Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.dashboard.database.hibernate; import org.hibernate.*; import org.jboss.dashboard.error.ErrorManager; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.jboss.dashboard.CoreServices; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A Hibernate transaction in the platform is always tied to a single thread. * Every time a thread is executed an instance of this class is created * and bounded to the current thread. The standard way to interact with the * underlying transaction is to make use of the HibernateTxFragment idiom. * * @see org.jboss.dashboard.database.hibernate.HibernateTxFragment */ public class HibernateTransaction { /** Logger */ private static transient Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HibernateTransaction.class.getName()); /** Current active transaction per thread */ private static transient ThreadLocal<HibernateTransaction> activeTx = new ThreadLocal<HibernateTransaction>(); /** * Get the current tx associated with the calling thread. * This method ensures that a tx instance is always available. */ public static HibernateTransaction getCurrentTx() { HibernateTransaction tx = activeTx.get(); if (tx == null) activeTx.set(tx = new HibernateTransaction()); return tx; } /** * The transaction identifier. */ private String id; /** * The current tx fragment being processed by the transaction. */ HibernateTxFragment currentFragment; /** * Children listeners that were opened within this fragment interested in transaction callbacks. */ List<HibernateTxFragment> listeners; /** * List of "marked new" transactions, that will be executed AFTER this tx is commited or rolled back. */ List<HibernateTxFragment> followers; /** * Hibernate session associated with the transaction. */ private Session session; /** * Flag indicating i the transaction has been initiated. */ private boolean active; /** * Flag indicating if the transaction has been marked as rollback only. */ private boolean rollback; /** * Status flag indicating if the transaction is has started the completion phase.. */ private boolean completing; /** * The underlying Hibernate transaction */ protected Transaction tx; private HibernateTransaction() { = Thread.currentThread().getName(); this.currentFragment = null; this.followers = new ArrayList<HibernateTxFragment>(); this.listeners = new ArrayList<HibernateTxFragment>(); this.session = null; this.tx = null; = false; this.rollback = false; this.completing = false; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public Session getSession() { return session; } public boolean isRollback() { return rollback; } public void setRollback(boolean rollback) { this.rollback = rollback; } public boolean isActive() { return active; } /** Begin the transaction */ public void begin() throws Exception { try { log.debug("Begin transaction. Id=" + getId()); HibernateSessionFactoryProvider hibernateSessionFactoryProvider = CoreServices.lookup() .getHibernateSessionFactoryProvider(); SessionFactory sessionFactory = hibernateSessionFactoryProvider.getSessionFactory(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); active = true; } catch (HibernateException e) { error(e); throw e; } } /** Complete the transaction */ public void complete() { // Flush the session before notifying the listeners if (!rollback) { flush(); } // Invoke listeners completing = true; notifyListeners(true); // Commit or rollback if (rollback) rollback(); else commit(); // Close the transaction and unbound it from the current thread completing = false; active = false; close(); tx = null; activeTx.set(null); // Invoke listeners notifyListeners(false); // Process queued txs. processFollowers(); } /** Flush the transaction */ protected void flush() { try { log.debug("Flush transaction. Id=" + getId()); session.flush(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.debug("Flush error. Id=" + getId()); error(e); } } /** Flush the transaction */ protected void close() { try { log.debug("Close transaction. Id=" + getId()); if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Close error. Id=" + getId()); error(e); } } /** Rollback the transaction */ protected void rollback() { try { log.debug("Rollback transaction. Id=" + getId()); tx.rollback(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error in rollback. Id=" + getId()); rollback = false; error(e); } } /** Commit the transaction */ protected void commit() { try { log.debug("Commit transaction. Id=" + getId()); tx.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error in commit. Id=" + getId()); error(e); } } /** Exception occurred during a transaction fragment */ public void error(Throwable t) { if (!rollback) { // Mark the transaction as rollback only. rollback = true; // Notify the error. ErrorManager.lookup().notifyError(t, true); } } protected final void executeFragment(HibernateTxFragment fragment) throws Exception { FlushMode flushMode = session.getFlushMode(); boolean flushChanged = false; try { // Change the current fragment. fragment.parentFragment = currentFragment; currentFragment = fragment; // Disable flush if the fragment's flush is set. HibernateTxFragment flusherFragment = getFlusherFragment(); if (fragment == flusherFragment) { session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.COMMIT); flushChanged = true; } // Execute the fragment. fragment.txFragment(session); // Flush the fragment if required. if (fragment == flusherFragment) { log.debug("Flush transaction. Id=" + getId()); session.flush(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Rollback the tx. error(t); // Propagate the exception. if (t instanceof Exception) throw (Exception) t; else throw new Exception(t); } finally { if (flushChanged) session.setFlushMode(flushMode); currentFragment = fragment.parentFragment; if (fragment.callbacksEnabled) { listeners.add(fragment); // When completing the tx notify the fragment right now. if (completing) notifyListener(true, fragment); } } } /** * Get the first fragment in the chain than has the flush flag enabled. */ protected HibernateTxFragment getFlusherFragment() { HibernateTxFragment setter = null; HibernateTxFragment fragment = currentFragment; while (fragment != null) { if (fragment.flushAfterFinish) setter = fragment; fragment = fragment.parentFragment; } return setter; } /** * Invoke the callbacks on listeners */ protected void notifyListeners(boolean before) { if (!listeners.isEmpty()) log.debug((before ? "Before " : "After ") + (rollback ? "rollback" : "commit")); // A copy of the list is needed because a listener could modify the list if it contains a txFragment with callbacks. for (HibernateTxFragment listener : new ArrayList<HibernateTxFragment>(listeners)) { boolean wasCommit = !rollback; notifyListener(before, listener); // If the listener execution aborts the tx then the notifyBeforeRollback must be sent to all the listeners. if (before && wasCommit && rollback) { notifyListeners(true); // The current notifyBeforeCommit notifications must be cancelled. break; } } } /** * Invoke the callbacks on a listener * @return true if the transaction has been aborted due to a failure in the listener execution. */ protected void notifyListener(boolean before, HibernateTxFragment listener) { if (before) { if (rollback) notifyBeforeRollback(listener); else notifyBeforeCommit(listener); } else { if (rollback) notifyAfterRollback(listener); else notifyAfterCommit(listener); } } /** * Call the followers (new transactions opened within this one, with the "new tx" flag set). */ private void processFollowers() { for (HibernateTxFragment fragment : followers) { try { log.debug("Follower"); fragment.execute(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Follower error. Id=" + getId(), e); } } } protected void notifyBeforeCommit(HibernateTxFragment fragment) { try { fragment.beforeCommit(); } catch (Throwable t) { // If it fails then the commit must be aborted. error(t); } } protected void notifyBeforeRollback(HibernateTxFragment fragment) { try { fragment.beforeRollback(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error before rollback: ", e); } } protected void notifyAfterCommit(HibernateTxFragment fragment) { try { fragment.afterCommit(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error after commit: ", e); } } protected void notifyAfterRollback(HibernateTxFragment fragment) { try { fragment.afterRollback(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error after rollback: ", e); } } public static Object runWork(final HibernateWork work) throws Throwable { final Object[] result = new Object[] { null }; new HibernateTxFragment() { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Throwable { result[0] = work.doWork(session); } }.execute(); return result[0]; } }