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 * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work
 * for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.jasig.schedassist.impl.oraclecalendar;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ComponentList;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Parameter;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyList;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.PartStat;
import net.fortuna.ical4j.util.CompatibilityHints;
import oracle.calendar.sdk.Api;
import oracle.calendar.sdk.Api.StatusException;
import oracle.calendar.sdk.Handle;
import oracle.calendar.sdk.RequestResult;
import oracle.calendar.sdk.Session;

import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jasig.schedassist.ConflictExistsException;
import org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao;
import org.jasig.schedassist.NullAffiliationSourceImpl;
import org.jasig.schedassist.SchedulingException;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.AppointmentRole;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailabilityReflection;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableBlock;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableSchedule;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableVersion;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.CommonDateOperations;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.DefaultEventUtilsImpl;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.ICalendarAccount;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleVisitor;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.SchedulingAssistantAppointment;
import org.jasig.schedassist.model.VisitorLimit;
import org.jasig.schedassist.oraclecalendar.OracleCalendarSDKSupport;
import org.jasig.schedassist.oraclecalendar.OracleCalendarServerNode;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher;

 * Abstract Oracle specific implementation of {@link ICalendarDataDao}.
 * Depends on {@link OracleCalendarSDKSupport} for initialization of the
 * Oracle SDK Native library.
 * Implements all of the {@link ICalendarDataDao} methods in an Oracle specific way, but adds
 * 2 abstract methods ({@link #getSession(ICalendarAccount, OracleCalendarServerNode)} and 
 * {@link #doneWithSession(Session, OracleCalendarServerNode, boolean)}) for managing
 * connections to the Oracle Calendar system.
 * @author Nicholas Blair,
 * @version $Id: $
public abstract class AbstractOracleCalendarDao extends OracleCalendarSDKSupport implements ICalendarDataDao {

     * A String containing a "CRLF" (carriage-return, line-feed)
    private static final String CRLF = new String(new byte[] { 0x0D, 0x0A });
    static {
        CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_PARSING, true);

    protected final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

    private Map<String, OracleCalendarServerNode> serverNodes = new HashMap<String, OracleCalendarServerNode>();
    private OracleEventUtilsImpl oracleEventUtils = new OracleEventUtilsImpl(new NullAffiliationSourceImpl());
    private OracleGUIDSource oracleGUIDSource;
    private ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;

     * @param serverNodes the serverNodes to set
    public void setServerNodes(Map<String, OracleCalendarServerNode> serverNodes) {
        this.serverNodes = serverNodes;

     * @param oracleEventUtils the oracleEventUtils to set
    public void setOracleEventUtils(OracleEventUtilsImpl oracleEventUtils) {
        this.oracleEventUtils = oracleEventUtils;

     * @param oracleGUIDSource the oracleGUIDSource to set
    public void setOracleGUIDSource(OracleGUIDSource oracleGUIDSource) {
        this.oracleGUIDSource = oracleGUIDSource;

     * @param applicationEventPublisher the applicationEventPublisher to set
    public void setApplicationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher) {
        this.applicationEventPublisher = applicationEventPublisher;

     * Get a {@link Session} for the specified account.
     * Implementations must call {@link Session#setIdentity(int, String)} appropriately.
     * @param calendarAccount
     * @return
    protected abstract Session getSession(ICalendarAccount calendarAccount, OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode)
            throws Api.StatusException;

     * Implementations can choose what to do when done with the {@link Session}.
     * If the invalidate parameter is set to true, it should not be re-used.
     * @param session
     * @param serverNode
     * @param invalidate
    protected abstract void doneWithSession(Session session, OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode,
            boolean invalidate);

     * @param account
     * @return the {@link OracleCalendarServerNode} for the account
    protected final OracleCalendarServerNode getOracleCalendarServerNode(ICalendarAccount account) {
        String nodeId = this.getOracleNodeId(account);
        return this.serverNodes.get(nodeId);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#getCalendar(org.jasig.schedassist.model.ICalendarAccount, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public final Calendar getCalendar(ICalendarAccount calendarAccount, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
        boolean invalidateSession = false;
        // make agenda available to catch blocks
        String agenda = null;
        Session session = null;
        OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(calendarAccount);
        try {
            session = getSession(calendarAccount, serverNode);

            agenda = getCalendarInternal(calendarAccount, startDate, endDate, session);

            Calendar result = parseAgenda(agenda);
            result = purgeDeclinedAttendees(result, session, calendarAccount);

            return result;
        } catch (ParserException e) {
            LOG.error("caught ParserException in getCalendar for " + calendarAccount, e);
            throw new OracleCalendarParserException("caught ParserException", agenda, e);
        } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
            LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in getCalendar for " + calendarAccount, e);
            invalidateSession = true;
            throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("caught Oracle Calendar Exception", e);
        } finally {
            doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidateSession);


     * This method will inspect {@link IScheduleVisitor} {@link Attendee}s among the {@link SchedulingAssistantAppointment}s
     * in the {@link Calendar} argument.
     * If an {@link Attendee} on an {@link SchedulingAssistantAppointment} has {@link Partstat#DECLINED}, the appointment
     * will be cancelled (if one on one or lone visitor on group appt) or the attendee will be removed (group appointment
     * with multiple attending visitors).
     * @param calendar
     * @param session
     * @param owner
     * @return the calendar minus any events or attendees that have been removed.
     * @throws StatusException 
    protected Calendar purgeDeclinedAttendees(Calendar calendar, Session session, ICalendarAccount owner)
            throws StatusException {
        ComponentList resultList = new ComponentList();
        ComponentList componentList = calendar.getComponents(VEvent.VEVENT);
        for (Object o : componentList) {
            VEvent event = (VEvent) o;
            final boolean hasAvailableAppointmentProperty = SchedulingAssistantAppointment.TRUE
            final boolean isAttendingAsOwner = this.oracleEventUtils.isAttendingAsOwner(event, owner);
            if (hasAvailableAppointmentProperty && isAttendingAsOwner) {
                PropertyList attendeeList = this.oracleEventUtils.getAttendeeListFromEvent(event);
                Property visitorLimitProp = event.getProperty(VisitorLimit.VISITOR_LIMIT);
                final int visitorLimit = Integer.parseInt(visitorLimitProp.getValue());
                boolean addEventToResult = true;
                for (Object a : attendeeList) {
                    Property attendee = (Property) a;
                    if (PartStat.DECLINED.equals(attendee.getParameter(PartStat.PARTSTAT))) {
                        LOG.trace("found attendee that has DECLINED event: " + attendee);
                        Parameter appointmentRole = attendee.getParameter(AppointmentRole.APPOINTMENT_ROLE);
                        if (AppointmentRole.OWNER.equals(appointmentRole)) {
                            // remove whole appointment
                            Uid eventUid = event.getUid();
                            cancelAppointmentInternal(session, eventUid);
                                    "purgeDeclinedAttendees successfully cancelled appointment due to owner decline "
                                            + event);
                            addEventToResult = false;
                                    new AutomaticAppointmentCancellationEvent(event, owner, Reason.OWNER_DECLINED));
                        } else if (AppointmentRole.VISITOR.equals(appointmentRole)) {
                            int availableVisitorCount = this.oracleEventUtils.getScheduleVisitorCount(event);
                            if (visitorLimit > 1 && availableVisitorCount > 1) {
                                // remove only the attendee (leave event)
                                replaceEventInternal(session, event);
                                        "purgeDeclinedAttendees successfully removed declined attendee from group appointment "
                                                + event);
                                        .publishEvent(new AutomaticAttendeeRemovalEvent(event, owner, attendee));
                            } else {
                                // either one on one appointment or group appointment with only 1 visitor
                                // remove whole appointment
                                Uid eventUid = event.getUid();
                                cancelAppointmentInternal(session, eventUid);
                                        "purgeDeclinedAttendees successfully cancelled appointment due to no remaining visitors "
                                                + event);
                                addEventToResult = false;
                                        .publishEvent(new AutomaticAppointmentCancellationEvent(event, owner,

                if (addEventToResult) {
            } else {
                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    String eventUid = "not set";
                    if (event.getUid() != null) {
                        eventUid = event.getUid().getValue();
                    LOG.trace("event (UID=" + eventUid
                            + ") not a candidate for purge, hasAvailableAppointmentProperty="
                            + hasAvailableAppointmentProperty + ", isAttendingAsOwner=" + isAttendingAsOwner);
        Calendar result = new Calendar(resultList);
        return result;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#getExistingAppointment(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableBlock)
    public final VEvent getExistingAppointment(IScheduleOwner owner, AvailableBlock block) {
        OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());

        // make agenda available to catch blocks
        String agenda = null;
        Session session = null;
        boolean invalidateSession = false;

        try {
            session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);

            return getAvailableAppointmentInternal(owner, block.getStartTime(), block.getEndTime(), session);
        } catch (ParserException e) {
            LOG.error("caught ParserException in getExistingAppointment for " + owner + " and " + block, e);
            throw new OracleCalendarParserException("caught ParserException", agenda, e);
        } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
            LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in getExistingAppointment for " + owner + " and " + block, e);
            invalidateSession = true;
            throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("caught Api.StatusException in getExistingAppointment", e);
        } finally {
            doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidateSession);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#createAppointment(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleVisitor, org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableBlock, java.lang.String)
    public final VEvent createAppointment(IScheduleVisitor visitor, IScheduleOwner owner, AvailableBlock block,
            String eventDescription) {
        OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());

        Session session = null;
        boolean invalidateSession = false;
        final String logEventKey = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16);

        try {
            session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);

            final String ownerGuid = locateOracleGuid(owner.getCalendarAccount(), session);
            final String visitorGuid = locateOracleGuid(visitor.getCalendarAccount(), session);
            VEvent event = this.oracleEventUtils.constructAvailableAppointment(block, owner, ownerGuid, visitor,
                    visitorGuid, eventDescription);

            Calendar calendar = this.oracleEventUtils.wrapEventInCalendar(event);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("createAppointment " + logEventKey + " attempting first Session#storeEvents for " + owner
                        + ", " + visitor + ", " + block + ", " + event);
            RequestResult requestResults = new RequestResult();
            session.storeEvents(getOracleCreateFlags(), calendar.toString(), requestResults);

            String eventUID = requestResults.getFirstResult().getUID();
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("createAppointment " + logEventKey + " first Session#storeEvents results: "
                        + requestResults.toString());
            event.getProperties().add(new Uid(eventUID));

            calendar = this.oracleEventUtils.wrapEventInCalendar(event);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("createAppointment " + logEventKey + " attempting second Session#storeEvents, event uid: "
                        + eventUID);
            session.storeEvents(getOracleModifyFlags(), calendar.toString(), requestResults);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("createAppointment " + logEventKey + " second Session#storeEvents results: "
                        + requestResults.toString());
            return event;
        } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
            if (e.getStatus() == (Api.CSDK_STAT_SECUR_CANTBOOKATTENDEE | Api.CSDK_STATMODE_FATAL)) {
                //TODO note that this exact error code will also be raised when attempting to create an appointment with resource that is already booked
                        + " createAppointment failed due to account not accepting invitations, visitor: " + visitor
                        + ", owner: " + owner);
                throw new VisitorDeclinedInvitationsException(
                        "createAppointment failed due to visitor not accepting invitations: visitor: " + visitor);
            invalidateSession = true;
            LOG.error(logEventKey + " caught Api.StatusException in createAppointment for " + owner + ", " + visitor
                    + ", and " + block, e);
            throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("caught Api.StatusException in createAppointment", e);
        } finally {
            doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidateSession);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#cancelAppointment(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleVisitor, org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent)
    public final void cancelAppointment(IScheduleVisitor visitor, IScheduleOwner owner, VEvent event) {
        Validate.notNull(event, "event argument cannot be null for cancelAppointment");
        OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());
        Session session = null;
        boolean invalidateSession = false;
        Uid eventUid = event.getUid();
        try {
            session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);
            cancelAppointmentInternal(session, eventUid);
        } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
            LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in cancelAppointment for " + owner + " and " + eventUid, e);
            invalidateSession = true;
            throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("caught Api.StatusException", e);
        } finally {
            doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidateSession);

     * @param session
     * @param eventUid
     * @throws StatusException
    protected final void cancelAppointmentInternal(Session session, Uid eventUid) throws StatusException {
        RequestResult requestResult = new RequestResult();
        LOG.debug("cancelAppointmentInternal calling Session#deleteEvents for event uid: " + eventUid);
        if (eventUid != null) {
            session.deleteEvents(Api.CSDK_FLAG_NONE, new String[] { eventUid.getValue() }, null,
                    Api.CSDK_THISINSTANCE, requestResult);
            LOG.debug("cancelAppointmentInternal Session#deleteEvents results for event uid " + eventUid + ": "
                    + requestResult.toString());
        } else {
                    "cancelAppointmentInternal skipping call to session.deleteEvents as eventUid argument is null");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#joinAppointment(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleVisitor, org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent)
    public final VEvent joinAppointment(IScheduleVisitor visitor, IScheduleOwner owner, VEvent appointment)
            throws SchedulingException {
        OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());

        Session session = null;
        boolean invalidateSession = false;
        Uid eventUid = appointment.getUid();
        try {
            session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);

            // last check of visitor limit
            Property visitorLimit = appointment.getProperty(VisitorLimit.VISITOR_LIMIT);
            if (null == visitorLimit) {
                throw new SchedulingException("Cannot join an appointment with no visitor limit defined");
            } else {
                int v = Integer.parseInt(visitorLimit.getValue());
                if (v < 2) {
                    throw new SchedulingException("Visitor Limit on appointment restricts join");

            final String visitorGuid = locateOracleGuid(visitor.getCalendarAccount(), session);
            Attendee visitorAttendee = this.oracleEventUtils
                    .constructAvailableAttendee(visitor.getCalendarAccount(), AppointmentRole.VISITOR, visitorGuid);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("attempting to add attendee " + visitorAttendee + " to appointment: " + appointment);

            Calendar calendar = this.oracleEventUtils.wrapEventInCalendar(appointment);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("joinAppointment " + eventUid + " attempting first Session#storeEvents for " + owner
                        + ", " + visitor + ", " + appointment);
            RequestResult requestResults = new RequestResult();
            session.storeEvents(getOracleModifyFlags(), calendar.toString(), requestResults);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("joinAppointment " + eventUid + " first Session#storeEvents complete, capi result: "
                        + requestResults.toString());

            // a 2nd storeEvents MUST be called on the same event to get PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED to persist
            session.storeEvents(getOracleModifyFlags(), calendar.toString(), requestResults);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("joinAppointment " + eventUid + " second Session#storeEventsstoreEvents complete: "
                        + requestResults.toString());

            return appointment;
        } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
            if (e.getStatus() == (Api.CSDK_STAT_SECUR_CANTBOOKATTENDEE | Api.CSDK_STATMODE_FATAL)) {
                //TODO note that this exact error code will also be raised when attempting to create an appointment with resource that is already booked
                LOG.error("joinAppointment " + eventUid
                        + " failed due to account not accepting invitations, visitor: " + visitor + ", owner: "
                        + owner);
                throw new VisitorDeclinedInvitationsException(
                        "createAppointment failed due to visitor not accepting invitations: visitor: " + visitor);
            LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in joinAppoinment for owner " + owner + " and " + visitor
                    + " and " + eventUid, e);
            invalidateSession = true;
            throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("caught Api.StatusException in joinAppointment", e);
        } finally {
            doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidateSession);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#leaveAppointment(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleVisitor, org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent)
    public final VEvent leaveAppointment(IScheduleVisitor visitor, IScheduleOwner owner, VEvent appointment)
            throws SchedulingException {
        OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());

        Session session = null;
        boolean invalidateSession = false;
        Uid eventUid = appointment.getUid();
        try {
            session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);

            Date startTime = appointment.getStartDate().getDate();
            Date endTime = appointment.getEndDate(true).getDate();
            VEvent targetAppointment = getAvailableAppointmentInternal(owner, startTime, endTime, session);
            if (null == targetAppointment) {
                throw new SchedulingException("leaveAppointment: appointment does not exist in  schedule for "
                        + owner + ", " + visitor + "; appointment: " + appointment);
            // last check of visitor limit
            Property visitorLimit = targetAppointment.getProperty(VisitorLimit.VISITOR_LIMIT);
            if (null == visitorLimit) {
                throw new SchedulingException("Cannot leave an appointment with no visitor limit defined");
            } else {
                int v = Integer.parseInt(visitorLimit.getValue());
                if (v < 2) {
                    throw new SchedulingException("Visitor Limit on appointment restricts join");

            PropertyList attendeeList = targetAppointment.getProperties(Attendee.ATTENDEE);
            for (Object o : attendeeList) {
                Attendee attendee = (Attendee) o;
                if (this.oracleEventUtils.attendeeMatchesPerson(attendee, visitor.getCalendarAccount())) {
                    LOG.debug(eventUid + " leaveAppointment found matching attendee: " + attendee);

            replaceEventInternal(session, targetAppointment);

            return targetAppointment;

        } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
            if (e.getStatus() == (Api.CSDK_STAT_SECUR_CANTBOOKATTENDEE | Api.CSDK_STATMODE_FATAL)) {
                //TODO note that this exact error code will also be raised when attempting to create an appointment with resource that is already booked
                LOG.error("leaveAppointment " + eventUid
                        + " failed due to account not accepting invitations, visitor: " + visitor + ", owner: "
                        + owner);
                throw new VisitorDeclinedInvitationsException(
                        "createAppointment failed due to visitor not accepting invitations: visitor: " + visitor);
            LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in leaveAppoinment for " + owner + " and " + visitor + " and "
                    + eventUid, e);
            invalidateSession = true;
            throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("caught Api.StatusException", e);
        } catch (ParserException e) {
            LOG.error("caught ParserException in leaveAppointment for " + owner + " and " + visitor + " and "
                    + eventUid, e);
            throw new OracleCalendarParserException("caught ParserException", e);
        } finally {
            doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidateSession);

     * @param session
     * @param event
     * @throws StatusException 
    protected void replaceEventInternal(Session session, VEvent event) throws StatusException {
        Calendar calendar = this.oracleEventUtils.wrapEventInCalendar(event);

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("replaceEventInternal before Session#storeEvents for " + event);
        RequestResult requestResults = new RequestResult();
        session.storeEvents(getOracleReplaceFlags(), calendar.toString(), requestResults);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("replaceEventInternal Session#storeEvents capi result: " + requestResults.toString());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#checkForConflicts(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableBlock)
    public final void checkForConflicts(IScheduleOwner owner, AvailableBlock block) throws ConflictExistsException {
        // note: when retrieving a list of events between times, oracle will return events that END at the same minute as the start time
        // in this case, we don't want a preceding event to be considered, so add 1 minute (60,000 milliseconds) to start time.
        Date startTime = new Date(block.getStartTime().getTime() + 60000);
        Calendar calendar = getCalendar(owner.getCalendarAccount(), startTime, block.getEndTime());
        ComponentList events = calendar.getComponents(Component.VEVENT);
        if (events.size() > 0) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("checkForConflicts found " + events.size() + " events for " + owner + " between "
                        + startTime + " and " + block.getEndTime());
            for (Object component : events) {
                VEvent event = (VEvent) component;
                if (this.oracleEventUtils.willEventCauseConflict(owner.getCalendarAccount(), event)) {
                    throw new ConflictExistsException(
                            "a conflict exists for " + block + " in the schedule for " + owner);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("checkForConflicts found 0 events for " + owner + " between " + startTime + " and "
                    + block.getEndTime());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#reflectAvailableSchedule(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, org.jasig.schedassist.model.AvailableSchedule)
    public final void reflectAvailableSchedule(IScheduleOwner owner, AvailableSchedule schedule) {
        if (!schedule.isEmpty()) {
  "beginning reflectAvailableSchedule for " + owner);

            Session session = null;
            boolean invalidate = false;
            OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());
            try {
                session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);

                Date startDate = CommonDateOperations.beginningOfDay(schedule.getScheduleStartTime());
                Date endDate = CommonDateOperations.endOfDay(schedule.getScheduleEndTime());

                purgeAvailableScheduleReflections(owner, startDate, endDate);

                List<Calendar> newReflections = this.oracleEventUtils.convertScheduleForReflection(schedule);
                // oracleEventUtils overrides this method to only return 1 calendar
                if (newReflections.size() == 1) {
                    RequestResult storeResult = new RequestResult();
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("reflectAvailableSchedule begin call to Session#storeEvents for " + owner);
                    Calendar calendar = newReflections.get(0);
                    session.storeEvents(getOracleCreateReflectionFlags(), calendar.toString(), storeResult);
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("reflectAvailableSchedule Session#storeEvents for " + owner
                                + " complete, capi result: " + storeResult);
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("store new reflections skipped as schedule size != 1, size " + newReflections.size());

            } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
                LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in reflectAvailableSchedule", e);
                throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("reflectAvailableSchedule failed for owner " + owner,
            } finally {
                doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidate);
  "reflectAvailableSchedule complete for " + owner);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("ignoring reflectAvailableSchedule call on empty schedule for " + owner);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.schedassist.ICalendarDataDao#purgeAvailableScheduleReflections(org.jasig.schedassist.model.IScheduleOwner, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public void purgeAvailableScheduleReflections(IScheduleOwner owner, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
        if (startDate != null && endDate != null) {
            Session session = null;
            boolean invalidate = false;
            OracleCalendarServerNode serverNode = getOracleCalendarServerNode(owner.getCalendarAccount());
            try {
                session = getSession(owner.getCalendarAccount(), serverNode);

                Calendar existingReflections = getExistingAvailableScheduleReflections(owner, startDate, endDate,
                ComponentList existingComponents = existingReflections.getComponents();
                List<String> uidsToRemove = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (Object o : existingComponents) {
                    Component component = (Component) o;
                    if (AvailabilityReflection.TRUE
                            .equals(component.getProperty(AvailabilityReflection.AVAILABILITY_REFLECTION))) {
                        // add the UID to the list for removal
                        String uidValue = component.getProperty(Uid.UID).getValue();
                        LOG.debug("added " + uidValue + " to list of reflection events to be removed");

                if (!uidsToRemove.isEmpty()) {
                    RequestResult deleteResult = new RequestResult();
                    session.deleteEvents(Api.CSDK_FLAG_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR, uidsToRemove.toArray(new String[] {}),
                            null, Api.CSDK_THISINSTANCE, deleteResult);
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("delete existing reflections complete: " + deleteResult);
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("no existing reflections to remove");
            } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
                LOG.error("caught Api.StatusException in reflectAvailableSchedule for owner " + owner, e);
                throw new OracleCalendarDataAccessException("reflectAvailableSchedule failed for owner " + owner,
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("caught IOException in reflectAvailableSchedule for " + owner, e);
                throw new OracleCalendarParserException("reflectAvailableSchedule failed for owner " + owner, e);
            } catch (ParserException e) {
                LOG.error("failed to parse existing reflection events for " + owner, e);
                throw new OracleCalendarParserException("reflectAvailableSchedule failed for owner " + owner, e);
            } finally {
                doneWithSession(session, serverNode, invalidate);
        } else {
            LOG.warn("skipping purgeAvailableScheduleReflections since date argument is null (start: " + startDate
                    + ", end: " + endDate);

     * Helper method to locate the correct value of Oracle GUID for the specified account.
     * If the {@link ICalendarAccount} is an instance of {@link AbstractOracleCalendarAccount}, which
     * in all likelihood it is if you are using this DAO, it tries to call {@link AbstractOracleCalendarAccount#getOracleGuid()}.
     * If that return value is null, or the {@link ICalendarAccount} is some other subclass, this method
     * uses the {@link Session} argument in a call to {@link OracleGUIDSource#getOracleGUID(ICalendarAccount, Session)}.
     * @param calendarAccount
     * @param session
     * @return the oracle GUID, or null
    protected final String locateOracleGuid(ICalendarAccount calendarAccount, Session session) {
        if (calendarAccount == null) {
            return null;
        String guid = calendarAccount.getAttributes().get(AbstractOracleCalendarAccount.ORACLE_GUID_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (guid != null) {
            return guid;

        LOG.debug("oracle GUID not found from attributes map, attempting cast");
        // fail safe
        if (calendarAccount instanceof AbstractOracleCalendarAccount) {
            AbstractOracleCalendarAccount casted = (AbstractOracleCalendarAccount) calendarAccount;
            String castedGuid = casted.getOracleGuid();
            if (null != castedGuid) {
                return castedGuid;
        } else {
            LOG.warn("non oracle calendar account detected in OracleCalendarDao: " + calendarAccount);

        // fall back to OracleGUIDSource
        try {
            return this.oracleGUIDSource.getOracleGUID(calendarAccount, session);
        } catch (StatusException e) {
            LOG.warn("unable to locate oracle GUID for " + calendarAccount, e);
            return null;

     * Retrieve a {@link Calendar} containing only the existing Available Schedule Reflections (Oracle Daily Notes).
     * @param owner
     * @param startTime
     * @param endTime
     * @param session
     * @return
     * @throws StatusException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ParserException
    protected final Calendar getExistingAvailableScheduleReflections(IScheduleOwner owner, Date startTime,
            Date endTime, Session session) throws StatusException, IOException, ParserException {
        Handle agendas[] = { new Handle() };
        agendas[0] = session.getHandle(Api.CSDK_FLAG_NONE, owner.getCalendarAccount().getCalendarLoginId());

        String properties[] = new String[0];
        RequestResult requestResults = new RequestResult();
        String agenda = session.fetchEventsByRange(getOracleFetchFlagsForReflectionLookup(), agendas,
                DefaultEventUtilsImpl.convertToICalendarFormat(endTime), properties, requestResults);

        StringReader reader = new StringReader(agenda);
        CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder();
        Calendar parsedAgenda =;
        ComponentList allComponents = parsedAgenda.getComponents();
        ComponentList onlyReflections = new ComponentList();
        for (Object o : allComponents) {
            Component component = (Component) o;
            if (AvailabilityReflection.TRUE
                    .equals(component.getProperty(AvailabilityReflection.AVAILABILITY_REFLECTION))) {

        Calendar result = new Calendar(onlyReflections);
        return result;

     * @param owner
     * @param eventUids
     * @param session
     * @throws StatusException 
    protected final void removeAvailableScheduleReflections(IScheduleOwner owner, List<String> eventUids,
            Session session) throws StatusException {
        if (!eventUids.isEmpty()) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("removeAvailableScheduleReflections begin Session#deleteEvents for " + owner);
            RequestResult deleteResult = new RequestResult();
            session.deleteEvents(Api.CSDK_FLAG_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR, eventUids.toArray(new String[] {}), null,
                    Api.CSDK_THISINSTANCE, deleteResult);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("removeAvailableScheduleReflections Session#deleteEvents for " + owner
                        + " complete, capi result: " + deleteResult);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("eventUids was empty");

     * @return
    protected int getOracleFetchFlagsForReflectionLookup() {
                | Api.CSDK_FLAG_STREAM_NOT_MIME;

     * Internal version of {@link #getExistingAppointment(ScheduleOwner, AvailableBlock)} that takes
     * (and uses) an existing {@link Session}.
     * @param owner
     * @param block
     * @param session
     * @return
     * @throws StatusException
     * @throws ParserException
    protected VEvent getAvailableAppointmentInternal(IScheduleOwner owner, Date startTime, Date endTime,
            Session session) throws StatusException, ParserException {
        final DateTime ical4jstart = new DateTime(startTime);
        final DateTime ical4jend = new DateTime(endTime);
        String agenda = getCalendarInternal(owner.getCalendarAccount(), startTime, endTime, session);
        Calendar calendar = parseAgenda(agenda);
        ComponentList componentList = calendar.getComponents(VEvent.VEVENT);
        for (Object o : componentList) {
            VEvent event = (VEvent) o;
            Date eventStart = event.getStartDate().getDate();
            Date eventEnd = event.getEndDate(true).getDate();
            Property availableApptProperty = event
            if (!SchedulingAssistantAppointment.TRUE.equals(availableApptProperty)) {
                // immediately skip over non-available appointments

            // check for version first
            Property versionProperty = event.getProperty(AvailableVersion.AVAILABLE_VERSION);
            if (null == versionProperty) {
                // this is a version 1.0 appointment
                // in version 1.0, the only check was to verify that visitor was an attendee
                return event;
            } else if (AvailableVersion.AVAILABLE_VERSION_1_1.equals(versionProperty)) {
                Property ownerAttendee = this.oracleEventUtils.getAttendeeForUserFromEvent(event,
                if (ownerAttendee == null) {
                Parameter ownerAttendeeRole = ownerAttendee.getParameter(AppointmentRole.APPOINTMENT_ROLE);

                // event has to be (1) an available appointment
                // with (2) owner as AppointmentRole#OWNER (or AppointmentRole#BOTH)
                // (3) start and (4) end date have to match
                if ((AppointmentRole.BOTH.equals(ownerAttendeeRole)
                        || AppointmentRole.OWNER.equals(ownerAttendeeRole)) && eventStart.equals(startTime)
                        && eventEnd.equals(endTime)) {
                    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        LOG.trace("getAvailableAppointment found " + event);
                    return event;
            } else if (AvailableVersion.AVAILABLE_VERSION_1_2.equals(versionProperty)) {
                Parameter ownerAttendeeRole = null;
                Property ownerAttendee = this.oracleEventUtils.getAttendeeForUserFromEvent(event,
                if (ownerAttendee == null) {
                    // check for resource account
                    Property resourceAttendee = event.getProperty(OracleResourceAttendee.ORACLE_RESOURCE_ATTENDEE);
                    if (this.oracleEventUtils.attendeeMatchesPerson(resourceAttendee, owner.getCalendarAccount())) {
                        // resource accounts can only be OWNER role
                        ownerAttendeeRole = AppointmentRole.OWNER;
                } else {
                    ownerAttendeeRole = ownerAttendee.getParameter(AppointmentRole.APPOINTMENT_ROLE);

                if (null == ownerAttendeeRole) {
                    // owner role not on organizer or on attendee
                // event has to be (1) an available appointment
                // with (2) owner as AppointmentRole#OWNER (or AppointmentRole#BOTH)
                // (3) start and (4) end date have to match
                if ((AppointmentRole.BOTH.equals(ownerAttendeeRole)
                        || AppointmentRole.OWNER.equals(ownerAttendeeRole)) && eventStart.equals(ical4jstart)
                        && eventEnd.equals(ical4jend)) {
                    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        LOG.trace("getAvailableAppointment found " + event);

                    return event;
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("getAvailableAppointment found no match for times: " + startTime + ", " + endTime
                    + ", owner: " + owner);
        return null;

     * Internal version of {@link #getCalendar(ICalendarAccount, Date, Date)} that takes
     * (and uses) an existing {@link Session}.
     * @param calendarUser
     * @param startDate
     * @param endDate
     * @param session
     * @throws StatusException 
     * @throws ParserException 
    protected String getCalendarInternal(ICalendarAccount calendarUser, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            Session session) throws StatusException, ParserException {
        Handle agendas[] = { new Handle() };
        agendas[0] = session.getHandle(Api.CSDK_FLAG_NONE, calendarUser.getCalendarLoginId());

        String properties[] = new String[0];
        RequestResult requestResults = new RequestResult();

        String agenda = session.fetchEventsByRange(getOracleFetchFlags(), agendas,
                DefaultEventUtilsImpl.convertToICalendarFormat(endDate), properties, requestResults);

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("raw agenda from Session#fetchEventsByRange for " + calendarUser + ": " + agenda);
        return agenda;

     * This function encapsulates the processing of the output from Oracle Calendar
     * by iCal4j.
     * This method currently inspects the end of the agenda argument for the presence
     * of the complete string "END:VCALENDAR" (a known bug with the Oracle Calendar APIs presents
     * itself in this fashion) and attempts to repair the agenda before sending to iCal4J.
     * {@link CalendarBuilder#build(} can throw an {@link IOException}; this method wraps the call
     * in try-catch and throws any caught {@link IOException}s wrapped in a {@link ParseException} instead.
     * @param agenda
     * @return
     * @throws ParserException
    protected Calendar parseAgenda(String agenda) throws ParserException {
        final String chomped = StringUtils.chomp(agenda);
        if (!StringUtils.endsWith(chomped, "END:VCALENDAR")) {
            // Oracle for an unknown reason sometimes does not properly end the iCalendar
            LOG.warn("agenda does not end in END:VCALENDAR");
            // find out how much is missing from the end
            int indexOfLastNewline = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(chomped, CRLF);
            if (indexOfLastNewline == -1) {
                throw new ParserException("oracle calendar data is malformed ", -1);
            String agendaWithoutLastLine = agenda.substring(0, indexOfLastNewline);
            StringBuilder agendaBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            agenda = agendaBuilder.toString();

        StringReader reader = new StringReader(agenda);
        CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder();
        try {
            Calendar result =;
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            return result;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("ical4j threw IOException attempting to build Calendar; rethrowing as ParserException", e);
            throw new ParserException(e.getMessage(), -1, e);

     * @param user
     * @param session
     * @return the email address Oracle has stored for the user
    protected String getOracleStoredEmail(final ICalendarAccount user, final Session session)
            throws Api.StatusException {
        Handle handle = session.getHandle(Api.CSDK_FLAG_NONE, user.getCalendarLoginId());
        String email = handle.getEmail();
        LOG.debug("oracle stored email for " + user + ": " + email);
        return email;

     * @param user
     * @return the ID of oracle calendar server node from the user's calendarUniqueId (ctcalxitemid)
    protected String getOracleNodeId(final ICalendarAccount user) {
        if (user instanceof AbstractOracleCalendarAccount) {
            AbstractOracleCalendarAccount account = (AbstractOracleCalendarAccount) user;
            return account.getCalendarNodeId();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument is not an oracle account: " + user);

     * This value is used as the first argument to fetchEventsByRange when used to retrieve full agendas
     * or single events.
    protected int getOracleFetchFlags() {

     * This value is used as the first argument to the first call to storeEvents (initial event creation).
    protected int getOracleCreateFlags() {

     * This value is used as the first argument to the storeEvents call used to store available
     * schedule reflections.
     * @return
    protected int getOracleCreateReflectionFlags() {

     *  This value is used as the first argument to the second call to storeEvents (update event so student accepts invite).
    protected int getOracleModifyFlags() {

     *  This value is used as the first argument to the second call to storeEvents (update event so student accepts invite).
    protected int getOracleReplaceFlags() {

     * Call {@link Session#disconnect(int)}, catching and (debug) logging
     * any {@link Api.StatusException} that could be thrown.
     * @param session
    protected final void disconnectSessionQuietly(final Session session) {
        if (null != session) {
            try {
            } catch (Api.StatusException e) {
                LOG.debug("ignoring Api.StatusException on disconnect", e);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("ignoring disconnectQuietly call for null session");