Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.PortalException; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IUserLayoutStore; import; import org.jasig.portal.spring.locator.UserLayoutStoreLocator; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Applies and updates position specifiers for child nodes in the * composite layout. * * @version $Revision$ $Date$ * @since uPortal 2.5 */ public class PositionManager { public static final String RCS_ID = "@(#) $Header$"; private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PositionManager.class); private static IUserLayoutStore dls = null; /** * Hands back the single instance of RDBMDistributedLayoutStore. There is * already a method * for aquiring a single instance of the configured layout store so we * delegate over there so that all references refer to the same instance. * This method is solely for convenience so that we don't have to keep * calling UserLayoutStoreFactory and casting the resulting class. */ private static IUserLayoutStore getDLS() { if (dls == null) { dls = UserLayoutStoreLocator.getUserLayoutStore(); } return dls; } /** This method and ones that it delegates to have the responsibility of organizing the child nodes of the passed in composite view parent node according to the order specified in the passed in position set and return via the passed in result set whether the personal layout fragment (one portion of which is the position set) or the incoporated layouts fragment (one portion of which is the compViewParent) were changed. This may also include pulling nodes in from other parents under certain circumstances. For example, if allowed a user can move nodes that are not part of their personal layout fragment or PLF; the UI elements that they own. These node do not exist in their layout in the database but instead are merged in with their owned elements at log in and other times. So to move them during subsequent merges a position set can contain a position directive indicating the id of the node to be moved into a specific position in the sibling list and that well may refer to a node not in the sibling list to begin with. If the node no longer exists in the composite view then that position directive can safely be discarded. Positioning is meant to preserve as much as possible the user's specified ordering of user interface elements but always respecting movement restrictions placed on those elements that are incorporated by their owners. So the following rules apply from most important to least. 1) nodes with moveAllowed="false" prevent nodes of lower precedence from being to their left or higher with left or higher defined as having a lower index in the sibling list. (applyLowerPrecRestriction) 2) nodes with moveAllowed="false" prevent nodes of equal precedence from moving from one side of this node to the other from their position as found in the compViewParent initially and prevents nodes with the same precedence from moving from other parents into this parent prior to the restricted node. Prior to implies a lower sibling index. (applyHoppingRestriction) 3) nodes with moveAllowed="false" prevent nodes of equal precedence lower in the sibling list from being reparented. (ie: moving to another parent) However, they can be deleted. (applyReparentingCheck) 4) nodes should be ordered as much as possible in the order specified by the user but in view of the above conditions. So if a user has moved nodes thus specifying some order and the owner of some node in that set then locks one of those nodes some of those nodes will have to move back to their orinial positions to conform with the rules above but for the remaining nodes they should be found in the same relative order specified by the user. (getOrder) 5) nodes not included in the order specified by the user (ie: nodes added since the user last ordered them) should maintain their relative order as much as possible and be appended to the end of the sibling list after all others rules have been applied. (getOrder) Each of these rules is applied by a call to a method 5 being first and 1 being last so that 1 has the highest precedence and last say. Once the final ordering is specified then it is applied to the children of the compViewParent and returned. */ static void applyPositions(Element compViewParent, Element positionSet, IntegrationResult result) throws PortalException { if (positionSet == null || positionSet.getFirstChild() == null) return; List<NodeInfo> order = new ArrayList<NodeInfo>(); applyOrdering(order, compViewParent, positionSet); applyNoReparenting(order, compViewParent, positionSet); applyNoHopping(order, compViewParent, positionSet); applyLowerPrecedence(order, compViewParent, positionSet); evaluateAndApply(order, compViewParent, positionSet, result); } /** This method determines if applying all of the positioning rules and restrictions ended up making changes to the compViewParent or the original position set. If changes are applicable to the CVP then they are applied. If the position set changed then the original stored in the PLF is updated. */ static void evaluateAndApply(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent, Element positionSet, IntegrationResult result) throws PortalException { adjustPositionSet(order, positionSet, result); if (hasAffectOnCVP(order, compViewParent)) { applyToNodes(order, compViewParent); result.changedILF = true; } } /** This method trims down the position set to the position directives on the node info elements still having a position directive. Any directives that violated restrictions were removed from the node info objects so the position set should be made to match the order of those still having one. */ static void adjustPositionSet(List<NodeInfo> order, Element positionSet, IntegrationResult result) { Node nodeToMatch = positionSet.getFirstChild(); Element nodeToInsertBefore = positionSet.getOwnerDocument().createElement("INSERT_POINT"); positionSet.insertBefore(nodeToInsertBefore, nodeToMatch); for (Iterator iter = order.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo); if (ni.positionDirective != null) { // found one check it against the current one in the position // set to see if it is different. If so then indicate that // something (the position set) has changed in the plf if (ni.positionDirective != nodeToMatch) result.changedPLF = true; // now bump the insertion point forward prior to // moving on to the next position node to be evaluated if (nodeToMatch != null) nodeToMatch = nodeToMatch.getNextSibling(); // now insert it prior to insertion point positionSet.insertBefore(ni.positionDirective, nodeToInsertBefore); } } // now for any left over after the insert point remove them. while (nodeToInsertBefore.getNextSibling() != null) positionSet.removeChild(nodeToInsertBefore.getNextSibling()); // now remove the insertion point positionSet.removeChild(nodeToInsertBefore); } /** This method compares the children by id in the order list with the order in the compViewParent's ui visible children and returns true if the ordering differs indicating that the positioning if needed. */ static boolean hasAffectOnCVP(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent) { if (order.size() == 0) return false; int idx = 0; Element child = (Element) compViewParent.getFirstChild(); NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo) order.get(idx); if (child == null && ni != null) // most likely nodes to be pulled in return true; while (child != null) { if (child.getAttribute("hidden").equals("false") && (!child.getAttribute("chanID").equals("") || child.getAttribute("type").equals("regular"))) { if ( { if (idx >= order.size() - 1) // at end of order list return false; ni = (NodeInfo) order.get(++idx); } else // if not equal then return true return true; } child = (Element) child.getNextSibling(); } if (idx < order.size()) return true; // represents nodes to be pulled in return false; } /** This method applies the ordering specified in the passed in order list to the child nodes of the compViewParent. Nodes specified in the list but located elsewhere are pulled in. */ static void applyToNodes(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent) { // first set up a bogus node to assist with inserting Node insertPoint = compViewParent.getOwnerDocument().createElement("bogus"); Node first = compViewParent.getFirstChild(); if (first != null) compViewParent.insertBefore(insertPoint, first); else compViewParent.appendChild(insertPoint); // now pass through the order list inserting the nodes as you go for (int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) compViewParent.insertBefore(((NodeInfo) order.get(i)).node, insertPoint); compViewParent.removeChild(insertPoint); } /** This method is responsible for preventing nodes with lower precedence from being located to the left (lower sibling order) of nodes having a higher precedence and moveAllowed="false". */ static void applyLowerPrecedence(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent, Element positionSet) { for (int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) { NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo) order.get(i); if (ni.node.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_MOVE_ALLOWED).equals("false")) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { NodeInfo lefty = (NodeInfo) order.get(j); if (lefty.precedence == null || lefty.precedence.isLessThan(ni.precedence)) { order.remove(j); order.add(i, lefty); } } } } } /** This method is responsible for preventing nodes with identical precedence in the same parent from hopping over each other so that a layout fragment can lock two tabs that are next to each other and they can only be separated by tabs with higher precedence. If this situation is detected then the positioning of all nodes currently in the compViewParent is left as they are found in the CVP with any nodes brought in from other parents appended at the end with their relative order preserved. */ static void applyNoHopping(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent, Element positionSet) { if (isIllegalHoppingSpecified(order) == true) { ArrayList cvpNodeInfos = new ArrayList(); // pull those out of the position list from the CVP for (int i = order.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (((NodeInfo) order.get(i)).indexInCVP != -1) cvpNodeInfos.add(order.remove(i)); // what is left is coming from other parents. Now push them back in // in the order specified in the CVP Object[] nodeInfos = cvpNodeInfos.toArray(); Arrays.sort(nodeInfos, new NodeInfoComparator()); List list = Arrays.asList(nodeInfos); order.addAll(0, list); } } /** This method determines if any illegal hopping is being specified. To determine if the positioning is specifying an ordering that will result in hopping I need to determine for each node n in the list if any of the nodes to be positioned to its right currently lie to its left in the CVP and have moveAllowed="false" and have the same precedence or if any of the nodes to be positioned to its left currently lie to its right in the CVP and have moveAllowed="false" and have the same precedence. */ static boolean isIllegalHoppingSpecified(List<NodeInfo> order) { for (int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) { NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo) order.get(i); // look for move restricted nodes if (!ni.node.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_MOVE_ALLOWED).equals("false")) continue; // now check nodes in lower position to see if they "hopped" here // or if they have similar precedence and came from another parent. for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { NodeInfo niSib = (NodeInfo) order.get(j); // skip lower precedence nodes from this parent. These will get // bumped during the lower precedence check if (niSib.precedence == Precedence.getUserPrecedence()) continue; if (niSib.precedence.isEqualTo(ni.precedence) && (niSib.indexInCVP == -1 || // from another parent ni.indexInCVP < niSib.indexInCVP)) // niSib hopping left return true; } // now check upper positioned nodes to see if they "hopped" for (int j = i + 1; j < order.size(); j++) { NodeInfo niSib = (NodeInfo) order.get(j); // ignore nodes from other parents and user precedence nodes if (niSib.indexInCVP == -1 || niSib.precedence == Precedence.getUserPrecedence()) continue; if (ni.indexInCVP > niSib.indexInCVP && // niSib hopped right niSib.precedence.isEqualTo(ni.precedence)) return true; } } return false; } /** This method scans through the nodes in the ordered list and identifies those that are not in the passed in compViewParent. For those it then looks in its current parent and checks to see if there are any down- stream (higher sibling index) siblings that have moveAllowed="false". If any such sibling is found then the node is not allowed to be reparented and is removed from the list. */ static void applyNoReparenting(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent, Element positionSet) { int i = 0; while (i < order.size()) { NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo) order.get(i); if (!ni.node.getParentNode().equals(compViewParent)) { ni.differentParent = true; if (isNotReparentable(ni)) { // this node should not be reparented. If it was placed // here by way of a position directive then delete that // directive out of the ni and posSet will be updated later ni.positionDirective = null; // now we need to remove it from the ordering list but // skip incrementing i, deleted ni now filled by next ni order.remove(i); continue; } } i++; } } /** Return true if the passed in node or any of its up-stream (higher index siblings have moveAllowed="false". */ private static boolean isNotReparentable(NodeInfo ni) { if (ni.node.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_MOVE_ALLOWED).equals("false")) return true; Precedence nodePrec = ni.precedence; Element node = (Element) ni.node.getNextSibling(); while (node != null) { if (node.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_MOVE_ALLOWED).equals("false")) { Precedence p = Precedence.newInstance(node.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_FRAGMENT)); if (nodePrec.isEqualTo(p)) return true; } node = (Element) node.getNextSibling(); } return false; } /** This method assembles in the passed in order object a list of NodeInfo objects ordered first by those specified in the position set and whose nodes still exist in the composite view and then by any remaining children in the compViewParent. */ static void applyOrdering(List<NodeInfo> order, Element compViewParent, Element positionSet) { // first pull out all visible channel or visible folder children and // put their id's in a list of available children and record their // relative order in the CVP. final Map<String, NodeInfo> available = new LinkedHashMap<String, NodeInfo>(); Element child = (Element) compViewParent.getFirstChild(); Element next = null; int indexInCVP = 0; while (child != null) { next = (Element) child.getNextSibling(); if (child.getAttribute("hidden").equals("false") && (!child.getAttribute("chanID").equals("") || child.getAttribute("type").equals("regular"))) { final NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(child, indexInCVP++); final NodeInfo prevNode = available.put(, nodeInfo); if (prevNode != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Infinite loop detected in layout. Triggered by " + + " with already visited node ids: " + available.keySet()); } } child = next; } // now fill the order list using id's from the position set if nodes // having those ids exist in the composite view. Otherwise discard // that position directive. As they are added to the list remove them // from the available nodes in the parent. Document CV = compViewParent.getOwnerDocument(); Element directive = (Element) positionSet.getFirstChild(); while (directive != null) { next = (Element) directive.getNextSibling(); // id of child to move is in the name attrib on the position nodes String id = directive.getAttribute("name"); child = CV.getElementById(id); if (child != null) { // look for the NodeInfo for this node in the available // nodes and if found use that one. Otherwise use a new that // does not include an index in the CVP parent. In either case // indicate the position directive responsible for placing this // NodeInfo object in the list. final String childId = child.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID); NodeInfo ni = available.remove(childId); if (ni == null) { ni = new NodeInfo(child); } ni.positionDirective = directive; order.add(ni); } directive = next; } // now append any remaining ids from the available list maintaining // the order that they have there. order.addAll(available.values()); } /** This method updates the positions recorded in a position set to reflect the ids of the nodes in the composite view of the layout. Any position nodes already in existence are reused to reduce database interaction needed to generate a new ID attribute. If any are left over after updating those position elements are removed. If no position set existed a new one is created for the parent. If no ILF nodes are found in the parent node then the position set as a whole is reclaimed. */ public static void updatePositionSet(Element compViewParent, Element plfParent, IPerson person) throws PortalException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Updating Position Set"); if (compViewParent.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0) { // no nodes to position. if set exists reclaim the space. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("No Nodes to position"); Element positions = getPositionSet(plfParent, person, false); if (positions != null) plfParent.removeChild(positions); return; } Element posSet = (Element) getPositionSet(plfParent, person, true); Element position = (Element) posSet.getFirstChild(); Element viewNode = (Element) compViewParent.getFirstChild(); boolean ilfNodesFound = false; while (viewNode != null) { String ID = viewNode.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID); String channelId = viewNode.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_CHANNEL_ID); String type = viewNode.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_TYPE); String hidden = viewNode.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_HIDDEN); if (ID.startsWith(Constants.FRAGMENT_ID_USER_PREFIX)) ilfNodesFound = true; if (!channelId.equals("") || // its a channel node or (type.equals("regular") && // a regular, visible folder hidden.equals("false"))) { if (position != null) position.setAttribute(Constants.ATT_NAME, ID); else position = createAndAppendPosition(ID, posSet, person); position = (Element) position.getNextSibling(); } viewNode = (Element) viewNode.getNextSibling(); } if (ilfNodesFound == false) // only plf nodes, no pos set needed plfParent.removeChild(posSet); else { // reclaim any leftover positions while (position != null) { Element nextPos = (Element) position.getNextSibling(); posSet.removeChild(position); position = nextPos; } } } /** This method locates the position set element in the child list of the passed in plfParent or if not found it will create one automatically and return it if the passed in create flag is true. */ private static Element getPositionSet(Element plfParent, IPerson person, boolean create) throws PortalException { Node child = plfParent.getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeName().equals(Constants.ELM_POSITION_SET)) return (Element) child; child = child.getNextSibling(); } if (create == false) return null; String ID = null; try { ID = getDLS().getNextStructDirectiveId(person); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PortalException("Exception encountered while " + "generating new position set node " + "Id for userId=" + person.getID(), e); } Document plf = plfParent.getOwnerDocument(); Element positions = plf.createElement(Constants.ELM_POSITION_SET); positions.setAttribute(Constants.ATT_TYPE, Constants.ELM_POSITION_SET); positions.setAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID, ID); plfParent.appendChild(positions); return positions; } /** Create, append to the passed in position set, and return a position element that references the passed in elementID. */ private static Element createAndAppendPosition(String elementID, Element positions, IPerson person) throws PortalException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding Position Set entry " + elementID + "."); String ID = null; try { ID = getDLS().getNextStructDirectiveId(person); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PortalException("Exception encountered while " + "generating new position node " + "Id for userId=" + person.getID(), e); } Document plf = positions.getOwnerDocument(); Element position = plf.createElement(Constants.ELM_POSITION); position.setAttribute(Constants.ATT_TYPE, Constants.ELM_POSITION); position.setAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID, ID); position.setAttributeNS(Constants.NS_URI, Constants.ATT_NAME, elementID); positions.appendChild(position); return position; } static class NodeInfoComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((NodeInfo) o1).indexInCVP - ((NodeInfo) o2).indexInCVP; } } }