Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Red Hat, Inc. * Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * This program is made available under the terms of the * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributor: * Nick Boldt (Red Hat, Inc.) - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.WagonManager; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon; import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.Repository; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.jboss.dmr.Property; /** * This class performs the following: * * a) for a list of projects and a single plugin in current repo * * b) retrieve the MANIFEST.MF file: * *!/META-INF/ * MANIFEST.MF * * c) parse out the commitId from Eclipse-SourceReferences: * * Eclipse-SourceReferences: scm:git: * ools-base.git;path="usage/plugins/";commitId=184 * e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4 * * d) turn those into SHAs, eg., 184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4 * * e) fetch source zips for those SHAs, eg., * and save as * * * digest file listing: * * github project, plugin, version, SHA, origin/branch@SHA, remote zipfile, local zipfile * * jbosstools-base,, 1.2.100.Alpha2-v20140221-1555-B437, 184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4, * origin/jbosstools-4.1.x@184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4,, * * * f) unpack each source zip and combine them into a single zip * * For example, see repository-utils/src/main/resources/fetch-sources-from-manifests-example.pom.xml * */ @Mojo(name = "fetch-sources-from-manifests", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PACKAGE) public class FetchSourcesFromManifests extends AbstractMojo { // Two modes of operation when merging zips: either store them in cache folder, or just delete them private static final int CACHE_ZIPS = 1; private static final int PURGE_ZIPS = 2; @Parameter(property = "project", required = true, readonly = true) private MavenProject project; /** * Map of projects to plugins, so we know where to get the SHA (git * revision) * * sourceFetchMap> * jbosstools-aerogear></jbosstools-aerogear> * jbosstools-arquillian></jbosstools-arquillian> * jbosstools-base></jbosstools-base> * jbosstools-birt></jbosstools-birt> * jbosstools-central></jbosstools-central> * jbosstools-forge></jbosstools-forge> * jbosstools-freemarker>org.jboss.ide.eclipse.freemarker</jbosstools-freemarker> * jbosstools-gwt></jbosstools-gwt> * jbosstools-hibernate>org.hibernate.eclipse</jbosstools-hibernate> * jbosstools-javaee></jbosstools-javaee> * jbosstools-jst></jbosstools-jst> * jbosstools-livereload></jbosstools-livereload> * jbosstools-openshift></jbosstools-openshift> * jbosstools-portlet></jbosstools-portlet> * jbosstools-server></jbosstools-server> * jbosstools-vpe></jbosstools-vpe> * jbosstools-webservices></jbosstools-webservices> * /sourceFetchMap> */ @Parameter private Map<String, String> sourceFetchMap; /** * Alternative location to look for zips. Here is the order to process zip * research * * 1. Look for zip in zipCacheFolder = ${basedir}/cache * 2. Look for zip in outputFolder = ${basedir}/zips * 3. Look for zip at expected URL */ @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.zipCacheFolder", defaultValue = "${basedir}/cache") private File zipCacheFolder; /** * Location where to put zips and other metadata * * @parameter default-value="${basedir}/zips" property="fetch-sources-from-manifests.outputFolder" */ @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.outputFolder", defaultValue = "${basedir}/zips") private File outputFolder; /** * Location where to put zips * * @parameter default-value="${basedir}/zips/all" property="fetch-sources-from-manifests.zipsDirectory" */ @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.zipsDirectory", defaultValue = "${basedir}/zips/all") private File zipsDirectory; // the zip file to be created; default is "" but can override here /* old default was /fullSite/all/ but since full-site is deprecated @since JBT 4.5.1.AM2, new default is / */ @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.sourcesZip", defaultValue = "${}/") private File sourcesZip; // the folder at the root of the zip; default is "!sources/" but can override here @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.sourcesZipRootFolder", defaultValue = "sources") private String sourcesZipRootFolder; @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.columnSeparator", defaultValue = ",") private String columnSeparator; @Parameter(property = "fetch-sources-from-manifests.skip", defaultValue = "false") private boolean skip; /* JBIDE-22870 jbosstools now builds using jgit timestamps, it's impossible to define a single plugin which is representative of the whole project when checking for the latest SHA - each plugin in a project may have a different latest SHA, which is different from the latest SHA on that branch. Therefore the default value here will be changed to true, to skip this check entirely. For projects which use the old tycho default timestamp provider, you can set this to false with -DskipCheckSHAs=false */ @Parameter(property = "skipCheckSHAs", defaultValue = "true") private boolean skipCheckSHAs; Properties allBuildProperties = new Properties(); Set<File> zipFiles = new HashSet<File>(); /** * @component */ @Component private WagonManager wagonManager; private String MANIFEST = "MANIFEST.MF"; public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (!skip) { if (this.zipCacheFolder == null) { this.zipCacheFolder = new File(project.getBasedir() + File.separator + "cache" + File.separator); } if (this.zipCacheFolder != null && !this.zipCacheFolder.isDirectory()) { try { if (!this.zipCacheFolder.exists()) { this.zipCacheFolder.mkdirs(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("'zipCacheFolder' must be a directory", ex); } } if (this.outputFolder == null) { this.outputFolder = new File(project.getBasedir() + File.separator + "zips" + File.separator); } if (this.outputFolder.equals(this.zipCacheFolder)) { throw new MojoExecutionException("zipCacheFolder and outputFolder can not be the same folder"); } zipsDirectory = new File(this.outputFolder, "all"); if (!zipsDirectory.exists()) { zipsDirectory.mkdirs(); } File digestFile = new File(this.outputFolder, "ALL_REVISIONS.txt"); FileWriter dfw; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String branch = project.getProperties().getProperty("mvngit.branch"); sb.append("-=> " + project.getGroupId() + ":" + project.getArtifactId() + ":" + project.getVersion() + columnSeparator + branch + " <=-\n"); String pluginPath = project.getBasedir() + File.separator + "target" + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "plugins"; String sep = " " + columnSeparator + " "; if (sourceFetchMap == null) { getLog().warn( "No <sourceFetchMap> defined in pom. Can't fetch sources without a list of plugins. Did you forget to enable fetch-source-zips profile?"); } else { for (String projectName : this.sourceFetchMap.keySet()) { String pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl = this.sourceFetchMap.get(projectName); // jbosstools-base = getLog().debug("For project " + projectName + ": plugin name or buildinfo.json = " + pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl); String SHA = null; String qualifier = null; String SHASource = null; // if the value is a buildinfo.json URL, not a plugin name if ((pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl.startsWith("http") || pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl.startsWith("ftp")) && pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl.matches(".+buildinfo.*json")) { getLog().debug("Read JSON from: " + pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl); ModelNode obj; try { obj = ModelNode.fromJSONStream((new URL(pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl)).openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Problem occurred reading " + pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl, e); } SHA = getSHA(obj); getLog().debug("Found SHA = " + SHA); // create qualifier from buildinfo.json BUILD_ALIAS and ZIPSUFFIX qualifier = getProperty(obj, "BUILD_ALIAS") + "-" + getProperty(obj, "ZIPSUFFIX"); getLog().debug("Found qualifier = " + qualifier); SHASource = pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl; } else { // find the first matching plugin jar, eg., target/repository/plugins/ File[] matchingFiles = listFilesMatching(new File(pluginPath), pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl + "_.+\\.jar"); // for (File file : matchingFiles) getLog().debug(file.toString()); if (matchingFiles.length < 1) { throw new MojoExecutionException("No matching plugin found in " + pluginPath + " for " + pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl + "_.+\\.jar.\nCheck your pom.xml for this line: <" + projectName + ">" + pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl + "</" + projectName + ">"); } File jarFile = matchingFiles[0]; File manifestFile = null; try { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(jarFile); manifestFile = File.createTempFile(MANIFEST, ""); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(manifestFile); BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(fin); ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(bin); ZipEntry ze = null; while ((ze = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) { // getLog().debug(ze.getName()); if (ze.getName().equals("META-INF/" + MANIFEST)) { // getLog().debug("Found " + ze.getName() + " in " + // jarFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int len; while ((len = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, len); } out.close(); break; } } zin.close(); // getLog().debug("Saved " + jarFile + "!/META-INF/" + MANIFEST); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error extracting " + MANIFEST + " from " + jarFile, ex); } // retrieve the MANIFEST.MF file, eg.,!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest manifest; try { manifest = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(manifestFile)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while reading manifest file " + MANIFEST, ex); } // parse out the commitId from Eclipse-SourceReferences: // scm:git:;path="usage/plugins/";commitId=184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4 Attributes attr = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String ESR = null; SHA = null; ESR = attr.getValue("Eclipse-SourceReferences"); // getLog().debug(ESR); if (ESR != null) { SHA = ESR.substring(ESR.lastIndexOf(";commitId=") + 10); // getLog().debug(SHA); } else { SHA = "UNKNOWN"; } // cleanup manifestFile.delete(); qualifier = getQualifier(pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl, jarFile.toString(), true); SHASource = removePrefix(jarFile.toString(), pluginPath) + " " + MANIFEST; } // fetch github source archive for that SHA, eg., // to String URL = ""; String outputZipName = ""; try { if (SHA == null || SHA.equals("UNKNOWN")) { getLog().warn("Cannot fetch " + projectName + " sources: no Eclipse-SourceReferences in " + SHASource); } else { URL = "" + projectName + "/archive/" + SHA + ".zip"; outputZipName = projectName + "_" + SHA + ""; fetchUpstreamSourcesZip(projectName, SHA); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while downloading github source archive", ex); } // github project, plugin, version, SHA, origin/branch@SHA, remote zipfile, local zipfile String revisionLine = projectName + sep + pluginNameOrBuildInfoJsonUrl + sep + qualifier + sep + SHA + sep + "origin/" + branch + "@" + SHA + sep + URL + sep + outputZipName + "\n"; // getLog().debug(revisionLine); sb.append(revisionLine); } } /* JBIDE-19467 check if SHA in buildinfo_projectName.json matches Note: this may fail if you've built stuff locally because those plugins will use different SHAs (eg., from a pull-request topic branch) To test this is working via commandline shell equivalent cd jbosstools-build-sites/aggregate/site for j in target/buildinfo/buildinfo_jbosstools-*; do echo -n $j; k=${j##*_}; k=${k/.json}; echo " :: $k"; cat $j | grep HEAD | head -1 | sed "s#[\t\w\ ]\+\"HEAD\" : \"\(.\+\)\",#0: \1#"; ls cache/${k}_* | sed -e "s#cache/${k}_\(.\+\) \1#"; echo ""; done */ if (skipCheckSHAs) { getLog().warn( "skipCheckSHAs=true :: Skip check that buildinfo_*.json HEAD SHA matches MANIFEST.MF Eclipse-SourceReferences commitId SHA."); } else { File buildinfoFolder = new File(this.project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "buildinfo"); if (buildinfoFolder.isDirectory()) { try { File[] buildInfoFiles = listFilesMatching(buildinfoFolder, "buildinfo_.+.json"); for (int i = 0; i < buildInfoFiles.length; i++) { InputStream in = null; ModelNode obj = null; String upstreamSHA = null; String upstreamProjectName = buildInfoFiles[i].toString() .replaceAll(".