Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.jboss.dashboard.annotation.Priority; import org.jboss.dashboard.annotation.Startable; import org.jboss.dashboard.ui.UIServices; import org.jboss.dashboard.users.Role; import org.jboss.dashboard.users.RolesManager; import org.jboss.dashboard.SecurityServices; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jboss.dashboard.workspace.*; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Security policy for the UI. */ @ApplicationScoped public class UIPolicy implements Policy, Startable { private static final transient Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UIPolicy.class); /** * Unspecified principal applies to all users. */ private static final Principal UNSPECIFIED_PRINCIPAL = new DefaultPrincipal("UnspecifiedPrincipal"); /** * Permissions defined for this policy grouped by principal. * <p>Each principal has a set of permissions granted. * The key of the map is an instance of Principal and the value is the set of Permissions * granted to that principal. * * @link aggregation * @clientCardinality 1 */ protected Map permissionMap = new HashMap(); /** * Hard-coded permissions. Granted by default. */ private List defaultPermissions = new ArrayList(); // Buffers containing permissions added or removed. // Persistent operations (save, load and delete) flush these buffers. private List updateBuffer = new ArrayList(); private List deleteBuffer = new ArrayList(); public Priority getPriority() { return Priority.HIGH; } public synchronized void start() throws Exception { log.debug("Init policy."); // Load state from persistent storage. this.load(); // Grant default permissions this.grantDefaultPermissions(); // Save policy; } /** * Generates a name for any resource related with the security subsystem. Currently supported resources * are: Workspace, Section, Panel and PanelInstance. * * @return The resource name has the following format.<ul> * <li>* or <workspaceId> for Workspace instances. * <li>* or <workspaceId>.<sectionId> for Section instances. * <li>* or <workspaceId>.*.<panelInstanceId> for Portet and PanelInstance instances.</ul> */ public String getResourceName(Object resource) { String resourceName = "*"; if (resource != null) { if (resource instanceof Workspace) { Workspace workspace = (Workspace) resource; resourceName = workspace.getId(); } else if (resource instanceof Section) { Section section = (Section) resource; resourceName = section.getWorkspace().getId() + "." + section.getId(); } else if (resource instanceof PanelInstance) { PanelInstance panel = (PanelInstance) resource; resourceName = panel.getWorkspace().getId() + ".*." + panel.getInstanceId(); } else if (resource instanceof Panel) { Panel panel = (Panel) resource; resourceName = panel.getWorkspace().getId() + ".*." + panel.getInstanceId(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource type not supported."); } } return resourceName; } /** * Retrieves a resource instance from its resource security name. * * @param resourceName The resource name used to identify resource within the security subsystem. * @param permissionClass The permission class of the resource. * @throws Exception If any error occurs when retrieving resource. * @see <i>getResourceName</i> method explains the resource naming format. */ public Object getResource(Class permissionClass, String resourceName) throws Exception { if (permissionClass.equals(WorkspacePermission.class)) { // All workspace if (resourceName.equals("*")) return null; // Concrete workspace return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(resourceName); } else if (permissionClass.equals(SectionPermission.class)) { // All sections if (resourceName.equals("*")) return null; // All workspace's sections int dot = resourceName.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(resourceName); String workspaceId = resourceName.substring(0, dot); String sectionId = resourceName.substring(dot + 1); if (sectionId.endsWith("*")) return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(workspaceId); // Concrete section return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(workspaceId) .getSection(new Long(sectionId)); } else if (permissionClass.equals(PanelPermission.class)) { // All panels if (resourceName.equals("*")) return null; // All workspace's panels int dot = resourceName.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(resourceName); String workspaceId = resourceName.substring(0, dot); dot = resourceName.indexOf(".", dot + 1); String panelInstanceId = resourceName.substring(dot + 1); if (panelInstanceId.endsWith("*")) return UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(workspaceId); // Concrete panel return ((WorkspaceImpl) UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(workspaceId)) .getPanelInstance(new Long(panelInstanceId)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource class not supported."); } } /** * Below is a list of permissions granted by default. */ public synchronized void grantDefaultPermissions() { log.debug("Grant default permissions."); RolesManager rolesManager = SecurityServices.lookup().getRolesManager(); WorkspacesManager workspacesManager = UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager(); SectionPermission sectionPerm = new SectionPermission("*", SectionPermission.ACTION_VIEW); sectionPerm.setReadOnly(true); PanelPermission panelPerm = new PanelPermission("*", PanelPermission.ACTION_VIEW); panelPerm.setReadOnly(true); // All roles can view all sections and panels for (Role role : rolesManager.getAllRoles()) { RolePrincipal rolePrincipal = new RolePrincipal(role); defaultPermissions.add(new Object[] { rolePrincipal, sectionPerm }); defaultPermissions.add(new Object[] { rolePrincipal, panelPerm }); // Give users with pure role "admin" some global permissions if (role.getName().equals(Role.ADMIN)) { BackOfficePermission bPerm = new BackOfficePermission(BackOfficePermission.getResourceName(null), null); bPerm.setReadOnly(true); bPerm.grantAction(BackOfficePermission.ACTION_USE_GRAPHIC_RESOURCES); bPerm.grantAction(BackOfficePermission.ACTION_CREATE_WORKSPACE); defaultPermissions.add(new Object[] { rolePrincipal, bPerm }); for (int i = 0; i < workspacesManager.getWorkspaces().length; i++) { WorkspaceImpl workspace = workspacesManager.getWorkspaces()[i]; for (Permission permission : createDefaultPermissions(workspace)) { defaultPermissions.add(new Object[] { rolePrincipal, permission }); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < defaultPermissions.size(); i++) { Object[] objects = (Object[]) defaultPermissions.get(i); this.addPermission((Principal) objects[0], (Permission) objects[1]); } } public List<Permission> createDefaultPermissions(Workspace workspace) { List<Permission> result = new ArrayList<Permission>(); WorkspacePermission workspacePerm = new WorkspacePermission(getResourceName(workspace), null); workspacePerm.grantAllActions(); workspacePerm.setReadOnly(true); result.add(workspacePerm); SectionPermission adminSectionPerm = new SectionPermission(getResourceName(workspace) + ".*", null); adminSectionPerm.grantAllActions(); adminSectionPerm.setReadOnly(true); result.add(adminSectionPerm); PanelPermission adminPanelPerm = new PanelPermission(getResourceName(workspace) + ".*", null); adminPanelPerm.grantAllActions(); adminPanelPerm.setReadOnly(true); result.add(adminPanelPerm); return result; } public boolean isPermissionGrantedByDefault(PermissionDescriptor permissionDescriptor) { for (int i = 0; i < defaultPermissions.size(); i++) { Object[] objects = (Object[]) defaultPermissions.get(i); try { if (objects[0].equals(permissionDescriptor.getPrincipal())) { if ((objects[1]).getClass().getName().equals(permissionDescriptor.getPermissionClass())) { if (((Permission) objects[1]).getName() .equals(permissionDescriptor.getPermissionResource())) { return true; } } } } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.error("Error: ", e); } } return false; } public String describeActionName(String permissionClass, String action, Locale locale) { try { ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("", locale); return messages.getString("action." + permissionClass + "." + action.replace(' ', '_')); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { log.warn("Can't find description for " + action + " in locale " + locale); return action; } } public void addPermission(Permission newPerm) { this.addPermission(null, newPerm); } public synchronized void addPermission(Principal prpal, Permission perm) { try { // No principal specified then use unspecified principal Principal key = prpal; if (key == null) key = UNSPECIFIED_PRINCIPAL; log.debug("Adding permission " + perm + " for principal " + prpal); Permissions prpalPermissions = (Permissions) permissionMap.get(key); if (prpalPermissions == null) { prpalPermissions = new Permissions(); permissionMap.put(key, prpalPermissions); } // If the permission is already granted then the new permission will be ignored when calling the following method, // So we don't have to implement any redundancy control. prpalPermissions.add(perm); // Update the persistent descriptor. PermissionDescriptor pd = PermissionManager.lookup().find(key, perm); if (pd == null) pd = PermissionManager.lookup().createNewItem(); pd.setPrincipal(key); pd.setPermission(perm); pd.setReadonly(((UIPermission) perm).isReadOnly()); // If the update buffer already contains the permission descriptor then remove it. int pos = updateBuffer.indexOf(pd); if (pos != -1) updateBuffer.remove(pos); updateBuffer.add(pd); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error: ", e); } } public void removePermissions(Principal p, String resourceName) { Permissions prpalPermissions = (Permissions) permissionMap.get(p); if (prpalPermissions != null && resourceName != null) { // Search for permissions related with the specified resource. List toRemove = new ArrayList(); Enumeration en = prpalPermissions.elements(); DefaultPermission resPerm = new DefaultPermission(resourceName, null); DefaultPermission regPerm = new DefaultPermission(resourceName, null); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Permission permission = (Permission) en.nextElement(); regPerm.setResourceName(permission.getName()); if (resPerm.implies(regPerm)) toRemove.add(permission); } // Remove permissions Iterator it = toRemove.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) this.removePermission(p, (Permission); } } public void removePermissions(String resourceName) { Iterator it = permissionMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Principal targetPrpal = (Principal); this.removePermissions(targetPrpal, resourceName); } } public synchronized void removePermission(Principal p, Permission perm) { // Update buffers PermissionDescriptor pd = PermissionManager.lookup().find(p, perm); if (pd != null && !pd.isReadonly()) { int pos = updateBuffer.indexOf(pd); if (pos != -1) updateBuffer.remove(pos); pos = deleteBuffer.indexOf(pd); if (pos == -1) deleteBuffer.add(pd); // Remove the permission from memory if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Removing permission " + perm + " for principal " + p); Permissions prpalPermissions = (Permissions) permissionMap.get(p); if (prpalPermissions != null) { Permissions newPermissions = new Permissions(); Enumeration en = prpalPermissions.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Permission permission = (Permission) en.nextElement(); if (!perm.equals(permission)) newPermissions.add(permission); } permissionMap.put(p, newPermissions); } } } public void removePermission(Permission oldPerm) { Iterator it = permissionMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Principal targetPrpal = (Principal); this.removePermission(targetPrpal, oldPerm); } } public PermissionCollection getPermissions(Subject usr) { Permissions userPermissions = new Permissions(); Iterator it = usr.getPrincipals().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Principal principal = (Principal); Permissions permissions = (Permissions) permissionMap.get(principal); if (permissions != null) { Enumeration permEnum = permissions.elements(); while (permEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Permission perm = (Permission) permEnum.nextElement(); userPermissions.add(perm); } } } // Also retrieve permission assigned to the unspecified principal Permissions permissions = (Permissions) permissionMap.get(UNSPECIFIED_PRINCIPAL); if (permissions != null) { Enumeration permEnum = permissions.elements(); while (permEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Permission perm = (Permission) permEnum.nextElement(); userPermissions.add(perm); } } return userPermissions; } public PermissionCollection getPermissions(Principal prpal) { Principal principal = prpal; if (principal == null) principal = UNSPECIFIED_PRINCIPAL; return (Permissions) permissionMap.get(principal); } public Permission getPermission(Principal prpal, Class permClass, String permName) { PermissionCollection permCollection = getPermissions(prpal); if (permCollection != null) { Enumeration en = permCollection.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Permission perm = (Permission) en.nextElement(); if (perm.getName().equals(permName) && perm.getClass().getName().equals(permClass.getName())) { return perm; } } } return null; } public Map getPermissions(Object resource, Class permClass) throws Exception { final Map results = new HashMap(); Method getResName = permClass.getMethod("getResourceName", new Class[] { Object.class }); String resourceName = (String) getResName.invoke(permClass, new Object[] { resource }); for (Iterator it = permissionMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Permissions perms = (Permissions) entry.getValue(); for (Enumeration en = perms.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) { Permission perm = (Permission) en.nextElement(); if (perm.getName().equals(resourceName) && permClass.equals(perm.getClass())) { results.put(entry.getKey(), perm); } } } return results; } public synchronized void removePermissions(final Object resource) throws Exception { // Retrieve permission related with resource. final String resourceName = getResourceName(resource); log.debug("Removing all permissions for resource named " + resourceName); final List results = PermissionManager.lookup().find(resourceName); // Update buffers Iterator it = results.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PermissionDescriptor pd = (PermissionDescriptor); int pos = updateBuffer.indexOf(pd); if (pos != -1) updateBuffer.remove(pos); pos = deleteBuffer.indexOf(pd); if (pos == -1) deleteBuffer.add(pd); } // Remove all resource-related permissions from policy removePermissions(resourceName); removePermissions(resourceName + ".*"); } public synchronized void clear() { permissionMap.clear(); updateBuffer.clear(); deleteBuffer.clear(); } // Persistent interface implementation // public boolean isPersistent() { return true; } public synchronized void save() throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Save policy with updateBuffer=" + updateBuffer); if (!updateBuffer.isEmpty() || !deleteBuffer.isEmpty()) { // Flush update buffer Iterator it = updateBuffer.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PermissionDescriptor descriptor = (PermissionDescriptor);; } // Flush delete buffer it = deleteBuffer.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PermissionDescriptor descriptor = (PermissionDescriptor); descriptor.delete(); } // Clear the buffers and notify to the cluster the policy changes. updateBuffer.clear(); deleteBuffer.clear(); } } public void update() throws Exception {; } public synchronized void load() throws Exception { // Load permission descriptors from persistent storage log.debug("Load policy."); List results = PermissionManager.lookup().getAllInstances(); // Initialize policy clear(); Iterator it = results.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PermissionDescriptor pd = (PermissionDescriptor); if (pd != null) try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Adding permission " + pd.getPermission() + " for principal " + pd.getPrincipal()); Principal prpal = pd.getPrincipal(); UIPermission perm = (UIPermission) pd.getPermission(); perm.setReadOnly(pd.isReadonly()); addPermission(prpal, perm); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { log.error("Ignoring permission descriptor " + pd); } } } public synchronized void delete() throws Exception { clear(); } }