Java tutorial
/** * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.Indy; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.IndyClientException; import org.commonjava.indy.client.core.module.IndyContentClientModule; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.client.IndyFoloAdminClientModule; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.dto.TrackedContentDTO; import org.commonjava.indy.folo.dto.TrackedContentEntryDTO; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.AccessChannel; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreKey; import org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreType; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.client.IndyPromoteClientModule; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.model.GroupPromoteRequest; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.model.GroupPromoteResult; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.model.PathsPromoteRequest; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.model.PathsPromoteResult; import org.commonjava.indy.promote.model.ValidationResult; import org.commonjava.maven.atlas.ident.ref.ArtifactRef; import org.commonjava.maven.atlas.ident.ref.SimpleArtifactRef; import org.commonjava.maven.atlas.ident.util.ArtifactPathInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import javax.validation.Validation; import javax.validation.Validator; import; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * {@link RepositorySession} implementation that works with the Maven {@link RepositoryManagerDriver} (which connects to an * Indy server instance for repository management). This session contains connection information for rendering Maven * settings.xml files and the like, along with the components necessary to extract the artifacts (dependencies, build uploads) * for the associated build. * * Artifact extraction also implies promotion of imported dependencies to a shared-imports Maven repository for safe keeping. In * the case of composed (chained) builds, it also implies promotion of the build output to the associated build-set repository * group, to expose them for use in successive builds in the chain. */ public class MavenRepositorySession implements RepositorySession { private Set<String> ignoredPathSuffixes; private Indy indy; private final String buildContentId; private List<String> internalRepoPatterns; private final RepositoryConnectionInfo connectionInfo; private boolean isSetBuild; private Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator(); private String buildPromotionGroup; // TODO: Create and pass in suitable parameters to Indy to create the // proxy repository. @Deprecated public MavenRepositorySession(Indy indy, String buildContentId, boolean isSetBuild, MavenRepositoryConnectionInfo info) { this.indy = indy; this.buildContentId = buildContentId; this.isSetBuild = isSetBuild; this.connectionInfo = info; } public MavenRepositorySession(Indy indy, String buildContentId, MavenRepositoryConnectionInfo info, List<String> internalRepoPatterns, Set<String> ignoredPathSuffixes, String buildPromotionGroup) { this.indy = indy; this.buildContentId = buildContentId; this.internalRepoPatterns = internalRepoPatterns; this.ignoredPathSuffixes = ignoredPathSuffixes; this.isSetBuild = false; //TODO remove this.connectionInfo = info; this.buildPromotionGroup = buildPromotionGroup; } @Override public String toString() { return "MavenRepositoryConfiguration " + this.hashCode(); } @Override public ArtifactRepo.Type getType() { return ArtifactRepo.Type.MAVEN; } @Override public String getBuildRepositoryId() { return buildContentId; } @Override public RepositoryConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo() { return connectionInfo; } /** * Retrieve tracking report from repository manager. Add each tracked download to the dependencies of the build result. Add * each tracked upload to the built artifacts of the build result. Promote uploaded artifacts to the product-level storage. * Finally, clear the tracking report, and delete the hosted repository + group associated with the completed build. */ @Override public RepositoryManagerResult extractBuildArtifacts() throws RepositoryManagerException { TrackedContentDTO report; try { IndyFoloAdminClientModule foloAdmin = indy.module(IndyFoloAdminClientModule.class); boolean sealed = foloAdmin.sealTrackingRecord(buildContentId); if (!sealed) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to seal content-tracking record for: %s.", buildContentId); } report = foloAdmin.getTrackingReport(buildContentId); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to retrieve tracking report for: %s. Reason: %s", e, buildContentId, e.getMessage()); } if (report == null) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to retrieve tracking report for: %s.", buildContentId); } Comparator<Artifact> comp = (one, two) -> one.getIdentifier().compareTo(two.getIdentifier()); List<Artifact> uploads = processUploads(report); Collections.sort(uploads, comp); List<Artifact> downloads = processDownloads(report); Collections.sort(downloads, comp); try { indy.stores().delete(, buildContentId, "[Post-Build] Removing build aggregation group: " + buildContentId); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to retrieve AProx stores module. Reason: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());"Returning built artifacts / dependencies:\nUploads:\n {}\n\nDownloads:\n {}\n\n", StringUtils.join(uploads, "\n "), StringUtils.join(downloads, "\n ")); String log = ""; RepositoryManagerStatus status = RepositoryManagerStatus.SUCCESS; try { promoteToBuildContentSet(); } catch (RepositoryManagerException rme) { status = RepositoryManagerStatus.VALIDATION_ERROR; log = rme.getMessage(); logger.error("Promotion validation error(s): \n" + log); } return new MavenRepositoryManagerResult(uploads, downloads, buildContentId, log, status); } /** * Promote all build dependencies NOT ALREADY CAPTURED to the hosted repository holding store for the shared imports and * return dependency artifacts meta data. * * @param report The tracking report that contains info about artifacts downloaded by the build * @return List of dependency artifacts meta data * @throws RepositoryManagerException In case of a client API transport error or an error during promotion of artifacts */ private List<Artifact> processDownloads(TrackedContentDTO report) throws RepositoryManagerException { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); IndyContentClientModule content; try { content = indy.content(); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to retrieve AProx client module. Reason: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } List<Artifact> deps = new ArrayList<>(); Set<TrackedContentEntryDTO> downloads = report.getDownloads(); if (downloads != null) { Map<StoreKey, Set<String>> toPromote = new HashMap<>(); StoreKey sharedImports = new StoreKey(StoreType.hosted, MavenRepositoryConstants.SHARED_IMPORTS_ID); // StoreKey sharedReleases = new StoreKey(StoreType.hosted, RepositoryManagerDriver.SHARED_RELEASES_ID); for (TrackedContentEntryDTO download : downloads) { String path = download.getPath(); if (ignoreContent(path)) { logger.debug("Ignoring download (matched in ignored-suffixes): {} (From: {})", download.getPath(), download.getStoreKey()); continue; } StoreKey sk = download.getStoreKey(); // If the entry is from a hosted repository, it shouldn't be auto-promoted. // If the entry is already in shared-imports, it shouldn't be auto-promoted to there. // New binary imports will be coming from a remote repository... // TODO: Enterprise maven repository (product repo) handling... if (isExternalOrigin(sk) && StoreType.hosted != sk.getType()) { switch (download.getAccessChannel()) { case MAVEN_REPO: // this has not been captured, so promote it. Set<String> paths = toPromote.get(sk); if (paths == null) { paths = new HashSet<>(); toPromote.put(sk, paths); } paths.add(download.getPath()); break; default: // do not promote anything else anywhere break; } } ArtifactPathInfo pathInfo = ArtifactPathInfo.parse(path); String identifier; if (pathInfo == null) { identifier = download.getOriginUrl(); if (identifier == null) { // this is from a hosted repository, either shared-imports or a build, or something like that. identifier = download.getLocalUrl(); } identifier += '|' + download.getSha256(); } else { ArtifactRef aref = new SimpleArtifactRef(pathInfo.getProjectId(), pathInfo.getType(), pathInfo.getClassifier()); identifier = aref.toString(); }"Recording download: {}", identifier); String originUrl = download.getOriginUrl(); if (originUrl == null) { // this is from a hosted repository, either shared-imports or a build, or something like that. originUrl = download.getLocalUrl(); } Artifact.Builder artifactBuilder = Artifact.Builder.newBuilder().md5(download.getMd5()) .sha1(download.getSha1()).sha256(download.getSha256()).size(download.getSize()) .deployPath(download.getPath()).originUrl(originUrl).importDate(Date.from( .filename(new File(path).getName()).identifier(identifier) .repoType(toRepoType(download.getAccessChannel())); Artifact artifact = validateArtifact(; deps.add(artifact); } for (Map.Entry<StoreKey, Set<String>> entry : toPromote.entrySet()) { PathsPromoteRequest req = new PathsPromoteRequest(entry.getKey(), sharedImports, entry.getValue()) .setPurgeSource(false); doPromoteByPath(req); } } return deps; } private boolean isExternalOrigin(StoreKey sk) { String repoName = sk.getName(); for (String pattern : internalRepoPatterns) { // Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); // "Checking ") if (pattern.equals(repoName)) { return false; } if (repoName.matches(pattern)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Return output artifacts metadata. * * @param report The tracking report that contains info about artifacts uploaded (output) from the build * @return List of output artifacts meta data * @throws RepositoryManagerException In case of a client API transport error or an error during promotion of artifacts */ private List<Artifact> processUploads(TrackedContentDTO report) throws RepositoryManagerException { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); Set<TrackedContentEntryDTO> uploads = report.getUploads(); if (uploads != null) { List<Artifact> builds = new ArrayList<>(); for (TrackedContentEntryDTO upload : uploads) { String path = upload.getPath(); if (ignoreContent(path)) { logger.debug("Ignoring upload (matched in ignored-suffixes): {} (From: {})", path, upload.getStoreKey()); continue; } ArtifactPathInfo pathInfo = ArtifactPathInfo.parse(path); String identifier; if (pathInfo == null) { identifier = upload.getOriginUrl(); if (identifier == null) { // this is to a hosted repository, either the build repo or something like that. identifier = upload.getLocalUrl(); } identifier += '|' + upload.getSha256(); } else { ArtifactRef aref = new SimpleArtifactRef(pathInfo.getProjectId(), pathInfo.getType(), pathInfo.getClassifier()); identifier = aref.toString(); }"Recording upload: {}", identifier); Artifact.Builder artifactBuilder = Artifact.Builder.newBuilder().md5(upload.getMd5()) .sha1(upload.getSha1()).sha256(upload.getSha256()).size(upload.getSize()) .deployPath(upload.getPath()).filename(new File(path).getName()).identifier(identifier) .repoType(ArtifactRepo.Type.MAVEN); Artifact artifact = validateArtifact(; builds.add(artifact); } return builds; } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Check artifact for any validation errors. If there are constraint violations, then a RepositoryManagerException is thrown. * Otherwise the artifact is returned. * * @param artifact to validate * @return the same artifact * @throws RepositoryManagerException if there are constraint violations */ private Artifact validateArtifact(Artifact artifact) throws RepositoryManagerException { Set<ConstraintViolation<Artifact>> violations = validator.validate(artifact); if (!violations.isEmpty()) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Repository manager returned invalid artifact: " + artifact.toString() + " Constraint Violations: %s", violations); } return artifact; } /** * Promotes a set of artifact paths (or everything, if the path-set is missing) from a particular AProx artifact store to * another, and handle the various error conditions that may arise. If the promote call fails, attempt to rollback before * throwing an exception. * * @param req The promotion request to process, which contains source and target store keys, and (optionally) the set of * paths to promote * @throws RepositoryManagerException When either the client API throws an exception due to something unexpected in * transport, or if the promotion process results in an error. */ private void doPromoteByPath(PathsPromoteRequest req) throws RepositoryManagerException { IndyPromoteClientModule promoter; try { promoter = indy.module(IndyPromoteClientModule.class); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to retrieve AProx client module. Reason: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } try { PathsPromoteResult result = promoter.promoteByPath(req); if (result.getError() != null) { String addendum = ""; try { PathsPromoteResult rollback = promoter.rollbackPathPromote(result); if (rollback.getError() != null) { addendum = "\nROLLBACK WARNING: Promotion rollback also failed! Reason given: " + result.getError(); } } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Rollback failed for promotion of: %s. Reason: %s", e, req, e.getMessage()); } throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to promote: %s. Reason given was: %s%s", req, result.getError(), addendum); } } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to promote: %s. Reason: %s", e, req, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Promote the build output to shared-releases (using group promotion, where the build repo is added to the group's * membership). */ public void promoteToBuildContentSet() throws RepositoryManagerException { IndyPromoteClientModule promoter; try { promoter = indy.module(IndyPromoteClientModule.class); } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to retrieve AProx client module. Reason: %s", e, e.getMessage()); } GroupPromoteRequest request = new GroupPromoteRequest(new StoreKey(StoreType.hosted, buildContentId), buildPromotionGroup); try { GroupPromoteResult result = promoter.promoteToGroup(request); if (!result.succeeded()) { String reason = result.getError(); if (reason == null) { ValidationResult validations = result.getValidations(); if (validations != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("One or more validation rules failed in rule-set ") .append(validations.getRuleSet()).append(":\n"); validations.getValidatorErrors().forEach((rule, error) -> { sb.append("- ").append(rule).append(":\n").append(error).append("\n\n"); }); reason = sb.toString(); } } throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to promote: %s to group: %s. Reason given was: %s", request.getSource(), request.getTargetGroup(), reason); } } catch (IndyClientException e) { throw new RepositoryManagerException("Failed to promote: %s. Reason: %s", e, request, e.getMessage()); } } private boolean ignoreContent(String path) { for (String suffix : ignoredPathSuffixes) { if (path.endsWith(suffix)) return true; } return false; } private ArtifactRepo.Type toRepoType(AccessChannel accessChannel) { switch (accessChannel) { case MAVEN_REPO: return ArtifactRepo.Type.MAVEN; case GENERIC_PROXY: return ArtifactRepo.Type.GENERIC_PROXY; default: return ArtifactRepo.Type.GENERIC_PROXY; } } }