+buildinfo_(.+).json", "$1"); getLog().debug(i + ": " + buildInfoFiles[i].toString() + " :: " + upstreamProjectName); try { getLog().debug("Read JSON from: " + buildInfoFiles[i].toString()); in = new FileInputStream(buildInfoFiles[i]); obj = ModelNode.fromJSONStream(in); upstreamSHA = getSHA(obj); getLog().debug("Found SHA = " + upstreamSHA); // check if there's a file called String outputZipName = upstreamProjectName + "_" + upstreamSHA + ""; File outputZipFile = new File(zipsDirectory, outputZipName); if (!outputZipFile.isFile()) { getLog().debug("Check " + outputFolder.toString() + " for " + upstreamProjectName + ""); // find the sources we DID download, eg., File[] wrongZipFiles = listFilesMatching(zipsDirectory, upstreamProjectName + ""); String wrongZips = ""; for (int j = 0; j < wrongZipFiles.length; j++) { getLog().debug(wrongZipFiles[j].toString()); wrongZips += (wrongZips.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + wrongZipFiles[j].toString() .replaceAll(".+" + upstreamProjectName + "_(.+)", "$1"); } if (!wrongZips.isEmpty()) { throw new MojoFailureException("\n\n" + buildInfoFiles[i].toString() + "\ncontains " + upstreamSHA + ", but upstream " + upstreamProjectName + " project's MANIFEST.MF has Eclipse-SourceReferences \n" + "commitId " + wrongZips + ". \n\n" + "If you have locally built projects which are being aggregated here, ensure \n" + "they are built from the latest SHA from HEAD, not a local topic branch. \n\n" + "It's also possible that some recent changes have not yet been built upstream. \n" + "If that's the case, trigger a build for the " + upstreamProjectName + " project \n" + "to ensure that the latest commits have been built and can be aggregated here. \n\n" + "Or, use -DskipCheckSHAs=true to bypass this check.\n\n"); // JBIDE-22808 } else { getLog().warn("\n" + buildInfoFiles[i].toString() + "\ncontains " + upstreamSHA + ", but upstream " + upstreamProjectName + " project's MANIFEST.MF has no Eclipse-SourceReferences commitId.\n" + "Using sources from " + upstreamSHA + "."); // fetch sources from upstreamProjectName's upstreamSHA (but do not log in the digestFile) fetchUpstreamSourcesZip(upstreamProjectName, upstreamSHA); } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Problem occurred checking upstream buildinfo.json files!", ex); } } } /* JBIDE-19467 check if SHA in buildinfo_projectName.json matches Note: this may fail if you've built stuff locally because those plugins will use different SHAs (eg., from a pull-request topic branch) To test this is working via commandline shell equivalent cd jbosstools-build-sites/aggregate/site for j in target/buildinfo/buildinfo_jbosstools-*; do echo -n $j; k=${j##*_}; k=${k/.json}; echo " :: $k"; cat $j | grep HEAD | head -1 | sed "s#[\t\w\ ]\+\"HEAD\" : \"\(.\+\)\",#0: \1#"; ls cache/${k}_* | sed -e "s#cache/${k}_\(.\+\) \1#"; echo ""; done */ if (skipCheckSHAs) { getLog().warn( "skipCheckSHAs=true :: Skip check that buildinfo_*.json HEAD SHA matches MANIFEST.MF Eclipse-SourceReferences commitId SHA."); } else { File buildinfoFolder = new File(this.project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "buildinfo"); if (buildinfoFolder.isDirectory()) { try { File[] buildInfoFiles = listFilesMatching(buildinfoFolder, "buildinfo_.+.json"); for (int i = 0; i < buildInfoFiles.length; i++) { InputStream in = null; ModelNode obj = null; String upstreamSHA = null; String upstreamProjectName = buildInfoFiles[i].toString() .replaceAll(".+buildinfo_(.+).json", "$1"); getLog().debug(i + ": " + buildInfoFiles[i].toString() + " :: " + upstreamProjectName); try { getLog().debug("Read JSON from: " + buildInfoFiles[i].toString()); in = new FileInputStream(buildInfoFiles[i]); obj = ModelNode.fromJSONStream(in); upstreamSHA = getSHA(obj); getLog().debug("Found SHA = " + upstreamSHA); // check if there's a file called String outputZipName = upstreamProjectName + "_" + upstreamSHA + ""; File outputZipFile = new File(zipsDirectory, outputZipName); if (!outputZipFile.isFile()) { getLog().debug("Check " + outputFolder.toString() + " for " + upstreamProjectName + ""); // find the sources we DID download, eg., File[] wrongZipFiles = listFilesMatching(zipsDirectory, upstreamProjectName + ""); String wrongZips = ""; for (int j = 0; j < wrongZipFiles.length; j++) { getLog().debug(wrongZipFiles[j].toString()); wrongZips += (wrongZips.