponse>
        List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>((drList != null ? drList.size() : 0));

        if (drList != null && drList.size() > 0 && drList.get(0) != null) {
            totalResultCnt = drList.size();
            for (DocumentResponse dr : drList) { // may want to loop thru the results at some point, but for now......
                String homeCommunityId = dr.getHomeCommunityId(); //  <ns2:HomeCommunityId>urn:oid:</ns2:HomeCommunityId>
                String reposUniqueId = dr.getRepositoryUniqueId(); //  <ns2:RepositoryUniqueId>1</ns2:RepositoryUniqueId>
                String docUniqueId = dr.getDocumentUniqueId(); //  <ns2:DocumentUniqueId>1.123401.11111</ns2:DocumentUniqueId>
                documentsInfo.add(new DocumentInfo(homeCommunityId, reposUniqueId, docUniqueId));
                String mimeType = dr.getMimeType(); //  <ns2:mimeType>text/xml</ns2:mimeType>
                if (dr.getDocument() != null) {
                    String document = new String(dr.getDocument()); //  <ns2:Document>VEVTVCBET0NVTUVOVCBDT05URU5U</ns2:Document>
                    int documentLength = dr.getDocument().length;
          "Received document: " + docUniqueId);
                } else {
                    throw new TransformerException(this, new Exception("dr.getDocument() returns null!"));

        return res;

    /* Auditing */

    protected String generateATNAMessage(String request, String patientId, boolean outcome,
            List<DocumentInfo> documentsInfo) throws JAXBException {
        AuditMessage res = new AuditMessage();

        EventIdentificationType eid = new EventIdentificationType();
        eid.setEventID(ATNAUtil.buildCodedValueType("DCM", "110107", "Import"));
                .add(ATNAUtil.buildCodedValueType("IHE Transactions", "ITI-43", "Retrieve Document Set"));
        eid.setEventOutcomeIndicator(outcome ? BigInteger.ZERO : new BigInteger("4"));

        res.getActiveParticipant().add(ATNAUtil.buildActiveParticipant(buildRepositoryPath(), xdsRepositoryHost,
                false, xdsRepositoryHost, (short) 1, "DCM", "110153", "Source"));
                ATNAUtil.getProcessID(), true, ATNAUtil.getHostIP(), (short) 2, "DCM", "110152", "Destination"));


                        String.format("%s^^^&%s&ISO", patientId, requestedAssigningAuthority), (short) 1, (short) 1,
                        "RFC-3881", "2", "PatientNumber", null));

        for (DocumentInfo docInfo : documentsInfo) {
            List<ParticipantObjectDetail> pod = new ArrayList<ParticipantObjectDetail>();
            if (docInfo._reposUniqueId != null)
                pod.add(new ParticipantObjectDetail("Repository Unique Id", docInfo._reposUniqueId.getBytes()));
            if (docInfo._homeCommunityId != null)
                pod.add(new ParticipantObjectDetail("ihe:homeCommunityID", docInfo._homeCommunityId.getBytes()));

                    docInfo._docUniqueId, (short) 2, (short) 3, "RFC-3881", "9", "Report Number", request, pod));

        return ATNAUtil.marshallATNAObject(res);

    /* */

    public String getXdsRepositoryHost() {
        return xdsRepositoryHost;

    public void setXdsRepositoryHost(String xdsRepositoryHost) {
        this.xdsRepositoryHost = xdsRepositoryHost;

    public String getRequestedAssigningAuthority() {
        return requestedAssigningAuthority;

    public void setRequestedAssigningAuthority(String requestedAssigningAuthority) {
        this.requestedAssigningAuthority = requestedAssigningAuthority;

    public String getXdsRepositoryPath() {
        return xdsRepositoryPath;

    public void setXdsRepositoryPath(String xdsRepositoryPath) {
        this.xdsRepositoryPath = xdsRepositoryPath;

    public String getXdsRepositoryPort() {
        return xdsRepositoryPort;

    public void setXdsRepositoryPort(String xdsRepositoryPort) {
        this.xdsRepositoryPort = xdsRepositoryPort;

    public String getXdsRepositorySecurePort() {
        return xdsRepositorySecurePort;

    public void setXdsRepositorySecurePort(String xdsRepositorySecurePort) {
        this.xdsRepositorySecurePort = xdsRepositorySecurePort;

    public String getIheSecure() {
        return iheSecure;

    public void setIheSecure(String iheSecure) {
        this.iheSecure = iheSecure;

    private String buildRepositoryPath() {
        return String.format("%s:%s/%s", xdsRepositoryHost,
                ((iheSecure.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) ? xdsRepositorySecurePort : xdsRepositoryPort),

    private static class DocumentInfo {
        String _homeCommunityId;
        String _reposUniqueId;
        String _docUniqueId;

        public DocumentInfo(String _homeCommunityId, String _reposUniqueId, String _docUniqueId) {
            this._homeCommunityId = _homeCommunityId;
            this._reposUniqueId = _reposUniqueId;
            this._docUniqueId = _docUniqueId;