Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.dashboard.ui.panel.export; import; import org.jboss.dashboard.commons.cdi.CDIBeanLocator; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.UIServices; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.controller.CommandRequest; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.controller.CommandResponse; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.controller.responses.SendStreamResponse; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.controller.responses.ShowCurrentScreenResponse; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.controller.responses.ShowPanelPage; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.panel.PanelDriver; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.*; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.export.ExportData; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.export.ExportManager; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.export.ExportSessionInfo; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.export.structure.ExportResult; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.export.structure.ImportResult; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.panel.PanelProvider; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.panel.parameters.BooleanParameter; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.resources.GraphicElement; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Driver that handles the import/export procedures. */ public class ExportDriver extends PanelDriver { public final static String PAGE_SHOW = "show"; public final static String PAGE_EXPORT_RESULT = "exportResult"; public final static String PAGE_IMPORT_PREVIEW = "importPreview"; public final static String PAGE_IMPORT_RESULT = "importResult"; public static final String WORKSPACE_PREFFIX = "workspace_"; public static final String RESOURCE_PREFFIX = "resource_"; public static final String IMPORT_PREFFIX = "importItem_"; public static final String PARAM_USE_BLANKS = "useBlanks"; public static final String PARAM_SHOW_EXPORT = "showExport"; public static final String PARAM_SHOW_IMPORT = "showImport"; private static final String EXPORT_FILE_NAME = "export." + ExportManager.WORKSPACE_EXTENSION; public void init(PanelProvider provider) throws Exception { super.init(provider); addParameter(new BooleanParameter(provider, PARAM_USE_BLANKS, true, false)); addParameter(new BooleanParameter(provider, PARAM_SHOW_EXPORT, true, true)); addParameter(new BooleanParameter(provider, PARAM_SHOW_IMPORT, true, true)); } public WorkspacesManager getWorkspacesManager() { return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager(); } public ExportManager getExportManager() { return UIServices.lookup().getExportManager(); } public ExportSessionInfo getSessionInfo() { return CDIBeanLocator.getBeanByType(ExportSessionInfo.class); } /** * Called on panel initialization (when a new PanelSession instance is created attached to a given session) */ public void initPanelSession(PanelSession panelSession, HttpSession session) { panelSession.setCurrentPageId(PAGE_SHOW); } public CommandResponse actionGoToStart(Panel panel, CommandRequest request) throws Exception { return new ShowPanelPage(panel, request, PAGE_SHOW); } public CommandResponse actionDownloadExport(final Panel panel, CommandRequest request) throws Exception { final boolean useBlanks = BooleanParameter.value(panel.getParameterValue(PARAM_USE_BLANKS), false); final ExportResult exportResult = getSessionInfo().getExportResult(); super.fireAfterRenderPanel(panel, request.getRequestObject(), null); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); exportResult.writeXMLversion(writer, useBlanks); writer.close(); return new SendStreamResponse(new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")), new StringBuilder("inline;filename=").append(EXPORT_FILE_NAME).toString()); } public CommandResponse actionStartExport(Panel panel, CommandRequest request) throws Exception { List workspaceIdsToExport = new ArrayList(); List resourceIdsToExport = new ArrayList(); Enumeration parameters = request.getRequestObject().getParameterNames(); while (parameters.hasMoreElements()) { String parameterName = (String) parameters.nextElement(); if (parameterName.startsWith(WORKSPACE_PREFFIX)) { workspaceIdsToExport.add(request.getParameter(parameterName)); } else if (parameterName.startsWith(RESOURCE_PREFFIX)) { resourceIdsToExport.add(request.getParameter(parameterName)); } } final Workspace[] workspacesToExport = new Workspace[workspaceIdsToExport.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < workspaceIdsToExport.size(); i++) { String workspaceId = (String) workspaceIdsToExport.get(i); workspacesToExport[i] = getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(workspaceId); } final GraphicElement[] resourcesToExport = new GraphicElement[resourceIdsToExport.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < resourceIdsToExport.size(); i++) { String paramName = (String) resourceIdsToExport.get(i); int index = paramName.indexOf(' '); String className = paramName.substring(0, index); String id = paramName.substring(index + 1); GraphicElementManager[] resourcesManagers = UIServices.lookup().getGraphicElementManagers(); for (int j = 0; j < resourcesManagers.length; j++) { GraphicElementManager resourcesManager = resourcesManagers[j]; GraphicElement element = resourcesManager.getElement(id, null, null, null); if (element != null && element.getClass().getName().equals(className)) { resourcesToExport[i] = element; break; } } } ExportResult result = getExportManager().export(new ExportData() { public Workspace[] getWorkspacesToExport() { return workspacesToExport; } public GraphicElement[] getResourcesToExport() { return resourcesToExport; } }); getSessionInfo().setExportResult(result); return new ShowPanelPage(panel, request, PAGE_EXPORT_RESULT); } /** * <p>Starts importing a workspace file.</p> * <p>For backwards compatibility, import allowed formats are <code>ZIP</code> and <code>XML</code></p> */ public CommandResponse actionStartImport(Panel panel, CommandRequest request) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (request.getUploadedFilesCount() > 0) { File file = (File) request.getFilesByParamName().get("importFile"); ImportResult[] results = null; boolean isZipFile = isZipFile(file); if (isZipFile) results = getExportManager().load(new FileInputStream(file)); else results = new ImportResult[] { getExportManager().loadXML(file.getName(), new FileInputStream(file)) }; getSessionInfo().setImportResult(results); return new ShowPanelPage(panel, request, PAGE_IMPORT_PREVIEW); } return new ShowCurrentScreenResponse(); } /** * <p>Determine whether a file is a ZIP File by reading the the magic bytes for the ZIP format, that must be <code>0x504b0304</code></p> */ protected boolean isZipFile(File file) throws IOException { if (file.isDirectory()) { return false; } if (!file.canRead()) { throw new IOException("Cannot read file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } if (file.length() < 4) { return false; } DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))); int test = in.readInt(); in.close(); return test == 0x504b0304; } public CommandResponse actionImport(final Panel panel, final CommandRequest request) { ImportResult[] results = getSessionInfo().getImportResult(); int entriesCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { ImportResult result = results[i]; entriesCount += result.getRootNode().getChildren().size(); } int[][] indexes = new int[entriesCount][]; int indexesCurrentPos = 0; Enumeration en = request.getRequestObject().getParameterNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String parameterName = (String) en.nextElement(); if (parameterName.startsWith(IMPORT_PREFFIX)) { parameterName = parameterName.substring(IMPORT_PREFFIX.length()); int index = parameterName.indexOf(' '); int parentIndex = Integer.parseInt(parameterName.substring(0, index)); int childIndex = Integer.parseInt(parameterName.substring(index + 1)); indexes[indexesCurrentPos++] = new int[] { parentIndex, childIndex }; } } getSessionInfo().setCreateResult(getExportManager().create(results, indexes)); return new ShowPanelPage(panel, request, PAGE_IMPORT_RESULT); } }