Java tutorial
/* * Copyright J. Craig Venter Institute, 2013 * * The creation of this program was supported by J. Craig Venter Institute * and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), * Contract number HHSN272200900007C. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.jcvi.ometa.utils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import*; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Schedulable; import org.jcvi.ometa.bean_interface.ProjectSampleEventPresentationBusiness; import org.jcvi.ometa.db_interface.ReadBeanPersister; import org.jcvi.ometa.model.*; import org.jcvi.ometa.validation.ModelValidator; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: hkim * Date: 7/26/11 * Time: 10:23 AM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class JsonProducer implements Schedulable { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JsonProducer.class); private ProjectSampleEventPresentationBusiness pseEjb; private final String forbiddenAttributes[] = { "run date" }; private final String SAMPLE_STATUS = "Sample Status"; private final String PROD_SERVER_ADDRESS = ""; public JsonProducer() { pseEjb = new PresentationActionDelegate().initializeEjb(Logger.getLogger(ReadBeanPersister.class), null); } public JsonProducer(ProjectSampleEventPresentationBusiness ejb) { pseEjb = ejb; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { JsonProducer pro = new JsonProducer(); pro.generateJson(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void generateJson() { try {"[JsonProducer-MBean] JsonProducer process is starting."); Properties props = PropertyHelper.getHostnameProperties(Constants.PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); String jsonUrls = props.getProperty("JSON.Urls"); String kingdomUrls = props.getProperty("KINGDOM.Urls"); if (jsonUrls != null && !jsonUrls.isEmpty()) { String[] urls = jsonUrls.trim().split("\\$"); //create String array of sample tracking URLs if (urls.length > 0) { for (String url : urls) { String projectNames = null; String attributes = null; String screenAttributes = null; String sorting = null; String fileName = null; String filePath = null; String domain = null; String[] urlAttributes = url.trim().split("\\&"); //attribute seperator for (String urlAttribute : urlAttributes) { String urlAttributeVal = (urlAttribute.substring(urlAttribute.indexOf("=") + 1, urlAttribute.length())).replaceAll("\\+", " "); if (urlAttribute.contains("projectNames=")) projectNames = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("attributes=")) attributes = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("sorting=")) sorting = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("fileName=")) fileName = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("filePath=")) filePath = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("screenAttributes=")) screenAttributes = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("domain")) domain = urlAttributeVal; } if (projectNames != null && attributes != null && fileName != null && filePath != null) jsonHelper(projectNames, attributes, screenAttributes, sorting, fileName, filePath, domain); } } } if (kingdomUrls != null && !kingdomUrls.isEmpty()) { this.kingdomHelper(kingdomUrls); }"[JsonProducer-MBean] JsonProducer process is done."); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void jsonHelper(String projectNames, String attributes, String screenAttributes, String sorting, String fileName, String filePath, String domain) { String PROJECT_STATUS = "Project Status"; try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); File directory = new File(filePath); if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) { if ((new File(directory.getParent())).canWrite()) directory.mkdir(); else throw new Exception(); } //Json file Creation File tempFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + fileName + "_temp.json"); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(tempFile); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter); //Normal status data retrieval LookupValue tempLookupValue; List<String> projectNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (projectNames.contains(",")) projectNameList.addAll(Arrays.asList(projectNames.split(","))); else projectNameList.add(projectNames); List<String> availableAttributes = new ArrayList<String>(); availableAttributes.add("Sample Name"); List<Project> projects = pseEjb.getProjects(projectNameList); List<Long> projectIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); Map<String, Long> projectNameVsId = new HashMap<String, Long>(); for (Project project : projects) { projectIds.add(project.getProjectId()); projectNameVsId.put(project.getProjectName(), project.getProjectId()); } List<ProjectMetaAttribute> allProjectMetaAttributes = pseEjb.getProjectMetaAttributes(projectIds); for (ProjectMetaAttribute pma : allProjectMetaAttributes) { if (!availableAttributes.contains(pma.getLookupValue().getName())) availableAttributes.add(pma.getLookupValue().getName()); } List<SampleMetaAttribute> allSampleMetaAttributes = pseEjb.getSampleMetaAttributes(projectIds); for (SampleMetaAttribute sma : allSampleMetaAttributes) { if (!availableAttributes.contains(sma.getLookupValue().getName())) availableAttributes.add(sma.getLookupValue().getName()); } List<EventMetaAttribute> allEventMetaAttributes = pseEjb.getEventMetaAttributes(projectIds); for (EventMetaAttribute ema : allEventMetaAttributes) { if (!availableAttributes.contains(ema.getLookupValue().getName())) availableAttributes.add(ema.getLookupValue().getName()); } List<String> parameterizedAttributes = null; if (attributes == null || attributes.equals("") || "ALL".equals(attributes)) { parameterizedAttributes = availableAttributes; } else { parameterizedAttributes = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> tokenizedAttribute = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(attributes.split(","))); for (String tempAttribute : tokenizedAttribute) { if (availableAttributes.contains(tempAttribute)) parameterizedAttributes.add(tempAttribute); } } parameterizedAttributes.removeAll(Arrays.asList(forbiddenAttributes)); /*------------ XLS Part ------------*/ //Excel file Creation Workbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet workSheet = workBook.createSheet(); int cellIndex = 0, rowIndex = 0; Row singleRow = workSheet.createRow(rowIndex++); Cell headerCell = null; //Header row cell style CellStyle style = workBook.createCellStyle(); style.setFillBackgroundColor(IndexedColors.CORNFLOWER_BLUE.getIndex()); style.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.LIGHT_BLUE.getIndex()); style.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); Font font = workBook.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); font.setColor(IndexedColors.WHITE.getIndex()); style.setFont(font); /*------------ XLS Part END ------------*/ List<String> attributeList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String tempAttribute : parameterizedAttributes) { attributeList.add(tempAttribute); headerCell = singleRow.createCell(cellIndex++); headerCell.setCellValue(tempAttribute); headerCell.setCellStyle(style); } if (screenAttributes == null || screenAttributes.equals("") || screenAttributes.equals("ALL")) { json.put("attributes", attributeList); } else { json.put("attributes", Arrays.asList(screenAttributes.split(","))); } json.put("sorting", (sorting == null || sorting.isEmpty() || sorting.equals("-") ? null : sorting)); json.put("projectNames", projectNames); List<ProjectAttribute> allProjectAttributes = pseEjb.getProjectAttributes(projectIds); Map<Long, List<ProjectAttribute>> projIdVsAttributes = new HashMap<Long, List<ProjectAttribute>>(); for (ProjectAttribute pa : allProjectAttributes) { List<ProjectAttribute> paList = projIdVsAttributes.get(pa.getProjectId()); if (paList == null) { paList = new ArrayList<ProjectAttribute>(); projIdVsAttributes.put(pa.getProjectId(), paList); } paList.add(pa); } List<Sample> allSamplesAllProjects = pseEjb.getSamplesForProjects(projectIds); Map<Long, List<Sample>> projectIdVsSampleList = new HashMap<Long, List<Sample>>(); for (Sample sample : allSamplesAllProjects) { List<Sample> thisProjectsSamples = projectIdVsSampleList.get(sample.getProjectId()); if (thisProjectsSamples == null) { thisProjectsSamples = new ArrayList<Sample>(); projectIdVsSampleList.put(sample.getProjectId(), thisProjectsSamples); } thisProjectsSamples.add(sample); } /************* Main LOOP starts *****************/ List<JSONObject> sampleList = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); List<String> statusList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<JSONObject> sumList = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); for (Project project : projects) { JSONObject currSum = new JSONObject(); if (project.getIsPublic() == 0) continue; Long tempProjectId = project.getProjectId(); List<ProjectAttribute> paList = projIdVsAttributes.get(tempProjectId); Map<String, Object> projectAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (paList != null) { for (ProjectAttribute pa : paList) { ProjectMetaAttribute projectMeta = pa.getMetaAttribute(); tempLookupValue = projectMeta.getLookupValue(); projectAttrMap.put(tempLookupValue.getName(), ModelValidator.getModelValue(tempLookupValue, pa)); if (projectMeta.getLabel() != null) { //add another key-value pair for a labeled attribute projectAttrMap.put(projectMeta.getLabel(), ModelValidator.getModelValue(tempLookupValue, pa)); } } } if (!projectAttrMap.containsKey(Constants.ATTR_PROJECT_NAME)) projectAttrMap.put(Constants.ATTR_PROJECT_NAME, project.getProjectName()); currSum.put("p_n", project.getProjectName()); currSum.put("p_s", projectAttrMap.get(PROJECT_STATUS)); currSum.put("p_g", projectAttrMap.get("Project Group")); List<Long> sampleIdList = getSampleIdList(getSamplesFromList(projectIdVsSampleList, tempProjectId)); Map<Long, List<SampleAttribute>> sampleIdVsAttributeList = getSampleVsAttributeList(sampleIdList); Map<Long, List<Event>> sampleIdVsEventList = getSampleIdVsEventList(sampleIdList); List<Sample> samplesForProject = getSamplesFromList(projectIdVsSampleList, tempProjectId); currSum.put("tot", samplesForProject.size()); for (Sample sample : samplesForProject) { Map<String, Object> sampleAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); sampleAttrMap.putAll(projectAttrMap); sampleAttrMap.put(Constants.ATTR_SAMPLE_NAME, sample.getSampleName()); sampleAttrMap.put("sampleId", sample.getSampleId()); List<SampleAttribute> sampleAttributes = sampleIdVsAttributeList.get(sample.getSampleId()); if (sampleAttributes != null && sampleAttributes.size() > 0) { for (SampleAttribute sa : sampleAttributes) { if (sa.getMetaAttribute() == null) continue; SampleMetaAttribute sampleMeta = sa.getMetaAttribute(); tempLookupValue = sampleMeta.getLookupValue(); Object sav = ModelValidator.getModelValue(tempLookupValue, sa); sampleAttrMap.put(tempLookupValue.getName(), sav); if (sampleMeta.getLabel() != null) { //add another key-value pair for a labeled attribute sampleAttrMap.put(sampleMeta.getLabel(), sav); } if (SAMPLE_STATUS.equals(tempLookupValue.getName())) { String currStatus = (String) sav; if (!statusList.contains(currStatus)) //add new status value statusList.add(currStatus); currSum.put(currStatus, currSum.has(currStatus) ? currSum.getInt(currStatus) + 1 : 1); //count } } } List<Event> sampleEvents = sampleIdVsEventList.get(sample.getSampleId()); if (sampleEvents != null && sampleEvents.size() > 0) { Map<Long, List<EventAttribute>> eventIdVsAttributes = getEventIdVsAttributeList( sampleEvents, tempProjectId); //skip sample status value in event attributes String[] skipArrForEventAttribute = { "Sample Status" }; for (Event evt : sampleEvents) { List<EventAttribute> eventAttributes = eventIdVsAttributes.get(evt.getEventId()); if (eventAttributes == null) continue; sampleAttrMap.putAll(CommonTool.getAttributeValueMap(eventAttributes, false, skipArrForEventAttribute)); } } if (!sampleAttrMap.containsKey("Organism")) { //manually add Organism attribute if not exist for GCID projects sampleAttrMap.put("Organism", ""); } JSONObject sampleJsonObj = new JSONObject(); for (String key : sampleAttrMap.keySet()) { //this is custom decorating process for json data file only //in status.shtml page, link on an organism should land to the project page rather than sample detail page if (key.equals("Organism")) { String organismVal = (String) sampleAttrMap.get(key); if (organismVal == null) { //get different attribute value for GCID projects organismVal = (String) sampleAttrMap.get("Species Source Common Name(CS4)"); } sampleJsonObj.put("OrganismUrl", (PROD_SERVER_ADDRESS + Constants.SAMPLE_DETAIL_URL + "iss=true" + "&projectName=" + project.getProjectName() + "&projectId=" + project.getProjectId() + "&sampleName=" + sampleAttrMap.get("Sample Name") + "&sampleId=" + sampleAttrMap.get("sampleId")).replaceAll("\\\"", "\\\\\"")); if (domain != null && !"none".equals(domain)) { String projectGroup = (String) sampleAttrMap.get("Project Group"); organismVal = convertIntoATag(String.format(Constants.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_PAGE, domain, //hostName != null && hostName.contains("spike") ? fileName + "-dev" : fileName, (projectGroup == null ? "" : projectGroup.toLowerCase()), project.getProjectName().replaceAll(" ", "_")), organismVal); } sampleJsonObj.put(key, organismVal); } else { sampleJsonObj.put(key, CommonTool.decorateAttribute(sampleAttrMap, key, project)); } } sampleList.add(sampleJsonObj); cellIndex = 0; singleRow = workSheet.createRow(rowIndex++); for (String tempAttribute : parameterizedAttributes) { singleRow.createCell(cellIndex++) .setCellValue(sampleAttrMap.get(tempAttribute) != null ? "" + sampleAttrMap.get(tempAttribute) : ""); } } sumList.add(currSum); } JSONObject sumMap = new JSONObject(); sumMap.put("s_l", statusList); sumMap.put("data", sumList); json.put("sums", sumMap); json.put("samples", sampleList); //bufferedWriter.write("]"); bufferedWriter.write(json.toString()); bufferedWriter.close(); if (tempFile.exists() && tempFile.length() > 0) { File dataFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + fileName + ".json"); tempFile.renameTo(dataFile); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath + File.separator + fileName + ".xls"); workBook.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } else throw new Exception("Failure in retrieving data for " + fileName + ". File does not exist or file size is zero.");"[JsonProducer-MBean] JsonProducer process succeeded for " + projectNames); } catch (Exception ex) {"[JsonProducer-MBean] JsonProducer failed for " + projectNames); ex.printStackTrace(); /*if( hostName.contains( "dmzweb" ) ) { //Send error notification for DMZs only new EmailSender().send( "json", "[PST]Failure in generating Json Data file on : " + hostName, ex.toString() ); }*/ } } private void kingdomHelper(String kingdomUrl) { try { String filePath = null; Map<String, List<String>> kingdomProjectMap = null; String[] urls = kingdomUrl.trim().split("\\$"); if (urls.length > 0) { kingdomProjectMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String url : urls) { String kingdom = null; String[] urlAttributes = url.trim().split("\\&"); //attribute seperator for (String urlAttribute : urlAttributes) { String urlAttributeVal = (urlAttribute.substring(urlAttribute.indexOf("=") + 1, urlAttribute.length())).replaceAll("\\+", " "); if (urlAttribute.contains("filePath=")) filePath = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("kingdom=")) kingdom = urlAttributeVal; else if (urlAttribute.contains("projectNames=")) kingdomProjectMap.put(kingdom, Arrays.asList(urlAttributeVal.split(","))); } } } //Normal status data retrieval LookupValue tempLookupValue; Map<String, Species> speciesMap = new HashMap<String, Species>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : kingdomProjectMap.entrySet()) { List<String> projectNameList = entry.getValue(); List<Project> projects = pseEjb.getProjects(projectNameList); List<Long> projectIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Project project : projects) { projectIds.add(project.getProjectId()); } List<ProjectAttribute> allProjectAttributes = pseEjb.getProjectAttributes(projectIds); Map<Long, List<ProjectAttribute>> projIdVsAttributes = new HashMap<Long, List<ProjectAttribute>>(); for (ProjectAttribute pa : allProjectAttributes) { List<ProjectAttribute> paList = projIdVsAttributes.get(pa.getProjectId()); if (paList == null) { paList = new ArrayList<ProjectAttribute>(); projIdVsAttributes.put(pa.getProjectId(), paList); } paList.add(pa); } List<Sample> allSamplesAllProjects = pseEjb.getSamplesForProjects(projectIds); Map<Long, List<Sample>> projectIdVsSampleList = new HashMap<Long, List<Sample>>(); for (Sample sample : allSamplesAllProjects) { List<Sample> thisProjectsSamples = projectIdVsSampleList.get(sample.getProjectId()); if (thisProjectsSamples == null) { thisProjectsSamples = new ArrayList<Sample>(); projectIdVsSampleList.put(sample.getProjectId(), thisProjectsSamples); } thisProjectsSamples.add(sample); } for (Project project : projects) { Long tempProjectId = project.getProjectId(); String projectUrl = null; List<ProjectAttribute> paList = projIdVsAttributes.get(tempProjectId); if (paList != null) { for (ProjectAttribute pa : paList) { tempLookupValue = pa.getMetaAttribute().getLookupValue(); if (tempLookupValue.getName().equals("ProjectURL")) { projectUrl = pa.getAttributeStringValue(); } } } List<Long> sampleIdList = getSampleIdList( getSamplesFromList(projectIdVsSampleList, tempProjectId)); Map<Long, List<SampleAttribute>> sampleIdVsAttributeList = getSampleVsAttributeList( sampleIdList); List<Sample> samplesForProject = getSamplesFromList(projectIdVsSampleList, tempProjectId); for (Sample sample : samplesForProject) { String sampleKingdom = null; String sampleGenus = null; String sampleSpecies = null; int completedCount = 0; int ongoingCount = 