Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static java.lang.Math.max; /** * @author Harald Pehl */ final class Templates { static final Items ITEMS = GWT.create(Items.class); static final Previews PREVIEWS = GWT.create(Previews.class); interface Items extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @Template("<div class=\"{0}\" title=\"{2}\">{1}</div>") SafeHtml item(String css, String name, String title); @Template("<div class=\"{0}\" title=\"{2}\">{1}<span class=\"member-realm\">@{3}</span></div>") SafeHtml principalWithRealm(String css, String name, String title, String realm); @Template("<div class=\"{0}\" title=\"{2}\">{1}<div style=\"font-size:8px\">{3}</div></div>") SafeHtml scopedRole(String css, String name, String title, String baseAndScope); @Template("<div class=\"{0}\">{1}</div>") SafeHtml aggregationItem(String css, String name); @Template("<div class=\"{0}\" title=\"{2}\"><i class=\"{3}\"></i> {1}</div>") SafeHtml member(String css, String name, String title, String principalTypeCss); @Template("<div class=\"{0}\" title=\"{2}\"><i class=\"{3}\"></i> {1}<span class=\"member-realm\">@{4}</span></div>") SafeHtml memberWithRealm(String css, String name, String title, String principalTypeCss, String realm); @Template("<div class=\"{0}\" title=\"{2}\">{1}<div style=\"font-size:8px\">{3}</div></div>") SafeHtml assignmentWithScopedRole(String css, String name, String title, String baseAndScope); } interface Previews extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @Template("<div class='preview-content'><h2>{0}</h2>{1}</div>") SafeHtml user(String name, SafeHtml details); @Template("<div class='preview-content'><h2>{0}</h2>{1}</div>") SafeHtml group(String name, SafeHtml details); @Template("<div class='preview-content'><h2>{0}</h2><p>{1}</p>{2}</div>") SafeHtml scopedRole(String name, String baseAndScope, SafeHtml members); @Template("<div class='preview-content'><h2>{0}</h2>{1}</div>") SafeHtml member(String principal, SafeHtml details); } // ------------------------------------------------------ principal static SafeHtml principalItem(final String css, final Principal principal) { return principal.getRealm() == null ? ITEMS.item(css, principal.getName(), principal.getName()) : ITEMS.principalWithRealm(css, principal.getName(), principal.getName() + " (at) " + principal.getRealm(), principal.getRealm()); } static SafeHtml principalPreview(final Principal principal, Iterable<Assignment> includes, Iterable<Assignment> excludes) { SafeHtmlBuilder details = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); details.appendHtmlConstant("<p>"); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(excludes)) { List<Role> excludedRoles = Roles.orderedByName().immutableSortedCopy(distinctRoles(excludes)); details.appendEscaped("Excluded from "); details.appendEscaped(Joiner.on(", ").join(Lists.transform(excludedRoles, Role::getName))); details.appendEscaped("."); details.appendHtmlConstant("<br/>"); } if (!Iterables.isEmpty(includes)) { List<Role> assignedRoles = Roles.orderedByName().immutableSortedCopy(distinctRoles(includes)); details.appendEscaped("Assigned to "); details.appendEscaped(Joiner.on(", ").join(Lists.transform(assignedRoles, Role::getName))); details.appendEscaped("."); } if (Iterables.isEmpty(excludes) && Iterables.isEmpty(includes)) { details.appendEscaped("No roles are assigned to this "); details.appendEscaped(principal.getType() == Principal.Type.USER ? "user" : "group"); details.append('.'); } details.appendHtmlConstant("</p>"); return principal.getType() == Principal.Type.USER ? PREVIEWS.user(principal.getName(), details.toSafeHtml()) :, details.toSafeHtml()); } // ------------------------------------------------------ role static SafeHtml roleItem(final String css, final Role role) { if (role.isStandard()) { return ITEMS.item(css, role.getName(), role.getName()); } else { return ITEMS.scopedRole(css, role.getName(), baseAndScope(role), shortBaseAndScope(role)); } } static SafeHtml scopedRolePreview(final Role role) { return PREVIEWS.scopedRole(role.getName(), baseAndScope(role), SafeHtmlUtils.EMPTY_SAFE_HTML); } static SafeHtml scopedRolePreview(final Role role, final Iterable<Principal> excludes, final Iterable<Principal> includes) { return PREVIEWS.scopedRole(role.getName(), baseAndScope(role), roleMembers(role, excludes, includes)); } static