Java tutorial
/** * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying * materials are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * **************************************************************************** */ package org.jcamp.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jcamp.math.IArray2D; import org.jcamp.spectrum.ArrayData; import org.jcamp.spectrum.Assignment; import org.jcamp.spectrum.EquidistantData; import org.jcamp.spectrum.IAssignmentTarget; import org.jcamp.spectrum.IDataArray1D; import org.jcamp.spectrum.IOrderedDataArray1D; import org.jcamp.spectrum.ISpectrum; import org.jcamp.spectrum.Multiplicity; import org.jcamp.spectrum.OrderedArrayData; import org.jcamp.spectrum.Pattern; import org.jcamp.spectrum.Peak1D; import org.jcamp.spectrum.Spectrum; import org.jcamp.spectrum.Spectrum1D; import org.jcamp.spectrum.assignments.AtomReference; import org.jcamp.spectrum.notes.NoteDescriptor; import org.jcamp.units.CommonUnit; import org.jcamp.units.Unit; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * common implementation of JCAMPReader, implements shorthands for common LDRs. * * @author Thomas Weber * @author <a href="">Alexander * Kerner</a> */ public class CommonSpectrumJCAMPReader implements ISpectrumJCAMPReader { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonSpectrumJCAMPReader.class); /** * remove any remaining <>. * * @param content * @return */ protected static String clean(String content) { return StringUtils.strip(content, "<>"); } /** * analyse assignment text for targets. * * currently assumes SpecInfo convention of a list of integer atom numbers * * @return IAssignmentTarget[] * @param assign String */ protected static IAssignmentTarget[] parseAssignment(String assign) { ArrayList<AtomReference> targets = new ArrayList<AtomReference>(5); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(assign, ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String target = tokenizer.nextToken(); try { int atomNo = Integer.parseInt(target.trim()); targets.add(new AtomReference(null, atomNo)); } catch (Exception e) { } } IAssignmentTarget[] assigns = new IAssignmentTarget[targets.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { assigns[i] = targets.get(i); } return assigns; } /** * create peak spectrum from peak table. adds all intensities belonging to * the same x-position up * * @param peaks Peak1D[] * @return double[][] array of {x, y} */ protected static double[][] peakTableToPeakSpectrum(Peak1D[] peaks) throws JCAMPException { int n = peaks.length; if (n == 0) { throw new JCAMPException("empty peak table"); } Arrays.sort(peaks); ArrayList<Double> px = new ArrayList<Double>(n); ArrayList<Double> py = new ArrayList<Double>(n); double x0 = peaks[0].getPosition()[0]; double y0 = peaks[0].getHeight(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { double x = peaks[i].getPosition()[0]; double y = peaks[i].getHeight(); if (x - x0 > Double.MIN_VALUE) { px.add(x0); py.add(y0); x0 = x; y0 = y; } else { y0 += y; } } px.add(x0); py.add(x0); double[][] xy = new double[2][px.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < px.size(); i++) { xy[0][i] = px.get(i); xy[1][i] = py.get(i); } return xy; } /** * CommonJCAMPAdapter constructor comment. */ protected CommonSpectrumJCAMPReader() { super(); } /** * createSpectrum method comment. */ @Override public ISpectrum createSpectrum(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { int expectedSpectrumType = getExpectedSpectrumType(); if (expectedSpectrumType != -1 && block.getSpectrumType() != expectedSpectrumType) { throw new JCAMPException("JCAMP reader adapter missmatch"); } Spectrum spectrum; BlockType type = block.getBlockType(); if (type.equals(BlockType.FULLSPECTRUM)) { spectrum = createFS(block); } else if (type.equals(BlockType.PEAKTABLE)) { spectrum = createPeakTable(block); } else if (type.equals(BlockType.ASSIGNMENT)) { spectrum = createPeakTable(block); } else { if (!type.equals(BlockType.STRUCTURE)) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Illegal block type"); } return null; } setNotes(block, spectrum); return spectrum; } protected int getExpectedSpectrumType() { return -1; } protected Spectrum createFS(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { Spectrum1D spectrum; Unit xUnit = null; try { xUnit = getXUnits(block); } catch (JCAMPException e) { } Unit yUnit = null; try { yUnit = getYUnits(block); } catch (JCAMPException e) { } double xFactor; try { xFactor = getXFactor(block); } catch (JCAMPException e) { xFactor = 1.0; } double yFactor; try { yFactor = getYFactor(block); } catch (JCAMPException e) { yFactor = 1.0; } int nPoints = getNPoints(block); if (block.getDataRecord("XYDATA") != null) { double firstX = getFirstX(block); double lastX = getLastX(block); double[] intensities = getXYData(block, firstX, lastX, nPoints, xFactor, yFactor); if (intensities.length != nPoints) { throw new JCAMPException("incorrect ##NPOINTS= or bad ##XYDATA="); } IOrderedDataArray1D x = new EquidistantData(firstX, lastX, nPoints, xUnit); IDataArray1D y = new ArrayData(intensities, yUnit); spectrum = new Spectrum1D(x, y, true); } else if (block.getDataRecord("XYPOINTS") != null) { double xy[][] = getXYPoints(block, nPoints, xFactor, yFactor); IOrderedDataArray1D x = new OrderedArrayData(xy[0], xUnit); IDataArray1D y = new ArrayData(xy[1], yUnit); spectrum = new Spectrum1D(x, y, false); } else { throw new JCAMPException("missing data: ##XYDATA= or ##XYPOINTS= required."); } return spectrum; } protected Spectrum createPeakTable(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { Unit xUnit = getXUnits(block), yUnit = getYUnits(block); double xFactor = getXFactor(block); double yFactor = getYFactor(block); int nPoints = getNPoints(block); Object[] tables = getPeaktable(block, nPoints, xFactor, yFactor); Peak1D[] peaks = (Peak1D[]) tables[0]; if (nPoints != peaks.length) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("incorrect ##NPOINTS=: expected " + Integer.toString(nPoints) + " but got " + Integer.toString(peaks.length)); } nPoints = peaks.length; } double[][] xy = peakTableToPeakSpectrum(peaks); IOrderedDataArray1D x = new OrderedArrayData(xy[0], xUnit); IDataArray1D y = new ArrayData(xy[1], yUnit); Spectrum1D spectrum = new Spectrum1D(x, y, false); spectrum.setPeakTable(peaks); if (tables.length > 1) { spectrum.setPatternTable((Pattern[]) tables[1]); if (tables.length > 2) { spectrum.setAssignments((Assignment[]) tables[2]); } } return spectrum; } /** * gets ##LASTX= content * * @return double * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double getFirstX(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable x = block.getVariable("X"); if (x == null || x.getFirst() == null) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("missing first x"); } } return x.getFirst(); } /** * gets ##FIRSTY= content * * @return double * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double getFirstY(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable y = block.getVariable("Y"); if (y == null || y.getFirst() == null) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("missing first y"); } } return y.getFirst(); } /** * gets ##LASTX= content * * @return double * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double getLastX(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable x = block.getVariable("X"); if (x == null || x.getLast() == null) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("missing last x"); } } return x.getLast(); } /** * gets ##NPOINTS= content * * @return double * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected int getNPoints(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrNPoints = block.getDataRecord("NPOINTS"); if (ldrNPoints == null) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("missing required label ##NPOINTS="); } } String nPoints = ldrNPoints.getContent(); return Integer.parseInt(nPoints); } /** * gets NTuple Page data. * * @param block com.creon.chem.jcamp.JCAMPBlock * @param page com.creon.chem.jcamp.JCAMPNTuplePage * @return IArray2D */ protected IArray2D getNTuplePageData(JCAMPNTuplePage page) throws JCAMPException { return page.getXYData(); } /** * gets ##DATATABLE= content * * @return double[] * @param block JCAMPBlock * @param page JCAMPNTuplePage * @param firstX double starting x value (from ##FIRSTX=) * @param lastX double ending x value (from ##LASTX=) * @param nPoints int number of data points (from ##NPOINTS=) * @param xFactor double factor to be applied to x values (from ##XFACTOR=) * @param yFactor double factor to be applied to y values (from ##YFACTOR=) * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. * @deprecated */ @Deprecated protected double[] getNTupleXYData(JCAMPBlock block, JCAMPNTuplePage page, double firstX, double lastX, int nPoints, double xFactor, double yFactor) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrXYData = page.getDataRecord("DATATABLE"); if (ldrXYData == null) { throw new JCAMPException("missing required label ##DATATABLE="); } DataVariableInfo varInfo = new DataVariableInfo(ldrXYData); if (!varInfo.isIncremental()) { throw new JCAMPException("data form missmatch"); } double[] y = block.getASDFDecoder().decode(ldrXYData, firstX, lastX, xFactor, nPoints); int n = y.length; double[] yValues = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { yValues[i] = yFactor * y[i]; } return yValues; } /** * gets ##DATATABLE= content * * @return double[] * @param block JCAMPBlock * @param nPoints int number of data points (from ##NPOINTS=) * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. * @deprecated */ @Deprecated protected double[][] getNTupleXYPoints(JCAMPBlock block, JCAMPNTuplePage page) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrPeaktable = page.getDataRecord("DATATABLE"); if (ldrPeaktable == null) { throw new JCAMPException("missing required label ##DATATABLE="); } double[][] xy = new double[2][]; ArrayList<Double> x = new ArrayList<Double>(20); ArrayList<Double> y = new ArrayList<Double>(20); AFFNTokenizer tokenizer = new AFFNTokenizer(ldrPeaktable); while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { AFFNGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); x.add(new Double(group.getValue(0))); y.add(new Double(group.getValue(1))); } xy[0] = new double[x.size()]; xy[1] = new double[y.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { xy[0][i] = x.get(i); xy[1][i] = y.get(i); } return xy; } /** * gets ##ORIGIN= content * * @return String * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected String getOrigin(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrOrigin = block.getDataRecord("ORIGIN"); if (ldrOrigin == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("missing required label ##ORIGIN="); } return "UNKNOWN ORIGIN"; } return ldrOrigin.getContent(); } /** * gets ##OWNER= content * * @return String * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected String getOwner(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrOwner = block.getDataRecord("OWNER"); if (ldrOwner == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("missing required label ##OWNER="); } return "COPYRIGHT UNKNOWN"; } return ldrOwner.getContent(); } /** * gets ##PEAKTABLE= or ##PEAKASSIGNMENTS= content * * @return Object[] array of Peak[], Pattern[], Assignment[] * @param block JCAMPBlock * @param nPoints int number of data points (from ##NPOINTS=) * @param xFactor double factor to be applied to x values (from ##XFACTOR=) * @param yFactor double factor to be applied to y values (from ##YFACTOR=) * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected Object[] getPeaktable(JCAMPBlock block, int nPoints, double xFactor, double yFactor) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrPeaktable = block.getDataRecord("PEAKTABLE"); if (ldrPeaktable == null) { ldrPeaktable = block.getDataRecord("PEAKASSIGNMENTS"); } if (ldrPeaktable == null) { ldrPeaktable = block.getDataRecord("XYPOINTS"); } if (ldrPeaktable == null) { ldrPeaktable = block.getDataRecord("XYDATA"); } if (ldrPeaktable == null) { throw new JCAMPException("missing peak table"); } DatatableTokenizer tokenizer = new DatatableTokenizer(ldrPeaktable); if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XY)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks }; } else if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XYW)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); double w = ((Double) group.getValue(2)); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y, w); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks }; } else if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XYM)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; Pattern[] pattern = new Pattern[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); Multiplicity m = ((Multiplicity) group.getValue(2)); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y); pattern[i] = new Pattern(x, m); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks, pattern }; } else if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XYA)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; Pattern[] pattern = new Pattern[nPoints]; Assignment[] assigns = new Assignment[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); String a = (String) group.getValue(2); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y); IAssignmentTarget[] targets = parseAssignment(a); pattern[i] = new Pattern(x, Multiplicity.UNKNOWN, new Peak1D[] { peaks[i] }); assigns[i] = new Assignment(pattern[i], targets); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks, pattern, assigns }; } else if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XYMA)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; Pattern[] pattern = new Pattern[nPoints]; Assignment[] assigns = new Assignment[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); Multiplicity m = ((Multiplicity) group.getValue(2)); String a = (String) group.getValue(3); IAssignmentTarget[] targets = parseAssignment(a); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y); pattern[i] = new Pattern(x, m, new Peak1D[] { peaks[i] }); assigns[i] = new Assignment(pattern[i], targets); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks, pattern, assigns }; } else if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XYWA)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; Pattern[] pattern = new Pattern[nPoints]; Assignment[] assigns = new Assignment[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); String a = (String) group.getValue(3); IAssignmentTarget[] targets = parseAssignment(a); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y); pattern[i] = new Pattern(x, Multiplicity.UNKNOWN, new Peak1D[] { peaks[i] }); assigns[i] = new Assignment(pattern[i], targets); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks, pattern, assigns }; } else if (tokenizer.getType().equals(DataType.XYMWA)) { int i = 0; Peak1D[] peaks = new Peak1D[nPoints]; Pattern[] pattern = new Pattern[nPoints]; Assignment[] assigns = new Assignment[nPoints]; while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups() && i < nPoints) { DataGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); double x = xFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(0)); double y = yFactor * ((Double) group.getValue(1)); Multiplicity m = ((Multiplicity) group.getValue(2)); double w = ((Double) group.getValue(3)); String a = (String) group.getValue(4); IAssignmentTarget[] targets = parseAssignment(a); peaks[i] = new Peak1D(x, y, w); pattern[i] = new Pattern(x, m, new Peak1D[] { peaks[i] }); assigns[i] = new Assignment(pattern[i], targets); i++; } return new Object[] { peaks, pattern, assigns }; } else { throw new JCAMPException("unknown peaktable"); } } /** * gets ##TITLE= content * * @return String * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected String getTitle(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrTitle = block.getDataRecord("TITLE"); if (ldrTitle == null) { // should never happen here throw new JCAMPException("missing required label ##TITLE="); } return ldrTitle.getContent(); } /** * gets ##XFACTOR= content * * @return double * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double getXFactor(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable x = block.getVariable("X"); if (x == null || x.getFactor() == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("missing x factor, assuming 1.0"); } return 1.0; } return x.getFactor(); } /** * gets ##XUNITS= content * * @return Unit * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected Unit getXUnits(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable x = block.getVariable("X"); if (x == null || x.getUnit() == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("missing x unit"); } return CommonUnit.generic; } return x.getUnit(); } /** * gets ##XYDATA= content fast implementation assumes ASCII encoded text * (required by JCAMP standard) * * @return double[] * @param block JCAMPBlock * @param firstX double starting x value (from ##FIRSTX=) * @param lastX double ending x value (from ##LASTX=) * @param nPoints int number of data points (from ##NPOINTS=) * @param xFactor double factor to be applied to x values (from ##XFACTOR=) * @param yFactor double factor to be applied to y values (from ##YFACTOR=) * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double[] getXYData(JCAMPBlock block, double firstX, double lastX, int nPoints, double xFactor, double yFactor) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPDataRecord ldrXYData = block.getDataRecord("XYDATA"); if (ldrXYData == null) { throw new JCAMPException("missing required label ##XYDATA="); } double[] y = block.getASDFDecoder().decode(ldrXYData, firstX, lastX, xFactor, nPoints); int n = y.length; double[] yValues = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { yValues[i] = yFactor * y[i]; } return yValues; } /** * gets ##XYPOINTS= content * * @return double[] * @param block JCAMPBlock * @param nPoints int number of data points (from ##NPOINTS=) * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double[][] getXYPoints(JCAMPBlock block, int nPoints, double xFactor, double yFactor) throws JCAMPException { class XYPair implements Comparable<XYPair> { public double x; public double y; public XYPair(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } @Override public int compareTo(XYPair o) { XYPair p = o; if (this.x < p.x) { return -1; } if (this.x > p.x) { return 1; } return 0; } } ; JCAMPDataRecord ldrXYPoints = block.getDataRecord("XYPOINTS"); if (ldrXYPoints == null) { throw new JCAMPException("missing required label ##XYPOINTS="); } int i = 0; AFFNTokenizer tokenizer = new AFFNTokenizer(ldrXYPoints); TreeSet<XYPair> data = new TreeSet<XYPair>(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreGroups()) { AFFNGroup group = tokenizer.nextGroup(); data.add(new XYPair(xFactor * group.getValue(0), yFactor * group.getValue(1))); } if (data.size() != nPoints) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("bad ##NPOINTS= or duplicate X values"); } } double[][] xy = new double[2][data.size()]; for (Iterator<XYPair> it = data.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { XYPair p =; xy[0][i] = p.x; xy[1][i] = p.y; } return xy; } /** * gets ##XFACTOR= content * * @return double * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected double getYFactor(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable y = block.getVariable("Y"); if (y == null || y.getFactor() == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("missing y factor, assuming 1.0"); } return 1.0; } return y.getFactor(); } /** * gets ##YUNITS= content * * @return Unit * @param block JCAMPBlock * @exception JCAMPException The exception description. */ protected Unit getYUnits(JCAMPBlock block) throws JCAMPException { JCAMPVariable y = block.getVariable("Y"); if (y == null || y.getUnit() == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("missing y unit"); } return CommonUnit.generic; } return y.getUnit(); } /** * set spectrum note * * @param block JCAMPBlock * @param ldr JCAMPDataRecord * @param spectrum com.creon.chem.spectrum.Spectrum */ protected void setNote(JCAMPBlock block, JCAMPDataRecord ldr, Spectrum spectrum) throws JCAMPException { String key = ldr.getKey(); if (key.length() == 0) // comment { return; } NoteDescriptor descr = NoteDescriptorFactory.getInstance().findByJCAMPKey(key); if (descr.equals(NoteDescriptor.IGNORE)) { return; } Object content; try { content = descr.getNoteContentParser().parseContent(ldr.getContent(), descr.getNoteContentClass()); spectrum.setNote(descr, content); } catch (org.jcamp.spectrum.notes.BadContentException ex) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("bad ").append(descr.getName()).append(" note:\n") .append(ex.getMessage()); if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg.toString()); } } } /** * after creation of spectrum, add other notes * * @param block com.creon.chem.jcamp.JCAMPBlock * @param spectrum com.creon.chem.spectrum.Spectrum */ protected void setNotes(JCAMPBlock block, Spectrum spectrum) throws JCAMPException { String title = getTitle(block); spectrum.setTitle(title); /* * String owner = getOwner(block); spectrum.setOwner(owner); String * origin = getOrigin(block); spectrum.setOrigin(origin); */ int n = block.numDataRecords(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { JCAMPDataRecord ldr = block.getDataRecord(i); setNote(block, ldr, spectrum); } } }