Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Apereo under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Apereo licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at the following location: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import*; import net.sf.ehcache.Cache; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import org.jasig.portlet.emailpreview.EmailPreviewException; import org.jasig.portlet.emailpreview.MailStoreConfiguration; import org.jasig.portlet.emailpreview.caching.EWSEndpointUriCacheKeyGeneratorImpl; import org.jasig.portlet.emailpreview.caching.IEWSEndpoingUriCacheKeyGenerator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.oxm.Marshaller; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.xml.transform.StringResult; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Data accessor that uses Exchange Web Services's autodiscovery process. See * (SOAP, spec on steps for autodiscover), * * Also see: * * (Exchange Online), * (this is for the Plain-old XML approach, not implemented). * * The current implementation: * - Supports only the SOAP protocol, not the Plain-old XML approach * - Does not use the Active Directory Service Connection Point (SCP) strategy to lookup Autodiscover URLs * - Does not look up records in DNS * - The servername to first contact is configured in the portlet preferences. * * @author James Wennmacher, */ public class ExchangeAutoDiscoverDaoImpl implements IExchangeAutoDiscoverDao { protected final static String AUTODISCOVER_SCHEMA = ""; protected final static String AUTODISCOVER_RESPONSE_SCHEMA = ""; protected final static QName REQUEST_SERVER_VERSION_QNAME = new QName( "", "RequestedServerVersion", "a"); protected final static QName SOAP_ACTION_HEADER_QNAME = new QName("", "Action", "wsa"); protected final static String SOAP_ACTION_BASE = ""; protected final static String GET_USER_SETTINGS_ACTION = SOAP_ACTION_BASE + "GetUserSettings"; private final static String INTERNAL_EWS_SERVER = "InternalEwsUrl"; private final static String EXTERNAL_EWS_SERVER = "ExternalEwsUrl"; private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private String EWSServerURI = "https://{server}/EWS/exchange.asmx"; private final ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); private Marshaller marshaller; @Autowired @Qualifier("mailboxServernameCache") private Cache ewsEndpointUriCache; private IEWSEndpoingUriCacheKeyGenerator ewsEndpointUriCacheKeyGenerator = new EWSEndpointUriCacheKeyGeneratorImpl(); @Autowired @Qualifier(value = "exchangeAutodiscover") private WebServiceOperations webServiceOperations; // From private List<String> autoDiscoverURIs = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "https://{server}/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc", "https://autodiscover.{server}/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc" }); public void setWebServiceOperations(WebServiceOperations webServiceOperations) { this.webServiceOperations = webServiceOperations; } public void setEwsEndpointUriCache(Cache ewsEndpointUriCache) { this.ewsEndpointUriCache = ewsEndpointUriCache; } public void setEwsEndpointUriCacheKeyGenerator( IEWSEndpoingUriCacheKeyGenerator ewsEndpointUriCacheKeyGenerator) { this.ewsEndpointUriCacheKeyGenerator = ewsEndpointUriCacheKeyGenerator; } public void setAutoDiscoverURIs(List<String> autoDiscoverURIs) { this.autoDiscoverURIs = autoDiscoverURIs; } public void setEWSServerURI(String EWSServerURI) { this.EWSServerURI = EWSServerURI; } public void setMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller) { this.marshaller = marshaller; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // get Exchange Server for mailbox // ---------------------------------------------------------- @Override public String getEndpointUri(MailStoreConfiguration config) { String cacheKey = ewsEndpointUriCacheKeyGenerator.getKey(config); Element element = ewsEndpointUriCache.get(cacheKey); if (element == null) { String endpointUri; if (config.isExchangeAutodiscover()) { log.debug( "Cache miss. Autodiscover enabled. Looking up EWS endpoint for mail account {} at host {}", config.getMailAccount(), config.getHost()); endpointUri = getAccountServiceUrl(config);"Caching Autodiscover endpoint {} for mail account {}", endpointUri, config.getMailAccount()); } else { endpointUri = EWSServerURI.replace("{server}", config.getHost()); log.debug( "Cache miss. Not using Autodiscover. Caching computed EWS endpoint {} for mail account {}", endpointUri, config.getMailAccount()); } Element el = new Element(cacheKey, endpointUri); ewsEndpointUriCache.put(el); return endpointUri; } else { String uri = (String) element.getValue(); log.debug("Cache hit for EWS endpoint for mail account {} to endpoint URI {}", config.getMailAccount(), uri); return uri; } } private String getAccountServiceUrl(MailStoreConfiguration config) { UserSettings userSettings = sendMessageAndExtractSingleResponse( createGetUserSettingsSoapMessage(config.getMailAccount()), GET_USER_SETTINGS_ACTION, config); //Give preference to Internal URL over External URL String internalUri = null; String externalUri = null; for (UserSetting userSetting : userSettings.getUserSettings()) { String potentialAccountServiceUrl = ((StringSetting) userSetting).getValue().getValue(); if (EXTERNAL_EWS_SERVER.equals(userSetting.getName())) { externalUri = potentialAccountServiceUrl; } if (INTERNAL_EWS_SERVER.equals(userSetting.getName())) { internalUri = potentialAccountServiceUrl; } } if (internalUri == null && externalUri == null) { throw new EmailPreviewException("Unable to find EWS Server URI in properies " + EXTERNAL_EWS_SERVER + " or " + INTERNAL_EWS_SERVER + " from User's Autodiscover record"); } return internalUri != null ? internalUri : externalUri; } private GetUserSettingsRequestMessage createGetUserSettingsSoapMessage(String emailAddress) { GetUserSettingsRequest msg = objectFactory.createGetUserSettingsRequest(); User user = objectFactory.createUser(); user.setMailbox(emailAddress); Users users = objectFactory.createUsers(); users.getUsers().add(user); msg.setUsers(users); msg.setRequestedVersion(ExchangeVersion.EXCHANGE_2010); RequestedSettings settings = objectFactory.createRequestedSettings(); settings.getSettings().add(EXTERNAL_EWS_SERVER); settings.getSettings().add(INTERNAL_EWS_SERVER); msg.setRequestedSettings(settings); // Construct the SOAP request object to use GetUserSettingsRequestMessage request = objectFactory.createGetUserSettingsRequestMessage(); request.setRequest(objectFactory.createGetUserSettingsRequestMessageRequest(msg)); return request; } private UserSettings sendMessageAndExtractSingleResponse(GetUserSettingsRequestMessage soapRequest, String soapAction, MailStoreConfiguration config) { GetUserSettingsResponseMessage soapResponseMessage = (GetUserSettingsResponseMessage) sendSoapRequest( soapRequest, soapAction, config); GetUserSettingsResponse soapResponse = soapResponseMessage.getResponse().getValue(); UserSettings userSettings = null; boolean warning = false; boolean error = false; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (!ErrorCode.NO_ERROR.equals(soapResponse.getErrorCode())) { error = true; msg.append("Error: ").append(soapResponse.getErrorCode().value()).append(": ") .append(soapResponse.getErrorMessage().getValue()).append("\n"); } else { JAXBElement<ArrayOfUserResponse> JAXBresponseArray = soapResponse.getUserResponses(); ArrayOfUserResponse responseArray = JAXBresponseArray != null ? JAXBresponseArray.getValue() : null; List<UserResponse> responses = responseArray != null ? responseArray.getUserResponses() : new ArrayList<UserResponse>(); if (responses.size() == 0) { error = true; msg.append("Error: Autodiscovery returned no Exchange mail server for mailbox"); } else if (responses.size() > 1) { warning = true; msg.append("Warning: Autodiscovery returned multiple responses for Exchange server mailbox query"); } else { UserResponse userResponse = responses.get(0); if (!ErrorCode.NO_ERROR.equals(userResponse.getErrorCode())) { error = true; msg.append("Received error message obtaining user mailbox's server. Error " + userResponse.getErrorCode().value() + ": " + userResponse.getErrorMessage().getValue()); } userSettings = userResponse.getUserSettings().getValue(); } } if (warning || error) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder("Unexpected response from soap action: " + soapAction + ".\nSoap Request: " + soapRequest.toString() + "\n"); errorMessage.append(msg); if (error) { throw new EmailPreviewException("Error performing Exchange web service action " + soapAction + ". Error code is " + errorMessage.toString()); } log.warn("Received warning response to soap request " + soapAction + ". Error text is:\n" + errorMessage.toString()); throw new EmailPreviewException("Unable to perform " + soapAction + " operation; try again later. Message text: " + errorMessage.toString()); } return userSettings; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // common send message and parse response // ---------------------------------------------------------- private Object sendSoapRequest(Object soapRequest, String soapAction, MailStoreConfiguration config) { Exception ex = null; // Try each connection URI pattern until one works for (String pattern : autoDiscoverURIs) { String uri = pattern.replace("{server}", config.getHost()); try { Object response = sendSoapMessageToServer(soapRequest, soapAction, uri); return response; } catch (WebServiceClientException e) { ex = e; // todo should we bother catching/wrapping? I think runtime exceptions should be caught at service layer throw new EmailPreviewException(e); } //todo figure out if we can catch authentication exceptions to return them separate. Useful? } throw new EmailPreviewException("Unable to use autodiscover on host " + config.getHost(), ex); } private Object sendSoapMessageToServer(Object soapRequest, final String soapAction, String uri) { final WebServiceMessageCallback actionCallback = new SoapActionCallback(soapAction); final WebServiceMessageCallback customCallback = new WebServiceMessageCallback() { @Override public void doWithMessage(WebServiceMessage message) throws IOException, TransformerException { actionCallback.doWithMessage(message); SoapMessage soap = (SoapMessage) message; soap.getEnvelope().getHeader().addHeaderElement(REQUEST_SERVER_VERSION_QNAME) .setText(ExchangeVersion.EXCHANGE_2010.value()); soap.getEnvelope().getHeader().addHeaderElement(SOAP_ACTION_HEADER_QNAME).setText(soapAction); } }; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringResult message = new StringResult(); try { marshaller.marshal(soapRequest, message); log.debug( "Attempting to send SOAP request to {}\nSoap Action: {}\nSoap message body" + " (not exact, log org.apache.http.wire to see actual message):\n{}", uri, soapAction, message); } catch (IOException ex) { log.debug("IOException attempting to display soap response", ex); } } // use the request to retrieve data from the Exchange server Object response = webServiceOperations.marshalSendAndReceive(uri, soapRequest, customCallback); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringResult messageResponse = new StringResult(); try { marshaller.marshal(response, messageResponse); log.debug("Soap response body (not exact, log org.apache.http.wire to see actual message):\n{}", messageResponse); } catch (IOException exception) { log.debug("IOException attempting to display soap response", exception); } } return response; } }