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + wrongZipFiles[j].toString() .replaceAll(".+" + upstreamProjectName + "_(.+)", "$1"); } if (!wrongZips.isEmpty()) { throw new MojoFailureException("\n" + buildInfoFiles[i].toString() + "\ncontains " + upstreamSHA + ", but upstream " + upstreamProjectName + " project's MANIFEST.MF has Eclipse-SourceReferences\ncommitId " + wrongZips + ". \nIf you have locally built projects which are aggregated here, \nensure they are built from the latest SHA from HEAD, not a local topic branch.\n" + "Or, use -DskipCheckSHAs=true to bypass this check."); } else { getLog().warn("\n" + buildInfoFiles[i].toString() + "\ncontains " + upstreamSHA + ", but upstream " + upstreamProjectName + " project's MANIFEST.MF has no Eclipse-SourceReferences commitId.\n" + "Using sources from " + upstreamSHA + "."); // fetch sources from upstreamProjectName's upstreamSHA (but do not log in the digestFile) fetchUpstreamSourcesZip(upstreamProjectName, upstreamSHA); } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Problem occurred checking upstream buildinfo.json files!", ex); } } } // JBDS-3364 JBDS-3208 JBIDE-19467 when not using, unpack downloaded source zips and combine them into a single zip createCombinedZipFile(zipsDirectory, zipFiles, CACHE_ZIPS); // getLog().debug("Generating aggregate site metadata"); try { { File buildPropertiesAllXml = new File(this.outputFolder, ""); if (!buildPropertiesAllXml.exists()) { buildPropertiesAllXml.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream xmlOut = new FileOutputStream(buildPropertiesAllXml); allBuildProperties.storeToXML(xmlOut, null); xmlOut.close(); } { File buildPropertiesFileTxt = new File(this.outputFolder, ""); if (!buildPropertiesFileTxt.exists()) { buildPropertiesFileTxt.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream textOut = new FileOutputStream(buildPropertiesFileTxt);, null); textOut.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while creating 'metadata' files", ex); } try { dfw = new FileWriter(digestFile); dfw.write(sb.toString()); dfw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error writing to " + digestFile.toString(), ex); } // getLog().debug("Written to " + digestFile.toString() + ":\n\n" + sb.toString()); } else { getLog().info("fetch-sources-from-manifests (fetch-sources) :: skipped."); } } private void fetchUpstreamSourcesZip(String projectName, String SHA) throws Exception { String URL = "" + projectName + "/archive/" + SHA + ".zip"; String outputZipName = projectName + "_" + SHA + ""; File outputZipFile = new File(zipsDirectory, outputZipName); boolean diduseCache = false; if (this.zipCacheFolder != null && this.zipCacheFolder.exists()) { File cachedZip = new File(this.zipCacheFolder, outputZipName); if (cachedZip.exists()) { FileUtils.copyFile(cachedZip, outputZipFile); getLog().debug( "Copied " + removePrefix(outputZipFile.getAbsolutePath(), project.getBasedir().toString())); getLog().debug( " From " + removePrefix(cachedZip.getAbsolutePath(), project.getBasedir().toString())); diduseCache = true; } } // scrub out old versions that we don't want in the cache anymore File[] matchingSourceZips = listFilesMatching(this.zipCacheFolder, projectName + "_.+\\.zip"); for (int i = 0; i < matchingSourceZips.length; i++) { // don't delete the file we want, only all others matching if (!outputZipFile.getName().equals(matchingSourceZips[i].getName())) { getLog().warn("Delete " + matchingSourceZips[i].getName()); matchingSourceZips[i].delete(); } } File[] matchingSourceMD5s = listFilesMatching(this.zipCacheFolder, projectName + "_.+\\.zip\\.MD5"); for (int i = 0; i < matchingSourceMD5s.length; i++) { // don't delete the file we want, only all others matching or .MD5 if (!(outputZipFile.getName() + ".MD5").equals(matchingSourceMD5s[i].getName())) { getLog().warn("Delete " + matchingSourceMD5s[i].getName()); matchingSourceMD5s[i].delete(); } } String outputZipFolder = outputZipFile.toString().replaceAll("", ""); if (!diduseCache && (!outputZipFile.exists() || !