Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.dashboard.database.hibernate; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment; import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry; import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistryBuilder; import org.jboss.dashboard.Application; import org.jboss.dashboard.annotation.Priority; import org.jboss.dashboard.annotation.Startable; import org.jboss.dashboard.annotation.config.Config; import org.jboss.dashboard.commons.misc.ReflectionUtils; import org.jboss.dashboard.database.DataSourceManager; import org.jboss.dashboard.database.DatabaseAutoSynchronizer; import org.jboss.dashboard.database.JNDIDataSourceEntry; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.sql.DataSource; import*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.*; import; import; /** * Class that initializes the Hibernate framework. It reads all the *.hbm.xml files and push them as part of the * Hibernate configuration. Furthermore, initializes a SessionFactory object that will be used further by transactions. * To do so it reads first the configuration stored into the HibernateProperties factory bean. */ @ApplicationScoped public class HibernateInitializer implements Startable { private static transient Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HibernateInitializer.class.getName()); public static final String DB_H2 = "h2"; public static final String DB_POSTGRES = "postgres"; public static final String DB_MYSQL = "mysql"; public static final String DB_ORACLE = "oracle"; public static final String DB_SQLSERVER = "sqlserver"; public static final String DB_DB2 = "db2"; public static final String DB_TEIID = "teiid"; public static final String DB_SYBASE = "sybase"; @Inject protected HibernateSessionFactoryProvider hibernateSessionFactoryProvider; @Inject protected DatabaseAutoSynchronizer databaseAutoSynchronizer; @Inject protected DataSourceManager databaseSourceManager; @Inject @Config(DB_H2 + "=org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect," + DB_POSTGRES + "=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect," + DB_ORACLE + "=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect," + DB_MYSQL + "=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect," + DB_SQLSERVER + "=org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect," + DB_DB2 + "=org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect," + DB_TEIID + "=org.teiid.dialect.TeiidDialect," + DB_SYBASE + "=org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE157Dialect") protected Map<String, String> supportedDialects; @Inject @Config("org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect," + "org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect," + "org.teiid.dialect.TeiidDialect") protected String[] nativeToSequenceReplaceableDialects; @Inject @Config("org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect," + "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect," + "org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE157Dialect") protected String[] nativeToHiloReplaceableDialects; @Inject @Config("org.jboss.dashboard.ui.resources.Envelope," + "org.jboss.dashboard.ui.resources.Skin," + "org.jboss.dashboard.ui.resources.Layout," + "org.jboss.dashboard.ui.resources.GraphicElement") protected String[] verificationExcludedClassNames; protected Configuration hbmConfig; protected String databaseName; protected DataSource localDataSource; @Inject @Config protected String defaultSchema; public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return hibernateSessionFactoryProvider.getSessionFactory(); } public Priority getPriority() { return Priority.URGENT; } public void start() throws Exception { // Configure Hibernate using the hibernate.cfg.xml. String hbnCfgPath = Application.lookup().getBaseCfgDirectory() + File.separator + "hibernate.cfg.xml"; hbmConfig = new Configuration().configure(new File(hbnCfgPath)); // Infer the underlying database name. databaseName = inferDatabaseName();"The underlying database is: " + databaseName); // Set the proper dialect according to the database detected. String hbnDialect = supportedDialects.get(databaseName); hbmConfig.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", hbnDialect); // Fetch and pre-process the Hibernate mapping descriptors. loadHibernateDescriptors(hbmConfig); // Initialize the Hibernate session factory. ServiceRegistryBuilder serviceRegistryBuilder = new ServiceRegistryBuilder() .applySettings(hbmConfig.getProperties()); ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = (ServiceRegistry) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(serviceRegistryBuilder, "buildServiceRegistry", null); if (serviceRegistry == null) serviceRegistry = (ServiceRegistry) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(serviceRegistryBuilder, "build", null); SessionFactory factory = hbmConfig.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry); hibernateSessionFactoryProvider.setSessionFactory(factory); // Set the default schema if specified via system property or via hibernate configuration. // NOTE: To set the default schema via hibernate configuration, the hibernate.cfg.xml file must be modified. // This file is located inside the generated webapp. So, if the user wants to change the working schema, // the fastest way is to add a System property when starting the application server to modify the // defaultSchema bean property, instead of opening the war, modifying the file and reassembling it. if (StringUtils.isBlank(defaultSchema)) { String _defaultSchema = hbmConfig.getProperty(Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(_defaultSchema)) defaultSchema = _defaultSchema; } else { hbmConfig.setProperty(Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA, defaultSchema); } // Synchronize the database schema. if (databaseAutoSynchronizer != null) { databaseAutoSynchronizer.synchronize(this); } // Verify the Hibernate mappings. verifyHibernateConfig(); } public String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } public void setDefaultSchema(String defaultSchema) { this.defaultSchema = defaultSchema; } public String getDefaultSchema() { return defaultSchema; } public boolean isOracleDatabase() { return isDatabase(DB_ORACLE); } public boolean isPostgresDatabase() { return isDatabase(DB_POSTGRES); } public boolean isSQLServerDatabase() { return isDatabase(DB_SQLSERVER); } public boolean isMySQLDatabase() { return isDatabase(DB_MYSQL); } public boolean isH2Database() { return isDatabase(DB_H2); } public boolean isDB2Database() { return isDatabase(DB_DB2); } public boolean isTeiidDatabase() { return isDatabase(DB_TEIID); } public boolean isSybaseDatabase() { return isDatabase(DB_SYBASE); } protected boolean isDatabase(String dbId) { return dbId.equals(databaseName); } public DataSource getLocalDataSource() throws Exception { if (localDataSource != null) return localDataSource; String jndiName = hbmConfig.getProperty("hibernate.connection.datasource"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(jndiName)) throw new Exception("Property 'hibernate.connection.datasource' not specified."); // Obtain the application data source. JNDIDataSourceEntry jndiDS = new JNDIDataSourceEntry(); jndiDS.setJndiPath(jndiName); return localDataSource = jndiDS.getDataSource(); } protected String inferDatabaseName() throws Exception { String databaseName = inferDatabaseName(getLocalDataSource()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(databaseName)) { throw new Exception("The underlying database is unknown or the system is unable to recognize it."); } else { return databaseName; } } public String inferDatabaseName(DataSource ds) throws Exception { if (ds == null) return null; Connection connection = null; String dbProductName = null; try { connection = ds.getConnection(); dbProductName = connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase(); if (dbProductName.contains("h2")) return DB_H2; if (dbProductName.contains("postgre") || dbProductName.contains("enterprisedb")) return DB_POSTGRES; if (dbProductName.contains("mysql")) return DB_MYSQL; if (dbProductName.contains("oracle")) return DB_ORACLE; if (dbProductName.contains("microsoft") || dbProductName.contains("sqlserver") || dbProductName.contains("sql server")) return DB_SQLSERVER; if (dbProductName.contains("db2")) return DB_DB2; if (dbProductName.contains("teiid")) return DB_TEIID; if (dbProductName.contains("ase") || dbProductName.contains("adaptive")) return DB_SYBASE; } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } log.error("The underlying database code [" + dbProductName + "] is not supported."); return null; } protected void verifyHibernateConfig() throws Exception { new HibernateTxFragment() { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Exception { Map metadata = session.getSessionFactory().getAllClassMetadata(); for (Iterator i = metadata.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister); final String className = persister.getName(); if (!ArrayUtils.contains(verificationExcludedClassNames, className)) { log.debug("Verifying: " + className); new HibernateTxFragment(true) { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Exception { try { boolean usingOracle = isOracleDatabase(); Query query = session.createQuery( "from " + className + " c " + (usingOracle ? " where rownum < 6" : "")); if (!usingOracle) query.setMaxResults(5); query.list(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Structure verification error for class " + className); log.error("Error seems to affect table named " + persister.getTableName()); log.error( "The following stack trace may help you to determine the current error cause: ", e); } } }.execute(); } } } }.execute(); } protected void loadHibernateDescriptors(Configuration hbmConfig) throws IOException { Set<File> jars = Application.lookup().getJarFiles(); for (File jar : jars) { ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(jar); for (Enumeration en = zf.entries(); en.hasMoreElements();) { ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) en.nextElement(); String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entryName.endsWith("hbm.xml") && !entry.isDirectory()) { InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(entry); String xml = readXMLForFile(entryName, is); xml = processXMLContents(xml); hbmConfig.addXML(xml); } } } } protected String readXMLForFile(String fileName, InputStream is) throws IOException { try { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuffer fileContents = new StringBuffer(); String lineRead; while ((lineRead = reader.readLine()) != null) { fileContents.append(lineRead); } return fileContents.toString(); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error processing the Hibernate XML mapping descriptor: " + fileName, e); return null; } } protected String processXMLContents(String fileContent) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(nativeToSequenceReplaceableDialects, hbmConfig.getProperty("hibernate.dialect"))) { String line = "class=\"sequence\" />"; fileContent = StringUtils.replace(fileContent, "class=\"native\"/>", line); fileContent = StringUtils.replace(fileContent, "class=\"native\" />", line); } if (ArrayUtils.contains(nativeToHiloReplaceableDialects, hbmConfig.getProperty("hibernate.dialect"))) { String line = "class=\"hilo\"><param name=\"table\">hibernate_unique_key</param><param name=\"column\">next_hi</param><param name=\"max_lo\">0</param></generator>"; fileContent = StringUtils.replace(fileContent, "class=\"native\"/>", line); fileContent = StringUtils.replace(fileContent, "class=\"native\" />", line); } return fileContent; } /** * Evict all cache information. */ public synchronized void evictAllCaches() { Cache cache = getSessionFactory().getCache(); cache.evictQueryRegions(); cache.evictEntityRegions(); cache.evictCollectionRegions(); } }