Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 * Cheng Fang - Initial API and implementation


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.batch.operations.JobOperator;
import javax.batch.runtime.BatchStatus;
import javax.batch.runtime.StepExecution;

import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteStreamHandler;
import org.jberet.operations.JobOperatorImpl;
import org.jberet.runtime.JobExecutionImpl;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

 * Tests for {@link OsCommandBatchlet}.
 * @since 1.3.0.Beta5
public class OsCommandBatchletTest {
    public static final String jobName = "";
    public static final JobOperator jobOperator = new JobOperatorImpl();

     * Runs job {@value #jobName}, where {@link OsCommandBatchlet} executes
     * simple OS commands.
     * @throws Exception upon errors
    public void simpleCommands() throws Exception {
        // run echo command, and should complete successfully with process exit code 0.
        final Properties jobParams = new Properties();
        jobParams.setProperty("commandLine", "echo This is echo from osCommandBatchlet");
        runCommand(jobParams, BatchStatus.COMPLETED, String.valueOf(0));

        // run echo command, passing the command as comma-separated list,
        // and setting custom working directory and timeout.
        // The command should complete successfully with process exit code 0.
        jobParams.setProperty("commandArray", "echo, abc, xyz, 123");
        jobParams.setProperty("workingDir", System.getProperty(""));
        jobParams.setProperty("timeoutSeconds", String.valueOf(600));
        runCommand(jobParams, BatchStatus.COMPLETED, String.valueOf(0));

        // run cd command, setting the process exit code for successful completion to 999999.
        // The job execution should fail, since the process exit code 0 does not match 999999.
        jobParams.setProperty("commandLine", "cd ..");
        jobParams.setProperty("commandOkExitValues", String.valueOf(999999));
        runCommand(jobParams, BatchStatus.FAILED, String.valueOf(0));

     * This test uses a custom stream handler that does nothing.
     * There should be no output displayed from running the command subprocess.
     * @throws Exception upon errors
    public void streamHandler() throws Exception {
        // run echo command, and should complete successfully with process exit code 0.
        final Properties jobParams = new Properties();
        jobParams.setProperty("commandLine", "echo This is echo from osCommandBatchlet");
        jobParams.setProperty("streamHandler", "$NoopStreamHandler");
        runCommand(jobParams, BatchStatus.COMPLETED, String.valueOf(0));

     * Runs {@code top} command, which continuously displays OS process info.
     * By setting a timeout, the {@code top} process should be aborted after timeout,
     * and so the job execution should fail, and the batch exit status is set to
     * the process exit code (143, interrupted).
     * @throws Exception upon errors
    public void timeout() throws Exception {
        final Properties jobParams = new Properties();
        jobParams.setProperty("commandLine", "top");
        jobParams.setProperty("timeoutSeconds", String.valueOf(5));
        runCommand(jobParams, BatchStatus.FAILED, String.valueOf(143));

     * Runs {@code top} command, which continuously displays OS process info.
     * The job execution is then stopped, which means the {@code top} command
     * should also be stopped.  The batch exit status is set to the process
     * exit code (143).
     * @throws Exception upon errors
    public void stop() throws Exception {
        final Properties jobParams = new Properties();
        jobParams.setProperty("commandLine", "top");
        final long jobExecutionId = jobOperator.start(jobName, jobParams);
        final JobExecutionImpl jobExecution = (JobExecutionImpl) jobOperator.getJobExecution(jobExecutionId);

        checkJobExecution(jobExecution, BatchStatus.STOPPED, String.valueOf(143));

    protected void runCommand(final Properties jobParams, final BatchStatus expectedBatchStatus,
            final String expectedExitStatus) throws Exception {
        final long jobExecutionId = jobOperator.start(jobName, jobParams);
        final JobExecutionImpl jobExecution = (JobExecutionImpl) jobOperator.getJobExecution(jobExecutionId);
        jobExecution.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
        checkJobExecution(jobExecution, expectedBatchStatus, expectedExitStatus);

    protected void checkJobExecution(final JobExecutionImpl jobExecution, final BatchStatus expectedBatchStatus,
            final String expectedExitStatus) {
        assertEquals(expectedBatchStatus, jobExecution.getBatchStatus());
        final List<StepExecution> stepExecutions = jobExecution.getStepExecutions();
        assertEquals(1, stepExecutions.size());
        final StepExecution stepExecution = stepExecutions.get(0);
        assertEquals(expectedExitStatus, stepExecution.getExitStatus());

    public static final class NoopStreamHandler implements ExecuteStreamHandler {

        public void setProcessInputStream(final OutputStream os) throws IOException {


        public void setProcessErrorStream(final InputStream is) throws IOException {


        public void setProcessOutputStream(final InputStream is) throws IOException {


        public void start() throws IOException {


        public void stop() throws IOException {