(new File(outputZipFolder).exists()))) { doGet(URL, outputZipFile, true); } allBuildProperties.put(outputZipName + ".filename", outputZipName); allBuildProperties.put(outputZipName + ".filesize", Long.toString(outputZipName.length())); getLog().debug("Add " + outputZipName + " to zipFiles(" + zipFiles.size() + ") ..."); zipFiles.add(new File(outputZipName)); getLog().debug("Added to zipFiles(" + zipFiles.size() + ")."); } /* * Given a set of zip files, unpack them and merge them into a single combined source zip * If mode == PURGE_ZIPS, delete zips to save disk space, keeping only the combined zip * If mode == CACHE_ZIPS, move zips into cache folder * */ private void createCombinedZipFile(File zipsDirectory, Set<File> zipFiles, int mode) throws MojoExecutionException { String combinedZipName = sourcesZip.getAbsolutePath(); File combinedZipFile = new File(combinedZipName); String fullUnzipPath = zipsDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + sourcesZipRootFolder; File fullUnzipDir = new File(fullUnzipPath); fullUnzipDir.mkdirs(); // unpack the zips into a temp folder for (File outputFile : zipFiles) { try { String zipFileName = zipsDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + outputFile.getName(); getLog().debug("Unpacking: " + zipFileName); getLog().debug("Unpack to: " + fullUnzipPath); // unpack zip unzipToDirectory(zipFileName, fullUnzipPath); File zipFile = new File(zipFileName); if (mode == PURGE_ZIPS) { // delete downloaded zip getLog().debug("Delete zip: " + zipFileName); zipFile.delete(); } else if (mode == CACHE_ZIPS) { // move downloaded zip into cache folder getLog().debug("Cache " + zipFileName + " in " + this.zipCacheFolder); zipFile.renameTo(new File(this.zipCacheFolder, zipFile.getName())); } } catch (ZipException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error unpacking " + outputFile.toString() + " to " + fullUnzipPath, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error unpacking " + outputFile.toString() + " to " + fullUnzipPath, ex); } } // JBIDE-19814 - include local sources in jbosstools-project-SHA folder (jbosstools-build-sites or jbdevstudio-product) // get project name & SHA (from .git metadata) - needed for sourcesZipRootFolder/projectName-SHA folder Properties properties = new Properties(); String projectURL = null; String projectName = null; String projectSHA = null; try { properties.load(new FileInputStream( this.project.getBuild().getDirectory() + File.separator + "")); // as defined by build-sites/aggregate/site/pom.xml getLog().debug("git.remote.origin.url = " + properties.get("git.remote.origin.url").toString()); // could be or git:// projectURL = properties.get("git.remote.origin.url").toString(); projectName = projectURL.replaceAll(".+/([^/]+).git", "$1"); getLog().debug(" = " + properties.get("").toString()); //5bfba37d042200ae71089678b6a441b57dd00d1f projectSHA = properties.get("").toString(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error loading " + this.project.getBuild().getDirectory() + File.separator + "", ex); } String localCleanSourcesDir = null; if (projectName != null) { if (projectSHA != null) { // might get projectName = so scrub out invalid characters getLog().debug("projectName = " + projectName); localCleanSourcesDir = projectName.replaceAll("[@:/]+", "_") + "-" + projectSHA; getLog().debug("localCleanSourcesDir = " + localCleanSourcesDir); } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not compute projectSHA!"); } } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not compute projectName or projectSHA!"); } File repoRoot = null; try { repoRoot = GenerateRepositoryFacadeMojo.findRepoRoot(this.project.getBasedir()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Repo root not found in " + this.project.getBasedir(), ex); } getLog().debug("repoRoot = " + repoRoot); // clone local sources into combinedZipFile (dirty files revert to their clean state) File gitSourcesArchive = new File("/tmp/" + localCleanSourcesDir + ".zip"); // /tmp/ getLog().debug("cd " + repoRoot + "; git archive --prefix " + localCleanSourcesDir + " -o " + gitSourcesArchive + " HEAD"); String command = "git archive --prefix " + localCleanSourcesDir + "/ -o " + gitSourcesArchive + " HEAD"; try { // Note: this can be run from any subfolder in the project tree, but if we run from the root we get everything (not just site/ but jbosstools-build-sites/aggregate/site/) // from Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = rt.exec(command, null, repoRoot); StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR"); StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT"); errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); int exitVal = proc.waitFor(); getLog().debug("Runtime.getRuntime.exec() - exit value: " + exitVal); getLog().debug("Packed to: " + gitSourcesArchive); double filesize = gitSourcesArchive.length(); getLog().debug( "Pack size: " + (filesize >= 1024 * 1024 ? String.format("%.1f", filesize / 1024 / 1024) + " M" : String.format("%.1f", filesize / 1024) + " k")); unzipToDirectory(gitSourcesArchive, fullUnzipPath); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error cloning from " + repoRoot.toString() + " to " + gitSourcesArchive, ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error cloning from " + repoRoot.toString() + " to " + gitSourcesArchive, ex); } // JBIDE-19798 - copy target/buildinfo/buildinfo*.json into sourcesZipRootFolder/buildinfo/ File buildinfoFolder = new File(this.project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "buildinfo"); if (buildinfoFolder.isDirectory()) { try { File buildinfoFolderCopy = new File(fullUnzipPath, "buildinfo"); FileUtils.copyDirectory(buildinfoFolder, buildinfoFolderCopy); getLog().debug("Pack from: " + buildinfoFolderCopy); // remove dupe buildinfo/buildinfo_jbosstools-build-sites.json if projectName = jbosstools-build-sites (should not have an upstream that's the same as the local project) File dupeUpstreamBuildinfoFile = new File( buildinfoFolderCopy + File.separator + "buildinfo_" + projectName + ".json"); if (dupeUpstreamBuildinfoFile.isFile()) { dupeUpstreamBuildinfoFile.delete(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error copying buildinfo files to " + fullUnzipPath + File.separator + "buildinfo", e); } } else { getLog().warn("No buildinfo files found in " + buildinfoFolder.toString()); } // add the unzipped upstream sources & buildinfo into the existing local sources zip try { getLog().debug("Pack from: " + fullUnzipPath); zipDirectory(fullUnzipDir.getParentFile(), combinedZipFile); getLog().debug("Packed to: " + combinedZipFile.getAbsolutePath()); double filesize = combinedZipFile.length(); getLog().debug( "Pack size: " + (filesize >= 1024 * 1024 ? String.format("%.1f", filesize / 1024 / 1024) + " M" : String.format("%.1f", filesize / 1024) + " k")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error packing " + combinedZipFile, e); } // delete temp folder with upstream sources; delete temp zip with git archive sources try { getLog().debug("Delete dir: " + fullUnzipPath); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(fullUnzipPath)); gitSourcesArchive.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("IO Exception:", ex); } } // from static public void unzipToDirectory(String zipFile, String newPath) throws ZipException, IOException { unzipToDirectory(new File(zipFile), newPath); } static public void unzipToDirectory(File file, String newPath) throws ZipException, IOException { int BUFFER = 2048; ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(file); (new File(newPath)).mkdirs(); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipFileEntries = zip.entries(); // Process each entry while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) { // grab a zip file entry ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement(); String currentEntry = entry.getName(); File destFile = new File(newPath, currentEntry); File destinationParent = destFile.getParentFile(); // create the parent directory structure if needed destinationParent.mkdirs(); if (!entry.isDirectory()) { BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zip.getInputStream(entry)); int currentByte; // establish buffer for writing file byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER]; // write the current file to disk FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile); BufferedOutputStream dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER); // read and write until last byte is encountered while ((currentByte =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) { dest.write(data, 0, currentByte); } dest.flush(); dest.close(); is.close(); } } zip.close(); } // from public static void zipDirectory(File