Java tutorial
/* * jcurl java curling software framework Copyright (C) * 2005-2009 M. Rohrmoser * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.jcurl.demo.tactics.old; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.jcurl.core.api.IceSize; import org.jcurl.core.api.RockProps; import org.jcurl.core.api.Unit; import org.jcurl.core.log.JCLoggerFactory; import org.jcurl.demo.tactics.Zoomable; import org.jcurl.demo.tactics.old.ActionRegistry.JCAction; /** * @author <a href="">M. Rohrmoser </a> * @version $Id$ */ @ActionRegistry.JCMenu("&View") public class MenuView { /** All from back to back */ public static final Rectangle2D CompletePlus; /** */ private static final int DT = 200; /** House area plus 1 rock margin plus "out" rock space. */ public static final Rectangle2D HousePlus; private static final Log log = JCLoggerFactory.getLogger(MenuView.class); /** * Inter-hog area area plus house area plus 1 rock margin plus "out" rock * space. */ private static final Rectangle2D SheetPlus; /** 12-foot circle plus 1 rock */ private static final Rectangle2D TwelvePlus; static { final double r2 = 2 * RockProps.DEFAULT.getRadius(); final double x = IceSize.SIDE_2_CENTER + r2; HousePlus = new Rectangle2D.Double(-x, -(IceSize.HOG_2_TEE + r2), 2 * x, IceSize.HOG_2_TEE + IceSize.BACK_2_TEE + 3 * r2 + 2 * r2); final double c12 = r2 + Unit.f2m(6.0); TwelvePlus = new Rectangle2D.Double(-c12, -c12, 2 * c12, 2 * c12); SheetPlus = new Rectangle2D.Double(-x, -(IceSize.HOG_2_HOG + IceSize.HOG_2_TEE + r2), 2 * x, IceSize.HOG_2_HOG + IceSize.HOG_2_TEE + IceSize.BACK_2_TEE + 3 * r2 + 2 * r2); CompletePlus = new Rectangle2D.Double(-x, -(IceSize.HOG_2_TEE + IceSize.HOG_2_HOG + IceSize.HACK_2_HOG + r2), 2 * x, IceSize.HOG_2_HOG + 2 * IceSize.HACK_2_HOG); } private Zoomable model = null; public Zoomable getModel() { return model; } private void pan(final double rx, final double ry, final int dt) { if (getModel() == null) return; final RectangularShape src = getModel().getZoom(); src.setFrame(src.getX() + src.getWidth() * rx, src.getY() + src.getHeight() * ry, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight()); zoom(src, dt); } @JCAction(title = "Pan &East", idx = 90, accelerator = "LEFT") public void panEast() { pan(-0.2, 0, DT); } @JCAction(title = "Pan &North", idx = 70, accelerator = "DOWN", separated = true) public void panNorth() { pan(0, 0.2, DT); } @JCAction(title = "Pan &South", idx = 80, accelerator = "UP") public void panSouth() { pan(0, -0.2, DT); } @JCAction(title = "Pan &West", idx = 100, accelerator = "RIGHT") public void panWest() { pan(0.2, 0, DT); } public void setModel(final Zoomable model) { this.model = model; final boolean a = this.model != null; final ActionRegistry ah = ActionRegistry.getInstance(); ah.findAction(this, "zoomActive").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "zoomHouse").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "zoomRink").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "zoomTwelve").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "zoomIn").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "zoomOut").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "panNorth").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "panSouth").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "panEast").setEnabled(a); ah.findAction(this, "panWest").setEnabled(a); } private void zoom(final Point2D center, final double ratio, final int dt) { if (getModel() == null) return; final RectangularShape src = getModel().getZoom(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(src); final double w = src.getWidth() * ratio; final double h = src.getHeight() * ratio; final double cx, cy; if (center == null) { cx = src.getCenterX(); cy = src.getCenterY(); } else { cx = center.getX(); cy = center.getY(); } zoom(new Rectangle2D.Double(cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2, Math.abs(w), Math.abs(h)), dt); } private void zoom(final RectangularShape viewport, final int dt) { if (getModel() == null) return; getModel().setZoom(viewport, dt); } @JCAction(title = "&Active", idx = 40, accelerator = "CTRL-END") public void zoomActive() { zoom(SheetPlus, -1); } @JCAction(title = "&House", idx = 10, accelerator = "HOME") public void zoomHouse() { zoom(HousePlus, -1); } @JCAction(title = "Zoom &In", idx = 50, accelerator = "ADD", separated = true) public void zoomIn() { zoom(null, 0.75, DT); } @JCAction(title = "Zoom &Out", idx = 60, accelerator = "SUBTRACT") public void zoomOut() { zoom(null, 1.25, DT); } @JCAction(title = "&Complete", idx = 30, accelerator = "CTRL-HOME") public void zoomRink() { zoom(CompletePlus, -1); } @JCAction(title = "1&2-Foot", idx = 20, accelerator = "END") public void zoomTwelve() { zoom(TwelvePlus, -1); } }