Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Apereo under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Apereo licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at the following location: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jasig.ssp.service.impl; // NOPMD by jon.adams import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.mail.SendFailedException; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jasig.ssp.config.EarlyAlertResponseReminderRecipientsConfig; import org.jasig.ssp.dao.EarlyAlertDao; import org.jasig.ssp.factory.EarlyAlertSearchResultTOFactory; import org.jasig.ssp.model.EarlyAlert; import org.jasig.ssp.model.EarlyAlertRouting; import org.jasig.ssp.model.EarlyAlertSearchResult; import org.jasig.ssp.model.Message; import org.jasig.ssp.model.ObjectStatus; import org.jasig.ssp.model.Person; import org.jasig.ssp.model.PersonProgramStatus; import org.jasig.ssp.model.SubjectAndBody; import org.jasig.ssp.model.WatchStudent; import org.jasig.ssp.model.external.FacultyCourse; import org.jasig.ssp.model.external.Term; import org.jasig.ssp.model.reference.Campus; import org.jasig.ssp.model.reference.EarlyAlertReason; import org.jasig.ssp.model.reference.EarlyAlertSuggestion; import org.jasig.ssp.model.reference.ProgramStatus; import org.jasig.ssp.model.reference.StudentType; import; import org.jasig.ssp.service.AbstractPersonAssocAuditableService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.EarlyAlertRoutingService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.EarlyAlertService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.MessageService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.jasig.ssp.service.PersonProgramStatusService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.PersonService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.SecurityService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.external.FacultyCourseService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.external.TermService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.reference.ConfigService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.reference.EarlyAlertReasonService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.reference.EarlyAlertSuggestionService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.reference.MessageTemplateService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.reference.ProgramStatusService; import org.jasig.ssp.service.reference.StudentTypeService; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.EarlyAlertSearchResultTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.EarlyAlertTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.PagedResponse; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.form.EarlyAlertSearchForm; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.messagetemplate.CoachPersonLiteMessageTemplateTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.messagetemplate.EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.reports.EarlyAlertCourseCountsTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.reports.EarlyAlertReasonCountsTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.reports.EarlyAlertStudentReportTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.reports.EarlyAlertStudentSearchTO; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.reports.EntityCountByCoachSearchForm; import org.jasig.ssp.transferobject.reports.EntityStudentCountByCoachTO; import org.jasig.ssp.util.DateTimeUtils; import org.jasig.ssp.util.collections.Pair; import org.jasig.ssp.util.collections.Triple; import org.jasig.ssp.util.sort.PagingWrapper; import org.jasig.ssp.util.sort.SortingAndPaging; import org.jasig.ssp.web.api.validation.ValidationException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; /** * EarlyAlert service implementation * * @author jon.adams * */ @Service @Transactional public class EarlyAlertServiceImpl extends // NOPMD AbstractPersonAssocAuditableService<EarlyAlert> implements EarlyAlertService { @Autowired private transient EarlyAlertDao dao; @Autowired private transient ConfigService configService; @Autowired private transient EarlyAlertRoutingService earlyAlertRoutingService; @Autowired private transient MessageService messageService; @Autowired private transient MessageTemplateService messageTemplateService; @Autowired private transient EarlyAlertReasonService earlyAlertReasonService; @Autowired private transient EarlyAlertSuggestionService earlyAlertSuggestionService; @Autowired private transient PersonService personService; @Autowired private transient FacultyCourseService facultyCourseService; @Autowired private transient TermService termService; @Autowired private transient PersonProgramStatusService personProgramStatusService; @Autowired private transient ProgramStatusService programStatusService; @Autowired private transient StudentTypeService studentTypeService; @Autowired private transient SecurityService securityService; @Autowired private transient EarlyAlertSearchResultTOFactory searchResultFactory; @Autowired private transient EarlyAlertResponseReminderRecipientsConfig earReminderRecipientConfig; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EarlyAlertServiceImpl.class); @Override protected EarlyAlertDao getDao() { return dao; } @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = { ObjectNotFoundException.class, ValidationException.class }) public EarlyAlert create(@NotNull final EarlyAlert earlyAlert) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ValidationException { // Validate objects if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert must be provided."); } if (earlyAlert.getPerson() == null) { throw new ValidationException("EarlyAlert Student data must be provided."); } final Person student = earlyAlert.getPerson(); // Figure student advisor or early alert coordinator final UUID assignedAdvisor = getEarlyAlertAdvisor(earlyAlert); if (assignedAdvisor == null) { throw new ValidationException( "Could not determine the Early Alert Advisor for student ID " + student.getId()); } if (student.getCoach() == null || assignedAdvisor.equals(student.getCoach().getId())) { student.setCoach(personService.get(assignedAdvisor)); } ensureValidAlertedOnPersonStateNoFail(student); // Create alert final EarlyAlert saved = getDao().save(earlyAlert); // Send e-mail to assigned advisor (coach) try { sendMessageToAdvisor(saved, earlyAlert.getEmailCC()); } catch (final SendFailedException e) { LOGGER.warn("Could not send Early Alert message to advisor.", e); throw new ValidationException( "Early Alert notification e-mail could not be sent to advisor. Early Alert was NOT created.", e); } // Send e-mail CONFIRMATION to faculty try { sendConfirmationMessageToFaculty(saved); } catch (final SendFailedException e) { LOGGER.warn("Could not send Early Alert confirmation to faculty.", e); throw new ValidationException( "Early Alert confirmation e-mail could not be sent. Early Alert was NOT created.", e); } return saved; } @Override public void closeEarlyAlert(UUID earlyAlertId) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ValidationException { final EarlyAlert earlyAlert = getDao().get(earlyAlertId); // DAOs don't implement ObjectNotFoundException consistently and we'd // rather they not implement it at all, so a small attempt at 'future // proofing' here if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(earlyAlertId, EarlyAlert.class.getName()); } if (earlyAlert.getClosedDate() != null) { // already closed return; } final SspUser sspUser = securityService.currentUser(); if (sspUser == null) { throw new ValidationException("Early Alert cannot be closed by a null User."); } earlyAlert.setClosedDate(new Date()); earlyAlert.setClosedBy(sspUser.getPerson()); // This save will result in a Hib session flush, which works fine with // our current usage. Future use cases might prefer to delay the // flush and we can address that when the time comes. Might not even // need to change anything here if it turns out nothing actually // *depends* on the flush. getDao().save(earlyAlert); } @Override public void openEarlyAlert(UUID earlyAlertId) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ValidationException { final EarlyAlert earlyAlert = getDao().get(earlyAlertId); // DAOs don't implement ObjectNotFoundException consistently and we'd // rather they not implement it at all, so a small attempt at 'future // proofing' here if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(earlyAlertId, EarlyAlert.class.getName()); } if (earlyAlert.getClosedDate() == null) { return; } final SspUser sspUser = securityService.currentUser(); if (sspUser == null) { throw new ValidationException("Early Alert cannot be closed by a null User."); } earlyAlert.setClosedDate(null); earlyAlert.setClosedBy(null); // This save will result in a Hib session flush, which works fine with // our current usage. Future use cases might prefer to delay the // flush and we can address that when the time comes. Might not even // need to