Java tutorial
//-----BEGIN DISCLAIMER----- /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008 JCrypTool Team and Contributors * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * *******************************************************************************/ //-----END DISCLAIMER----- package org.jcryptool.crypto.classic.model.algorithm; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.jcryptool.commands.core.api.AbstractCommand; import org.jcryptool.commands.core.api.IllegalCommandException; import org.jcryptool.core.operations.algorithm.AbstractAlgorithm; import org.jcryptool.core.operations.algorithm.classic.AbstractClassicAlgorithm; import org.jcryptool.core.operations.alphabets.AbstractAlphabet; import org.jcryptool.core.operations.alphabets.AlphabetsManager; import org.jcryptool.core.operations.dataobject.classic.ClassicDataObject; import org.jcryptool.core.operations.keys.KeyVerificator; import org.jcryptool.core.util.input.InputVerificationResult; /** * This class provides a template for creating a console command for a classic algorithm. * This template assumes that the classic algorithm has a specification (see {@link ClassicAlgorithmSpecification}) * which can be set by overriding the getter method {@link ClassicAlgorithmCmd#getSpecification()} (returns a * default specification if not overridden which doesn't really restrict uses of alphabets, key and others.) * * @author SLeischnig * */ public abstract class ClassicAlgorithmCmd extends AbstractCommand { private static final String MODEENCRYPTION_LONG_OPTIONNAME = "modeEncrypt"; private static final String MODEDECRYPTION_LONG_OPTIONNAME = "modeDecrypt"; private static final String NOFILTER_LONG_OPTIONNAME = "noFilter"; private static final String NOFILTER_OPTIONNAME = "noFi"; private static final String ALPHABET_LONG_OPTIONNAME = "currentAlphabet"; private static final String ALPHABET_OPTION_NAME = "a"; private static final String KEY_ARGUMENT1_NAME = "KEY"; private static final String KEY_LONG_OPTIONNAME = "key"; private static final String KEY_OPTIONNAME = "k"; private static final String MODEDECRYPTION_OPTIONNAME = "D"; private static final String MODEENCRYPTION_OPTIONNAME = "E"; private StringBuilder result = null; protected AbstractAlphabet currentAlphabet = null; public ClassicAlgorithmCmd() { } protected ClassicAlgorithmSpecification getSpecification() { return new ClassicAlgorithmSpecification() { }; } /** * creates the commandline options for the key selection. creates one key input option. if you need more keys, or better overall control, override this. * * @param options the options object which contains all commandline options. use the methods of this object in order to create the key options. */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") protected void createKeyOptions(Options options) { options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(KEY_LONG_OPTIONNAME).hasArg(true) //$NON-NLS-1$ .withArgName(KEY_ARGUMENT1_NAME).isRequired().withDescription( //$NON-NLS-1$ getKeyDetailString()) .create(KEY_OPTIONNAME)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * creates the commandline options for the currentAlphabet selection. Does only create options if more than one currentAlphabet is available. * Override if you need better control over the options. * * @param options the options object which contains all commandline options. use the methods of this object in order to create the currentAlphabet options. */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") protected void createAlphabetOptions(Options options) { List<AbstractAlphabet> availableAlphabets = getSpecification().getAvailablePlainTextAlphabets(); if (availableAlphabets.size() > 1) { String availableAlphabetsString = createAvailabeAlphabetsString(availableAlphabets); AbstractAlphabet defaultAlphabet = getSpecification().getDefaultPlainTextAlphabet(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(ALPHABET_LONG_OPTIONNAME).hasArg(true) //$NON-NLS-1$ .withArgName("ALPHABET").withDescription( //$NON-NLS-1$ NLS.bind(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_alphabetsDetails, new Object[] { availableAlphabetsString, defaultAlphabet.getShortName() })) .create(ALPHABET_OPTION_NAME)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * subclasses may contribute options here (Does by default nothing) * * @param options */ protected void createOtherOptions(Options options) { } /** * The string which is displayed as info next to the key parameter in the * automatically generated argument list. * * @return */ protected String getKeyDetailString() { return Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_keyDetails; } /** * Verifies a String key against a set of verificators, throwing a parse exception * with the reason from the verification result as massage. * * @param key the key * @param verificators the collection of verificators * @return * @throws ParseException when the verification as not successful. */ protected InputVerificationResult verifyKey(String key, Collection<KeyVerificator> verificators) throws ParseException { InputVerificationResult verificationResult = KeyVerificator.verify(key, currentAlphabet, verificators); if (!verificationResult.isValid()) { if (verificationResult.isStandaloneMessage()) { throw new ParseException(verificationResult.getMessage()); } else { String mask = Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_notwellformedMsg; throw new ParseException(String.format(mask, verificationResult.getMessage())); } } return verificationResult; } /** * converts the read-in key to the dataobject-compatible format. The String argument is already * validated against the key validators from the algorithm classification object. * For things that might be needed forcalculating the key representation for the dataobject (like an currentAlphabet e. g.), * those parameters have to be saved in global variables. This method is the last method that parses the command line, * so the other parameters are already read. for example, the currentAlphabet is stored in #currentAlphabet. * * @param key the key string from the command line (already validated) * @return the dataobject representation of the key */ protected abstract char[] keyToDataobjectFormat(String key); /** * Reads the key from the command line, verifies it against the key verificators * from the specification and invokes the abstract method which is intended to return the * dataobject-formatted key. * * @param commandLine * @param parseResultOut * @return * @throws ParseException */ protected char[] handleKeyOption(CommandLine commandLine, StringBuilder parseResultOut) throws ParseException { if (commandLine.hasOption(KEY_OPTIONNAME)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ String key = commandLine.getOptionValue(KEY_OPTIONNAME); //$NON-NLS-1$ //verificate the key List<KeyVerificator> verificators = getSpecification().getKeyVerificators(); verifyKey(key, verificators); return keyToDataobjectFormat(key); } else { throw new ParseException(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_specifyKeyMsg); } } protected AbstractAlphabet handleAlphabetOption(CommandLine commandLine) throws ParseException { if (getSpecification().getAvailablePlainTextAlphabets().size() > 1) { if (commandLine.hasOption(ALPHABET_OPTION_NAME)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ String alphabetName = commandLine.getOptionValue(ALPHABET_OPTION_NAME); //$NON-NLS-1$ AbstractAlphabet resultShort = AlphabetsManager.getInstance().getAlphabetByShortName(alphabetName); AbstractAlphabet resultLong = AlphabetsManager.getInstance().getAlphabetByName(alphabetName); if (resultShort != null) { if (getSpecification().isValidPlainTextAlphabet(resultShort) && getSpecification().isValidAlphabetCombination(resultShort, resultShort)) { return resultShort; } else { String mask = Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_alphabetnotsupportedMsg; throw new ParseException(String.format(mask, alphabetName, createAvailabeAlphabetsString( getSpecification().getAvailablePlainTextAlphabets()))); } } else if (resultLong != null) { if (getSpecification().isValidPlainTextAlphabet(resultLong) && getSpecification().isValidAlphabetCombination(resultLong, resultLong)) { return resultLong; } else { String mask = Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_alphabetnotsupportedMsg; throw new ParseException(String.format(mask, alphabetName, createAvailabeAlphabetsString( getSpecification().getAvailablePlainTextAlphabets()))); } } else { String mask = Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_alphabetnotfoundMsg; throw new ParseException(String.format(mask, alphabetName)); } } else { return getSpecification().getDefaultPlainTextAlphabet(); } } else { return getSpecification().getDefaultPlainTextAlphabet(); } } /** * handles options contributed by subclasses. (Does by default nothing) * * @param commandLine * @param parseResultOut * @throws ParseException */ protected void handleOtherOptions(CommandLine commandLine, StringBuilder parseResultOut) throws ParseException { } /** * returns a new initialized algorithm object, ready to execute. * * @param cryptMode {@link AbstractAlgorithm#ENCRYPT_MODE}, {@link AbstractAlgorithm#DECRYPT_MODE} * @param inputStream the input text * @param alphabet2 the selected currentAlphabet * @param key the key (in dataobject format) * @param filter whether to filter non-currentAlphabet-chars or not. */ protected abstract AbstractClassicAlgorithm initializeAlgorithm(int cryptMode, InputStream inputStream, AbstractAlphabet alphabet2, char[] key, boolean filter); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Options createOptions() { Options options = new Options(); // key input options createKeyOptions(options); // Alphabet input options createAlphabetOptions(options); // Option not to filter nonalphabetic characters (if option is set, filtering does NOT occur) -> filtering by default. options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(NOFILTER_LONG_OPTIONNAME).hasArg( //$NON-NLS-1$ false).withDescription(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_filteroption).create(NOFILTER_OPTIONNAME)); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Encoding or decoding options group: OptionGroup codingMode = new OptionGroup(); codingMode.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(MODEENCRYPTION_LONG_OPTIONNAME).hasArg( //$NON-NLS-1$ false).withDescription(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_encryptMode).create(MODEENCRYPTION_OPTIONNAME)); //$NON-NLS-1$ codingMode.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(MODEDECRYPTION_LONG_OPTIONNAME).hasArg( //$NON-NLS-1$ false).withDescription(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_decryptMode).create(MODEDECRYPTION_OPTIONNAME)); //$NON-NLS-1$ codingMode.setRequired(true); options.addOptionGroup(codingMode); // Text input option group createInputOptions(options); // other options contributed by subclasses createOtherOptions(options); return options; } public void execute(CommandLine commandLine) throws IllegalCommandException { /** * Order of argument reading: * text * currentAlphabet * something * key (last!) */ super.execute(commandLine); currentAlphabet = null; result = new StringBuilder(); // read text try { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = handleInputOption(commandLine); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { result.append(e.getLocalizedMessage()); return; } // read currentAlphabet AbstractAlphabet alphabet = handleAlphabetOption(commandLine); this.currentAlphabet = alphabet; // read other options int cryptMode = -1; if (commandLine.hasOption(MODEDECRYPTION_OPTIONNAME)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ cryptMode = AbstractAlgorithm.DECRYPT_MODE; } else { cryptMode = AbstractAlgorithm.ENCRYPT_MODE; } boolean filter = !commandLine.hasOption(NOFILTER_OPTIONNAME); //$NON-NLS-1$ // handle options contributed by subclasses handleOtherOptions(commandLine, result); // read the key char[] key = handleKeyOption(commandLine, result); // initialize the algorithm AbstractClassicAlgorithm algorithm = initializeAlgorithm(cryptMode, inputStream, alphabet, key, filter); //execute ClassicDataObject dataObject = (ClassicDataObject) algorithm.execute(); //finish if (!commandLine.getArgList().isEmpty()) { result.append(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_ignoredargs); result.append(commandLine.getArgList()); result.append("\n\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } result.append(dataObject.getOutput()); } catch (ParseException e) { result.append(Messages.ClassicAlgorithmCmd_error + e.getMessage()); } } public String getResult() { return result.toString(); } public static String createAvailabeAlphabetsString(List<AbstractAlphabet> alphas) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (AbstractAlphabet alpha : alphas) { builder.append(alpha.getShortName()); builder.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } builder.delete(builder.length() - 1, builder.length()); return builder.toString(); } }