Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.common.DefaultButton; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.DefaultWindow; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.TrappedFocusPanel; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.WindowContentBuilder; /** * General purpose wizard relying on a context for the common data and an enum representing the states of the different * steps. * <p> * Concrete wizards must inherit from this class and * <ol> * <li>add steps in the constructor using {@link #addStep(Enum, WizardStep)}</li> * <li>provide the initial and last step(s) by overriding {@link #initialState()} and {@link #lastStates()}</li> * <li>decide how to move back and forth by overriding {@link #back(Enum)} and {@link #next(Enum)}</li> * </ol> * * @param <C> The context * @param <S> The state enum * * @author Harald Pehl */ public abstract class Wizard<C, S extends Enum<S>> implements IsWidget { interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @Template("<h3>{0}</h3>") SafeHtml header(String text); } private class StateDeckPanel extends DeckPanel { public void showWidget(final S state) { WizardStep<C, S> step = steps.get(state); Integer index = stateIndex.get(state); if (step != null && index != null && index >= 0 && index < getWidgetCount()) { step.onShow(context); showWidget(stateIndex.get(state)); } } } private class Footer implements IsWidget { final FlowPanel panel; final DefaultButton cancel; final DefaultButton back; final DefaultButton next; public Footer() { cancel = new DefaultButton(CONSTANTS.common_label_cancel()); cancel.addClickHandler(clickEvent -> onCancel()); cancel.addStyleName("wizard-cancel"); IdHelper.setId(cancel, id(), "cancel"); back = new DefaultButton(CONSTANTS.wizard_back()); back.addClickHandler(clickEvent -> onBack()); IdHelper.setId(back, id(), "back"); next = new DefaultButton(CONSTANTS.common_label_next()); next.addClickHandler(clickEvent -> onNext()); next.addStyleName("primary"); IdHelper.setId(next, id(), "next"); panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.addStyleName("wizard-footer"); panel.add(cancel); panel.add(back); panel.add(next); } @Override public Widget asWidget() { return panel; } } public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 520; public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 450; private static final UIConstants CONSTANTS = Console.CONSTANTS; private static final Template TEMPLATE = GWT.create(Template.class); private final String id; protected final C context; private final LinkedHashMap<S, WizardStep<C, S>> steps; private final Map<S, Integer> stateIndex; private S state; private DefaultWindow window; private HTML header; private HTML errorMessages; private StateDeckPanel body; private Footer footer; protected Wizard(final String id, final C context) { = id; this.context = context; this.steps = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.stateIndex = new HashMap<>(); } @Override public Widget asWidget() { assertSteps(); state = initialState(); VerticalPanel root = new VerticalPanel(); root.setStyleName("window-content"); header = new HTML(); errorMessages = new HTML(); errorMessages.setVisible(false); errorMessages.setStyleName("error-panel"); body = new StateDeckPanel(); footer = new Footer(); int index = 0; for (Map.Entry<S, WizardStep<C, S>> entry : steps.entrySet()) { stateIndex.put(entry.getKey(), index); body.add(entry.getValue().asWidget(context)); index++; } root.add(header); root.add(errorMessages); root.add(body); pushState(state); return new TrappedFocusPanel(new WindowContentBuilder(root, footer.asWidget()).build()); } protected void addStep(final S state, final WizardStep<C, S> step) { steps.put(state, step); } // ------------------------------------------------------ public API /** * Opens the wizard and reset the state, context and UI. If you override this method please make sure to call * {@code} <em>before</em> you access or modify the context. */ public void open(String title) { open(title, DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } /** * Same as {@link #open(String)} with the ability to pass a different width and height. */ public void open(String title, int width, int height) { assertSteps(); if (window == null) { window = new DefaultWindow(title); window.setWidth(width); window.setHeight(height); window.trapWidget(asWidget()); window.setGlassEnabled(true); window.addCloseHandler(closeEvent -> { // calls the cancel() to remove the datasource as the user wants to cancel the ADD operation. onCancel(); }); } else { window.setTitle(title); } resetContext(); for (WizardStep<C, S> step : steps.values()) { step.reset(context); } state = initialState(); pushState(state);; } public void close() { if (window != null) { window.hide(); } } public void showError(String message) { errorMessages.setText(message); errorMessages.setVisible(true); } public void clearError() { errorMessages.setHTML(""); errorMessages.setVisible(false); } // ------------------------------------------------------ workflow private void onCancel() { if (currentStep().onCancel(context)) { cancel(); } } private void onBack() { if (currentStep().onBack(context)) { final S previousState = back(state); if (previousState != null) { pushState(previousState); } } } private void onNext() { if (currentStep().onNext(context)) { final S nextState = next(state); if (nextState != null) { pushState(nextState); } else { finish(); } } } /** * Sets the current state to the specified state and updates the UI to reflect the current state. * * @param state the next state */ private void pushState(final S state) { this.state = state; header.setHTML(TEMPLATE.header(currentStep().getTitle())); clearError(); body.showWidget(state); // will call onShow(C) for the current step footer.back.setEnabled(state != initialState()); lastStates().contains(state) ? CONSTANTS.common_label_finish() : CONSTANTS.common_label_next()); } /** * @return the initial state which is the state of the first added step by default. */ protected S initialState() { assertSteps(); return steps.keySet().iterator().next(); } /** * @return the last state(s) which is the state of the last added step by default. */ protected EnumSet<S> lastStates() { assertSteps(); return EnumSet.of(Iterables.getLast(steps.keySet())); } /** * Subclasses must provide the previous state for {@code state} or {@code null} if there's no previous state. */ protected abstract S back(final S state); /** * Subclasses must provide the next state for {@code state} or {@code null} if there's no next state (signals the * 'finished' state) */ protected abstract S next(final S state); /** * Subclasses can override this method to reset the context. This method is called just before the * wizard is opened. You don't need to reset the state or the UI though, the {@link #open(String)} method will take * care of this. */ protected void resetContext() { } /** * Closes the wizard. */ protected void finish() { close(); } /** * Closes the wizard. */ protected void cancel() { close(); } // ------------------------------------------------------ helper methods private WizardStep<C, S> currentStep() { assertSteps(); return steps.get(state); } /** * @return the unique id of this wizard. */ protected String id() { return id; } private <T extends DataSource> void assertSteps() { if (steps.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No steps found for wizard " + getClass().getName() + ". Please add steps in the constructor before using this wizard"); } } }