change anything here if it turns out nothing actually // *depends* on the flush. getDao().save(earlyAlert); } @Override public EarlyAlert save(@NotNull final EarlyAlert obj) throws ObjectNotFoundException { final EarlyAlert current = getDao().get(obj.getId()); current.setCourseName(obj.getCourseName()); current.setCourseTitle(obj.getCourseTitle()); current.setEmailCC(obj.getEmailCC()); current.setCampus(obj.getCampus()); current.setEarlyAlertReasonOtherDescription(obj.getEarlyAlertReasonOtherDescription()); current.setComment(obj.getComment()); current.setClosedDate(obj.getClosedDate()); if (obj.getClosedById() == null) { current.setClosedBy(null); } else { current.setClosedBy(personService.get(obj.getClosedById())); } if (obj.getPerson() == null) { current.setPerson(null); } else { current.setPerson(personService.get(obj.getPerson().getId())); } final Set<EarlyAlertReason> earlyAlertReasons = new HashSet<EarlyAlertReason>(); if (obj.getEarlyAlertReasons() != null) { for (final EarlyAlertReason reason : obj.getEarlyAlertReasons()) { earlyAlertReasons.add(earlyAlertReasonService.load(reason.getId())); } } current.setEarlyAlertReasons(earlyAlertReasons); final Set<EarlyAlertSuggestion> earlyAlertSuggestions = new HashSet<EarlyAlertSuggestion>(); if (obj.getEarlyAlertSuggestions() != null) { for (final EarlyAlertSuggestion reason : obj.getEarlyAlertSuggestions()) { earlyAlertSuggestions.add(earlyAlertSuggestionService.load(reason.getId())); } } current.setEarlyAlertSuggestions(earlyAlertSuggestions); return getDao().save(current); } @Override public PagingWrapper<EarlyAlert> getAllForPerson(final Person person, final SortingAndPaging sAndP) { return getDao().getAllForPersonId(person.getId(), sAndP); } /** * Business logic to determine the advisor that is assigned to the student * for this Early Alert. * * @param earlyAlert * EarlyAlert instance * @throws ValidationException * If Early Alert, Student, and/or system information could not * determine the advisor for this student. * @return The assigned advisor */ private UUID getEarlyAlertAdvisor(final EarlyAlert earlyAlert) throws ValidationException { // Check for student already assigned to an advisor (a.k.a. coach) if ((earlyAlert.getPerson().getCoach() != null) && (earlyAlert.getPerson().getCoach().getId() != null)) { return earlyAlert.getPerson().getCoach().getId(); } // Get campus Early Alert coordinator if (earlyAlert.getCampus() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Campus ID can not be null."); } if (earlyAlert.getCampus().getEarlyAlertCoordinatorId() != null) { // Return Early Alert coordinator UUID return earlyAlert.getCampus().getEarlyAlertCoordinatorId(); } // TODO If no campus EA Coordinator, assign to default EA Coordinator // (which is not yet implemented) // getEarlyAlertAdvisor should never return null throw new ValidationException( "Could not determined the Early Alert Coordinator for this student. Ensure that a default coordinator is set globally and for all campuses."); } private void ensureValidAlertedOnPersonStateNoFail(Person person) { try { ensureValidAlertedOnPersonStateOrFail(person); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to set a program status or student type on " + "person '{}'. This is likely to prevent that person " + "record from appearing in caseloads, student searches, " + "and some reports.", person.getId(), e); } } private void ensureValidAlertedOnPersonStateOrFail(Person person) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ValidationException { if (person.getObjectStatus() != ObjectStatus.ACTIVE) { person.setObjectStatus(ObjectStatus.ACTIVE); } final ProgramStatus programStatus = programStatusService.getActiveStatus(); if (programStatus == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Unable to find a ProgramStatus representing \"activeness\".", "ProgramStatus"); } Set<PersonProgramStatus> programStatuses = person.getProgramStatuses(); if (programStatuses == null || programStatuses.isEmpty()) { PersonProgramStatus personProgramStatus = new PersonProgramStatus(); personProgramStatus.setEffectiveDate(new Date()); personProgramStatus.setProgramStatus(programStatus); personProgramStatus.setPerson(person); programStatuses.add(personProgramStatus); person.setProgramStatuses(programStatuses); // save should cascade, but make sure custom create logic fires personProgramStatusService.create(personProgramStatus); } if (person.getStudentType() == null) { StudentType studentType = studentTypeService.get(StudentType.EAL_ID); if (studentType == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Unable to find a StudentType representing an early " + "alert-assigned type.", "StudentType"); } person.setStudentType(studentType); } } /** * Send e-mail ({@link Message}) to the assigned advisor for the student. * * @param earlyAlert * Early Alert * @param emailCC * Email address to also CC this message * @throws ObjectNotFoundException * @throws SendFailedException * @throws ValidationException */ private void sendMessageToAdvisor(@NotNull final EarlyAlert earlyAlert, // NOPMD final String emailCC) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SendFailedException, ValidationException { if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Early alert was missing."); } if (earlyAlert.getPerson() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert Person is missing."); } final Person person = earlyAlert.getPerson().getCoach(); final SubjectAndBody subjAndBody = messageTemplateService .createEarlyAlertAdvisorConfirmationMessage(fillTemplateParameters(earlyAlert)); Set<String> watcherEmailAddresses = new HashSet<String>(earlyAlert.getPerson().getWatcherEmailAddresses()); if (emailCC != null && !emailCC.isEmpty()) { watcherEmailAddresses.add(emailCC); } if (person == null) { LOGGER.warn( "Student {} had no coach when EarlyAlert {} was" + " created. Unable to send message to coach.", earlyAlert.getPerson(), earlyAlert); } else { // Create and queue the message final Message message = messageService .createMessage(person, org.springframework.util.StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString( watcherEmailAddresses.toArray(new String[watcherEmailAddresses.size()])), subjAndBody);"Message {} created for EarlyAlert {}", message, earlyAlert); } // Send same message to all applicable Campus Early Alert routing // entries final PagingWrapper<EarlyAlertRouting> routes = earlyAlertRoutingService .getAllForCampus(earlyAlert.getCampus(), new SortingAndPaging(ObjectStatus.ACTIVE)); if (routes.getResults() > 0) { for (final EarlyAlertRouting route : routes.getRows()) { // Check that route applies if (route.getEarlyAlertReason() == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("EarlyAlertRouting missing EarlyAlertReason.", "EarlyAlertReason"); } // Only routes that are for any of the Reasons in this // EarlyAlert should be applied. if ((earlyAlert.getEarlyAlertReasons() == null) || !earlyAlert.getEarlyAlertReasons().contains(route.getEarlyAlertReason())) { continue; } // Send e-mail to specific person final Person to = route.getPerson(); if ((to != null) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(to.getPrimaryEmailAddress())) { final Message message = messageService.createMessage(to, null, subjAndBody);"Message {} for EarlyAlert {} also routed to {}", new Object[] { message, earlyAlert, to }); // NOPMD } // Send e-mail to a group if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(route.getGroupName()) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(route.getGroupEmail())) { final Message message = messageService.createMessage(route.getGroupEmail(), null, subjAndBody);"Message {} for EarlyAlert {} also routed to {}", new Object[] { message, earlyAlert, // NOPMD route.getGroupEmail() }); } } } } @Override public void sendMessageToStudent(@NotNull final EarlyAlert earlyAlert) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SendFailedException, ValidationException { if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert was missing."); } if (earlyAlert.getPerson() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.Person is missing."); } final Person person = earlyAlert.getPerson(); final SubjectAndBody subjAndBody = messageTemplateService .createEarlyAlertToStudentMessage(fillTemplateParameters(earlyAlert)); Set<String> watcheremails = new HashSet<String>(person.getWatcherEmailAddresses()); // Create and queue the message final Message message = messageService.createMessage(person, org.springframework.util.StringUtils .arrayToCommaDelimitedString(watcheremails.toArray(new String[watcheremails.size()])), subjAndBody);"Message {} created for EarlyAlert {}", message, earlyAlert); } /** * Send confirmation e-mail ({@link Message}) to the faculty who created * this alert. * * @param earlyAlert * Early Alert * @throws ObjectNotFoundException * @throws SendFailedException * @throws ValidationException */ private void sendConfirmationMessageToFaculty(final EarlyAlert earlyAlert) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SendFailedException, ValidationException { if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert was missing."); } if (earlyAlert.getPerson() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.Person is missing."); } final UUID personId = earlyAlert.getCreatedBy().getId(); Person person = personService.get(personId); if (person == null) { LOGGER.warn("EarlyAlert {} has no creator. Unable to send" + " confirmation message to faculty.", earlyAlert); } else { final SubjectAndBody subjAndBody = messageTemplateService .createEarlyAlertFacultyConfirmationMessage(fillTemplateParameters(earlyAlert)); // Create and queue the message final Message message = messageService.createMessage(person, null, subjAndBody);"Message {} created for EarlyAlert {}", message, earlyAlert); } } @Override public Map<String, Object> fillTemplateParameters(@NotNull final EarlyAlert earlyAlert) { if (earlyAlert == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert was missing."); } if (earlyAlert.getPerson() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.Person is missing."); } if (earlyAlert.getCreatedBy() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.CreatedBy is missing."); } if (earlyAlert.getCampus() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.Campus is missing."); } // ensure earlyAlert.createdBy is populated if ((earlyAlert.getCreatedBy() == null) || (earlyAlert.getCreatedBy().getFirstName() == null)) { if (earlyAlert.getCreatedBy() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.CreatedBy is missing."); } // // try { // //earlyAlert.setCreatedBy(new AuditPerson(personService.get(earlyAlert.getCreatedBy().getId())).getId()); // } catch (final ObjectNotFoundException e) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException( // "EarlyAlert.CreatedBy.Id could not be loaded.", e); // } } final Map<String, Object> templateParameters = Maps.newHashMap(); final String courseName = earlyAlert.getCourseName(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(courseName)) { Person creator; try { creator = personService.get(earlyAlert.getCreatedBy().getId()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EarlyAlert.CreatedBy.Id could not be loaded.", e1); } final String facultySchoolId = creator.getSchoolId(); if ((StringUtils.isNotBlank(facultySchoolId))) { String termCode = earlyAlert.getCourseTermCode(); FacultyCourse course = null; try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(termCode)) { course = facultyCourseService.getCourseByFacultySchoolIdAndFormattedCourse(facultySchoolId, courseName); } else { course = facultyCourseService.getCourseByFacultySchoolIdAndFormattedCourseAndTermCode( facultySchoolId, courseName, termCode); } } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // Trace irrelevant. see below for logging. prefer to // do it there, after the null check b/c not all service // methods implement ObjectNotFoundException reliably. } if (course != null) { templateParameters.put("course", course); if (StringUtils.isBlank(termCode)) { termCode = course.getTermCode(); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(termCode)) { Term term = null; try { term = termService.getByCode(termCode); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // Trace irrelevant. See below for logging. } if (term != null) { templateParameters.put("term", term); } else { "Not adding term to message template" + " params or early alert {} because" + " the term code {} did not resolve to" + " an external term record", earlyAlert.getId(), termCode); } } } else { "Not adding course nor term to message template" + " params for early alert {} because the associated" + " course {} and faculty school id {} did not" + " resolve to an external course record.", new Object[] { earlyAlert.getId(), courseName, facultySchoolId }); } } } Person creator = null; try { creator = personService.get(earlyAlert.getCreatedBy().getId()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException exp) { LOGGER.error("Early Alert Creator Not found sending message for early alert:" + earlyAlert.getId(), exp); } EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO eaMTO = new EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO(earlyAlert, creator); //Only early alerts response late messages sent to coaches if (eaMTO.getCoach() == null) { try { // if no earlyAlert.getCampus() error thrown by design, should never not be a campus. eaMTO.setCoach(new CoachPersonLiteMessageTemplateTO( personService.get(earlyAlert.getCampus().getEarlyAlertCoordinatorId()))); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException exp) { LOGGER.error("Early Alert with id: " + earlyAlert.getId() + " does not have valid campus coordinator, no coach assigned: " + earlyAlert.getCampus().getEarlyAlertCoordinatorId(), exp); } } templateParameters.put("earlyAlert", eaMTO); templateParameters.put("termToRepresentEarlyAlert", configService.getByNameEmpty("term_to_represent_early_alert")); templateParameters.put("TermToRepresentEarlyAlert", configService.getByNameEmpty("term_to_represent_early_alert")); templateParameters.put("linkToSSP", configService.getByNameEmpty("serverExternalPath")); templateParameters.put("applicationTitle", configService.getByNameEmpty("app_title")); templateParameters.put("institutionName", configService.getByNameEmpty("inst_name")); templateParameters.put("FirstName", eaMTO.getPerson().getFirstName()); templateParameters.put("LastName", eaMTO.getPerson().getLastName()); templateParameters.put("CourseName", eaMTO.getCourseName()); return templateParameters; } @Override public void applyEarlyAlertCounts(Person person) { if (person == null) { return; // can occur in some legit person lookup call paths } // Map<UUID,Number> activeCnts = // getCountOfActiveAlertsForPeopleIds(Sets.newHashSet(person.getId())); // if ( activeCnts == null || !(activeCnts.containsKey(person.getId())) ) { // person.setActiveAlertsCount(0); // } else { // person.setActiveAlertsCount(activeCnts.get(person.getId())); // } // Map<UUID,Number> closedCnts = // getCountOfClosedAlertsForPeopleIds(Sets.newHashSet(person.getId())); // if ( closedCnts == null || !(closedCnts.containsKey(person.getId())) ) { // person.setClosedAlertsCount(0); // } else { // person.setClosedAlertsCount(closedCnts.get(person.getId())); // } } @Override public Map<UUID, Number> getCountOfActiveAlertsForPeopleIds(final Collection<UUID> peopleIds) { return dao.getCountOfActiveAlertsForPeopleIds(peopleIds); } @Override public Map<UUID, Number> getCountOfClosedAlertsForPeopleIds(final Collection<UUID> peopleIds) { return dao.getCountOfClosedAlertsForPeopleIds(peopleIds); } @Override public Long getCountOfEarlyAlertsForSchoolIds(final Collection<String> schoolIds, Campus campus) { return dao.getCountOfAlertsForSchoolIds(schoolIds, campus); } @Override public Long getEarlyAlertCountForCoach(Person coach, Date createDateFrom, Date createDateTo, List<UUID> studentTypeIds) { return dao.getEarlyAlertCountForCoach(coach, createDateFrom, createDateTo, studentTypeIds); } @Override public Long getStudentEarlyAlertCountForCoach(Person coach, Date createDateFrom, Date createDateTo, List<UUID> studentTypeIds) { return dao.getStudentEarlyAlertCountForCoach(coach, createDateFrom, createDateTo, studentTypeIds); } @Override public Long getEarlyAlertCountForCreatedDateRange(String termCode, Date createDatedFrom, Date createdDateTo, Campus campus, String rosterStatus) { return dao.getEarlyAlertCountForCreatedDateRange(termCode, createDatedFrom, createdDateTo, campus, rosterStatus); } @Override public Long getClosedEarlyAlertCountForClosedDateRange(Date closedDateFrom, Date closedDateTo, Campus campus, String rosterStatus) { return dao.getClosedEarlyAlertCountForClosedDateRange(closedDateFrom, closedDateTo, campus, rosterStatus); } @Override public Long getClosedEarlyAlertsCountForEarlyAlertCreatedDateRange(String termCode, Date createDatedFrom, Date createdDateTo, Campus campus, String rosterStatus) { return dao.getClosedEarlyAlertsCountForEarlyAlertCreatedDateRange(termCode, createDatedFrom, createdDateTo, campus, rosterStatus); } @Override public Long getStudentCountForEarlyAlertCreatedDateRange(String termCode, Date createDatedFrom, Date createdDateTo, Campus campus, String rosterStatus) { return dao.getStudentCountForEarlyAlertCreatedDateRange(termCode, createDatedFrom, createdDateTo, campus, rosterStatus); } @Override public PagingWrapper<EarlyAlertStudentReportTO> getStudentsEarlyAlertCountSetForCriteria( EarlyAlertStudentSearchTO earlyAlertStudentSearchTO, SortingAndPaging createForSingleSort) { return dao.getStudentsEarlyAlertCountSetForCriteria(earlyAlertStudentSearchTO, createForSingleSort); } @Override public List<EarlyAlertCourseCountsTO> getStudentEarlyAlertCountSetPerCourses(String termCode, Date createdDateFrom, Date createdDateTo, Campus campus, ObjectStatus objectStatus) { return dao.getStudentEarlyAlertCountSetPerCourses(termCode, createdDateFrom, createdDateTo, campus, objectStatus); } @Override public List<Triple<String, Long, Long>> getEarlyAlertReasonTypeCountByCriteria(Campus campus, String termCode, Date createdDateFrom, Date createdDateTo, ObjectStatus status) { return dao.getEarlyAlertReasonTypeCountByCriteria(campus, termCode, createdDateFrom, createdDateTo, status); } @Override public List<EarlyAlertReasonCountsTO> getStudentEarlyAlertReasonCountByCriteria(String termCode, Date createdDateFrom, Date createdDateTo, Campus campus, ObjectStatus objectStatus) { return dao.getStudentEarlyAlertReasonCountByCriteria(termCode, createdDateFrom, createdDateTo, campus, objectStatus); } @Override public PagingWrapper<EntityStudentCountByCoachTO> getStudentEarlyAlertCountByCoaches( EntityCountByCoachSearchForm form) { return dao.getStudentEarlyAlertCountByCoaches(form); } @Override public Long getEarlyAlertCountSetForCriteria(EarlyAlertStudentSearchTO searchForm) { return dao.getEarlyAlertCountSetForCriteria(searchForm); } @Override public void sendAllEarlyAlertReminderNotifications() { Date lastResponseDate = getMinimumResponseComplianceDate(); // if no responseDate is given no emails are sent if (lastResponseDate == null) { return; } List<EarlyAlert> eaOutOfCompliance = dao.getResponseDueEarlyAlerts(lastResponseDate); LOGGER.debug("Early Alerts out of compliance: {}", eaOutOfCompliance.size()); Map<UUID, List<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO>> easByCoach = new HashMap<UUID, List<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO>>(); Map<UUID, Person> coaches = new HashMap<UUID, Person>(); final boolean includeCoachAsRecipient = this.earReminderRecipientConfig.includeCoachAsRecipient(); final boolean includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipient = this.earReminderRecipientConfig .includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipient(); final boolean includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipientOnlyIfStudentHasNoCoach = this.earReminderRecipientConfig .includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipientOnlyIfStudentHasNoCoach();"Config: includeCoachAsRecipient(): {}", includeCoachAsRecipient);"Config: includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipient(): {}", includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipient);"Config: includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipientOnlyIfStudentHasNoCoach(): {}", includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipientOnlyIfStudentHasNoCoach); for (EarlyAlert earlyAlert : eaOutOfCompliance) { final Set<Person> recipients = new HashSet<Person>(); Person coach = earlyAlert.getPerson().getCoach(); if (includeCoachAsRecipient) { if (coach == null) { LOGGER.warn( "Early Alert with id: {} is associated with a person without a coach, so skipping email to coach.", earlyAlert.getId()); } else { recipients.add(coach); } } if (includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipient || (coach == null && includeEarlyAlertCoordinatorAsRecipientOnlyIfStudentHasNoCoach)) { final Campus campus = earlyAlert.getCampus(); if (campus == null) { LOGGER.error("Early Alert with id: {} does not have valid a campus, so skipping email to EAC.", earlyAlert.getId()); } else { final UUID earlyAlertCoordinatorId = campus.getEarlyAlertCoordinatorId(); if (earlyAlertCoordinatorId == null) { LOGGER.error( "Early Alert with id: {} has campus with no early alert coordinator, so skipping email to EAC.", earlyAlert.getId()); } else { try { final Person earlyAlertCoordinator = personService.get(earlyAlertCoordinatorId); if (earlyAlertCoordinator == null) { // guard against change in behavior where ObjectNotFoundException is not thrown (which we've seen) LOGGER.error( "Early Alert with id: {} has campus with an early alert coordinator with a bad ID ({}), so skipping email to EAC.", earlyAlert.getId(), earlyAlertCoordinatorId); } else { recipients.add(earlyAlertCoordinator); } } catch (ObjectNotFoundException exp) { LOGGER.error( "Early Alert with id: {} has campus with an early alert coordinator with a bad ID ({}), so skipping email to coach because no coach can be resolved.", new Object[] { earlyAlert.getId(), earlyAlertCoordinatorId, exp }); } } } } LOGGER.debug("Early Alert: {}; Recipients: {}", earlyAlert.getId(), recipients); if (recipients.isEmpty()) { continue; } else { for (Person person : recipients) { // We've definitely got a coach by this point if (easByCoach.containsKey(person.getId())) { final List<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO> coachEarlyAlerts = easByCoach.get(person.getId()); coachEarlyAlerts.add(createEarlyAlertTemplateTO(earlyAlert)); } else { coaches.put(person.getId(), person); final ArrayList<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO> eam = Lists.newArrayList(); eam.add(createEarlyAlertTemplateTO(earlyAlert)); // add separately from newArrayList() call else list will be sized to 1 easByCoach.put(person.getId(), eam); } } } List<WatchStudent> watchers = earlyAlert.getPerson().getWatchers(); for (WatchStudent watcher : watchers) { if (easByCoach.containsKey(watcher.getPerson().getId())) { final List<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO> coachEarlyAlerts = easByCoach .get(watcher.getPerson().getId()); coachEarlyAlerts.add(createEarlyAlertTemplateTO(earlyAlert)); } else { coaches.put(watcher.getPerson().getId(), watcher.getPerson()); final ArrayList<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO> eam = Lists.newArrayList(); eam.add(createEarlyAlertTemplateTO(earlyAlert)); // add separately from newArrayList() call else list will be sized to 1 easByCoach.put(watcher.getPerson().getId(), eam); } } } for (UUID coachId : easByCoach.keySet()) { Map<String, Object> messageParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Collections.sort(easByCoach.get(coachId), new Comparator<EarlyAlertTO>() { @Override public int compare(EarlyAlertTO p1, EarlyAlertTO p2) { Date p1Date = p1.getLastResponseDate(); if (p1Date == null) p1Date = p1.getCreatedDate(); Date p2Date = p2.getLastResponseDate(); if (p2Date == null) p2Date = p2.getCreatedDate(); return p1Date.compareTo(p2Date); } }); Integer daysSince1900ResponseExpected = DateTimeUtils.daysSince1900(lastResponseDate); List<Pair<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO, Integer>> earlyAlertTOPairs = new ArrayList<Pair<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO, Integer>>(); for (EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO ea : easByCoach.get(coachId)) { Integer daysOutOfCompliance; if (ea.getLastResponseDate() != null) { daysOutOfCompliance = daysSince1900ResponseExpected - DateTimeUtils.daysSince1900(ea.getLastResponseDate()); } else { daysOutOfCompliance = daysSince1900ResponseExpected - DateTimeUtils.daysSince1900(ea.getCreatedDate()); } // Just in case attempt to only send emails for EA full day out of compliance if (daysOutOfCompliance >= 0) earlyAlertTOPairs.add(new Pair<EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO, Integer>(ea, daysOutOfCompliance)); } messageParams.put("earlyAlertTOPairs", earlyAlertTOPairs); messageParams.put("coach", coaches.get(coachId)); messageParams.put("DateTimeUtils", DateTimeUtils.class); messageParams.put("termToRepresentEarlyAlert", configService.getByNameEmpty("term_to_represent_early_alert")); SubjectAndBody subjAndBody = messageTemplateService .createEarlyAlertResponseRequiredToCoachMessage(messageParams); try { messageService.createMessage(coaches.get(coachId), null, subjAndBody); } catch (Exception exp) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to send reminder emails to coach: " + coaches.get(coachId).getFullName() + "\n", exp); } } } private EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO createEarlyAlertTemplateTO(EarlyAlert earlyAlert) { Person creator = null; try { creator = personService.get(earlyAlert.getCreatedBy().getId()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException exp) { LOGGER.error("Early Alert with id: " + earlyAlert.getId() + " does not have valid creator: " + earlyAlert.getCreatedBy(), exp); } return new EarlyAlertMessageTemplateTO(earlyAlert, creator, earlyAlert.getPerson().getWatcherEmailAddresses()); } public Map<UUID, Number> getResponsesDueCountEarlyAlerts(List<UUID> personIds) { Date lastResponseDate = getMinimumResponseComplianceDate(); if (lastResponseDate == null) return new HashMap<UUID, Number>(); return dao.getResponsesDueCountEarlyAlerts(personIds, lastResponseDate); } private Date getMinimumResponseComplianceDate() { final String numVal = configService.getByNameNull("maximum_days_before_early_alert_response"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(numVal)) return null; Integer allowedDaysPastResponse = Integer.parseInt(numVal); return DateTimeUtils.getDateOffsetInDays(new Date(), -allowedDaysPastResponse); } @Override public PagedResponse<EarlyAlertSearchResultTO> searchEarlyAlert(EarlyAlertSearchForm form) { PagingWrapper<EarlyAlertSearchResult> models = dao.searchEarlyAlert(form); return new PagedResponse<EarlyAlertSearchResultTO>(true, models.getResults(), searchResultFactory.asTOList(models.getRows())); } }