Java tutorial
/** * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.Indy; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.IndyClientException; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.IndyClientHttp; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.IndyClientModule; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.auth.IndyClientAuthenticator; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.auth.OAuth20BearerTokenAuthenticator; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.client.IndyFoloAdminClientModule; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.client.IndyFoloContentClientModule; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.Group; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.HostedRepository; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreKey; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreType; import; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.client.IndyPromoteClientModule; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.model.SiteConfig; import org.commonjava.util.jhttpc.model.SiteConfigBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * Implementation of {@link RepositoryManager} that manages an <a href="">Indy</a> instance to * support repositories for Maven-ish builds. * <p> * Created by <a href="">Matej Lazar</a> on 2014-11-25. * * @author <a href="">John Casey</a> */ @ApplicationScoped public class RepositoryManagerDriver implements RepositoryManager { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final int DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; private final boolean BUILD_REPOSITORY_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS; private final String BUILD_PROMOTION_GROUP; private String baseUrl; private Map<String, Indy> indyMap = new HashMap<>(); private List<String> internalRepoPatterns; private Set<String> ignoredPathSuffixes; @Deprecated public RepositoryManagerDriver() { // workaround for CDI constructor parameter injection bug this.DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 0; this.BUILD_REPOSITORY_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS = false; this.BUILD_PROMOTION_GROUP = ""; } @Inject public RepositoryManagerDriver(Configuration configuration) { MavenRepoDriverModuleConfig config; try { config = configuration.getModuleConfig(new PncConfigProvider<>(MavenRepoDriverModuleConfig.class)); } catch (ConfigurationParseException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read configuration for " + DRIVER_ID + ".", e); } this.DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = config.getDefaultRequestTimeout(); this.BUILD_REPOSITORY_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS = config.getBuildRepositoryAllowSnapshots(); this.BUILD_PROMOTION_GROUP = config.getBuildPromotionGroup(); baseUrl = StringUtils.stripEnd(config.getBaseUrl(), "/"); if (!baseUrl.endsWith("/api")) { baseUrl += "/api"; } internalRepoPatterns = new ArrayList<>(); internalRepoPatterns.add(MavenRepositoryConstants.SHARED_IMPORTS_ID); List<String> extraInternalRepoPatterns = config.getInternalRepoPatterns(); if (extraInternalRepoPatterns != null) { internalRepoPatterns.addAll(extraInternalRepoPatterns); } List<String> ignoredPathSuffixes = config.getIgnoredPathSuffixes(); if (ignoredPathSuffixes == null) { this.ignoredPathSuffixes = Collections.emptySet(); } else { this.ignoredPathSuffixes = new HashSet<>(ignoredPathSuffixes); } } @SuppressWarnings("resource") private Indy init(String accessToken) { Indy indy = indyMap.get(accessToken); if (indy == null) { IndyClientAuthenticator authenticator = null; if (accessToken != null) { authenticator = new OAuth20BearerTokenAuthenticator(accessToken); } try { SiteConfig siteConfig = new SiteConfigBuilder("indy", baseUrl) .withRequestTimeoutSeconds(DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) .withMaxConnections(IndyClientHttp.GLOBAL_MAX_CONNECTIONS).build(); List<IndyClientModule> modules = Arrays.<IndyClientModule>asList(new IndyFoloAdminClientModule(), new IndyFoloContentClientModule(), new IndyPromoteClientModule()); indy = new Indy(authenticator, new IndyObjectMapper(true), modules, siteConfig).connect(); indyMap.put(accessToken, indy); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create Indy client: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } return indy; } @Override public void close(String accessToken) { if (indyMap.containsKey(accessToken)) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(indyMap.get(accessToken)); indyMap.remove(accessToken); } } /** * Only supports {@link ArtifactRepo.Type#MAVEN}. */ @Override public boolean canManage(ArtifactRepo.Type managerType) { return (managerType == ArtifactRepo.Type.MAVEN); } /** * Use the AProx client API to setup global and build-set level repos and groups, then setup the repo/group needed for this * build. Calculate the URL to use for resolving artifacts using the AProx Folo API (Folo is an artifact activity-tracker). * Return a new session ({@link MavenRepositorySession}) containing this information. * * @throws RepositoryManagerException In the event one or more repositories or groups can't be created to support the build * (or product, or shared-releases). */ @Override public RepositorySession createBuildRepository(BuildExecution buildExecution, String accessToken) throws RepositoryManagerException { Indy indy = init(accessToken); String buildId = buildExecution.getBuildContentId(); try { setupBuildRepos(buildExecution, indy); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException( "Failed to setup repository or repository group for this build: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } // since we're setting up a group/hosted repo per build, we can pin the tracking ID to the build repo ID. String url; String deployUrl; try { // manually initialize the tracking record, just in case (somehow) nothing gets downloaded/uploaded. indy.module(IndyFoloAdminClientModule.class).initReport(buildId); url = indy.module(IndyFoloContentClientModule.class).trackingUrl(buildId,, buildId); deployUrl = indy.module(IndyFoloContentClientModule.class).trackingUrl(buildId, StoreType.hosted, buildId);"Using '{}' for Maven repository access in build: {}", url, buildId); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException( "Failed to retrieve AProx client module for the artifact tracker: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } return new MavenRepositorySession(indy, buildId, new MavenRepositoryConnectionInfo(url, deployUrl), internalRepoPatterns, ignoredPathSuffixes, BUILD_PROMOTION_GROUP); } /** * Create the hosted repository and group necessary to support a single build. The hosted repository holds artifacts * uploaded from the build, and the group coordinates access to this hosted repository, along with content from the * product-level content group with which this build is associated. The group also provides a tracking target, so the * repository manager can keep track of downloads and uploads for the build. * * @param execution The execution object, which contains the content id for creating the repo, and the build id. * @throws IndyClientException */ private void setupBuildRepos(BuildExecution execution, Indy indy) throws IndyClientException { String buildContentId = execution.getBuildContentId(); int id = execution.getId(); // if the build-level group doesn't exist, create it. if (!indy.stores().exists(, buildContentId)) { // if the product-level storage repo (for in-progress product builds) doesn't exist, create it. if (!indy.stores().exists(StoreType.hosted, buildContentId)) { HostedRepository buildArtifacts = new HostedRepository(buildContentId); buildArtifacts.setAllowSnapshots(BUILD_REPOSITORY_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS); buildArtifacts.setAllowReleases(true); buildArtifacts.setDescription(String.format("Build output for PNC build #%s", id)); indy.stores().create(buildArtifacts, "Creating hosted repository for build: " + id + " (repo: " + buildContentId + ")", HostedRepository.class); } Group buildGroup = new Group(buildContentId); buildGroup.setDescription(String.format("Aggregation group for PNC build #%s", id)); // build-local artifacts buildGroup.addConstituent(new StoreKey(StoreType.hosted, buildContentId)); // Global-level repos, for captured/shared artifacts and access to the outside world addGlobalConstituents(buildGroup); indy.stores().create(buildGroup, "Creating repository group for resolving artifacts in build: " + id + " (repo: " + buildContentId + ")", Group.class); } } /** * Add the constituents that every build repository group should contain: * <ol> * <li>shared-releases (Group)</li> * <li>shared-imports (Hosted Repo)</li> * <li>public (Group)</li> * </ol> */ private void addGlobalConstituents(Group group) { // 1. global shared-releases artifacts group.addConstituent(new StoreKey(, UNTESTED_BUILDS_GROUP)); // 2. global shared-imports artifacts group.addConstituent(new StoreKey(StoreType.hosted, SHARED_IMPORTS_ID)); // 3. public group, containing remote proxies to the outside world group.addConstituent(new StoreKey(, PUBLIC_GROUP_ID)); } /** * Convenience method for tests. */ protected Indy getIndy(String accessToken) { return init(accessToken); } /** * Promote the hosted repository associated with a given project build to an arbitrary repository group. * * @return The promotion instance, which won't actually trigger promotion until its * {@link RunningRepositoryPromotion#monitor(java.util.function.Consumer, java.util.function.Consumer)} method is * called. */ @Override public RunningRepositoryPromotion promoteBuild(BuildRecord buildRecord, String toGroup, String accessToken) throws RepositoryManagerException { Indy indy = init(accessToken); return new MavenRunningPromotion(StoreType.hosted, buildRecord.getBuildContentId(), toGroup, indy); } @Override public RunningRepositoryDeletion deleteBuild(BuildRecord buildRecord, String accessToken) throws RepositoryManagerException { Indy indy = init(accessToken); return new MavenRunningDeletion(StoreType.hosted, buildRecord.getBuildContentId(), indy); } }