Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jasig.schedassist.portlet.webflow; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.portlet.PortletRequest; import javax.portlet.PortletSession; import javax.portlet.WindowState; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.schedassist.SchedulingException; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableBlock; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.CommonDateOperations; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.Preferences; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.Relationship; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.VisibleSchedule; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.VisibleScheduleRequestConstraints; import org.jasig.schedassist.model.VisibleWindow; import org.jasig.schedassist.portlet.EventCancellation; import org.jasig.schedassist.portlet.IPortletScheduleVisitor; import org.jasig.schedassist.portlet.IPortletScheduleVisitorFactory; import org.jasig.schedassist.portlet.PortletSchedulingAssistantService; import org.jasig.schedassist.portlet.ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.webflow.context.ExternalContext; import org.springframework.webflow.core.collection.MutableAttributeMap; import org.springframework.webflow.execution.RequestContext; import org.springframework.webflow.execution.RequestContextHolder; /** * Helper that wraps {@link PortletSchedulingAssistantService} functions for web flows. * * @author Nicholas Blair, * @version $Id: $ */ @Service("flowHelper") public class FlowHelper { protected static final String YES = "yes"; protected static final String NO = "no"; private Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); private PortletSchedulingAssistantService schedulingAssistantService; private IPortletScheduleVisitorFactory scheduleVisitorFactory; private String availableWebBaseUrl; private String advisorUrl; private String profileSearchUrl; public static final String CURRENT_USER_ATTR = FlowHelper.class.getName() + ".CURRENT_USER"; /** * @param schedulingAssistantService the portletAvailableService to set */ @Autowired public void setPortletAvailableService( @Qualifier("portlet") PortletSchedulingAssistantService schedulingAssistantService) { this.schedulingAssistantService = schedulingAssistantService; } /** * @param scheduleVisitorFactory the scheduleVisitorFactory to set */ @Autowired public void setScheduleVisitorFactory(IPortletScheduleVisitorFactory scheduleVisitorFactory) { this.scheduleVisitorFactory = scheduleVisitorFactory; } /** * @param availableWebBaseUrl the availableWebBaseUrl to set */ @Autowired public void setAvailableWebBaseUrl(String availableWebBaseUrl) { Validate.notEmpty(availableWebBaseUrl, "availableWebBaseUrl property must not be empty"); this.availableWebBaseUrl = availableWebBaseUrl; if (!this.availableWebBaseUrl.endsWith("/")) { this.availableWebBaseUrl += "/"; } this.advisorUrl = this.availableWebBaseUrl + "public/advisors.html"; this.profileSearchUrl = this.availableWebBaseUrl + "public/index.html"; } /** * @return the availableWebBaseUrl */ public String getAvailableWebBaseUrl() { return availableWebBaseUrl; } /** * @return the advisorUrl */ public String getAdvisorUrl() { return advisorUrl; } /** * @return the profileSearchUrl */ public String getProfileSearchUrl() { return profileSearchUrl; } public void setNormalWindowState(ExternalContext context) { MutableAttributeMap map = context.getRequestMap(); map.put("portletWindowState", WindowState.NORMAL); } /** * * @param dateTimePhrase * @return * @throws ParseException */ public Date convertDateTime(String dateTimePhrase) throws ParseException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("convertDateTime called on " + dateTimePhrase); } SimpleDateFormat df = CommonDateOperations.getDateTimeFormat(); return df.parse(dateTimePhrase); } /** * * @return the current {@link IPortletScheduleVisitor} for the request. */ public IPortletScheduleVisitor getCurrentVisitor() { RequestContext requestContext = RequestContextHolder.getRequestContext(); PortletRequest request = (PortletRequest) requestContext.getExternalContext().getNativeRequest(); IPortletScheduleVisitor visitor = this.scheduleVisitorFactory.getPortletScheduleVisitor(request); PortletSession portletSession = request.getPortletSession(); portletSession.setAttribute(CURRENT_USER_ATTR, visitor.getAccountId(), PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE); return visitor; } /** * * @return */ public boolean isCurrentVisitorEligible() { IPortletScheduleVisitor visitor = getCurrentVisitor(); boolean result = visitor.isEligible(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(visitor + " has eligibility: " + result); } return result; } /** * * @return */ public List<Relationship> getRelationshipsForCurrentVisitor() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("enter getRelationshipsForCurrentVisitor"); } final String visitorUsername = getCurrentVisitor().getAccountId(); List<Relationship> relationships = this.schedulingAssistantService.relationshipsForVisitor(visitorUsername); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("found " + relationships.size() + " relationships"); } return relationships; } /** * * @param owner * @return */ public boolean isOwnerSamePersonAsCurrentVisitor(IScheduleOwner owner) { return owner.getCalendarAccount().getUsername().equals(getCurrentVisitor().getAccountId()); } /** * * @param ownerId * @return * @throws ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException */ public IScheduleOwner identifyTargetOwner(long ownerId) throws ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException { List<Relationship> relationships = getRelationshipsForCurrentVisitor(); IScheduleOwner target = null; for (Relationship r : relationships) { if (r.getOwner().getId() == ownerId) { target = r.getOwner(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + " requested schedule of " + target); } break; } } if (null == target) { LOG.error(getCurrentVisitor() + " requested schedule for ownerId= " + ownerId + " and does not have a relationship, throwing ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException"); throw new ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException(ownerId + " not found"); } return target; } /** * * @param owner * @return */ public String getOwnerNoteboard(final IScheduleOwner owner) { if (null == owner) { return ""; } return owner.getPreference(Preferences.NOTEBOARD); } /** * * @param owner * @return the owner's noteboard preference as a {@link List} of sentences */ public List<String> getOwnerNoteboardSentences(final IScheduleOwner owner) { if (null == owner) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final String ownerNoteboard = owner.getPreference(Preferences.NOTEBOARD); String[] sentences = ownerNoteboard.split("\n"); return Arrays.asList(sentences); } /** * * @param owner * @param weekStart * @return */ public String testExceededMeetingLimit(IScheduleOwner owner) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("enter testExceededMeetingLimit for " + owner); } final String visitorUsername = getCurrentVisitor().getAccountId(); if (owner.hasMeetingLimit()) { VisibleSchedule schedule = this.schedulingAssistantService.getVisibleSchedule(visitorUsername, owner.getId()); if (owner.isExceedingMeetingLimit(schedule.getAttendingCount())) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } else { // owner doesn't limit number of meetings, simply return no return NO; } } /** * WebFlow can't apparently do type conversion on request parameters. * * @param owner * @param weekStartParam * @return * @throws ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException */ public VisibleSchedule getVisibleSchedule(IScheduleOwner owner, String weekStartParam) throws ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException { return getVisibleSchedule(owner, safeConvertWeekStartParam(weekStartParam)); } /** * * @param ownerId * @param weekStart * @return * @throws ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException */ public VisibleSchedule getVisibleSchedule(IScheduleOwner owner, int weekStart) throws ScheduleOwnerNotFoundException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("enter getVisibleSchedule, weekstart: " + weekStart + ", owner: " + owner); } final String visitorUsername = getCurrentVisitor().getAccountId(); VisibleSchedule schedule = this.schedulingAssistantService.getVisibleSchedule(visitorUsername, owner.getId(), weekStart); return schedule; } /** * * @param owner * @param weekStart * @return */ public VisibleScheduleRequestConstraints getVisibleScheduleRequestConstraints(IScheduleOwner owner, int weekStart) { VisibleScheduleRequestConstraints result = VisibleScheduleRequestConstraints.newInstance(owner, weekStart); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(result); } return result; } /** * * @param owner * @param startDateTime * @return * @throws SchedulingException */ public CreateAppointmentFormBackingObject constructCreateAppointmentFormBackingObject(IScheduleOwner owner, Date startDateTime) throws SchedulingException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("enter constructCreateAppointmentFormBackingObject, start: " + startDateTime + ", owner: " + owner); } // can skip call to validateChosenStartTime as the flow will enforce the check AvailableBlock targetBlock = this.schedulingAssistantService.getTargetBlock(owner, startDateTime); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getTargetBlock, startTime= " + startDateTime + " returns " + targetBlock); } if (targetBlock == null) { throw new SchedulingException("requested time is not available"); } CreateAppointmentFormBackingObject fbo = new CreateAppointmentFormBackingObject(targetBlock, owner.getPreferredMeetingDurations()); return fbo; } /** * * @param fbo * @param owner * @return * @throws SchedulingException */ public VEvent createAppointment(CreateAppointmentFormBackingObject fbo, IScheduleOwner owner) throws SchedulingException { final IPortletScheduleVisitor currentVisitor = getCurrentVisitor(); final String visitorUsername = currentVisitor.getAccountId(); AvailableBlock targetBlock = fbo.getTargetBlock(); if (NO.equals(validateChosenStartTime(owner.getPreferredVisibleWindow(), targetBlock.getStartTime()))) { throw new SchedulingException("requested time is no longer within visible window"); } if (fbo.isDoubleLengthAvailable()) { LOG.debug("entering doubleLengthAvailable test"); // check if selected meeting duration matches meeting durations maxLength // if it's greater, then we need to look up the next block in the schedule and attempt to combine if (fbo.getSelectedDuration() == fbo.getMeetingDurations().getMaxLength()) { LOG.debug("selected duration matches double length"); targetBlock = this.schedulingAssistantService.getTargetDoubleLengthBlock(owner, targetBlock.getStartTime()); if (targetBlock == null) { throw new SchedulingException("second half of request time is not available"); } } } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + " submitting scheduleAppointment request with " + owner + " at " + targetBlock); } VEvent event = this.schedulingAssistantService.scheduleAppointment(visitorUsername, owner.getId(), targetBlock, fbo.getReason()); return event; } /** * Verify the startTime argument is within the window; return {@link #NO} if not. * * @param window * @param startTime * @return {@link #YES} for valid, {@link #NO} for invalid */ public String validateChosenStartTime(VisibleWindow window, Date startTime) { final Date currentWindowEnd = window.calculateCurrentWindowEnd(); if (startTime.before(window.calculateCurrentWindowStart()) || startTime.equals(currentWindowEnd) || startTime.after(currentWindowEnd)) { LOG.debug("selected startTime (" + startTime + ") is no longer within window " + window.getKey()); return NO; } return YES; } /** * * @param owner * @param startTime * @param endTime * @return * @throws SchedulingException */ public CancelAppointmentFormBackingObject constructCancelAppointmentFormBackingObject(IScheduleOwner owner, Date startTime, Date endTime) throws SchedulingException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("enter constructCancelAppointmentFormBackingObject, start: " + startTime + ", end: " + endTime + " owner: " + owner); } // try to get the minimum size first AvailableBlock targetBlock = this.schedulingAssistantService.getTargetBlock(owner, startTime); if (null == targetBlock) { throw new SchedulingException("requested time is not available in schedule"); } if (!targetBlock.getEndTime().equals(endTime)) { // the returned block doesn't match the specified end time - try grabbing doublelength targetBlock = this.schedulingAssistantService.getTargetDoubleLengthBlock(owner, startTime); if (null != targetBlock && targetBlock.getEndTime().equals(endTime)) { CancelAppointmentFormBackingObject fbo = new CancelAppointmentFormBackingObject(targetBlock); return fbo; } else { throw new SchedulingException("requested time is not available in schedule"); } } else { CancelAppointmentFormBackingObject fbo = new CancelAppointmentFormBackingObject(targetBlock); return fbo; } } /** * * @param fbo * @param owner * @return the event cancellation details * @throws SchedulingException */ public EventCancellation cancelAppointment(CancelAppointmentFormBackingObject fbo, IScheduleOwner owner) throws SchedulingException { final IPortletScheduleVisitor currentVisitor = getCurrentVisitor(); final String visitorUsername = currentVisitor.getAccountId(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + " submitting cancelAppointment request with " + owner + " at " + fbo.getTargetBlock()); } EventCancellation result = this.schedulingAssistantService.cancelAppointment(visitorUsername, owner.getId(), fbo.getTargetBlock(), fbo.getReason()); return result; } /** * * @param weekStartParam * @return */ protected int safeConvertWeekStartParam(String weekStartParam) { try { int result = Integer.parseInt(weekStartParam); if (result < 1) { return 0; } else { return result; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } }