Java tutorial
/* * Copyright J. Craig Venter Institute, 2013 * * The creation of this program was supported by J. Craig Venter Institute * and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), * Contract number HHSN272200900007C. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.jcvi.ometa.action; import; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jcvi.ometa.bean_interface.ProjectSampleEventWritebackBusiness; import org.jcvi.ometa.db_interface.ReadBeanPersister; import org.jcvi.ometa.engine.MultiLoadParameter; import org.jcvi.ometa.model.*; import org.jcvi.ometa.stateless_session_bean.ForbiddenResourceException; import org.jcvi.ometa.utils.CommonTool; import org.jcvi.ometa.utils.Constants; import org.jcvi.ometa.utils.CsvPreProcessingUtils; import org.jcvi.ometa.utils.UploadActionDelegate; import; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: hkim * Date: 6/30/11 * Time: 9:27 AM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class EventLoader extends ActionSupport { private ReadBeanPersister readPersister; private ProjectSampleEventWritebackBusiness psewt; private List<Project> projectList; private String projectNames; private String projectName; private String sampleName; private String eventName; private Long projectId; private Long eventId; private String jobType; private String label; private Project loadingProject; private Sample loadingSample; private List<FileReadAttributeBean> beanList; private List<GridBean> gridList; private InputStream downloadStream; private String downloadContentType; private File uploadFile; private String uploadFileName; private String fileStoragePath; private ArrayList<String> loadedFiles; private static final String DEFAULT_USER_MESSAGE = "Not yet entered"; private final String MULTIPLE_SUBJECT_IN_FILE_MESSAGE = "Multiple projects are found in the file"; private final String UNSUPPORTED_UPLOAD_FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE = "File type is not supported. Supported file types are JPG, JPEG, GIF and BMP."; private String message = DEFAULT_USER_MESSAGE; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EventLoader.class); public EventLoader(ReadBeanPersister persister, ProjectSampleEventWritebackBusiness writeEjb) { this.readPersister = persister; this.psewt = writeEjb; } public EventLoader() { Properties props = PropertyHelper.getHostnameProperties(Constants.PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); readPersister = new ReadBeanPersister(props); fileStoragePath = props.getProperty(Constants.CONIFG_FILE_STORAGE_PATH); //file storage area UploadActionDelegate udelegate = new UploadActionDelegate(); psewt = udelegate.initializeBusinessObject(logger, psewt); } /** * Setup a download filename to fully-indicate type of event. See also: struts.xml */ public String getDownloadFileName() { return eventName + "_EventAttributes." + (jobType.endsWith("c") ? "csv" : "xls"); } public String execute() { String rtnVal = SUCCESS; UserTransaction tx = null; try { sampleName = sampleName != null && sampleName.equals("0") ? null : sampleName; if (jobType != null) { boolean isProjectRegistration = eventName.equals(Constants.EVENT_PROJECT_REGISTRATION); boolean isSampleRegistration = eventName.equals(Constants.EVENT_SAMPLE_REGISTRATION); if (projectName == null || projectName.equals("0") || eventName == null || eventName.equals("0")) throw new Exception("Project or Event type is not selected."); if (jobType.equals("insert")) { //loads single event tx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction"); tx.begin(); psewt.loadAll(null, this.createMultiLoadParameter(projectName, loadingProject, loadingSample, beanList)); this.reset(); } else if (jobType.equals("grid")) { //loads multiple events from grid view tx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction"); tx.begin(); for (GridBean gBean : gridList) { if (gBean != null) { if (isProjectRegistration && gBean.getProjectName() != null && gBean.getProjectPublic() != null) { loadingProject = new Project(); loadingProject.setProjectName(gBean.getProjectName()); loadingProject.setIsPublic(Integer.valueOf(gBean.getProjectPublic())); } else if (isSampleRegistration && gBean.getSampleName() != null && gBean.getSamplePublic() != null) { loadingSample = new Sample(); loadingSample.setSampleName(gBean.getSampleName()); loadingSample.setParentSampleName(gBean.getParentSampleName()); loadingSample.setIsPublic(Integer.valueOf(gBean.getSamplePublic())); } else { if (gBean.getSampleName() != null) { this.sampleName = gBean.getSampleName(); } } List<FileReadAttributeBean> fBeanList = gBean.getBeanList(); if (fBeanList != null && fBeanList.size() > 0) { psewt.loadAll(null, this.createMultiLoadParameter(projectName, loadingProject, loadingSample, fBeanList)); } } } this.reset(); } else if (jobType.equals("file")) { //loads data from a CSV file to grid view if (!this.uploadFile.canRead()) { throw new Exception("Error in reading the file."); } else { try { CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(this.uploadFile)); int lineCount = 0; List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); String currProjectName = null; gridList = new ArrayList<GridBean>(); boolean hasSampleName = false; String[] line; while ((line = reader.readNext()) != null) { if (lineCount != 1) { if (lineCount == 0) { Collections.addAll(columns, line); hasSampleName = columns.indexOf("SampleName") >= 0; } else { int colIndex = 0; currProjectName = line[colIndex++]; if (!isProjectRegistration && !currProjectName.equals(this.projectName)) { throw new Exception(MULTIPLE_SUBJECT_IN_FILE_MESSAGE); } GridBean gBean = new GridBean(); gBean.setProjectName(currProjectName); if (hasSampleName) { gBean.setSampleName(line[(colIndex++)]); } if (isProjectRegistration) { gBean.setProjectName(currProjectName); gBean.setProjectPublic(line[(colIndex++)]); } else if (isSampleRegistration) { gBean.setParentSampleName(line[(colIndex++)]); gBean.setSamplePublic(line[(colIndex++)]); } gBean.setBeanList(new ArrayList<FileReadAttributeBean>()); for (; colIndex < columns.size(); colIndex++) { FileReadAttributeBean fBean = new FileReadAttributeBean(); fBean.setProjectName( isProjectRegistration ? currProjectName : this.projectName); fBean.setAttributeName(columns.get(colIndex)); fBean.setAttributeValue(line[colIndex]); gBean.getBeanList().add(fBean); } this.gridList.add(gBean); } } lineCount++; } jobType = "grid"; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } else if (jobType.equals("template")) { //download template List<EventMetaAttribute> emaList = readPersister.getEventMetaAttributes(projectName, eventName); /* * removing the sanity check on sample requirement since multiple sample support is in action * by hkim 5/2/13 ModelValidator validator = new ModelValidator(); validator.validateEventTemplateSanity(emaList, projectName, sampleName, eventName); */ TemplatePreProcessingUtils cvsUtils = new TemplatePreProcessingUtils(); String templateType = jobType.substring(jobType.indexOf("_") + 1); downloadStream = cvsUtils.buildFileContent(templateType, emaList, projectName, sampleName, eventName); downloadContentType = templateType.equals("c") ? "csv" : ""; rtnVal = Constants.FILE_DOWNLOAD_MSG; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception in EventLoader : " + ex.toString()); ex.printStackTrace(); if (ex.getClass() == ForbiddenResourceException.class) { addActionError(Constants.DENIED_USER_EDIT_MESSAGE); return Constants.FORBIDDEN_ACTION_RESPONSE; } else if (ex.getClass() == ForbiddenResourceException.class) { addActionError(Constants.DENIED_USER_EDIT_MESSAGE); return LOGIN; } else if (ex.getClass() == ParseException.class) addActionError(Constants.INVALID_DATE_MESSAGE); else { addActionError(ex.toString()); } //deletes uploaded files in event of error if (loadedFiles != null && loadedFiles.size() > 0) { for (String filePath : loadedFiles) { File tempFile = new File(fileStoragePath + filePath); if (tempFile.exists()) tempFile.delete(); } } try { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); } catch (SystemException se) { addActionError(se.toString()); } rtnVal = ERROR; } finally { try { //get project list for the drop down box List<String> projectNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (projectNames == null || projectNames.equals("")) { projectNameList.add("ALL"); } else if (projectNames.contains(",")) { projectNameList.addAll(Arrays.asList(projectNames.split(","))); } else { projectNameList.add(projectNames); } projectList = readPersister.getProjects(projectNameList); if (tx != null && tx.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION) { tx.commit(); } if (jobType != null && jobType.equals("grid") && this.uploadFile != null) { this.uploadFile.delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return rtnVal; } private MultiLoadParameter createMultiLoadParameter(String projectName, Project project, Sample sample, List<FileReadAttributeBean> frab) throws Exception { MultiLoadParameter loadParameter = new MultiLoadParameter(); boolean isSampleRegistration = false; boolean isProjectRegistration = false; if (this.eventName.equals(Constants.EVENT_PROJECT_REGISTRATION) && project.getProjectName() != null && !project.getProjectName().isEmpty()) { isProjectRegistration = true; List<Project> projectList = new ArrayList<Project>(); projectList.add(feedProjectData(project)); loadParameter.addProjects(projectList); /* * loads all event meta attributes from the parent * by hkim 6/11/13 */ List<EventMetaAttribute> emas = this.readPersister.getEventMetaAttributes(projectName, null); //, Constants.EVENT_PROJECT_REGISTRATION); if (emas != null && emas.size() > 0) { List<EventMetaAttribute> newEmas = new ArrayList<EventMetaAttribute>(emas.size()); for (EventMetaAttribute ema : emas) { EventMetaAttribute newEma = new EventMetaAttribute(); newEma.setProjectName(project.getProjectName()); newEma.setEventName(ema.getEventName()); newEma.setEventTypeLookupId(ema.getEventTypeLookupId()); newEma.setAttributeName(ema.getAttributeName()); newEma.setNameLookupId(ema.getNameLookupId()); newEma.setActive(ema.isActive()); newEma.setRequired(ema.isRequired()); newEma.setDesc(ema.getDesc()); newEma.setDataType(ema.getDataType()); newEma.setLabel(ema.getLabel()); newEma.setOntology(ema.getOntology()); newEma.setOptions(ema.getOptions()); newEma.setSampleRequired(ema.isSampleRequired()); newEmas.add(newEma); } loadParameter.addEventMetaAttributes(newEmas); } else { throw new Exception(String.format( "Event Metadata has not been set up for the parent project and the '%s' event type.", Constants.EVENT_PROJECT_REGISTRATION)); } List<SampleMetaAttribute> smas = this.readPersister.getSampleMetaAttributes(projectId); if (smas != null && smas.size() > 0) { List<SampleMetaAttribute> newSmas = new ArrayList<SampleMetaAttribute>(smas.size()); for (SampleMetaAttribute sma : smas) { SampleMetaAttribute newSma = new SampleMetaAttribute(); newSma.setProjectName(project.getProjectName()); newSma.setAttributeName(sma.getAttributeName()); newSma.setNameLookupId(sma.getNameLookupId()); newSma.setDataType(sma.getDataType()); newSma.setDesc(sma.getDesc()); newSma.setLabel(sma.getLabel()); newSma.setOntology(sma.getOntology()); newSma.setOptions(sma.getOptions()); newSma.setRequired(sma.isRequired()); newSma.setActive(sma.isActive()); newSmas.add(newSma); } loadParameter.addSampleMetaAttributes(newSmas); } List<ProjectMetaAttribute> pmas = this.readPersister.getProjectMetaAttributes(projectName); if (pmas != null && pmas.size() > 0) { List<ProjectMetaAttribute> newPmas = new ArrayList<ProjectMetaAttribute>(pmas.size()); for (ProjectMetaAttribute pma : pmas) { ProjectMetaAttribute newPma = new ProjectMetaAttribute(); newPma.setProjectName(project.getProjectName()); newPma.setAttributeName(pma.getAttributeName()); newPma.setDataType(pma.getDataType()); newPma.setDesc(pma.getDesc()); newPma.setLabel(pma.getLabel()); newPma.setNameLookupId(pma.getNameLookupId()); newPma.setOntology(pma.getOntology()); newPma.setOptions(pma.getOptions()); newPma.setRequired(pma.isRequired()); newPma.setActive(pma.isActive()); newPmas.add(newPma); } loadParameter.addProjectMetaAttributes(newPmas); } } else if (this.eventName.equals(Constants.EVENT_SAMPLE_REGISTRATION) && sample.getSampleName() != null && !sample.getSampleName().isEmpty()) { isSampleRegistration = true; List<Sample> sampleList = new ArrayList<Sample>(); sampleList.add(feedSampleData(sample)); loadParameter.addSamples(sampleList); } List<FileReadAttributeBean> loadingList = null; if (frab != null && frab.size() > 0) { loadingList = processFileReadBeans(isProjectRegistration ? project.getProjectName() : projectName, isSampleRegistration ? sample.getSampleName() : this.sampleName, frab); } if (loadingList != null && loadingList.size() > 0) { if (isProjectRegistration) { loadParameter.addProjectRegistrations(Constants.EVENT_PROJECT_REGISTRATION, loadingList); } else if (isSampleRegistration) { loadParameter.addSampleRegistrations(Constants.EVENT_SAMPLE_REGISTRATION, loadingList); } else { loadParameter.addEvents(this.eventName, loadingList); } } return loadParameter; } private Project feedProjectData(Project project) throws Exception { project.setParentProjectName(projectName); Project parentProject = readPersister.getProject(projectName); project.setParentProjectId(parentProject.getProjectId()); project.setProjectLevel(parentProject.getProjectLevel() + 1); project.setEditGroup(parentProject.getEditGroup()); project.setViewGroup(parentProject.getViewGroup()); return project; } private Sample feedSampleData(Sample sample) throws Exception { sample.setProjectId(projectId); sample.setProjectName(projectName); //set project level by adding 1 to selected parent project's level if (sample.getParentSampleName() == null || sample.getParentSampleName().equals("0")) sample.setParentSampleName(null); String parentSampleName = sample.getParentSampleName(); if (parentSampleName != null && !parentSampleName.isEmpty() && !parentSampleName.equals("0")) { Sample selectedParentSample = readPersister.getSample(projectId, parentSampleName); sample.setSampleLevel(selectedParentSample.getSampleLevel() + 1); } else { sample.setParentSampleId(null); sample.setSampleLevel(1); } return sample; } private List<FileReadAttributeBean> processFileReadBeans(String _projectName, String _sampleName, List<FileReadAttributeBean> loadingList) throws Exception { List<FileReadAttributeBean> processedList = new ArrayList<FileReadAttributeBean>(); for (FileReadAttributeBean fBean : loadingList) { if (fBean.getProjectName() == null || eventName.equals(Constants.EVENT_PROJECT_REGISTRATION)) { fBean.setProjectName(_projectName); } if (fBean.getSampleName() == null) { fBean.setSampleName(_sampleName); } //handle file uploads if (fBean.getUpload() != null && fBean.getUploadFileName() != null && !fBean.getUploadFileName().isEmpty()) { fileStoragePath = fileStoragePath + (fileStoragePath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator); String originalFileName = fBean.getUploadFileName(); String fileDirectoryPathProject = _projectName.replaceAll(" ", "_"); //project folder String fileDirectoryPathSample = fileDirectoryPathProject + File.separator + (_sampleName != null && !_sampleName.isEmpty() ? _sampleName.replaceAll(" ", "_") : "project"); //sample folder String fileDirectoryPath = fileDirectoryPathSample + File.separator + CommonTool.convertTimestampToDate(new Date()); //date folder String fileName = originalFileName.substring(0, originalFileName.indexOf(".")) + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + originalFileName.substring(originalFileName.indexOf(".")); //append "_" + current time in milliseconds to file name File fileDirectory = new File(fileStoragePath + fileDirectoryPath); if (!fileDirectory.exists() || !fileDirectory.isDirectory()) { fileDirectory.mkdirs(); } File theFile = new File(fileDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + fileName); FileUtils.copyFile(fBean.getUpload(), theFile); if (theFile.exists() && theFile.isFile() && theFile.canRead()) { fBean.getUpload().delete(); fBean.setAttributeValue(fileDirectoryPath + File.separator + fileName); if (loadedFiles == null) { loadedFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); } loadedFiles.add(fBean.getAttributeValue()); } } if (!fBean.getAttributeName().equals("0") && fBean.getAttributeValue() != null && !fBean.getAttributeValue().equals("0") && !fBean.getAttributeValue().isEmpty()) { processedList.add(fBean); } } return processedList; } private void reset() { projectId = null; eventId = null; beanList = null; gridList = null; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getMessage() { return message; } private String getUnknownErrorMessage() { return "Unknown error uploading file " + this.getUploadFileName(); } public String getProjectName() { return projectName; } public void setProjectName(String projectName) { this.projectName = projectName; } public String getSampleName() { return sampleName; } public void setSampleName(String sampleName) { this.sampleName = sampleName; } public String getEventName() { return eventName; } public void setEventName(String eventName) { this.eventName = eventName; } public String getJobType() { return jobType; } public void setJobType(String jobType) { this.jobType = jobType; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public List<Project> getProjectList() { return projectList; } public void setProjectList(List<Project> projectList) { this.projectList = projectList; } public String getProjectNames() { return projectNames; } public void setProjectNames(String projectNames) { this.projectNames = projectNames; } public List<FileReadAttributeBean> getBeanList() { return beanList; } public void setBeanList(List<FileReadAttributeBean> beanList) { this.beanList = beanList; } public Project getLoadingProject() { return loadingProject; } public void setLoadingProject(Project loadingProject) { this.loadingProject = loadingProject; } public Sample getLoadingSample() { return loadingSample; } public void setLoadingSample(Sample loadingSample) { this.loadingSample = loadingSample; } public List<GridBean> getGridList() { return gridList; } public void setGridList(List<GridBean> gridList) { this.gridList = gridList; } public Long getProjectId() { return projectId; } public void setProjectId(Long projectId) { this.projectId = projectId; } public Long getEventId() { return eventId; } public void setEventId(Long eventId) { this.eventId = eventId; } public InputStream getDownloadStream() { return downloadStream; } public void setDownloadStream(InputStream downloadStream) { this.downloadStream = downloadStream; } public String getDownloadContentType() { return downloadContentType; } public void setDownloadContentType(String downloadContentType) { this.downloadContentType = downloadContentType; } public File getUploadFile() { return uploadFile; } public void setUploadFile(File uploadFile) { this.uploadFile = uploadFile; } public String getUploadFileName() { return uploadFileName; } public void setUploadFileName(String uploadFileName) { this.uploadFileName = uploadFileName; } }