Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * * This file is part of PressGang CCMS. * * PressGang CCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PressGang CCMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with PressGang CCMS. If not, see <>. */ package org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.commands; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static; import; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import net.sf.ipsedixit.annotation.ArbitraryString; import net.sf.ipsedixit.core.StringType; import; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.config.ClientConfiguration; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.config.ContentSpecConfiguration; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.contentspec.client.constants.Constants; import org.jboss.pressgang.ccms.provider.RESTProviderFactory; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import org.mockito.Mock; public class SetupCommandTest extends BaseCommandTest { @Rule public final ExpectedSystemExit exit = ExpectedSystemExit.none(); @ArbitraryString(type = StringType.ALPHANUMERIC) String username; @ArbitraryString(type = StringType.ALPHANUMERIC) String apikey; @Mock JCommander parser; @Mock ContentSpecConfiguration cspConfig; @Mock ClientConfiguration clientConfig; @Mock RESTProviderFactory providerFactory; SetupCommand command; File rootTestDirectory; @Before public void setUp() { bindStdOut(); command = new SetupCommand(parser, cspConfig, clientConfig); rootTestDirectory = FileUtils.toFile(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("")); } @Test public void shouldSetRootDirectory() { // Given some input as a root directory setStdInput("./\n"); // When getting the root directory from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupRootDirectory(builder); // Then the output should have the directory header and have the root directory set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[directory]\nroot=" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetRootDirectoryWhenInputIsEmpty() { // Given some input as a root directory setStdInput("\n"); // When getting the root directory from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupRootDirectory(builder); // Then the output should have the directory header and have an empty root directory assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[directory]\nroot=\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetPublicanOptions() { // Given some input String buildOptions = "--formats html-single,html --langs en-US"; String previewFormat = "html"; setStdInput(buildOptions + "\n" + previewFormat + "\n"); // When getting the publican options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupPublican(builder); // Then the output should have the publican header and options set assertThat(builder.toString(), is( "[publican]\nbuild.parameters=" + buildOptions + "\n" + "preview.format=" + previewFormat + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetDefaultPublicanOptionsWhenNoInput() { // Given some input String buildOptions = "--langs=en-US --formats=html-single"; String previewFormat = "html-single"; setStdInput("\n\n"); // When getting the publican options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupPublican(builder); // Then the output should have the publican header and options set assertThat(builder.toString(), is( "[publican]\nbuild.parameters=" + buildOptions + "\n" + "preview.format=" + previewFormat + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetJDocbookOptions() { // Given some input String buildOptions = "clean compile"; String previewFormat = "html"; setStdInput(buildOptions + "\n" + previewFormat + "\n"); // When getting the publican options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupjDocbook(builder); // Then the output should have the publican header and options set assertThat(builder.toString(), is( "[jDocbook]\nbuild.parameters=" + buildOptions + "\n" + "preview.format=" + previewFormat + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetDefaultJDocbookOptionsWhenNoInput() { // Given some input String buildOptions = "clean compile"; String previewFormat = "html_single"; setStdInput("\n\n"); // When getting the publican options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupjDocbook(builder); // Then the output should have the publican header and options set assertThat(builder.toString(), is( "[jDocbook]\nbuild.parameters=" + buildOptions + "\n" + "preview.format=" + previewFormat + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetPublishOptions() { // Given some input String kojiUrl = ""; String publishCommand = "fdpkg --lang en-US"; setStdInput(kojiUrl + "\n" + publishCommand + "\n"); // When getting the publish options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupPublish(builder); // Then the output should have the publish command and koji url assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[publish]\nkoji.huburl=" + kojiUrl + "\n" + "command=" + publishCommand + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetDefaultPublishOptions() { // Given some input String kojiUrl = Constants.DEFAULT_KOJIHUB_URL; String publishCommand = Constants.DEFAULT_PUBLISH_COMMAND; setStdInput("\n\n"); // When getting the publish options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupPublish(builder); // Then the output should have the publish command and koji url assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[publish]\nkoji.huburl=" + kojiUrl + "\n" + "command=" + publishCommand + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetZanataOptions() { // Given some input String zanataServerName = "public"; String zanataUrl = ""; String zanataUsername = username; String zanataKey = apikey; setStdInput("No\n" + "1" + "\n" + zanataServerName + "\n" + zanataUrl + "\n" + zanataUsername + "\n" + zanataKey + "\n"); // When getting the zanata options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupZanata(builder); // Then the output should have the zanata details set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[zanata]\npublic.url=" + zanataUrl + "\npublic.username=" + username + "\npublic.key=" + apikey + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldKeepAskingForNumZanataServersIfInputInvalid() { // Given some input String zanataServerName = "public"; String zanataUrl = ""; String zanataUsername = username; String zanataKey = apikey; setStdInput("No\none\n0\n1" + "\n" + zanataServerName + "\n" + zanataUrl + "\n" + zanataUsername + "\n" + zanataKey + "\n"); // When getting the zanata options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupZanata(builder); // Then the output should have the zanata details set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[zanata]\npublic.url=" + zanataUrl + "\npublic.username=" + username + "\npublic.key=" + apikey + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetEmptyValuesForSetZanataOptions() { // Given some input setStdInput("No\n1\npublic\n\n\n\n"); // When getting the zanata options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupZanata(builder); // Then the output should have the empty zanata details set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[zanata]\npublic.url=\npublic.username=\npublic.key=\n")); } @Test public void shouldUseDefaultConfigurationForZanataServersWhenAsked() { // Given some input setStdInput("Yes\n" + username + "\n" + apikey + "\n"); // When getting the zanata options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupZanata(builder); // Then the output should have the empty zanata details set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[zanata]\n" + Constants.DEFAULT_ZANATA_SERVER_NAME + ".url=" + Constants.DEFAULT_ZANATA_SERVER + "\n" + Constants.DEFAULT_ZANATA_SERVER_NAME + ".username=" + username + "\n" + Constants.DEFAULT_ZANATA_SERVER_NAME + ".key=" + apikey + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldPrintErrorAndShutdownWhenInvalidAnswerForDefaultZanataServers() { // Given some invalid input setStdInput("blah\n"); // When getting the zanata options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { command.setupZanata(builder); fail(SYSTEM_EXIT_ERROR); } catch (CheckExitCalled e) { assertThat(e.getStatus(), is(5)); } // Then check an error was printed assertThat(getStdOutLogs(), containsString("Invalid argument!")); } @Test public void shouldUseDefaultConfigurationForServersWhenAsked() { // Given some input String defaultServer = "test"; setStdInput("y\n" + defaultServer + "\n" + username + "\n"); // When getting the server options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupServers(builder); // Then the output should have the default server setup assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[servers]\ndefault=" + defaultServer + "\ndefault.username=" + username + "\n\nproduction.url=" + Constants.DEFAULT_PROD_SERVER + "\nproduction.username=\n\ntest.url=" + Constants.DEFAULT_TEST_SERVER + "\ntest" + ".username=\n")); } @Test public void shouldAskForDefaultServerWhenSetServerOptionsWithTwoServers() { // Given some input String pressgangServerName1 = "public"; String pressgangUrl1 = ""; String pressgangUsername1 = username; String pressgangServerName2 = "test"; String pressgangUrl2 = ""; String pressgangUsername2 = username; setStdInput("No\n" + "2" + "\n" + pressgangServerName2 + "\n" + pressgangUrl2 + "\n" + pressgangUsername2 + "\n" + pressgangServerName1 + "\n" + pressgangUrl1 + "\n" + pressgangUsername1 + "\n" + pressgangServerName1 + "\n"); // When getting the server options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupServers(builder); // Then the output should have the pressgang details set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[servers]\ndefault=" + pressgangServerName1 + "\ndefault.username=\n\npublic.url=" + pressgangUrl1 + "\npublic.username=" + pressgangUsername1 + "\n\ntest.url=" + pressgangUrl2 + "\ntest.username=" + pressgangUsername2 + "\n")); } @Test public void shouldSetEmptyValuesForSetServerOptions() { // Given some input setStdInput("n\n1\npublic\n\n\n"); // When getting the server options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupServers(builder); // Then the output should have the empty server details set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[servers]\ndefault=public\ndefault.username=\n\npublic.url=\npublic.username=\n")); } @Test public void shouldShutdownWhenUseDefaultServerSetupIsInvalid() { // Given some incorrect input setStdInput(username + "\n"); // When getting the server options from the user final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { command.setupServers(builder); // Then an error is printed and the program is shut down fail(SYSTEM_EXIT_ERROR); } catch (CheckExitCalled e) { assertThat(e.getStatus(), is(5)); } // Then check an error was printed assertThat(getStdOutLogs(), containsString("Invalid argument!")); } @Test public void shouldSetEditorOptions() { // Given some input String commandName = "vim"; String requiresTerminal = "yes"; setStdInput(commandName + "\n" + requiresTerminal + "\n"); // When getting the publican options from the user StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); command.setupEditor(builder); // Then the output should have the editor header and options set assertThat(builder.toString(), is("[editor]\ncommand=" + commandName + "\n" + "requiresTerminal=true\n")); } @Test public void shouldNotRequireAnExternalConnection() { // Given an already initialised command // When invoking the method boolean result = command.requiresExternalConnection(); // Then the answer should be false assertFalse(result); } @Test public void shouldNotLoadFromCsprocessorCfg() { // Given a command with no arguments // When invoking the method boolean result = command.loadFromCSProcessorCfg(); // Then the result should be false assertFalse(result); } @Test public void shouldReturnRightCommandName() { // Given // When getting the commands name String commandName = command.getCommandName(); // Then the name should be "setup" assertThat(commandName, is("setup")); } }