SafeHtml roleMembers(final Role role, final Iterable<Principal> excludes, final Iterable<Principal> includes) { SafeHtmlBuilder members = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); if (role.isIncludeAll()) { members.appendHtmlConstant("<p>") .appendEscaped("All authenticated users are automatically assigned to this role.") .appendHtmlConstant("</p>"); } else if (Iterables.isEmpty(excludes) && Iterables.isEmpty(includes)) { members.appendHtmlConstant("<p>").appendEscaped("No users or groups are assigned to this role.") .appendHtmlConstant("</p>"); } else { if (!Iterables.isEmpty(excludes)) { String names = Joiner.on(", ").join(Iterables.transform(excludes, Principal::getNameAndRealm)); members.appendHtmlConstant("<p><b>").appendEscaped("Excludes").appendHtmlConstant("</b><br/>") .appendEscaped(names).appendHtmlConstant("</p>"); } if (!Iterables.isEmpty(includes)) { String names = Joiner.on(", ").join(Iterables.transform(includes, Principal::getNameAndRealm)); members.appendHtmlConstant("<p><b>").appendEscaped("Includes").appendHtmlConstant("</b><br/>") .appendEscaped(names).appendHtmlConstant("</p>"); } } return members.toSafeHtml(); } // ------------------------------------------------------ aggregation items static SafeHtml aggregationItem(final String css, final AggregationItem item) { return ITEMS.aggregationItem(css, item.getTitle()); } // ------------------------------------------------------ assignment static SafeHtml assignmentItem(final String css, final Assignment assignment) { Role role = assignment.getRole(); String title = (assignment.isInclude() ? "" : "Exclude ") + role.getName(); if (role.isStandard()) { return ITEMS.item(css, role.getName(), title); } else { return ITEMS.assignmentWithScopedRole(css, role.getName(), title, shortBaseAndScope(role)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------ member static SafeHtml memberItem(final String css, final Principal principal) { String principalTypeCss = principal.getType() == Principal.Type.USER ? "icon-user" : "icon-group"; StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(); title.append(principal.getName()); if (principal.getRealm() != null) { title.append(" (at) ").append(principal.getRealm()); } if (principal.getRealm() == null) { return ITEMS.member(css, principal.getName(), title.toString(), principalTypeCss); } else { return ITEMS.memberWithRealm(css, principal.getName(), title.toString(), principalTypeCss, principal.getRealm()); } } static SafeHtml memberPreview(final Assignment assignment, int memberAssignments) { int otherAssignments = max(0, memberAssignments - 1); Principal member = assignment.getPrincipal(); SafeHtmlBuilder builder = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); builder.appendHtmlConstant("<p>"); if (!assignment.isInclude()) { builder.appendEscaped("Excluded from role ").appendEscaped(assignment.getRole().getName()) .appendEscaped(". "); } if (otherAssignments == 0) { builder.appendEscaped("Not used in other assignments. "); } else if (otherAssignments == 1) { builder.appendEscaped("Used in one other assignment. "); } else { builder.appendEscaped("Used in ").append(otherAssignments).appendEscaped(" other assignments. "); } if (member.getRealm() != null) { builder.appendEscaped("Bound to realm '").appendEscaped(member.getRealm()).appendEscaped("'."); } builder.appendHtmlConstant("</p>"); return PREVIEWS.member(member.getName(), builder.toSafeHtml()); } // ------------------------------------------------------ helper methods private static Set<Role> distinctRoles(final Iterable<Assignment> assignments) { Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<>(); for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { roles.add(assignment.getRole()); } return roles; } private static String baseAndScope(Role role) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Based on role '").append(role.getBaseRole().getId()); if (role.getType() == Role.Type.HOST) { builder.append("' scoped to host(s) '"); } else if (role.getType() == Role.Type.SERVER_GROUP) { builder.append("' scoped to server group(s) '"); } Joiner.on(", ").appendTo(builder, role.getScope()); builder.append("'."); return builder.toString(); } private static String shortBaseAndScope(final Role role) { return Joiner.on(" / ").join(role.getBaseRole().getId(), Joiner.on(", ").join(role.getScope())); } }