Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.Aphrodite; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.common.Utils; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.config.AphroditeConfig; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.domain.CommitStatus; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.domain.Label; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.domain.PullRequest; import org.jboss.set.aphrodite.domain.spi.PullRequestHome; import; import org.kohsuke.github.GHCommitState; import org.kohsuke.github.GHCommitStatus; import org.kohsuke.github.GHIssue; import org.kohsuke.github.GHLabel; import org.kohsuke.github.GHPullRequest; import org.kohsuke.github.GHPullRequestCommitDetail; import org.kohsuke.github.GHPullRequestReview; import org.kohsuke.github.GHPullRequestReviewBuilder; import org.kohsuke.github.GHPullRequestReviewEvent; import org.kohsuke.github.GHPullRequestReviewState; import org.kohsuke.github.GHRepository; import org.kohsuke.github.GHUser; import static; import static; import static; /** * Service implementation of {@link PullRequestHome}. This helps to detach pull request specific methods in * {@link GitHubRepositoryService} and allow to call them from pull request itself once this service implementation registered * in container. */ public class GithubPullRequestHomeService extends AbstractGithubService implements PullRequestHome { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory .getLog(; private static final GitHubWrapper WRAPPER = new GitHubWrapper(); public GithubPullRequestHomeService(Aphrodite aphrodite) { super(RepositoryType.GITHUB); AphroditeConfig configuration = aphrodite.getConfig(); this.init(configuration); } @Override public List<PullRequest> findReferencedPullRequests(PullRequest pullRequest) { try { List<URL> urls = getPRFromDescription(pullRequest.getURL(), pullRequest.getBody()); List<PullRequest> referencedPullRequests = new ArrayList<>(); for (URL url : urls) { // Only try and retrieve pull request if it is located on the same host as this service if (url.getHost().equals(baseUrl.getHost())) { PullRequest validPullRequest = getPullRequest(url); if (validPullRequest != null) { referencedPullRequests.add(getPullRequest(url)); } } else { Utils.logWarnMessage(LOG, "Unable to process url '" + url + "' as it is not located on this service"); } } return referencedPullRequests; } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, "error to get referenced pull requests to " + pullRequest.getURL(), e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } private PullRequest getPullRequest(URL url) { String[] elements = url.getPath().split("/"); int pullId = Integer.parseInt(elements[elements.length - 1]); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHPullRequest pullRequest = repository.getPullRequest(pullId); return WRAPPER.pullRequestToPullRequest(pullRequest); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, "Unable to retrieve pull request from url " + url, e); return null; } } @Override public boolean addComment(PullRequest pullRequest, String comment) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); int id = Integer.parseInt(pullRequest.getId()); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHIssue issue = repository.getIssue(id); issue.comment(comment); return true; } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); return false; } } @Override public List<Label> getLabels(PullRequest pullRequest) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHIssue issue = repository.getIssue(Integer.parseInt(pullRequest.getId())); return WRAPPER.pullRequestLabeltoPullRequestLabel(issue.getLabels()); } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public boolean setLabels(PullRequest pullRequest, List<Label> labels) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); int pullRequestId = new Integer(Utils.getTrailingValueFromUrlPath(url)); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHIssue issue = repository.getIssue(pullRequestId); List<GHLabel> issueLabels = new ArrayList<>(); List<GHLabel> existingLabels = repository.listLabels().asList(); for (Label label : labels) { GHLabel validLabel = validAndGetLabel(repository, label, existingLabels); if (validLabel != null) { issueLabels.add(validLabel); } } List<String> list = -> e.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); String[] labelArray = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); issue.setLabels(labelArray); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean addLabel(PullRequest pullRequest, Label label) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); int pullRequestId = new Integer(Utils.getTrailingValueFromUrlPath(url)); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); List<GHLabel> existingLabels = repository.listLabels().asList(); GHLabel newLabel = validAndGetLabel(repository, label, existingLabels); if (newLabel == null) { Utils.logWarnMessage(LOG, "No label exists with name '" + label.getName() + "' at repository '" + repository.getName() + "'"); return false; } GHIssue issue = repository.getIssue(pullRequestId); Collection<GHLabel> labels = issue.getLabels(); if (labels.contains(newLabel)) { return true; // label is already existed. } List<String> list = -> e.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); list.add(newLabel.getName()); String[] labelArray = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); issue.setLabels(labelArray); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); return false; } return true; } private GHLabel validAndGetLabel(GHRepository repository, Label label, List<GHLabel> existingLabels) throws IOException { for (GHLabel exsitingLabel : existingLabels) { if (exsitingLabel.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(label.getName())) return exsitingLabel; } return null; } @Override public boolean removeLabel(PullRequest pullRequest, Label label) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); String labelName = label.getName(); int pullRequestId = new Integer(Utils.getTrailingValueFromUrlPath(url)); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHIssue issue = repository.getIssue(pullRequestId); Collection<GHLabel> labels = issue.getLabels(); for (GHLabel l : labels) if (l.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(labelName)) { // remove the label and reset List<String> list = -> e.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); list.remove(l.getName()); String[] labelArray = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); issue.setLabels(labelArray); return true; } } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); return false; } Utils.logWarnMessage(LOG, "No label exists with name '" + labelName + "' at repository '" + repositoryId + "'"); return false; } @Override public CommitStatus getCommitStatus(PullRequest pullRequest) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); CommitStatus status = null; int pullRequestId = Integer.parseInt(pullRequest.getId()); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { String sha = null; GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHPullRequest ghPullRequest = repository.getPullRequest(pullRequestId); List<GHPullRequestCommitDetail> commits = ghPullRequest.listCommits().asList(); if (commits.size() > 0) { sha = commits.get(commits.size() - 1).getSha(); } // statuses contains Finished and Started TeamCity Build List<GHCommitStatus> statuses = repository.listCommitStatuses(sha).asList(); if (statuses.size() > 0) { GHCommitState sta = getCombineStatus(statuses); if (sta != null) status = CommitStatus.fromString(sta.toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); return CommitStatus.UNKNOWN; } if (status != null) { return status; } else { return CommitStatus.UNKNOWN; } } @Override public void approveOnPullRequest(PullRequest pullRequest) { // if we set to null, it will actually set "" to comment createSimplePullRequestReview(pullRequest, GHPullRequestReviewEvent.APPROVE, ""); } @Override public void requestChangesOnPullRequest(PullRequest pullRequest, String body) { createSimplePullRequestReview(pullRequest, GHPullRequestReviewEvent.REQUEST_CHANGES, body); } private GHPullRequestReview findReviewStateByUser(PullRequest pullRequest, GHUser user) { URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); int pullRequestId = Integer.parseInt(pullRequest.getId()); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHPullRequest ghPullRequest = repository.getPullRequest(pullRequestId); List<GHPullRequestReview> reviews = ghPullRequest.listReviews().asList(); ListIterator<GHPullRequestReview> li = reviews.listIterator(reviews.size()); // Iterate in reverse. created date and updated date are always Null, Is this really safe? while (li.hasPrevious()) { GHPullRequestReview review = li.previous(); if (review.getUser().equals(user)) return review; } } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); } return null; } private void createSimplePullRequestReview(PullRequest pullRequest, GHPullRequestReviewEvent event, String body) { GHPullRequestReview review = findReviewStateByUser(pullRequest, user); if (review != null && skipReviewEvent(event, review.getState()) && review.getBody().equals(body)) { return; // skip if review state and comment is unchanged. } URL url = pullRequest.getURL(); int pullRequestId = Integer.parseInt(pullRequest.getId()); String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); GHPullRequest ghPullRequest = repository.getPullRequest(pullRequestId); GHPullRequestReviewBuilder builder = ghPullRequest.createReview(); builder.event(event).body(body).create(); } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logException(LOG, e); } } // hack for review state and event, conversion method is not exposed from github-api private boolean skipReviewEvent(GHPullRequestReviewEvent event, GHPullRequestReviewState state) { if (event.equals(GHPullRequestReviewEvent.APPROVE) && state.equals(GHPullRequestReviewState.APPROVED)) { return true; } else if (event.equals(GHPullRequestReviewEvent.REQUEST_CHANGES) && state.equals(GHPullRequestReviewState.CHANGES_REQUESTED)) { return true; } else if (event.equals(GHPullRequestReviewEvent.PENDING) && state.equals(GHPullRequestReviewState.PENDING)) { return true; } else if (event.equals(GHPullRequestReviewEvent.COMMENT) && state.equals(GHPullRequestReviewState.COMMENTED)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean repositoryAccessable(URL url) { if (url.toString().contains("")) { // svn repository is not supported Utils.logWarnMessage(LOG, "svn repository : " + url + " is not supported."); return false; } String repositoryId = createRepositoryIdFromUrl(url); try { GHRepository repository = github.getRepository(repositoryId); repository.getBranches(); // action to test account repository accessibility } catch (IOException e) { Utils.logWarnMessage(LOG, "repository : " + url + " is not accessable due to " + e.getMessage() + ". Check repository link and your account permission."); return false; } return true; } @Override protected Log getLog() { return LOG; } }