Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.jc.zk.dpw; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.zookeeper.AsyncCallback; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import; import org.jc.zk.util.AsyncZnodeModifier; import org.jc.zk.util.Utils; /** * * @author cespedjo */ public class TimeDataMonitor implements Watcher, AsyncCallback.StringCallback, AsyncCallback.DataCallback, AsyncCallback.StatCallback, AsyncCallback.VoidCallback { private final String timeZnode; private final String zkHost; private final String zkPort; private final ZooKeeper zk; private final String[] ntpServers; private final String requestAMWKillZnode; private final String znodeForTimeListeners; private final TimeDataMonitor.TMInterfaceListener listener; private final String ownerId; private final String timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode; private static final String REQTR_MASTER_ID = "rqmsid"; @Deprecated private static final String WRITE_TIME_TO_PROCESS_MASTERS = "wtpm"; private static final String TIME_MASTER_KEEP_ALIVE_ZNODE = "tmkazn"; private static final String TIME_LISTENERS_ZNODE = "tlzn"; private static final String REQUEST_AMW_KILL_ZNODE = "ramwzn"; private static final String PATH_TO_ZNODE_MASTER_PROC = "ptzmp"; private static final String TIME_PAYLOAD = "tpay"; private static final String ZNODE_TYPE = "zntype"; public TimeDataMonitor(String masterId, String zkHost, String zkPort, String timeZnode, String znodeForTimeListeners, String timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode, String requestAMWKillZnode, String[] ntpServers, TimeDataMonitor.TMInterfaceListener listener) throws IOException { this.ownerId = masterId; this.timeZnode = timeZnode; this.zkHost = zkHost; this.zkPort = zkPort; this.znodeForTimeListeners = znodeForTimeListeners; this.ntpServers = ntpServers; this.listener = listener; this.zk = new ZooKeeper(this.zkHost + ":" + this.zkPort, 60000, this); this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode = timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode; this.requestAMWKillZnode = requestAMWKillZnode; } public static interface TMInterfaceListener { //void masterElected(String idOfMasterElected); //void closing(int rc); /** * Callback invoked to notify ITMs that ATM pushed an update to time * masters' keep alive znode. * @param data byte array representing the data that was pushed by ATM. * @param error true if there was an error, false otherwise. */ void activeMasterPushedUpdate(byte[] data, boolean error); /** * Callback invoked to notify ATM that the update was pushed to masters' * keep alive znode. * @param data byte array representing the data for update. * @param error true if an error occurred when pushing update, false otherwise. */ void updatePushedToTimeZnode(byte[] data, boolean error); /** * Callback invoked to indicate that data was read from time masters' * keep alive znode. * @param data byte array representing the data read from znode. This * might be null if an error does not occurr. * @param error true if an error occurred when reading znode, false otherwise. */ void retrievedTimeZnodeLastUpdate(byte[] data, boolean error); /** * Callback invoked to indicate that update was pushed to time listeners' * znode. * * @param data byte array representing data that was pushed to znode. This * might be null if an error does not occurr. * @param error true if an error occurred when pushing update, false otherwise. */ void updatePushedToTimeListenersZnode(byte[] data, boolean error); /** * Callback invoked to notify that the client connected to ZooKeeper. */ void connected(); /** * Callback invoked to notify that time masters' keep alive znode was * modified by ATM. */ void timeZnodeChanged(); /** * Callback invoked to notify that time listeners' znode was modified * by ATM. */ void timeListenersZnodeChanged(); /** * Callback invoked to notify that time masters' keep alive znode was * removed. */ void timeZnodeDeleted(); /** * Callback invoked to notify that time listeners' znode was removed. */ void timeListenersZnodeDeleted(); /** * Callback invoked to notify time masters that time masters' keep alive * was created. * * @param creatorId String representing the id of the TM which created znode. */ void timeZnodeCreated(String creatorId); /** * Callback invoked to notify that time listeners' znode was created. */ void timeListenersZnodeCreated(); /** * Callback invoked to notify that client disconnected from ZooKeeper. * @param rc integer representing the reason code. */ void disconnected(int rc); /** * Callback invoked to notify which ITM is allowed to remove time masters' * keep alive znode. * @param allowedToAttempTimeZnodeRemoval true if the ITM is allowed to * remove znode, false otherwise. */ void recreateTimeZnode(boolean allowedToAttempTimeZnodeRemoval); /** * Callback invoked to notify that notification znode was removed. */ void notificationZnodeRemoved(); /** * Callback invoked to notify that notification znode was created. */ void notificationZnodeCreated(); /** * Callback invoked to notify about a change under request AMW kill znode. */ void requestAMWKillZnodeChanged(); /** * Callback invoked to notify TMs that data has been retrieved from * amw kill request znode. * @param data byte array representing data that was retrieved from znode. * @param error true if an error occurred while reading data, false otherwise. */ void requestAMWKillZnodeDataRead(byte[] data, boolean error); /** * Callback invoked to notify that amw kill request znode has been updated * with the provided data. * @param data byte array representing data that was written to znode. * @param error true if an error occurred while setting data under znode, * false otherwise. */ void requestAMWKillZnodeDataSet(byte[] data, boolean error); } @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { System.out.print(event.toString()); switch (event.getType()) { case NodeCreated: if (event.getPath().equals(this.znodeForTimeListeners)) { this.listener.timeListenersZnodeCreated(); } else if (event.getPath().equals(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode)) { this.listener.notificationZnodeCreated(); } break; case NodeDeleted: if (event.getPath().equals(this.timeZnode)) { this.listener.timeZnodeDeleted(); } else if (event.getPath().equals(this.znodeForTimeListeners)) { this.listener.timeListenersZnodeDeleted(); } else if (event.getPath().equals(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode)) { this.listener.notificationZnodeRemoved(); } break; case NodeDataChanged: if (event.getPath().equals(this.timeZnode)) { this.listener.timeZnodeChanged(); //this.zk.getData(this.timeZnode, null, this, this.ctx); } else if (event.getPath().equals(this.znodeForTimeListeners)) { this.listener.timeListenersZnodeChanged(); } else if (event.getPath().equals(this.requestAMWKillZnode)) { this.listener.requestAMWKillZnodeChanged(); } break; case None: if (event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected) { this.listener.connected(); } else if (event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.Disconnected || event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.Expired) { this.listener.disconnected(KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS.intValue()); } break; } } /** * Invoke this method to create the notification flag znode. */ public void createTimeZnodeRemovedFlag() { this.zk.create(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode, "0".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL, this, null); } public void removeTimeZnodeRemovedFlag() { this.zk.delete(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode, -1, this, null); } /** * Invoke this method to remove the time znode (best-effort). */ public void removeTimeZnode() { this.zk.delete(this.timeZnode, -1, this, null); } public void testBindToZnodeListener(boolean bindToTimeZnode) { this.zk.exists(this.znodeForTimeListeners, this, this, null); this.zk.exists(this.requestAMWKillZnode, this, this, null); if (bindToTimeZnode) { this.zk.exists(this.timeZnode, this, this, null); } } /** * Method to retrieve data from AMW kill request znode. */ public void getRequestAMWKillZnodeData() { this.zk.getData(this.requestAMWKillZnode, this, this, new HashMap<>()); } /** * Method to set data under AMW kill request znode. * @param data byte array representing data to be written. */ public void setRequestAMWKillZnodeData(byte[] data) { Map<String, String> ctx = new HashMap<>(); ctx.put(ZNODE_TYPE, REQUEST_AMW_KILL_ZNODE); ctx.put(TIME_PAYLOAD, Utils.requestAMWKillZnodeDataToString(data)); this.zk.setData(this.requestAMWKillZnode, data, -1, this, ctx); } /** * Method to bind temporarily to a znode. */ public void bindOnceToNotificationZnode() { this.zk.exists(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode, this, this, null); } /** * Invoke this method to update the znode which lets ITMs know that ATM is * active. * @param data byte array representing the data to be written. */ public void updateZNode(byte[] data) { HashMap<String, String> ctx = new HashMap<>(); ctx.put(WRITE_TIME_TO_PROCESS_MASTERS, "false"); ctx.put(ZNODE_TYPE, TIME_MASTER_KEEP_ALIVE_ZNODE); ctx.put(TIME_PAYLOAD, Utils.timeMasterDataForTimeZnodeToString(data)); this.zk.setData(this.timeZnode, data, -1, this, ctx); } /** * Invoke this method to read data from the znode for time listeners. */ public void getDataFromZnodeForTimeListeners() { this.zk.getData(this.znodeForTimeListeners, this, this, new HashMap<String, String>()); } /** * This method will generate the znode that will be used to allow the ATM * notify ITMs about its status. * @param data */ public void createTimeZnode(byte[] data) { HashMap<String, String> ctx = new HashMap<>(); ctx.put(REQTR_MASTER_ID, this.ownerId); this.zk.create(this.timeZnode, data, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL, this, ctx); } public void triggerAsyncAMWRequestKillZnodeRestore(byte[] data, long modifyWaitMillis) { AsyncZnodeModifier azm = new AsyncZnodeModifier(this.requestAMWKillZnode, data, this.zk, modifyWaitMillis); new Thread(azm).start(); } /** * This method will query the status notification znode, that is, the znode * that ATM uses to communicate its status to ITMs, to retrieve the last * updated piece of information. */ public void getDataFromTimeZnode() { this.zk.getData(this.timeZnode, this, this, new HashMap<String, String>()); } /** * This method will push an update to the znode for time listeners. That znode * is used by AMW to get clock ticks and inquire PWs about their statuses. When * the AMW that created this znode dies, the clock tick stops. * @param data byte array that will be written to znode. */ public void writeTimeForProcessMasters(byte[] data) { HashMap<String, String> ctx = new HashMap<>(); ctx.put(WRITE_TIME_TO_PROCESS_MASTERS, "true"); ctx.put(ZNODE_TYPE, TIME_LISTENERS_ZNODE); ctx.put(PATH_TO_ZNODE_MASTER_PROC, this.znodeForTimeListeners); ctx.put(TIME_PAYLOAD, Utils.timeMasterDataForTimeListenersToString(data)); this.zk.setData(this.znodeForTimeListeners, data, -1, this, ctx); } /** * Callback for znode data read. * @param rc * @param path * @param ctx * @param data * @param stat */ @Override public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, byte[] data, Stat stat) { switch (KeeperException.Code.get(rc)) { case OK: if (path.equals(this.timeZnode)) { this.listener.retrievedTimeZnodeLastUpdate(data, false); } else if (path.equals(this.znodeForTimeListeners)) { this.listener.activeMasterPushedUpdate(data, false); } else if (path.equals(this.requestAMWKillZnode)) { this.listener.requestAMWKillZnodeDataRead(data, false); } break; case SESSIONEXPIRED: case CONNECTIONLOSS: this.listener.disconnected(rc); break; case NOAUTH: case OPERATIONTIMEOUT: if (path.equals(this.timeZnode)) { this.listener.retrievedTimeZnodeLastUpdate(null, true); } else if (path.equals(this.znodeForTimeListeners)) { this.listener.activeMasterPushedUpdate(null, true); } else if (path.equals(this.requestAMWKillZnode)) { this.listener.requestAMWKillZnodeDataRead(null, true); } break; } } /** * Callback for znode creation. * @param rc * @param path * @param ctx * @param name */ @Override public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, String name) { switch (KeeperException.Code.get(rc)) { case OK: //Everything went fine, just break. if (path.equals(this.timeZnode)) { //this.listener.masterElected(((HashMap<String, String>)ctx).get(REQTR_MASTER_ID)); this.listener.timeZnodeCreated(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(REQTR_MASTER_ID)); } else if (path.equals(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode)) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TimeDataMonitor.this.listener.recreateTimeZnode(true); } }).start(); } break; case NODEEXISTS: if (path.equals(this.timeZnode)) { //this.listener.masterElected("-9999999999"); this.listener.timeZnodeCreated("-9999999999"); } else if (path.equals(this.timeZnodeRemovedFlagZnode)) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TimeDataMonitor.this.listener.recreateTimeZnode(false); } }).start(); } break; case SESSIONEXPIRED: case CONNECTIONLOSS: this.listener.disconnected(rc); break; case NOAUTH: case OPERATIONTIMEOUT: //If anything fails, the other TMs will create a node. break; } } /** * Callback for setting znode data. * @param rc * @param path * @param ctx * @param stat */ @Override public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, Stat stat) { switch (KeeperException.Code.get(rc)) { case OK: if (ctx != null) { //We're trying to set data. switch (((Map<String, String>) ctx).get(ZNODE_TYPE)) { case TIME_LISTENERS_ZNODE: byte[] tlData = Utils .timeMasterDataForTimeZnodeToBytes(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); this.listener.updatePushedToTimeListenersZnode(tlData, false); break; case TIME_MASTER_KEEP_ALIVE_ZNODE: byte[] tkData = Utils .timeMasterDataForTimeZnodeToBytes(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); this.listener.updatePushedToTimeZnode(tkData, false); break; case REQUEST_AMW_KILL_ZNODE: String rkPartData = Utils .getDataFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); String rkPartType = Utils .getTypeFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); String rkPartRequester = Utils.getRequesterFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData( ((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); byte[] rkData = Utils.requestAMWKillZnodeDataToBytes(rkPartData, rkPartType, rkPartRequester); this.listener.requestAMWKillZnodeDataSet(rkData, false); break; } } //If ctx is null, what we're trying to achieve here is a bind. break; case SESSIONEXPIRED: case CONNECTIONLOSS: this.listener.disconnected(rc); break; case OPERATIONTIMEOUT: case AUTHFAILED: //Something went wrong if (ctx != null) { //we signal that the write failed. //if context is empty, then requestAMWKillZnode update failed. switch (((Map<String, String>) ctx).get(ZNODE_TYPE)) { case TIME_LISTENERS_ZNODE: byte[] tlData = Utils .timeMasterDataForTimeZnodeToBytes(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); this.listener.updatePushedToTimeListenersZnode(tlData, true); break; case TIME_MASTER_KEEP_ALIVE_ZNODE: byte[] tkData = Utils .timeMasterDataForTimeZnodeToBytes(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); this.listener.updatePushedToTimeZnode(tkData, true); break; case REQUEST_AMW_KILL_ZNODE: String rkPartData = Utils .getDataFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); String rkPartType = Utils .getTypeFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); String rkPartRequester = Utils.getRequesterFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData( ((HashMap<String, String>) ctx).get(TIME_PAYLOAD)); byte[] rkData = Utils.requestAMWKillZnodeDataToBytes(rkPartData, rkPartType, rkPartRequester); this.listener.requestAMWKillZnodeDataSet(rkData, true); break; } } else { //We were trying to achieve a bind, not a write, so we retry. this.zk.exists(path, this, this, null); } break; } } /** * Callback for processing znode remove result. * @param rc * @param path * @param ctx */ @Override public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx) { switch (KeeperException.Code.get(rc)) { case OK: this.listener.notificationZnodeRemoved(); break; case OPERATIONTIMEOUT: case AUTHFAILED: break; case CONNECTIONLOSS: case SESSIONEXPIRED: this.listener.disconnected(rc); break; } } }