Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * * This file is part of PressGang CCMS. * * PressGang CCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PressGang CCMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with PressGang CCMS. If not, see <>. */ package org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.utils; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.given; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyBoolean; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doCallRealMethod; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import net.sf.ipsedixit.annotation.Arbitrary; import net.sf.ipsedixit.annotation.ArbitraryNumber; import net.sf.ipsedixit.annotation.ArbitraryString; import net.sf.ipsedixit.core.StringType; import; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.ContentSpec; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.BaseUnitTest; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.commands.base.BaseCommandImpl; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.commands.base.TestUtil; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.config.ClientConfiguration; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.config.ContentSpecConfiguration; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.entities.Spec; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.entities.SpecList; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.utils.CSTransformer; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.utils.logging.ErrorLoggerManager; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.provider.RESTProviderFactory; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.provider.ServerSettingsProvider; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.provider.UserProvider; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.utils.common.FileUtilities; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.ContentSpecWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.PropertyTagInContentSpecWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.ServerEntitiesWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.ServerSettingsWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.TextContentSpecWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.UserWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.wrapper.collection.CollectionWrapper; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.zanata.ZanataDetails; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito; import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest; import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule; @PrepareForTest(FileUtilities.class) public class ClientUtilitiesTest extends BaseUnitTest { private static final String BOOK_TITLE = "Test"; private static final String EMPTY_FILE_NAME = "empty.txt"; @Rule public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule(); @Arbitrary Integer id; @Arbitrary Integer secondId; @ArbitraryNumber Integer checksum; @Arbitrary String randomString; @ArbitraryString(type = StringType.ALPHANUMERIC) String randomAlphanumString; @ArbitraryString(type = StringType.ALPHANUMERIC) String username; @Mock JCommander parser; @Mock ContentSpecConfiguration cspConfig; @Mock ClientConfiguration clientConfig; @Mock ContentSpec contentSpec; @Mock ErrorLoggerManager elm; @Mock BaseCommandImpl command; @Mock UserWrapper user; @Mock CSTransformer csTransformer; @Mock ContentSpecWrapper contentSpecWrapper; @Mock TextContentSpecWrapper textContentSpecWrapper; @Mock RESTProviderFactory providerFactory; @Mock UserProvider userProvider; @Mock ServerSettingsProvider serverSettingsProvider; @Mock ServerEntitiesWrapper serverEntities; @Mock ServerSettingsWrapper serverSettings; File rootTestDirectory; File bookDir; File emptyFile; @Before public void setUp() throws IOException { bindStdOut(); doCallRealMethod().when(command).printErrorAndShutdown(anyInt(), anyString(), anyBoolean()); // Return the test directory as the root directory rootTestDirectory = FileUtils.toFile(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("")); when(cspConfig.getRootOutputDirectory()).thenReturn(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator); // Make the book title directory bookDir = new File(rootTestDirectory, BOOK_TITLE); bookDir.mkdir(); // Make a empty file in that directory emptyFile = new File(bookDir, EMPTY_FILE_NAME); emptyFile.createNewFile(); // Set up the server settings mock TestUtil.setUpServerSettings(serverSettings, serverEntities); } @After public void cleanUp() throws IOException { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(bookDir); } @Test public void shouldAppendTrailingSlashToDirectoryLocation() { // Given a string that represents a directory String dir = "/example/dir"; // When validating the directory location String fixedDir = ClientUtilities.fixDirectoryPath(dir); // Then verify that the directory ends with a slash assertTrue(fixedDir.endsWith(File.separator)); } @Test public void shouldReplaceTildeInFilePath() { // Given a string that represents a directory String dir = "~/example/dir/"; // When fixing the file path String fixedDir = ClientUtilities.fixFilePath(dir); // Then verify that the paths tilde is replaced by the users home directory assertThat(fixedDir, is(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/example/dir/")); } @Test public void shouldFixRelativePathInFilePath() { final File currentDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); // Given a string that represents a directory String dir = "./example/dir/"; String secondDir = "../example/dir/"; // When fixing the file path String fixedDir = ClientUtilities.fixFilePath(dir); String secondFixedDir = ClientUtilities.fixFilePath(secondDir); // Then verify that the file path has the relative url's replaced with absolute paths assertThat(fixedDir, is(currentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/example/dir/")); final String currentParentDirectory = currentDirectory.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); assertThat(secondFixedDir, is(currentParentDirectory + "/example/dir/")); } @Test public void shouldAppendTrailingSlashToHostURL() { // Given a string that represents a URL with no trailing slash String url = ""; // When fixing a host url String fixedUrl = ClientUtilities.fixHostURL(url); // Then verify that the url now ends with a slash assertThat(fixedUrl, is("")); } @Test public void shouldPrefixHttpProtocolToHostURL() { // Given a string that represents a URL with no HTTP protocol String url = ""; // When fixing a host url String fixedUrl = ClientUtilities.fixHostURL(url); // Then verify that the url now has the protocol included assertThat(fixedUrl, is("")); } @Test public void shouldLeaveConfigLocationUnalteredForCorrectPath() { // Given a correct config location String configLocation = rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + ".config" + File.separator + "csprocessor.ini"; // When fixing the config location String fixedConfigLocation = ClientUtilities.fixConfigLocation(configLocation); // Then the two locations should be the same assertThat(fixedConfigLocation, is(configLocation)); } @Test public void shouldLeaveConfigLocationUnalteredForAnEmptyFileThatExists() { // Given a correct config location String configLocation = rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "EmptyFile.txt"; // When fixing the config location String fixedConfigLocation = ClientUtilities.fixConfigLocation(configLocation); // Then the two locations should be the same assertThat(fixedConfigLocation, is(configLocation)); } @Test public void shouldLeaveConfigLocationUnalteredForNonExistentFileThatEndsInINI() { // Given a correct config location String configLocation = rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "NonExistentFile.ini"; // When fixing the config location String fixedConfigLocation = ClientUtilities.fixConfigLocation(configLocation); // Then the two locations should be the same assertThat(fixedConfigLocation, is(configLocation)); } @Test public void shouldAddConfigFileNameToConfigDirectoryLocation() { // Given a correct config location String configLocation = rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); // When fixing the config location String fixedConfigLocation = ClientUtilities.fixConfigLocation(configLocation); // Then the fixed location should have the csprocessor.ini filename added assertThat(fixedConfigLocation, is(configLocation + File.separator + "csprocessor.ini")); } @Test public void shouldPrintErrorAndShutdownOnProcessWhenNoId() { // Given a command called with no ID List<Integer> ids = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // And that there is no ID in the CS Processor config given(cspConfig.getContentSpecId()).willReturn(null); // And we aren't loading from the csprocessor.cfg given(command.loadFromCSProcessorCfg()).willReturn(false); // When it is processed ArgumentCaptor<String> errorMessage = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); ArgumentCaptor<Integer> exitStatus = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class); boolean retValue = ClientUtilities.prepareAndValidateIds(command, cspConfig, ids); // Then an error is printed and the program is shut down verify(command, times(1)).printErrorAndShutdown(exitStatus.capture(), errorMessage.capture(), anyBoolean()); assertThat(errorMessage.getValue(), is("No ID was specified by the command line or a csprocessor.cfg file.")); assertThat(exitStatus.getValue(), is(5)); assertFalse(retValue); } @Test public void shouldPrintErrorAndShutdownOnProcessWhenMultipleIds() { // Given a command called with multiple ID's List<Integer> ids = Arrays.asList(id, secondId); // And that there is no ID in the CS Processor config given(cspConfig.getContentSpecId()).willReturn(null); // And we aren't loading from the csprocessor.cfg given(command.loadFromCSProcessorCfg()).willReturn(false); // When it is processed ArgumentCaptor<String> errorMessage = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); ArgumentCaptor<Integer> exitStatus = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class); boolean retValue = ClientUtilities.prepareAndValidateIds(command, cspConfig, ids); // Then an error is printed and the program is shut down verify(command, times(1)).printErrorAndShutdown(exitStatus.capture(), errorMessage.capture(), anyBoolean()); assertThat(errorMessage.getValue(), is("Multiple ID's specified. Please only specify one ID.")); assertThat(exitStatus.getValue(), is(5)); assertFalse(retValue); } @Test public void shouldLoadIdFromFileOnProcessWhenNoIdSupplied() { // Given a command called with no ID List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // And that there is an ID in the CS Processor config given(cspConfig.getContentSpecId()).willReturn(id); // And we are loading from the csprocessor.cfg given(command.loadFromCSProcessorCfg()).willReturn(true); // When it is processed boolean retValue = ClientUtilities.prepareAndValidateIds(command, cspConfig, ids); // Then the command should complete without error verify(command, times(0)).printErrorAndShutdown(anyInt(), anyString(), anyBoolean()); assertTrue(retValue); } @Test public void shouldLoadIdFromFileOnProcessWhenNoStringIdSupplied() { // Given a command called with no ID List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); // And that there is an ID in the CS Processor config given(cspConfig.getContentSpecId()).willReturn(id); // And we are loading from the csprocessor.cfg given(command.loadFromCSProcessorCfg()).willReturn(true); // When it is processed boolean retValue = ClientUtilities.prepareAndValidateStringIds(command, cspConfig, ids); // Then the command should complete without error verify(command, times(0)).printErrorAndShutdown(anyInt(), anyString(), anyBoolean()); assertTrue(retValue); } @Test public void shouldSaveSpecAndConfig() throws IOException { // Given the title of the book and an id given(contentSpecWrapper.getTitle()).willReturn(BOOK_TITLE); given(contentSpecWrapper.getId()).willReturn(id); // When the command is processing ClientUtilities.createContentSpecProject(command, cspConfig, bookDir, randomString, contentSpecWrapper, new ZanataDetails()); // Then check that only the csprocessor.cfg and <TITLE>-post.contentspec exists assertArrayEquals(bookDir.list(), new String[] { "csprocessor.cfg", BOOK_TITLE + "-post.contentspec" }); // and check that the file contents is correct assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(bookDir, "csprocessor.cfg")), containsString("SPEC_ID=" + id)); assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(bookDir, BOOK_TITLE + "-post.contentspec")), is(randomString)); } @Test public void shouldShutdownWhenSaveFailsForCreateProjectDir() throws IOException { // Given the title of the book and an id given(contentSpecWrapper.getTitle()).willReturn(BOOK_TITLE); given(contentSpecWrapper.getId()).willReturn(id); // and the saving should fail PowerMockito.mockStatic(FileUtilities.class); PowerMockito.doThrow(new IOException()).when(FileUtilities.class); FileUtilities.saveFile(any(File.class), anyString(), anyString()); // When it is processed ArgumentCaptor<String> errorMessage = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); ArgumentCaptor<Integer> exitStatus = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class); ClientUtilities.createContentSpecProject(command, cspConfig, bookDir, randomString, contentSpecWrapper, new ZanataDetails()); // Then the command should be shutdown and an error message printed verify(command, times(2)).printError(errorMessage.capture(), anyBoolean()); verify(command, times(1)).shutdown(exitStatus.capture()); assertThat(exitStatus.getValue(), is(-1)); assertThat(errorMessage.getAllValues().get(0), containsString("An error occurred while trying to save " + bookDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "csprocessor.cfg" + ".")); assertThat(errorMessage.getAllValues().get(1), containsString("An error occurred while trying to save " + bookDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + BOOK_TITLE + "-post.contentspec")); } @Test public void shouldSaveFileWhenOutputPathIsDirectoryForSaveOutputFile() throws IOException { // Given a filename String filename = BOOK_TITLE + "-post.contentspec"; // and a output path that is a directory String outputPath = bookDir.getAbsolutePath(); // When saving the output file ClientUtilities.saveOutputFile(command, filename, outputPath, randomString); // Then check that the file exists and contains the right data File file = new File(bookDir, filename); assertTrue(file.exists()); assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(file), is(randomString)); } @Test public void shouldSaveFileWhenOutputPathIsFileForSaveOutputFile() throws IOException { // Given a filename String filename = BOOK_TITLE + "-post.contentspec"; // and a output path that is a directory String outputPath = bookDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + BOOK_TITLE + ".txt"; // When saving the output file ClientUtilities.saveOutputFile(command, filename, outputPath, randomString); // Then check that the file exists and contains the right data File file = new File(bookDir, BOOK_TITLE + ".txt"); File incorrectFile = new File(bookDir, filename); assertTrue(file.exists()); assertFalse(incorrectFile.exists()); assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(file), is(randomString)); } @Test public void shouldSaveFileAndCreateBackupIfFileExistsForSaveOutputFile() throws IOException { // Given a filename String filename = BOOK_TITLE + "-post.contentspec"; // and a output path that is a directory String outputPath = emptyFile.getAbsolutePath(); // When saving the output file ClientUtilities.saveOutputFile(command, filename, outputPath, randomString); // Then check that the file exists, a backup has been created and contains the right data File backupFile = new File(emptyFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".backup"); assertTrue(emptyFile.exists()); assertTrue(backupFile.exists()); assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(emptyFile), is(randomString)); assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(backupFile), is("")); } @Test public void shouldValidateServerUrlWhenValid() { // Given a valid URL, that also contains a redirect String url = ""; // When checking if the URL is valid and exists boolean result = ClientUtilities.validateServerExists(url); // Then assertTrue(result); } @Test public void shouldNotValidateServerUrlWhenInvalid() { // Given a null URL String url = null; // When checking if the URL is valid and exists boolean result = ClientUtilities.validateServerExists(url); // Then the result should be false assertFalse(result); } @Test public void shouldReadFromCsprocessorCfg() throws IOException { // Given a file File csprocessorCfg = new File(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "csprocessor.cfg"); // When getting the csprocessor.cfg final ContentSpecConfiguration cspConfig = ClientUtilities.readFromCsprocessorCfg(csprocessorCfg); // Then check that the server and id is set assertNotNull(cspConfig); assertThat(cspConfig.getContentSpecId(), is(7210)); assertThat(cspConfig.getServerUrl(), is("")); } @Test public void shouldReadFromCsprocessorCfgWithBlankFile() throws IOException { // Given a new empty file File csprocessorCfg = TestUtil .createRealFile(bookDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "csprocessor.cfg", ""); // When getting the csprocessor.cfg final ContentSpecConfiguration cspConfig = ClientUtilities.readFromCsprocessorCfg(csprocessorCfg); // Then check that the server and id are still null assertNull(cspConfig.getServerUrl()); assertNull(cspConfig.getContentSpecId()); } @Test public void shouldReturnCorrectOutputRootDirectoryWithRootDirectorySet() { // Given a config with a root directory given(cspConfig.getRootOutputDirectory()).willReturn(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator); // When determining the root directory String rootDirectory = ClientUtilities.getOutputRootDirectory(cspConfig, BOOK_TITLE); // Then the directory should be the root test dir + book title assertThat(rootDirectory, is(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + BOOK_TITLE + File.separator)); } @Test public void shouldReturnCorrectOutputRootDirectoryWithNoRootDirectorySet() { // Given a config with no root directory given(cspConfig.getRootOutputDirectory()).willReturn(null); // When determining the root directory String rootDirectory = ClientUtilities.getOutputRootDirectory(cspConfig, BOOK_TITLE); // Then the directory should be the current working directory or an empty string for short assertThat(rootDirectory, is("")); } @Test public void shouldReturnCorrectOutputRootDirectoryWithEmptyRootDirectorySet() { // Given a config with no root directory given(cspConfig.getRootOutputDirectory()).willReturn(""); // When determining the root directory String rootDirectory = ClientUtilities.getOutputRootDirectory(cspConfig, BOOK_TITLE); // Then the directory should be the current working directory or an empty string for short assertThat(rootDirectory, is("")); } @Test public void shouldReturnCorrectOutputRootDirectoryFromContentSpec() { // Given a config with a root directory given(cspConfig.getRootOutputDirectory()).willReturn(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator); // and the content spec has a title given(contentSpec.getTitle()).willReturn(BOOK_TITLE); // When determining the root directory String rootDirectory = ClientUtilities.getOutputRootDirectory(cspConfig, contentSpec); // Then the directory should be the root test dir + book title assertThat(rootDirectory, is(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + BOOK_TITLE + File.separator)); } @Test public void shouldReturnCorrectOutputRootDirectoryFromContentSpecWrapper() { // Given a config with a root directory given(cspConfig.getRootOutputDirectory()).willReturn(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator); // and the content spec wrapper has a title given(contentSpecWrapper.getTitle()).willReturn(BOOK_TITLE); // When determining the root directory String rootDirectory = ClientUtilities.getOutputRootDirectory(providerFactory, cspConfig, contentSpecWrapper); // Then the directory should be the root test dir + book title assertThat(rootDirectory, is(rootTestDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + BOOK_TITLE + File.separator)); } @Test public void shouldGenerateEmptyStringForEmptySpecList() { // Given a SpecList with no data SpecList specList = new SpecList(); // When generating the spec list response String output = ClientUtilities.generateContentSpecList(specList); // Then the output should be an empty string assertThat(output, is("")); } @Test public void shouldGenerateEmptyStringForNullSpecList() { // Given a null SpecList SpecList specList = null; // When generating the spec list response String output = ClientUtilities.generateContentSpecList(specList); // Then the output should be an empty string assertThat(output, is("")); } @Test public void shouldGenerateStringWithHeaderForSpecListWithOneEntry() { final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy"); // Given a SpecList with one entry SpecList specList = new SpecList(); Date now = new Date(); specList.addSpec(new Spec(id, randomAlphanumString, randomString, secondId.toString(), username, now)); // When generating the spec list response String output = ClientUtilities.generateContentSpecList(specList); // Then the output should have a header and the spec entry final String format = "%" + (id.toString().length() + 2) + "s%" + (randomAlphanumString.length() + 2) + "s%" + (randomString.length() + 2) + "s%9s%" + (username.length() + 2) + "s%15s"; assertThat(output, containsString( String.format(format, "ID", "TITLE", "PRODUCT", "VERSION", "CREATED BY", "LAST MODIFIED"))); assertThat(output, containsString(String.format(format, id, randomAlphanumString, randomString, secondId, username, dateFormatter.format(now)))); } @Test public void shouldGenerateStringWithHeaderForSpecListWithOneEntryWithoutCreator() { final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy"); // Given a SpecList with one entry that has no user SpecList specList = new SpecList(); Date now = new Date(); specList.addSpec(new Spec(id, randomAlphanumString, randomString, secondId.toString(), null, now)); // When generating the spec list response String output = ClientUtilities.generateContentSpecList(specList); // Then the output should have a header and the spec entry final String format = "%" + (id.toString().length() + 2) + "s%" + (randomAlphanumString.length() + 2) + "s%" + (randomString.length() + 2) + "s%9s%12s%15s"; assertThat(output, containsString( String.format(format, "ID", "TITLE", "PRODUCT", "VERSION", "CREATED BY", "LAST MODIFIED"))); assertThat(output, containsString(String.format(format, id, randomAlphanumString, randomString, secondId, "Unknown", dateFormatter.format(now)))); } @Test public void shouldGenerateStringWithHeaderForSpecListWithOneEntryWithoutALastModifiedDate() { // Given a SpecList with one entry that has no date SpecList specList = new SpecList(); specList.addSpec(new Spec(id, randomAlphanumString, randomString, secondId.toString(), username, null)); // When generating the spec list response String output = ClientUtilities.generateContentSpecList(specList); // Then the output should have a header and the spec entry final String format = "%" + (id.toString().length() + 2) + "s%" + (randomAlphanumString.length() + 2) + "s%" + (randomString.length() + 2) + "s%9s%" + (username.length() + 2) + "s%15s"; assertThat(output, containsString( String.format(format, "ID", "TITLE", "PRODUCT", "VERSION", "CREATED BY", "LAST MODIFIED"))); assertThat(output, containsString( String.format(format, id, randomAlphanumString, randomString, secondId, username, "Unknown"))); } @Test public void shouldBuildSpecListObjectFromListOfContentSpecsWithNoCreator() { Date now = new Date(); // Given a list of content specs List<TextContentSpecWrapper> contentSpecs = Arrays.asList(textContentSpecWrapper); // and the content spec has some basic properties given(textContentSpecWrapper.getTitle()).willReturn(randomAlphanumString); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getId()).willReturn(id); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getProduct()).willReturn(randomString); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getVersion()).willReturn(secondId.toString()); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getLastModified()).willReturn(now); // and no creator given(textContentSpecWrapper.getProperty(anyInt())).willReturn(null); // and the provider factory will return a user provider given(providerFactory.getProvider(UserProvider.class)).willReturn(userProvider); // When building the spec list final SpecList list = ClientUtilities.buildSpecList(contentSpecs, providerFactory, serverEntities); // Then check that the spec list contains one spec and the details are right assertThat(list.getCount(), is(1L)); assertNotNull(list.getSpecs()); Spec spec = list.getSpecs().get(0); assertThat(spec.getId(), is(id)); assertThat(spec.getTitle(), is(randomAlphanumString)); assertThat(spec.getProduct(), is(randomString)); assertThat(spec.getVersion(), is(secondId.toString())); assertThat(spec.getLastModified(), is(now)); } @Test public void shouldBuildSpecListObjectFromListOfContentSpecsWithWithInvalidCreator() { final PropertyTagInContentSpecWrapper propTag = mock(PropertyTagInContentSpecWrapper.class); Date now = new Date(); // Given a list of content specs List<TextContentSpecWrapper> contentSpecs = Arrays.asList(textContentSpecWrapper); // and the content spec has some basic properties given(textContentSpecWrapper.getTitle()).willReturn(randomAlphanumString); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getId()).willReturn(id); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getProduct()).willReturn(randomString); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getVersion()).willReturn(secondId.toString()); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getLastModified()).willReturn(now); // and a creator given(textContentSpecWrapper.getProperty(anyInt())).willReturn(propTag); given(propTag.getValue()).willReturn(username); // and the provider factory will return a user provider given(providerFactory.getProvider(UserProvider.class)).willReturn(userProvider); // and the user provider returns a user that doesn't exist given(userProvider.getUsersByName(anyString())).willReturn(null); // When building the spec list final SpecList list = ClientUtilities.buildSpecList(contentSpecs, providerFactory, serverEntities); // Then check that the spec list contains one spec and the details are right assertThat(list.getCount(), is(1L)); assertNotNull(list.getSpecs()); Spec spec = list.getSpecs().get(0); assertThat(spec.getId(), is(id)); assertThat(spec.getTitle(), is(randomAlphanumString)); assertThat(spec.getProduct(), is(randomString)); assertThat(spec.getVersion(), is(secondId.toString())); assertThat(spec.getLastModified(), is(now)); assertNull(spec.getCreator()); } @Test public void shouldBuildSpecListObjectFromListOfContentSpecsWithWithValidCreator() { final PropertyTagInContentSpecWrapper propTag = mock(PropertyTagInContentSpecWrapper.class); final CollectionWrapper<UserWrapper> users = mock(CollectionWrapper.class); Date now = new Date(); // Given a list of content specs List<TextContentSpecWrapper> contentSpecs = Arrays.asList(textContentSpecWrapper); // and the content spec has some basic properties given(textContentSpecWrapper.getTitle()).willReturn(randomAlphanumString); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getId()).willReturn(id); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getProduct()).willReturn(randomString); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getVersion()).willReturn(secondId.toString()); given(textContentSpecWrapper.getLastModified()).willReturn(now); // and a creator given(textContentSpecWrapper.getProperty(anyInt())).willReturn(propTag); given(propTag.getValue()).willReturn(username); // and the provider factory will return a user provider given(providerFactory.getProvider(UserProvider.class)).willReturn(userProvider); // and the user provider finds a valid user given(userProvider.getUsersByName(anyString())).willReturn(users); given(users.size()).willReturn(1); given(users.getItems()).willReturn(Arrays.asList(user)); given(user.getUsername()).willReturn(username); // When building the spec list final SpecList list = ClientUtilities.buildSpecList(contentSpecs, providerFactory, serverEntities); // Then check that the spec list contains one spec and the details are right assertThat(list.getCount(), is(1L)); assertNotNull(list.getSpecs()); Spec spec = list.getSpecs().get(0); assertThat(spec.getId(), is(id)); assertThat(spec.getTitle(), is(randomAlphanumString)); assertThat(spec.getProduct(), is(randomString)); assertThat(spec.getVersion(), is(secondId.toString())); assertThat(spec.getLastModified(), is(now)); assertThat(spec.getCreator(), is(username)); } }