Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated * by the @authors tag. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the JBPM BPEL PUBLIC LICENSE AGREEMENT as * published by JBoss Inc.; either version 1.0 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.jbpm.bpel.integration.server.IntegrationConfigurator; import org.jbpm.bpel.xml.ProblemCounter; import org.jbpm.bpel.xml.ProblemHandler; import org.jbpm.bpel.xml.util.DatatypeUtil; import org.jbpm.bpel.xml.util.XmlUtil; import org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.Problem; /** * Generates the web application deployment descriptor. * @author Alejandro Guizar * @version $Revision$ $Date: 2007/11/29 10:14:00 $ */ public class WebAppDescriptorTool { private File webServicesDescriptorFile = WebServicesDescriptorTool.DEFAULT_WEB_SERVICES_FILE; private File webAppDescriptorFile = DEFAULT_WEB_APP_FILE; private ProblemHandler problemHandler = new ProblemCounter(); static final String NS_J2EE = ""; static final String ELEM_WEB_APP = "web-app"; static final String ATTR_VERSION = "version"; static final String ELEM_SERVLET = "servlet"; static final String ELEM_SERVLET_NAME = "servlet-name"; static final String ELEM_SERVLET_CLASS = "servlet-class"; static final String ELEM_SERVLET_MAPPING = "servlet-mapping"; static final String ELEM_URL_PATTERN = "url-pattern"; static final String ELEM_LISTENER = "listener"; static final String ELEM_LISTENER_CLASS = "listener-class"; static final String SERVLET_VERSION = "2.4"; static final String INTEGRATION_CONSOLE_NAME = "integrationConsole"; static final String DEFAULT_WEB_APP_FILE_NAME = "web.xml"; static final File DEFAULT_WEB_APP_FILE = new File(DEFAULT_WEB_APP_FILE_NAME); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WebAppDescriptorTool.class); /** * Returns the input web services deployment descriptor. * @return the input web services descriptor */ public File getWebServicesDescriptorFile() { return webServicesDescriptorFile; } /** * Specifies the input web services deployment descriptor * @param webServicesDescriptorFile the web services deployment descriptor */ public void setWebServicesDescriptorFile(File webServicesDescriptorFile) { if (webServicesDescriptorFile == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("web services descriptor file cannot be null"); this.webServicesDescriptorFile = webServicesDescriptorFile; } /** * Returns where to write the web application deployment descriptor. * @return the web application descriptor file */ public File getWebAppDescriptorFile() { return webAppDescriptorFile; } /** * Specifies where to write the web application deployment descriptor. * @param webAppDescriptorFile the web application descriptor file */ public void setWebAppDescriptorFile(File webAppDescriptorFile) { if (webAppDescriptorFile == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("web app descriptor file cannot be null"); this.webAppDescriptorFile = webAppDescriptorFile; } /** * Generates a {@linkplain #setWebAppDescriptorFile(File) web application descriptor} compatible * with the settings in the {@linkplain #setWebServicesDescriptorFile(File) web services * descriptor}. */ public void generateWebAppDescriptor() { // web services descriptor Document webservicesDoc = readWebServicesDescriptor(); if (webservicesDoc == null) return; // web app descriptor Element webAppElem = XmlUtil.createElement(NS_J2EE, ELEM_WEB_APP); // version webAppElem.setAttribute(ATTR_VERSION, SERVLET_VERSION); // endpoint servlets for (Iterator d = XmlUtil.getElements(webservicesDoc.getDocumentElement(), NS_J2EE, WebServicesDescriptorTool.ELEM_WEBSERVICE_DESCRIPTION); d.hasNext();) { Element descriptionElem = (Element); for (Iterator p = XmlUtil.getElements(descriptionElem, NS_J2EE, WebServicesDescriptorTool.ELEM_PORT_COMPONENT); p.hasNext();) { Element portComponentElem = (Element); generateEndpointServlet(portComponentElem, webAppElem); } } // integration configurator listener generateIntegrationConfiguratorListener(webAppElem); try { XmlUtil.writeFile(webAppElem, webAppDescriptorFile); log.debug("wrote web application descriptor: " + webAppDescriptorFile.getName()); } catch (IOException e) { problemHandler.add(new Problem(Problem.LEVEL_ERROR, "could not write web application descriptor: " + webAppDescriptorFile, e)); } } private Document readWebServicesDescriptor() { DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = XmlUtil.getDocumentBuilder(); // capture parse errors in our problem handler documentBuilder.setErrorHandler(problemHandler.asSaxErrorHandler()); Document document = null; try { document = documentBuilder.parse(webServicesDescriptorFile); } catch (SAXException e) { problemHandler.add(new Problem(Problem.LEVEL_ERROR, "web services descriptor contains invalid xml: " + webServicesDescriptorFile, e)); } catch (IOException e) { problemHandler.add(new Problem(Problem.LEVEL_ERROR, "web services descriptor is not readable: " + webServicesDescriptorFile, e)); } finally { // reset error handling behavior documentBuilder.setErrorHandler(null); } return document; } protected void generateEndpointServlet(Element portComponentElem, Element webAppElem) { // servlet name Element sibElem = XmlUtil.getElement(portComponentElem, NS_J2EE, WebServicesDescriptorTool.ELEM_SERVICE_IMPL_BEAN); Element servletLinkElem = XmlUtil.getElement(sibElem, NS_J2EE, WebServicesDescriptorTool.ELEM_SERVLET_LINK); String servletName = DatatypeUtil.toString(servletLinkElem); // servlet class Element seiElem = XmlUtil.getElement(portComponentElem, NS_J2EE, WebServicesDescriptorTool.ELEM_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_INTERFACE); String seiName = DatatypeUtil.toString(seiElem); generateServlet(webAppElem, servletName, generateServiceImplBeanName(seiName)); } private void generateServlet(Element webAppElem, String servletName, String servletClass) { Document webAppDoc = webAppElem.getOwnerDocument(); // servlet Element servletElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_SERVLET); webAppElem.appendChild(servletElem); // servlet name Element servletNameElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_SERVLET_NAME); XmlUtil.setStringValue(servletNameElem, servletName); servletElem.appendChild(servletNameElem); // servlet class Element servletClassElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_SERVLET_CLASS); XmlUtil.setStringValue(servletClassElem, servletClass); servletElem.appendChild(servletClassElem); // servlet mapping Element servletMappingElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_SERVLET_MAPPING); webAppElem.appendChild(servletMappingElem); // servlet name servletMappingElem.appendChild(servletNameElem.cloneNode(true)); // url pattern Element urlPatternElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_URL_PATTERN); XmlUtil.setStringValue(urlPatternElem, generateUrlPattern(servletName)); servletMappingElem.appendChild(urlPatternElem); } protected String generateServiceImplBeanName(String seiName) { return seiName + "_Impl"; } protected String generateUrlPattern(String servletName) { if (servletName.endsWith("Servlet")) servletName = servletName.substring(0, servletName.length() - "Servlet".length()); return '/' + servletName; } protected void generateIntegrationConfiguratorListener(Element webAppElem) { Document webAppDoc = webAppElem.getOwnerDocument(); // listener Element listenerElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_LISTENER); webAppElem.appendChild(listenerElem); // listener class Element listenerClassElem = webAppDoc.createElementNS(NS_J2EE, ELEM_LISTENER_CLASS); XmlUtil.setStringValue(listenerClassElem, IntegrationConfigurator.class.getName()); listenerElem.appendChild(listenerClassElem); } }