Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2011 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. All rights reserved. * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.proxy.PlaceManager; import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.proxy.PlaceRequest; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Top level header, gives access to main applications. * * @author Heiko Braun * @date 1/28/11 */ public class Header implements ValueChangeHandler<String> { private HTMLPanel linksPane; private String currentHighlightedSection = null; //private DeckPanel subnavigation; public static final String[][] SECTIONS = { new String[] { NameTokens.ProfileMgmtPresenter, Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_profiles() }, new String[] { NameTokens.HostMgmtPresenter, "Hosts" }, new String[] { NameTokens.DomainRuntimePresenter, "Runtime" } }; public static final String[][] SECTIONS_STANADLONE = { new String[] { NameTokens.serverConfig, "Profile" }, new String[] { NameTokens.StandaloneRuntimePresenter, "Runtime" } }; private MessageBar messageBar; //private Map<String,Widget> appLinks = new HashMap<String, Widget>(); private BootstrapContext bootstrap; private MessageCenter messageCenter; private PlaceManager placeManager; private ProductConfig productConfig; @Inject public Header(MessageCenter messageCenter, BootstrapContext bootstrap, PlaceManager placeManager, ProductConfig productConfig) { this.messageBar = new MessageBar(messageCenter); this.bootstrap = bootstrap; this.messageCenter = messageCenter; this.placeManager = placeManager; this.productConfig = productConfig; History.addValueChangeHandler(this); } public Widget asWidget() { LayoutPanel outerLayout = new LayoutPanel(); outerLayout.addStyleName("page-header"); Widget logo = getLogoSection(); Widget links = getLinksSection(); LayoutPanel rhs = new LayoutPanel(); rhs.setStyleName("fill-layout"); MessageCenterView messageCenterView = new MessageCenterView(messageCenter); Widget messageCenter = messageCenterView.asWidget(); rhs.add(messageCenter); rhs.add(links); rhs.setWidgetRightWidth(messageCenter, 10, Style.Unit.PX, 100, Style.Unit.PCT); rhs.setWidgetRightWidth(links, 10, Style.Unit.PX, 100, Style.Unit.PCT); rhs.setWidgetBottomHeight(messageCenter, 27, Style.Unit.PX, 28, Style.Unit.PX); rhs.setWidgetBottomHeight(links, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 24, Style.Unit.PX); LayoutPanel innerLayout = new LayoutPanel(); innerLayout.add(logo); innerLayout.add(rhs); innerLayout.setWidgetLeftWidth(logo, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 50, Style.Unit.PCT); innerLayout.setWidgetRightWidth(rhs, 10, Style.Unit.PX, 50, Style.Unit.PCT); innerLayout.setWidgetBottomHeight(rhs, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 58, Style.Unit.PX); outerLayout.add(innerLayout); outerLayout.setWidgetTopHeight(innerLayout, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 58, Style.Unit.PX); outerLayout.getElement().setAttribute("role", "navigation"); outerLayout.getElement().setAttribute("aria-label", "Toplevel Categories"); return outerLayout; } private Widget getLogoSection() { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.setStyleName("logo-section"); panel.getElement().setAttribute("role", "presentation"); panel.getElement().setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); Image logo = null; if (ProductConfig.Profile.EAP.equals(productConfig.getProfile())) { logo = new Image("images/logo/product_title.png"); logo.setAltText("JBoss Enterprise Application Platform"); } else { logo = new Image("images/logo/community_title.png"); logo.setAltText("JBoss Application Server"); } logo.setStyleName("logo"); panel.add(logo); HTML prodVersion = new HTML(productConfig.getProductVersion()); prodVersion.setStyleName("header-prod-version"); panel.add(prodVersion); logo.getElement().getParentElement().setAttribute("valign", "bottom"); logo.getElement().getParentElement().setAttribute("style", "vertical-align:bottom;"); prodVersion.getElement().getParentElement().setAttribute("valign", "bottom"); prodVersion.getElement().getParentElement().setAttribute("style", "vertical-align:bottom;"); prodVersion.getElement().getParentElement().setAttribute("width", "100%"); return panel; } private Widget getLinksSection() { linksPane = new HTMLPanel(createLinks()); linksPane.getElement().setId("header-links-section"); linksPane.getElement().setAttribute("role", "menubar"); linksPane.getElement().setAttribute("aria-controls", "main-content-area"); String[][] sections = bootstrap.isStandalone() ? SECTIONS_STANADLONE : SECTIONS; for (String[] section : sections) { final String name = section[0]; final String id = "header-" + name; SafeHtmlBuilder html = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); html.appendHtmlConstant("<div class='header-link-label'>"); html.appendHtmlConstant("<span role='menuitem'>"); html.appendHtmlConstant(section[1]); html.appendHtmlConstant("</span>"); html.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); HTML widget = new HTML(html.toSafeHtml()); widget.setStyleName("fill-layout"); widget.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest(name)); } }); linksPane.add(widget, id); } //subnavigation = createSubnavigation(); //linksPane.add(subnavigation, "subnavigation"); return linksPane; } private String createLinks() { String[][] sections = bootstrap.getProperty(BootstrapContext.STANDALONE).equals("true") ? SECTIONS_STANADLONE : SECTIONS; SafeHtmlBuilder headerString = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); if (sections.length > 0) { headerString.appendHtmlConstant( "<table border=0 class='header-links' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>"); headerString.appendHtmlConstant("<tr id='header-links-ref'>"); headerString.appendHtmlConstant("<td><img src=\"images/blank.png\" width=1/></td>"); for (String[] section : sections) { final String name = section[0]; final String id = "header-" + name; String styleClass = "header-link"; String styleAtt = "vertical-align:middle; text-align:center"; String td = "<td style='" + styleAtt + "' id='" + id + "' class='" + styleClass + "'></td>"; headerString.appendHtmlConstant(td); //headerString.append(title); //headerString.appendHtmlConstant("<td ><img src=\"images/blank.png\" width=1 height=32/></td>"); } headerString.appendHtmlConstant("</tr>"); headerString.appendHtmlConstant("</table>"); headerString.appendHtmlConstant("<div id='subnavigation' style='float:right;clear:right;'/>"); } return headerString.toSafeHtml().asString(); } @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { String historyToken = event.getValue(); if (historyToken.equals(currentHighlightedSection)) return; else currentHighlightedSection = historyToken; if (historyToken.indexOf("/") != -1) { highlight(historyToken.substring(0, historyToken.indexOf("/"))); } else { highlight(historyToken); } } public void highlight(String name) { toggleSubnavigation(name); target = linksPane.getElementById("header-links-ref"); if (target != null) // standalone doesn't provide any top level links { NodeList<Node> childNodes = target.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = childNodes.getItem(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == n.getNodeType()) { Element element = (Element) n; if (element.getId().equals("header-" + name)) { element.addClassName("header-link-selected"); element.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); } else { element.removeClassName("header-link-selected"); element.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); } } } } } private void toggleSubnavigation(String name) { } public DeckPanel createSubnavigation() { DeckPanel subnavigation = new DeckPanel(); // TODO: fill in contents return subnavigation; } }