Java tutorial
package org.jcodec.samples.streaming; import static org.jcodec.common.JCodecUtil.bufin; import static; import static; import static; import static org.jcodec.containers.mps.MPSDemuxer.videoStream; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jcodec.common.model.TapeTimecode; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * MPEG TS file index * * @author The JCodec project * */ public class MTSIndex { public static class FrameEntry { public long dataOffset; public long pts; public int duration; public int frameNo; public FrameEntry(long dataOffset, long pts, int duration, int frameNo) { this.dataOffset = dataOffset; this.pts = pts; this.duration = duration; this.frameNo = frameNo; } } public static class VideoFrameEntry extends FrameEntry { public int edInd; public int gopId; public int timeCode; public short displayOrder; public byte frameType; public VideoFrameEntry(long dataOffset, long pts, int duration, int frameNo, int edInd, int gopId, int timeCode, short displayOrder, byte frameType) { super(dataOffset, pts, duration, frameNo); this.edInd = edInd; this.gopId = gopId; this.timeCode = timeCode; this.displayOrder = displayOrder; this.frameType = frameType; } public int getDisplayOrder() { return displayOrder; } public TapeTimecode getTapeTimecode() { return new TapeTimecode((short) ((timeCode >> 19) & 0x3f), (byte) ((timeCode >> 13) & 0x3f), (byte) ((timeCode >> 7) & 0x3f), (byte) ((timeCode >> 1) & 0x3f), (timeCode & 0x1) == 1 ? true : false); } public void setTapeTimecode(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int frames, boolean dropFrame) { this.timeCode = (dropFrame ? 1 : 0) | (frames << 1) | (seconds << 7) | (minutes << 13) | (hours << 19); } } public static class StreamEntry { public int sid; public List<Buffer> extraData; public List<FrameEntry> frames; private StreamEntry(int sid) { this.sid = sid; this.extraData = new ArrayList<Buffer>(1); this.frames = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<FrameEntry>(5000)); } public StreamEntry(int sid, List<Buffer> extraData, List<FrameEntry> frames) { this.sid = sid; this.extraData = extraData; this.frames = frames; } public FrameEntry addAudio(long offset, long pts, int duration) { FrameEntry e = new FrameEntry(offset, pts, duration, frames.size()); frames.add(e); return e; } public VideoFrameEntry addVideo(long offset, long pts, int duration, Buffer ed, int gopId, int timecode, short displayOrder, byte frameType) { if (ed != null && (extraData.size() == 0 || !ed.equals(extraData.get(extraData.size() - 1)))) { extraData.add(ed); } VideoFrameEntry e = new VideoFrameEntry(offset, pts, duration, frames.size(), extraData.size() - 1, gopId == -1 ? frames.size() : gopId, timecode, displayOrder, frameType); frames.add(e); return e; } public FrameEntry last() { return frames.isEmpty() ? null : frames.get(frames.size() - 1); } } private Map<Integer, StreamEntry> streams; public MTSIndex() { this.streams = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, StreamEntry>()); } public MTSIndex(List<StreamEntry> streams) { this.streams = new HashMap<Integer, StreamEntry>(); for (StreamEntry se : streams) { this.streams.put(se.sid, se); } } public Set<Integer> getStreamIds() { return streams.keySet(); } public FrameEntry search(int sid, long pts) { FrameEntry prev = null; List<FrameEntry> frames = streams.get(sid).frames; synchronized (frames) { for (FrameEntry indexEntry : frames) { if (indexEntry.pts <= pts) prev = indexEntry; else if (indexEntry.pts >= pts) { break; } } FrameEntry lastFrame = frames.size() > 0 ? frames.get(frames.size() - 1) : null; return prev != lastFrame ? prev : (prev != null && pts == prev.pts ? prev : null); } } public FrameEntry frame(int sid, int frame) { List<FrameEntry> list = streams.get(sid).frames; synchronized (list) { return frame < list.size() ? (frame >= 0 ? list.get(frame) : null) : null; } } public FrameEntry addAudio(int streamId, long offset, long pts, int duration) { StreamEntry stream = streams.get(streamId); if (stream == null) { stream = new StreamEntry(streamId); streams.put(streamId, stream); } return stream.addAudio(offset, pts, duration); } public VideoFrameEntry addVideo(int streamId, long offset, long pts, int duration, Buffer seqHeader, int gopId, int timecode, short displayOrder, byte frameType) { StreamEntry stream = streams.get(streamId); if (stream == null) { stream = new StreamEntry(streamId); streams.put(streamId, stream); } return stream.addVideo(offset, pts, duration, seqHeader, gopId, timecode, displayOrder, frameType); } public static MTSIndex read(File indexFile) throws IOException { RAInputStream is = bufin(indexFile); try { List<StreamEntry> streams = new ArrayList<StreamEntry>(); int nStreams =; for (int i = 0; i < nStreams; i++) { ArrayList<Buffer> extraData = new ArrayList<Buffer>(); long size = readInt64(is); long pos = is.getPos(); int sid =; while ( == 0) { Buffer buffer = Buffer.fetchFrom(is, (int) readInt16(is)); extraData.add(buffer); } ArrayList<FrameEntry> frames = new ArrayList<FrameEntry>(); int nFrames = (int) readInt32(is); for (int j = 0; j < nFrames; j++) { if (videoStream(sid)) { VideoFrameEntry e = new VideoFrameEntry(readInt64(is), ReaderBE.readInt64(is), (int) readInt32(is), j, (int) readInt32(is), (int) readInt32(is), (int) readInt32(is), (short) 0, (byte) 0); short doft = (short) readInt16(is); e.displayOrder = (short) (doft & 0x3ff); e.frameType = (byte) (doft >> 10); frames.add(e); } else { frames.add(new FrameEntry(readInt64(is), ReaderBE.readInt64(is), (int) readInt32(is), j)); } } Assert.assertEquals(is.getPos() - pos, size); streams.add(new StreamEntry(sid, extraData, frames)); } return new MTSIndex(streams); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } public Buffer getExtraData(int sid, int ind) { return streams.get(sid).extraData.get(ind); } public void write(File indexFile) throws IOException { FileRAOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileRAOutputStream(indexFile); out.writeByte(streams.size()); for (StreamEntry streamEntry : streams.values()) { long before = out.getPos(); out.writeLong(0); writeStream(streamEntry, out); long after = out.getPos();; out.writeLong(after - before - 8);; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } private void writeStream(StreamEntry streamEntry, FileRAOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeByte(streamEntry.sid); for (Buffer buffer : streamEntry.extraData) { out.writeByte(0); out.writeShort(buffer.remaining()); buffer.writeTo(out); } out.writeByte(1); out.writeInt(streamEntry.frames.size()); for (FrameEntry frameEntry : streamEntry.frames) { writeFrame(frameEntry, out); } } private void writeFrame(FrameEntry frameEntry, FileRAOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeLong(frameEntry.dataOffset); out.writeLong(frameEntry.pts); out.writeInt(frameEntry.duration); if (frameEntry instanceof VideoFrameEntry) { VideoFrameEntry vfe = (VideoFrameEntry) frameEntry; out.writeInt(vfe.edInd); out.writeInt(vfe.gopId); out.writeInt(vfe.timeCode); out.writeShort(vfe.displayOrder | (vfe.frameType << 10)); } } public int getNumFrames(int sid) { return streams.get(sid) != null ? streams.get(sid).frames.size() : 0; } public FrameEntry last(int sid) { StreamEntry stream = streams.get(sid); return stream == null ? null : stream.last(); } }