0; List<SampleAttribute> sampleAttributes = sampleIdVsAttributeList.get(sample.getSampleId()); if (sampleAttributes != null && sampleAttributes.size() > 0) { for (SampleAttribute sa : sampleAttributes) { if (sa.getMetaAttribute() == null) continue; tempLookupValue = sa.getMetaAttribute().getLookupValue(); Object sav = ModelValidator.getModelValue(tempLookupValue, sa); String lookupValueName = tempLookupValue.getName(); if (SAMPLE_STATUS.equals(lookupValueName)) { String currStatus = ((String) sav).toLowerCase(); if (currStatus.equals("completed")) { completedCount++; } else { if (!currStatus.equals("deprecated")) { ongoingCount++; } } } //for Viral project, use int attribute value else if ("In Progress Samples".equals(lookupValueName)) { completedCount = (Integer) sav; } else if ("Published Samples".equals(lookupValueName)) { ongoingCount = (Integer) sav; } else if ("Kingdom".equals(lookupValueName)) { sampleKingdom = (String) sav; } else if ("Genus".equals(lookupValueName) || "Family".equals(lookupValueName)) { sampleGenus = (String) sav; } else if ("Species".equals(lookupValueName)) { sampleSpecies = (String) sav; } } if (sampleKingdom != null && sampleGenus != null && sampleSpecies != null) { String concatKGS = sampleKingdom + ";" + sampleGenus + ";" + sampleSpecies; Species currSpecies = speciesMap.get(concatKGS); if (currSpecies == null) { currSpecies = new Species(); currSpecies.setKingdom(sampleKingdom); currSpecies.setGenus(sampleGenus); currSpecies.setSpecies(sampleSpecies); currSpecies.setUrl(projectUrl); speciesMap.put(concatKGS, currSpecies); } currSpecies.ongoing += ongoingCount; currSpecies.completed += completedCount; } } } } } Map<String, Species> kingdoms = new HashMap<String, Species>(); List<JSONObject> speciesList = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); //TODO: return object with parent-child information rather than kingdom-genus relationship for (Species currSpecies : speciesMap.values()) { JSONObject currSpeciesJson = new JSONObject(); currSpeciesJson.put("s_k", currSpecies.getKingdom()); currSpeciesJson.put("s_g", currSpecies.getGenus()); currSpeciesJson.put("s_s", currSpecies.getSpecies()); currSpeciesJson.put("s_cp", currSpecies.getCompleted()); currSpeciesJson.put("s_og", currSpecies.getOngoing()); currSpeciesJson.put("s_u", currSpecies.getUrl()); Species kingdomSum = kingdoms.get(currSpecies.getKingdom()); if (kingdomSum == null) { kingdomSum = new Species(); kingdomSum.setKingdom(currSpecies.getKingdom()); kingdoms.put(kingdomSum.getKingdom(), kingdomSum); } kingdomSum.ongoing += currSpecies.getOngoing(); kingdomSum.completed += currSpecies.getCompleted(); speciesList.add(currSpeciesJson); } //summary data JSONObject summary = new JSONObject(); for (Species species : kingdoms.values()) { JSONObject kingdomSum = new JSONObject(); kingdomSum.put("ongoing", species.getOngoing()); kingdomSum.put("completed", species.getCompleted()); summary.put(species.getKingdom(), kingdomSum); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("sum", summary); json.put("p", speciesList); File directory = new File(filePath); if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) { if ((new File(directory.getParent())).canWrite()) directory.mkdir(); else throw new Exception(); } //Json file Creation File tempFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + "kingdom_temp.json"); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(tempFile); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter); bufferedWriter.write(json.toString()); bufferedWriter.close(); fileWriter.close(); if (tempFile.exists() && tempFile.length() > 0) { File dataFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + "kingdom.json"); tempFile.renameTo(dataFile); }"[JsonProducer-MBean] kingdomHelper process finished"); } catch (Exception ex) {"[JsonProducer-MBean] kingdomHelper failed."); ex.printStackTrace(); } } private Map<Long, List<EventAttribute>> getEventIdVsAttributeList(List<Event> sampleEvents, Long projectId) throws Exception { // Corral the ids of the events from the list of events. List<Long> allEventIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Event evt : sampleEvents) { allEventIds.add(evt.getEventId()); } // Remarshal the event attributes into a map keyed off the event id. if (allEventIds == null || allEventIds.size() == 0) { logger.debug("Invoking getEventIdVsAttributeList with empty or null list."); } List<EventAttribute> allEventAttributes = pseEjb.getEventAttributes(allEventIds, projectId); logger.debug("Got " + allEventAttributes.size() + " event attributes in getEventIdVsAttributeList "); Map<Long, List<EventAttribute>> eventIdVsAttributes = new HashMap<Long, List<EventAttribute>>(); for (EventAttribute ea : allEventAttributes) { List<EventAttribute> lea = eventIdVsAttributes.get(ea.getEventId()); if (lea == null) { lea = new ArrayList<EventAttribute>(); eventIdVsAttributes.put(ea.getEventId(), lea); } lea.add(ea); } if (eventIdVsAttributes.size() == 0) { logger.debug("Returning empty results from getEventIdVsAttributeList for input list of size " + allEventIds.size()); } return eventIdVsAttributes; } private Map<Long, List<Event>> getSampleIdVsEventList(List<Long> sampleIdList) throws Exception { // Get all events for all samples, and remarshal them into a map of sample vs event. List<Event> allSampleEvents = pseEjb.getEventsForSamples(sampleIdList); Map<Long, List<Event>> sampleIdVsEventList = new HashMap<Long, List<Event>>(); for (Event att : allSampleEvents) { List<Event> atts = sampleIdVsEventList.get(att.getSampleId()); if (atts == null) { atts = new ArrayList<Event>(); sampleIdVsEventList.put(att.getSampleId(), atts); } atts.add(att); } return sampleIdVsEventList; } private List<Long> getSampleIdList(List<Sample> samples) { List<Long> sampleIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Sample sample : samples) { sampleIdList.add(sample.getSampleId()); } return sampleIdList; } private Map<Long, List<SampleAttribute>> getSampleVsAttributeList(List<Long> sampleIdList) throws Exception { // Get all sample attributes for all samples, and remarshal them into a map of sample vs attributes. List<SampleAttribute> allSampleAttributes = pseEjb.getSampleAttributes(sampleIdList); Map<Long, List<SampleAttribute>> sampleIdVsAttributeList = new HashMap<Long, List<SampleAttribute>>(); for (SampleAttribute att : allSampleAttributes) { List<SampleAttribute> atts = sampleIdVsAttributeList.get(att.getSampleId()); if (atts == null) { atts = new ArrayList<SampleAttribute>(); sampleIdVsAttributeList.put(att.getSampleId(), atts); } atts.add(att); } return sampleIdVsAttributeList; } private List<Sample> getSamplesFromList(Map<Long, List<Sample>> projectIdVsSampleList, Long projectId) { List<Sample> samplesForCurrentProject = projectIdVsSampleList.get(projectId); if (samplesForCurrentProject == null) { samplesForCurrentProject = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return samplesForCurrentProject; } @Override public void perform(Date date, long l) { try { JsonProducer jsonProducer = new JsonProducer(); jsonProducer.generateJson(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private String convertIntoATag(String url, String displayValue) { return (String.format(Constants.A_TAG_HTML, "#", String.format(Constants.NEW_WINDOW_LINK_HTML, url)) + displayValue + Constants.A_TAG_CLOSING_HTML).replaceAll("\\\"", "\\\\\""); } private String convertIntoNewWindowTag(String url) { return String.format(Constants.NEW_WINDOW_LINK_HTML, url); } /** * Displays "LINK" for published data only. "Submitted" for event that has been submitted, empty otherwise. * * @param status "published"/"submitted"/unknown * @param url event specific external link url * @return String value according to status and given url */ private String displayLinkOnlyForPublished(String status, String url) { String rtnVal = null; if (status.equals("")) { rtnVal = status; } else { String loweredStatus = status.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("submitted".equals(loweredStatus)) rtnVal = "submitted"; else if ("published".equals(loweredStatus)) rtnVal = convertIntoATag(url, "LINK"); else rtnVal = status; } return rtnVal; } class Species { private String kingdom; private String genus; private String species; private int ongoing; private int completed; private String url; public String getKingdom() { return kingdom; } public void setKingdom(String kingdom) { this.kingdom = kingdom; } public String getGenus() { return genus; } public void setGenus(String genus) { this.genus = genus; } public String getSpecies() { return species; } public void setSpecies(String species) { this.species = species; } public int getOngoing() { return ongoing; } public void setOngoing(int ongoing) { this.ongoing = ongoing; } public int getCompleted() { return completed; } public void setCompleted(int completed) { this.completed = completed; } public void addOngoing() { this.ongoing++; } public void addCompleted() { this.completed++; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } } }