Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.jc.zk.dpw; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import org.jc.zk.process.ProcessWrapper; import org.jc.zk.util.ProcessStreamConsumer; import org.jc.zk.util.Utils; /** * * @author cespedjo */ public class Master implements Watcher, Runnable, DataMonitor.DataMonitorListenerMaster { private final DataMonitor dm; private final String zkHost; private final String zkPort; private final ZooKeeper zk; private final String zkMasterStatusNode; private final String programToWatch; private final String[] argsForProgram; private final String zkWatchedProgramNode; private final String zkTimeNode; private final String zkNodeToCreateForUpdate; private boolean active; private long lastUpdate; private final String masterIdentifier; private final String[] ntpServers; private byte[] prevData; private boolean killSelf; private final boolean child; private boolean activeChild; private final String[] cmwsZnodesToListenTo; private final int numberOfCMW; private CountDownLatch cdl; private final CountDownLatch connCd; private final long timeTickInterval; private final StringBuilder updateQueueAsString; private Process p; private final List<String> cmwsThatUpdated; private final List<String> cmwsFailingToUpdate; private final List<String> cmwsInDanger; private boolean runningElection; private boolean ignoreTimeTicks; private long waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate; private CountDownLatch processUpdateWaitCountdown; private final String heartBeatZnode; private final String parentMasterWatcherId; private int heartBeatMisses; private String activeMasterId; private final long maxProcessHeartBeatWait; private CountDownLatch itmWaitCountdown; private CountDownLatch perUpdateZnodeWaitCountdown; private final long maxForgiveMeMillis; private final String hardKillScript; private final String amwRequestKillZnode; private final long waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec; private static final int MAX_HEARTBEAT_MISS = 3; //private static final long MAX_CHECKUP_MISS = 95000L; private static final long SAFETY_ELECTION_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS = 20000L; private static final long INITIAL_TIME = Long.MIN_VALUE; private static final String FAILOVER_ZNODE_SUFFIX = "_failover"; private static final String FAILOVER_NAME_PATTERN = "#_" + FAILOVER_ZNODE_SUFFIX; private static final String TIME_ZNODE_REMOVED_NOTIF_ZNODE = "/dpw0001241564/mw_tzrzn"; public static final String ZNODE_FOR_UPDATE_REQUEST = "/dpw0001241564/pr_upd_now_#"; private static final long NOTIFICATION_ZNODE_MAX_CREATION_OFFSET = 30000L; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Master.class); public Master(String identifier, String zkHost, String zkPort, String zkTimeNode, String zkMasterStatusNode, String zkWatchedProgramNode, String programToWatch, String[] argsForProgram, boolean child, boolean activeChild, int numberOfCMW, long timeTickInterval, String parentMasterWatcherId, long maxForgiveMeMillis, String hardKillScript, String amwRequestKillZnode, long waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec, String[] cmwsZnodesToListenTo, String zkNodeToCreateForUpdate, String[] ntpServers) throws IOException, Exception { this.lastUpdate = INITIAL_TIME; this.zkHost = zkHost; this.zkPort = zkPort; this.zk = new ZooKeeper(zkHost + ":" + zkPort, 3000, this); = false; this.child = child; this.zkMasterStatusNode = zkMasterStatusNode; this.zkWatchedProgramNode = zkWatchedProgramNode; this.programToWatch = programToWatch; this.argsForProgram = argsForProgram; this.masterIdentifier = identifier; this.parentMasterWatcherId = parentMasterWatcherId; this.ntpServers = ntpServers; this.zkTimeNode = zkTimeNode; this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate = zkNodeToCreateForUpdate; this.heartBeatZnode = this.child ? ZNODE_FOR_UPDATE_REQUEST.replace("#", this.masterIdentifier) : null; this.amwRequestKillZnode = amwRequestKillZnode; = new DataMonitor(this.zk, this.zkMasterStatusNode, this.zkTimeNode, this.zkWatchedProgramNode, this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate, this.child ? FAILOVER_NAME_PATTERN.replace("#", this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate) : null, TIME_ZNODE_REMOVED_NOTIF_ZNODE, Arrays.asList(cmwsZnodesToListenTo), this.heartBeatZnode, this.amwRequestKillZnode, this, this); this.killSelf = false; this.numberOfCMW = numberOfCMW; this.cmwsZnodesToListenTo = cmwsZnodesToListenTo; this.updateQueueAsString = new StringBuilder(); this.timeTickInterval = timeTickInterval; this.cmwsThatUpdated = new ArrayList<>(); //Initially all znodes that will be created by CMWs are failing to update. this.cmwsFailingToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(this.cmwsZnodesToListenTo)); this.cmwsInDanger = new ArrayList<>(); //If this isn't an instance of CMW, always pass false as an argument. this.activeChild = activeChild; this.connCd = new CountDownLatch(1); this.runningElection = false; this.ignoreTimeTicks = false; this.waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate = this.timeTickInterval + this.timeTickInterval / 4L; this.heartBeatMisses = 0; //When deploying a CMW, timeTickInterval should be equals to time interval, //that AMW will wait for update queue to fill up, divided by number of CMWs. this.maxProcessHeartBeatWait = timeTickInterval; //this.timeTickInterval / Math.max(this.numberOfCMW, 1); this.activeMasterId = null; this.p = null; this.itmWaitCountdown = new CountDownLatch(1); this.maxForgiveMeMillis = maxForgiveMeMillis; this.hardKillScript = hardKillScript; this.waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec = waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec; } @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) {; } @Override public void connected() { this.connCd.countDown(); this.setWatchers(); } public void setWatchers() {; } @Override public void run() { try { this.connCd.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error while waiting for zk connection: " + ex.getMessage()); } if (!this.child) { try {"Master Watcher sleep for 5000 millis..."); Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Master Watcher 5000 Millis sleep interrupted..."); }"Competition for mastership will start"); //Remember CMW cannot compete to become ATM., this.zkTimeNode, Utils.generateDataForTimeZnode(this.masterIdentifier, INITIAL_TIME, true, this.ntpServers)); } synchronized (this) { while (!this.killSelf) {"Master Watcher going to wait until killself is set to true"); try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {"Master Watcher interrupted while waiting in main loop...", ex); } } try {"MW now waiting " + (TimeMaster.FIXED_AUTHORIZATION_WAIT_TIME + this.timeTickInterval) + " millis before exiting gracefully."); wait(TimeMaster.FIXED_AUTHORIZATION_WAIT_TIME + this.timeTickInterval); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("MW was interrupted while waiting to exit gracefully", ex); } finally {"MW now exiting. ID is: " + this.masterIdentifier); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } public void closing(int rc) { //notify someone that master will be unable to verify status of other //masters and that some action should be taken. synchronized (this) {"Master Watcher now set to killself with code: " + rc); this.killSelf = true; notify(); } } @Override public void timeUpdated(byte[] data) { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } if (this.runningElection) { return; } } if (data == null) {"Tried to read last update from masters' keep alive, but failed. Retrying now.");; return; } if (!this.child && ! { this.itmWaitCountdown = new CountDownLatch(1); } long currentTime = Utils.getTimeFromTimeZnode(data); if (this.lastUpdate == INITIAL_TIME) { if ( { try { this.prevData = Utils.generateDataForZNode(currentTime, this.updateQueueAsString.toString(), this.masterIdentifier, this.ntpServers);"First time tick received, creating masters' keep alive znode.");, this.zkMasterStatusNode, this.prevData); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Failed to prepare data for masters' keep alive znode to be created.", ex); } } /* else if (this.child) { this.lastUpdate = currentTime; }*/ } else { if ( { long waitMillisPerZnode = this.timeTickInterval / this.numberOfCMW; boolean allOk = true; for (String aZnode : this.cmwsZnodesToListenTo) { this.perUpdateZnodeWaitCountdown = new CountDownLatch(1);, Utils.updateZnodeCreatedByMastersDataToBytes(currentTime)); try { boolean expired = !this.perUpdateZnodeWaitCountdown.await(waitMillisPerZnode, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (expired) { allOk = false; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Master interrupted while waiting for CMW to update: " + aZnode, ex); } } for (String aZnode : this.cmwsZnodesToListenTo) {; } if (!allOk) {"Active Master's wait time exhausted and some CMWs failed to push update."); //The waiting ended but not due to countdown reaching 0. //It probably just expired and we didn't receive updates from CMWs. //We cannot push an update for IMWs to know that we're ok, thus //we don't retrieve the last update. Iterator<String> itUpdated = this.cmwsFailingToUpdate.iterator(); while (itUpdated.hasNext()) { String zn =; for (int i = 0; i < this.cmwsThatUpdated.size(); ++i) { if (zn.equals(this.cmwsThatUpdated.get(i))) { itUpdated.remove(); break; } } } //Add all CMWs that fail to update. this.cmwsInDanger.addAll(this.cmwsFailingToUpdate);"Number of CMWs that failed to update: " + this.cmwsInDanger.size()); if (currentTime - this.lastUpdate > this.maxForgiveMeMillis) { //Your children caused you to fail. Kill'em all and then yourself. "Active Master Watcher order to kill itself due to children failing to update."); /********************************************************************************* for (String znodeInDanger : this.cmwsInDanger) {"#", znodeInDanger)); }*********************************************************************************/ this.electNewMaster(); } this.cmwsFailingToUpdate.clear(); this.cmwsFailingToUpdate.addAll(Arrays.asList(this.cmwsZnodesToListenTo)); return; }"Active Master Watcher managed to obtain full update from CMWs."); //Countdown reached zero, all CMWs reported their status, we're clear //to update our heart beat. //Read the last time that an update was sent by the AMW."Active Master Watcher retrieve the last update you pushed."); this.lastUpdate = currentTime;; } else if (!this.child && ! { this.waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate = this.timeTickInterval + this.timeTickInterval / 4L;"Inactive Master Watcher will wait: " + this.waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate + " before checking if Active Master Watcher pushed an update within time constraints."); //Do not update inner clock of IMWs if they want to compete for mastership. if (this.ignoreTimeTicks) { "Inactive Master Watcher now ignoring time ticks because it is competing for mastership."); } else { this.lastUpdate = currentTime;"Inactive Master Watcher updated inner clock."); } try { //wait(waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate); this.itmWaitCountdown.await(this.waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { "Inactive Master Watcher was interrupted while waiting to read update from Active Master Watcher, it will skip checking update until next time tick.", ex); } finally { //When the waiting is done, request last update. //Bare in mind that this is all best effort check. synchronized (this) { if (!this.runningElection) { "Inactive Master Watcher waiting done, it will now read update from Active Master Watcher");; } } } } } } @Override public void childMasterWatcherUpdatedZnode(String znode, byte[] data) { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } if (this.runningElection) { return; } } if (!this.child && { if (data == null) { "Active Master Watcher noted that something went wrong with Child Master Watcher creating update znode, so it will read data from update.");; } else { //If I'm not child, I might be the active master being notified about //an update being available. if ( && !this.child) { "Active Master Watcher received an update from Child Master Watcher and will add it to update queue: " + znode); //; this.cmwsThatUpdated.add(znode); Utils.addUpdateToCMWUpdatesQueue(this.updateQueueAsString, data); //this.cdl.countDown(); this.perUpdateZnodeWaitCountdown.countDown(); } } } } @Override public void dataReadFromZnode(byte[] data) { if (data == null) {"Something went wrong while reading Masters' keep alive znode, retrying.");; } synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } if (this.runningElection) { return; } } if (!this.child && {"Active Master Watcher received the content for Master's keep alive znode."); if (this.masterIdentifier.equals(Utils.getIdOfMasterWatcherFromZnode(data))) {"Active Master Watcher verified that Masters' znode's data checksum matches its id"); if (this.lastUpdate - Utils.getTimeFromZnode(data) < this.maxForgiveMeMillis) { "Active Master Watcher verified that it is updating well (within time constraints)."); try { this.prevData = Utils.generateDataForZNode(this.lastUpdate, this.updateQueueAsString.toString(), this.masterIdentifier, this.ntpServers); this.updateQueueAsString.delete(0, this.updateQueueAsString.length());"Clearing update queue and pushing new update to Masters' Keep Alive Znode.");; } catch (Exception ex) {"Active Master Watcher failed to push update to Keep Alive znode: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } else { "Active Master Watcher noticed that it is failing to update Keep Alive znode within time constraints..."); if (this.cmwsInDanger.isEmpty()) { "Active Master Watcher noticed that failing to update Keep Alive znode is its fault, not its children's."); //It is you the one who is failing to push update, not //CMWs, so kill yourself and let those kids alone. "Active Master Watcher killing itself now, allowing new mastership competition."); this.electNewMaster(); } else { //Ok, you failed to push an update because some of your //CMWs fail to push updates. Create as many failovers //znodes as there are failing CMWs. Once you're done, //kill yourself. This is just best effort failover znode //creation. Which means that we don't make sure that things //actually are created. We issue the command but do not //check for response. "Active Master Watcher noticed that failing to update is being caused by its children."); /********************************************************************************** for (String znodeInDanger : this.cmwsInDanger) {"#", znodeInDanger)); }**********************************************************************************/"Number of CMWs that failed: " + this.cmwsInDanger.size() + ". Active Master killing itself now."); this.electNewMaster(); } } } else {"Active Master Watcher was replaced by another master, just kill yourself."); synchronized (this) { this.killSelf = true; notify(); } } } else if (this.child && this.activeMasterId == null) { if (this.lastUpdate == INITIAL_TIME) { this.lastUpdate = Utils.getTimeFromZnode(data); } this.activeMasterId = Utils.getIdOfMasterWatcherFromZnode(data);"CMW initializing active master id information to parent id: " + this.activeMasterId); synchronized (this) { notify(); } } else if (!this.child && ! {"Inactive Master Watcher received data from Masters' Keep Alive znode."); if (this.lastUpdate == INITIAL_TIME) {"Inactive Master Watcher initializing inner clock."); this.lastUpdate = Utils.getTimeFromZnode(data); } else if (this.lastUpdate - Utils.getTimeFromZnode(data) >= this.maxForgiveMeMillis) { "Inactive Master Watcher noticed that Active master Watcher failed to update within time constraints. Competition for mastership begins."); this.ignoreTimeTicks = true; this.electNewMaster(); } } } @Override public void processDataNodeCreated(boolean error, byte[] data) { if (!this.child && { if (error) { "Active Master Watcher failed to create processes' keep alive znode, and it will retry.");, Utils.generateDataForObservedZnode(this.masterIdentifier, this.masterIdentifier + System.currentTimeMillis(), Utils.getTimeFromProcessWatcherZnode(data))); }"Active Master Watcher created processes' keep alive znode."); } } public void childMasterWatcherSleep() { if (this.child && this.activeChild && this.p != null) { this.activeChild = false;"Child Master Watcher was told to destroy its process and wait.");"CMW now telling process wrappers to destroy themselves."); byte[] hbkillData = Utils.processHeartBeatDataToBytes(ProcessWrapper.FLAG_KILLSELF);, hbkillData);"CMW will now wait " + this.waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec + " millis before executing hard kill script."); synchronized (this) { try { wait(this.waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec + 1L); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("CMW interrupted while waiting grace period before destroying ProcessWrapper", ex); } } this.p.destroy(); //Assemble hard kill script if (this.hardKillScript == null) {"No hard kill script has been provided."); return; } ProcessBuilder kpb = new ProcessBuilder(this.hardKillScript.split("\\s")); kpb.inheritIO(); try {"Executing hard kill script: " + kpb.toString()); Process kp = kpb.start(); //ProcessStreamConsumer scInfo = new ProcessStreamConsumer(kp.getInputStream(), logger); //ProcessStreamConsumer scError = new ProcessStreamConsumer(kp.getErrorStream(), logger); //scInfo.start(); //scError.start(); int exitStatus = kp.waitFor(); //scInfo.join(); //scError.join(); if (exitStatus == 0) {"Hard kill script completed successfully."); } else {"Hard kill script failed to complete correctly. Exit code is: " + exitStatus); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { if (ex instanceof IOException) { logger.error( "Hard kill Script not found. There's a possibility that when new AMW is elected, the process will not be deployed.", ex); } else if (ex instanceof InterruptedException) { logger.error( "CMW interrupted while waiting for hard kill script to complete. Best effort kill in progress, that is, no way of knowing if things went well."); } } finally { this.closing(0); } } } @Override public void masterWatcherZnodeCreated(boolean error, byte[] data) { this.setWatchers(); if ( { if (error) { "Active Master Watcher failed to create masters' keep alive znode and now it will retry.");, this.zkMasterStatusNode, data); } else { this.lastUpdate = Utils.getTimeFromZnode(data); "Active Master Watcher created masters' keep alive znode and now it will create processes' keep alive znode."); synchronized (this) { try { wait(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(Master.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }, Utils.generateDataForObservedZnode(this.masterIdentifier, this.masterIdentifier + System.currentTimeMillis(), this.lastUpdate)); } } } @Override public void masterElected(String masterId) { if (masterId == null) {"Rebooting master election."); this.electNewMaster(); return; }"Master Elected: " + masterId + ", setting watchers."); = this.masterIdentifier.equals(masterId); //nothing went wrong this.lastUpdate = INITIAL_TIME; this.setWatchers(); } /** * Method that is invoked to cause inactive master watchers to compete until * another IMW becomes AMW. */ public void electNewMaster() { if (!this.runningElection) {"An election is not in progress, we can proceed."); synchronized (this) { if (!this.child && {"I, as the AMW, am not allowed to compete. Thus, I kill myself."); this.killSelf = true; notify(); } else if (!this.child && ! {"I am an IMW, and will ask for permission to compete. " + this.amwRequestKillZnode); this.runningElection = true;;/* try { //The wait that ends first will try to create the master's znode."Will wait " + SAFETY_ELECTION_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS + " millis before proceeding to election."); wait(SAFETY_ELECTION_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Inactive Master Watcher interrupted while waiting for election", ex); } finally { try { long currentTime = Utils.getNetworkTime(this.ntpServers); long timeDiff = (currentTime - this.waitTimeToCheckActiveMastersUpdate) - (this.lastUpdate + NOTIFICATION_ZNODE_MAX_CREATION_OFFSET); if (timeDiff < 0) { //Still has time to run for master."Inactive Master Watcher with a timeDiff of " + timeDiff + " has time to compete for mastership.");; } } catch (Exception ex) {"Something went wrong: ", ex); //Assume that it is late to run for master, so he does not participate //in the competition. } }*/ } } } else {"Election is in progress, cannot start a competition now."); } } @Override public void dataReadFromProcessZnode(byte[] data) { if ( { if (this.lastUpdate - Utils.getTimeFromProcessWatcherZnode(data) >= this.maxForgiveMeMillis) { //Process failed to update heartbeat, deploy a new one. this.processDataNodeCreated(true, null); } } } @Override public void disconnected(int rc) { if (this.child && this.activeChild && this.activeMasterId.equals(this.parentMasterWatcherId)) { //Best effort znode creation."Child Master Watcher disconnected, creating failover znode."); /********************************************************************************************"#", this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate)); *********************************************************************************************/ } closing(rc); } @Override public void timeZnodeChanged() { this.setWatchers();"New time tick, read value.");; } @Override public void masterZnodeChanged() { this.setWatchers(); if (!this.child && ! {"Active Master Watcher pushed an update, read value."); //; this.itmWaitCountdown.countDown(); } } @Override public void timeZnodeRemoved() { this.setWatchers(); "Time znode was removed, possibly due to Active Master Watcher killing itself. Run mastership competition."); if (!this.child && ! { synchronized (this) { if (!this.runningElection) { this.electNewMaster(); } } } } @Override public void masterZnodeCreated() { this.setWatchers(); //Active Master Watcher will handle this through creation callback. //The AMW needs to ignore this callback because it handles it through the //other callback. //ITMs, however, need to act accordingly. In this case, they update their //inner clock. if ((!this.child && ! || this.child) {; } } @Override public void processObservedZnodeRemoved() { this.setWatchers(); if (this.child && this.activeChild && this.activeMasterId.equals(this.parentMasterWatcherId)) {"Active Child Master Watcher going to sleep because process observed znode was removed."); this.childMasterWatcherSleep(); } else if (this.child) { this.activeMasterId = null; this.lastUpdate = INITIAL_TIME; } else if (!this.child && ! { "Inactive Master Watcher will compete for mastership because Process Observed znode was removed."); synchronized (this) { if (!this.runningElection) { this.electNewMaster(); } } } } @Override public void cmwFailoverZnodeCreated(String znode) { this.setWatchers(); if (this.child && !this.activeChild) { if (znode.equals(FAILOVER_NAME_PATTERN.replace("#", this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate))) { //Wait until a new active master is elected, if it happens to be this CMW's parent //it will continue its activation. Otherwise, won't be active CMW. synchronized (this) { try { "Wait until a new active master is elected, to match the id of this CMW's parent: " + this.activeMasterId + ". CMW Id is: " + this.masterIdentifier); wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error( "CMW interrupted while waiting to activate itself. Id is: " + this.masterIdentifier, ex); } } if (this.activeMasterId != null && this.activeMasterId.equals(this.parentMasterWatcherId)) { //I'm an inactive copy of a CMW and I should activate myself now. this.activeChild = true;"Failover child Master Watcher will now make itself active"); } else if (this.activeMasterId == null) { logger.error( "CMW cannot identify who the new active master is. It will not activate itself causing its parent to fail later."); } } } else if (this.child && this.activeChild) { if (znode.equals(FAILOVER_NAME_PATTERN.replace("#", this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate))) { this.activeChild = false;"Active Child Master Watcher will make itself inactive."); } }"Removing failover znode");"#", this.zkNodeToCreateForUpdate)); } @Override public void cmwUpdatedUpdateZnode(String znode) { this.setWatchers(); if (!this.child && {; } } @Override public void masterZnodeRemoved() { this.setWatchers(); if (!this.child && {"Masters' Keep alive znode removed, Active Master Watcher kills itself."); this.closing(0); } else if (!this.child) { synchronized (this) { if (!this.runningElection) { this.electNewMaster(); "Masters' Keep alive znode removed, inactive master watchers competing for mastership."); } else { "Masters' Keep alive znode removed, inactive master watchers already competing for mastership."); } } } } @Override public void processObservedZnodeCreated() { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } } this.setWatchers(); if (this.child && this.activeChild && this.parentMasterWatcherId.equals(this.activeMasterId)) { //If no errors, launch process that will be monitored by masters. //ProcessBuilder does not handle well spaces, so we split string to copy it into the array. String[] processBuilderFormattedProgram = this.programToWatch.split("\\s"); int sizeOfProgramArray = processBuilderFormattedProgram.length; String[] pbArgs = new String[this.argsForProgram.length + 3 + sizeOfProgramArray]; System.arraycopy(processBuilderFormattedProgram, 0, pbArgs, 0, sizeOfProgramArray); //pbArgs[0] = this.programToWatch; //Args required by process wrapper. Remember that each watched process must extend //ProcessWrapper. pbArgs[sizeOfProgramArray] = this.zkHost; pbArgs[sizeOfProgramArray + 1] = this.zkPort; pbArgs[sizeOfProgramArray + 2] = this.heartBeatZnode; System.arraycopy(this.argsForProgram, 0, pbArgs, sizeOfProgramArray + 3, this.argsForProgram.length);"Running process with: " + Arrays.toString(pbArgs)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(pbArgs); pb.inheritIO(); try { this.p = pb.start(); //ProcessStreamConsumer scInfo = new ProcessStreamConsumer(this.p.getInputStream(), logger); //ProcessStreamConsumer scError = new ProcessStreamConsumer(this.p.getErrorStream(), logger); //scInfo.start(); //scError.start(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Child Master Watcher tried to start process, but failed.", ex); this.killSelf = true; } } } @Override public void processObservedZnodeChanged() { this.setWatchers(); //Nothing to do here } @Deprecated @Override public void recreateMasterZnode(boolean allowedToAttemptZnodesRemoval) { if (allowedToAttemptZnodesRemoval) {"Inactive Master Watcher allowed to remove masters', time and observed process znodes.");;;; synchronized (this) { try { wait(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error( "Inactive Master Watcher interrupted while waiting to remove masters', time and observed znodes.", ex); } } } else {"Inactive Master Watcher NOT allowed to remove masters', time and observed process znode."); synchronized (this) { try { wait(7000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error( "Inactive master watcher interrupted while waiting for inactive watchers to finish removing znodes.", ex); } } } try { //Every thread has a chance to remove the notification flag, if //their inner clock plus the time offset is later than current time. long currentTime = Utils.getNetworkTime(this.ntpServers); long timediff = currentTime - (this.lastUpdate + NOTIFICATION_ZNODE_MAX_CREATION_OFFSET); if (timediff > 0) { //Time up. We know that no other thread will attempt to create //a notification znode after the grace period. So if time is up, //go ahead and delete notification znode."Inactive master watcher removing notification znode.");; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error while retrieving time: ", ex); }"Creating time znode, to see who the next active master will be."); this.lastUpdate = INITIAL_TIME;, this.zkTimeNode, Utils.generateDataForTimeZnode(this.masterIdentifier, INITIAL_TIME, true, this.ntpServers)); } @Override public void masterZnodeDataSetCompleted(byte[] data, boolean error) { if (!this.child && { if (error) {; } else { //this.lastUpdate = Utils.getTimeFromZnode(data); } } } @Override public void timeZnodeCreated() { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { notify(); return; } } if (this.child) { this.setWatchers(); } this.ignoreTimeTicks = false; this.runningElection = false; this.lastUpdate = INITIAL_TIME;"Time znode created."); if (this.cdl != null && this.cdl.getCount() > 0L) { this.cdl.countDown(); } } @Override public void cmwUpdateZnodeRemoved() { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } } this.setWatchers(); } @Override public void processHeartBeatZnodeUpdate() {"Child Master Watcher received an update from Process Watcher."); if (this.child && this.activeChild && this.activeMasterId.equals(this.parentMasterWatcherId)) { this.processUpdateWaitCountdown.countDown(); } } @Override public void updateZnodeCreated(long time) { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } } this.setWatchers(); if (this.child && this.activeChild && this.parentMasterWatcherId.equals(this.activeMasterId)) { try { //create znode to tell ProcessWrapper to report itself."Child Master Watcher creating heartbeat znode: " + this.heartBeatZnode + " with dummy data"); byte[] hbData = Utils.processHeartBeatDataToBytes(ProcessWrapper.FLAG_UPDATE);, hbData); //bind to this znode"Child Master Watcher temporarily binding to " + this.heartBeatZnode);; //Now wait for a maximum of time"Now waiting: " + this.maxProcessHeartBeatWait + " millis for new updates from ProcessWatcher"); this.processUpdateWaitCountdown = new CountDownLatch(1); boolean expired = !this.processUpdateWaitCountdown.await(this.maxProcessHeartBeatWait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (expired) { "Child Master Watcher waiting exhausted before receiving an update from ProcessWatcher"); ++this.heartBeatMisses;"Child Master Watcher number of times missing heart beat from ProcessWatcher: " + this.heartBeatMisses); } else { "Child Master Watcher received an update from ProcessWatcher before wating time exhausted"); this.heartBeatMisses = 0; } if (this.heartBeatMisses <= MAX_HEARTBEAT_MISS) {"Child Master Watcher creating update znode for Active Master Watcher now.");, this.programToWatch, this.argsForProgram, this.ntpServers)); } //remove znode"Removing heart beat znode: " + this.heartBeatZnode + " now.");; //update inner clock. this.lastUpdate = time; } catch (Exception ex) {"Child Master Watcher exception when receiving time update: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } /* @Override public void updateZnodeChanged(String znode) { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } if (this.runningElection) { return; } } this.setWatchers(); if (!this.child && {; } }*/ @Override public void updateZnodeCreatedByMaster(String znode, byte[] data, boolean error) { synchronized (this) { if (this.killSelf) { return; } if (this.runningElection) { return; } } this.setWatchers(); if (!this.child && { if (error) {, data); } } } @Override public void amwRequestKillZnodeUpdated(byte[] data, boolean error) { if (error) { logger.error("Error occurred while setting data to amw kill request znode. Retrying.");; return; }"AMW kill request znode data set succesfully."); } @Override public void amwRequestKillZnodeChanged() {"AMW kill request znode changed.");; if (!this.child && ! {"IMW is going to read AMW kill request znode because it changed.");; } else {"CMW or AMW ignoring fact that AMW kill request znode changed."); } } @Override public void dataReadFromAmwRequestKillZnode(byte[] data) { if (data == null) { logger.error("Error occurred while attempting to read AMW kill request znode. Retrying.");; return; } //Active master does not need to worry about being granted permission. if (this.child || (!this.child && { return; } //What has been written to znode. String amwZnodeData = Utils.requestAMWKillZnodeDataToString(data); //Type of data that was written to znode. String type = Utils.getTypeFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(amwZnodeData); //If it is of type RESTORE or REQUEST, ignore. if (type.equals(Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RESTORE) || type.equals(Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_REQUEST)) {"Received a payload type: " + type + ", but we're only interested in RESPONSE: " + Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RESPONSE); return; } //To whom the permission is granted. String toWhom = Utils.getRequesterFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(amwZnodeData); //Note that we need to make sure that this is a RESPONSE, because the thread //gets notified about REQUEST events as well. if (!toWhom.equals(this.masterIdentifier) && type.equals(Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RESPONSE)) {"I'm not requester of permission to kill AMW. I am: " + this.masterIdentifier + ", requester is: " + toWhom); return; }"Current data in " + this.amwRequestKillZnode + " is: " + amwZnodeData); //Finally, extract payload. String dataPayload = Utils.getDataFromRequestAmwKillZnodeData(amwZnodeData); //We shall continue verifying the granted permission only if it is a response, //or if we need to see which MW will be the next AMW and this IMW is the //first one to request for permission. If it is the first one to request //permission, TYPE of content in znode might be INIT or RESTORE. Those //are valid statuses only if running election, otherwise, when MWs get //notified about it, they must ignore it. boolean continuePermissionCheck = type.equals(Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RESPONSE) || (this.runningElection && (type.equals(Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_INIT) || type.equals(Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RESTORE))); if (continuePermissionCheck && dataPayload.equals(TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_FREE)) { synchronized (this) { if (this.runningElection) {"AMW request znode status is FREE. IMW is allowed to request a new master."); Utils.requestAMWKillZnodeDataToBytes(TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_CODE_KILL, Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_REQUEST, this.masterIdentifier)); } else {"MW just got notified about initialization of kill request znode."); } } } else if (continuePermissionCheck && dataPayload.equals(TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_CODE_ALLOW)) { TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_BUSY, Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_REQUEST, this.masterIdentifier));"IMW is allowed to remove znodes and will become the next AMW. Current ITM id is: " + this.masterIdentifier);;;; synchronized (this) { try { wait(5000 + this.waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error( "Inactive Master Watcher interrupted while waiting to remove masters', time and observed znodes.", ex); } finally {"Creating time znode, to see who the next active master will be."); this.lastUpdate = INITIAL_TIME;, this.zkTimeNode, Utils .generateDataForTimeZnode(this.masterIdentifier, INITIAL_TIME, true, this.ntpServers)); } } } else if (continuePermissionCheck && (dataPayload.equals(TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_CODE_DENIED) || dataPayload.equals(TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_BUSY))) { this.cdl = new CountDownLatch(1); while (true) { try { "IMW asked for permission to compete for AMW, but got denied or busy. Will wait a max of " + (this.timeTickInterval + this.waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec) + " millis until new time znode for time listeners is created."); boolean expired = !this.cdl.await(this.timeTickInterval + this.waitTimeBeforeHardKillExec, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (!expired) { "IMW just got notified that a new time znode for time listeners has been created."); } else {"IMW never got notified about new AMW, that is, no time znode was created."); if (this.runningElection) { "IMW was expecting to compete for new AMW to be elected, but time znode was never created. Requesting permission to kill AMW now."); Utils.requestAMWKillZnodeDataToBytes(TimeMaster.AMW_REQUEST_KILL_CODE_KILL, Utils.AMW_PAYLOAD_TYPE_REQUEST, this.masterIdentifier)); } else { logger.error( "IMW was waiting for time znode to be added by new AMW, but never happened. Also, it was not running election... is that even possible??"); } } break; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("ITM interrupted while waiting for new time znode to be created by new AMW.", ex); if (this.cdl.getCount() == 0L) { break; } } } } } }