dir, File zipFile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(zipFile); ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(fout); zipSubDirectory("", dir, zout); zout.flush(); zout.close(); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } // from private static void zipSubDirectory(String basePath, File dir, ZipOutputStream zout) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { String path = basePath + file.getName() + "/"; zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(path)); zipSubDirectory(path, file, zout); zout.closeEntry(); } else { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(basePath + file.getName())); int length; while ((length = > 0) { zout.write(buffer, 0, length); } zout.closeEntry(); fin.close(); } } } // given: prefix = // given: stringToTrim = target/repository/plugins/ // return: 3.6.0.Alpha2-v20140304-0055-B440.jar private String removePrefix(String stringToTrim, String prefix) { return stringToTrim.substring(stringToTrim.lastIndexOf(prefix) + prefix.length() + 1); } // given: pluginName = // given: jarFileName = target/repository/plugins/ // return 3.6.0.Alpha2-v20140304-0055-B440 (if full = true) // return Alpha2-v20140304-0055-B440 (if full = false) private String getQualifier(String pluginName, String jarFileName, boolean full) { // trim .../pluginName prefix String qualifier = removePrefix(jarFileName, pluginName); // trim .jar suffix qualifier = qualifier.substring(0, qualifier.length() - 4); // getLog().debug("qualifier[0] = " + qualifier); return full ? qualifier : qualifier.replaceAll("^(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)", ""); } // thanks to // public static File[] listFilesMatching(File root, String regex) throws MojoExecutionException { if (!root.isDirectory()) { throw new MojoExecutionException(root + " is not a directory."); } final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); return root.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File file) { return p.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); } }); } // sourced from private void doGet(String url, File outputFile, boolean unpack) throws Exception { String[] segments = url.split("/"); String file = segments[segments.length - 1]; String repoUrl = url.substring(0, url.length() - file.length() - 1); Repository repository = new Repository(repoUrl, repoUrl); Wagon wagon = this.wagonManager.getWagon(repository.getProtocol()); // TODO: this should be retrieved from wagonManager // com.googlecode.ConsoleDownloadMonitor downloadMonitor = new com.googlecode.ConsoleDownloadMonitor(); // wagon.addTransferListener(downloadMonitor); wagon.connect(repository, this.wagonManager.getProxy(repository.getProtocol())); wagon.get(file, outputFile); wagon.disconnect(); // wagon.removeTransferListener(downloadMonitor); double filesize = outputFile.length(); getLog().info("Downloaded: " + outputFile.getName() + " (" + (filesize >= 1024 * 1024 ? String.format("%.1f", filesize / 1024 / 1024) + " M)" : String.format("%.1f", filesize / 1024) + " k)")); } // for a given JSON object, find /revision/HEAD, then extract the latest revision SHA from the git repo URL private String getSHA(ModelNode obj) { String projectSHA = null; for (Property prop : obj.get("revision").asPropertyList()) { if (projectSHA == null && prop.getName().equals("HEAD")) { // this is a ModelNode; want the zeroth named key "url" projectSHA = prop.getValue().asString(); getLog().debug("Upstream SHA: " + projectSHA); } } return projectSHA; } // for a given JSON object, find /properties/BUILD_ALIAS private String getProperty(ModelNode obj, String propertyName) { String theProperty = null; for (Property prop : obj.get("properties").asPropertyList()) { if (theProperty == null && prop.getName().equals(propertyName)) { // this is a ModelNode; want the zeroth named key "url" theProperty = prop.getValue().asString(); getLog().debug("Upstream " + propertyName + ": " + theProperty); } } return theProperty; } } // from class StreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream is; String type; StreamGobbler(InputStream is, String type) { = is; this.type = type; } public void run() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(type + ">" + line); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } }