Java tutorial
/* * * JAQPOT Quattro * * JAQPOT Quattro and the components shipped with it (web applications and beans) * are licensed by GPL v3 as specified hereafter. Additional components may ship * with some other licence as will be specified therein. * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 KinkyDesign (Charalampos Chomenidis, Pantelis Sopasakis) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Source code: * The source code of JAQPOT Quattro is available on github at: * * All source files of JAQPOT Quattro that are stored on github are licensed * with the aforementioned licence. */ package org.jaqpot.core.service.resource; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.Api; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jaqpot.core.model.MetaInfo; import org.jaqpot.core.model.Model; import org.jaqpot.core.model.Report; import org.jaqpot.core.model.User; import org.jaqpot.core.model.builder.MetaInfoBuilder; import org.jaqpot.core.model.dto.dataset.DataEntry; import org.jaqpot.core.model.dto.dataset.Dataset; import org.jaqpot.core.model.dto.jpdi.TrainingRequest; import org.jaqpot.core.model.facades.UserFacade; import org.jaqpot.core.model.factory.DatasetFactory; import org.jaqpot.core.model.util.ROG; import org.jaqpot.core.service.annotations.Authorize; import org.jaqpot.core.service.annotations.UnSecure; import org.jaqpot.core.service.client.jpdi.JPDIClient; import org.jaqpot.core.service.exceptions.QuotaExceededException; /** * * @author Charalampos Chomenidis * @author Pantelis Sopasakis */ @Path("dataset") @Api(value = "/dataset", description = "Dataset API") @Produces({ "application/json", "text/uri-list" }) @Authorize public class DatasetResource { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DatasetResource.class.getName()); @EJB DatasetHandler datasetHandler; @EJB UserHandler userHandler; @EJB ModelHandler modelHandler; @EJB AlgorithmHandler algorithmHandler; @EJB ReportHandler reportHandler; @Inject @UnSecure Client client; @Inject JPDIClient jpdiClient; @Context SecurityContext securityContext; @GET @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "text/uri-list" }) @ApiOperation(value = "Finds all Datasets", notes = "Finds all Datasets in the DB of Jaqpot and returns them in a list. Results can be obtained " + "either in the form of a URI list or as a JSON list as specified by the Accept HTTP header. " + "In the latter case, a list will be returned containing only the IDs of the datasets, their metadata " + "and their ontological classes. The parameter max, which specifies the maximum number of IDs to be " + "listed is limited to 500; if the client specifies a larger value, an HTTP Warning Header will be " + "returned (RFC 2616) with code P670.", response = Dataset.class, responseContainer = "List", position = 1) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Datasets found and are listed in the response body"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "You are not authorized to access this resource"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "This request is forbidden (e.g., no authentication token is provided)"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error - this request cannot be served.") }) public Response listDatasets( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @ApiParam(value = "start", defaultValue = "0") @QueryParam("start") Integer start, @ApiParam(value = "max - the server imposes an upper limit of 500 on this " + "parameter.", defaultValue = "10") @QueryParam("max") Integer max) { start = start != null ? start : 0; if (max == null || max > 500) { max = 500; } String creator = securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName(); return Response.ok(datasetHandler.listMetaOfCreator(creator, start, max)).status(Response.Status.OK) .header("total", datasetHandler.countAllOfCreator(creator)).build(); } @GET @Produces({ "text/csv", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON }) @Path("/{id}") @ApiOperation(value = "Finds Dataset by Id", notes = "Finds specified Dataset", response = Dataset.class) public Response getDataset(@ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("rowStart") Integer rowStart, @QueryParam("rowMax") Integer rowMax, @QueryParam("colStart") Integer colStart, @QueryParam("colMax") Integer colMax, @QueryParam("stratify") String stratify, @QueryParam("seed") Long seed, @QueryParam("folds") Integer folds, @QueryParam("target_feature") String targetFeature) { Dataset dataset = datasetHandler.find(id, rowStart, rowMax, colStart, colMax, stratify, seed, folds, targetFeature); if (dataset == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Could not find Dataset with id:" + id); } return Response.ok(dataset).build(); } @GET @Path("/featured") @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "text/uri-list" }) @ApiOperation(value = "Finds all Datasets", notes = "Finds Featured Datasets in the DB of Jaqpot and returns them in a list. Results can be obtained " + "either in the form of a URI list or as a JSON list as specified by the Accept HTTP header. " + "In the latter case, a list will be returned containing only the IDs of the datasets, their metadata " + "and their ontological classes. The parameter max, which specifies the maximum number of IDs to be " + "listed is limited to 500; if the client specifies a larger value, an HTTP Warning Header will be " + "returned (RFC 2616) with code P670.", response = Dataset.class, responseContainer = "List", position = 1) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Datasets found and are listed in the response body"), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "You are not authorized to access this resource"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "This request is forbidden (e.g., no authentication token is provided)"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error - this request cannot be served.") }) public Response listFeaturedDatasets( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @ApiParam(value = "start", defaultValue = "0") @QueryParam("start") Integer start, @ApiParam(value = "max - the server imposes an upper limit of 500 on this " + "parameter.", defaultValue = "10") @QueryParam("max") Integer max) { start = start != null ? start : 0; boolean doWarnMax = false; if (max == null || max > 500) { max = 500; } return Response.ok(datasetHandler.findFeatured(start, max)).status(Response.Status.OK) .header("total", datasetHandler.countFeatured()).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/{id}/features") @ApiOperation(value = "Finds Dataset by Id", notes = "Finds specified Dataset", response = Dataset.class) public Response getDatasetFeatures( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @PathParam("id") String id) { Dataset dataset = datasetHandler.find(id); if (dataset == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Could not find Dataset with id:" + id); } return Response.ok(dataset.getFeatures()).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/{id}/meta") @ApiOperation(value = "Finds Dataset by Id", notes = "Finds specified Dataset", response = Dataset.class) public Response getDatasetMeta( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @PathParam("id") String id) { Dataset dataset = datasetHandler.find(id); dataset.setDataEntry(new ArrayList<>()); if (dataset == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Could not find Dataset with id:" + id); } return Response.ok(dataset).build(); } @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces({ "text/uri-list", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON }) @ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new Dataset", notes = "The new Dataset created will be assigned on a random generated Id", response = Dataset.class) public Response createDataset( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, Dataset dataset) throws URISyntaxException, QuotaExceededException { User user = userHandler.find(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()); long datasetCount = datasetHandler.countAllOfCreator(user.getId()); int maxAllowedDatasets = new UserFacade(user).getMaxDatasets(); if (datasetCount > maxAllowedDatasets) {"User %s has %d datasets while maximum is %d", user.getId(), datasetCount, maxAllowedDatasets)); throw new QuotaExceededException("Dear " + user.getId() + ", your quota has been exceeded; you already have " + datasetCount + " datasets. " + "No more than " + maxAllowedDatasets + " are allowed with your subscription."); } ROG randomStringGenerator = new ROG(true); dataset.setId(randomStringGenerator.nextString(14)); dataset.setFeatured(Boolean.FALSE); if (dataset.getMeta() == null) { dataset.setMeta(new MetaInfo()); } dataset.getMeta().setCreators(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()))); dataset.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); datasetHandler.create(dataset); return Response.created(new URI(dataset.getId())).entity(dataset).build(); } @POST @Path("/empty") @Produces({ "text/uri-list", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON }) @ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new empty Dataset", notes = "The new empty Dataset created will be assigned on a random generated Id", response = Dataset.class) public Response createEmptyDataset( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @FormParam("title") String title, @FormParam("description") String description) throws URISyntaxException, QuotaExceededException { User user = userHandler.find(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()); long datasetCount = datasetHandler.countAllOfCreator(user.getId()); int maxAllowedDatasets = new UserFacade(user).getMaxDatasets(); if (datasetCount > maxAllowedDatasets) {"User %s has %d datasets while maximum is %d", user.getId(), datasetCount, maxAllowedDatasets)); throw new QuotaExceededException("Dear " + user.getId() + ", your quota has been exceeded; you already have " + datasetCount + " datasets. " + "No more than " + maxAllowedDatasets + " are allowed with your subscription."); } Dataset emptyDataset = DatasetFactory.createEmpty(0); ROG randomStringGenerator = new ROG(true); emptyDataset.setId(randomStringGenerator.nextString(14)); emptyDataset.setFeatured(Boolean.FALSE); emptyDataset.setMeta(MetaInfoBuilder.builder().addTitles(title).addDescriptions(description).build()); emptyDataset.getMeta() .setCreators(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()))); emptyDataset.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); datasetHandler.create(emptyDataset); return Response.created(new URI(emptyDataset.getId())).entity(emptyDataset).build(); } @POST @Path("/merge") @ApiOperation(value = "Merges Datasets") public Response mergeDatasets(@FormParam("dataset_uris") String datasetURIs, @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId) throws URISyntaxException, QuotaExceededException { User user = userHandler.find(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()); long datasetCount = datasetHandler.countAllOfCreator(user.getId()); int maxAllowedDatasets = new UserFacade(user).getMaxDatasets(); if (datasetCount > maxAllowedDatasets) {"User %s has %d datasets while maximum is %d", user.getId(), datasetCount, maxAllowedDatasets)); throw new QuotaExceededException("Dear " + user.getId() + ", your quota has been exceeded; you already have " + datasetCount + " datasets. " + "No more than " + maxAllowedDatasets + " are allowed with your subscription."); } String[] datasets = datasetURIs.split(","); Dataset dataset = null; for (String datasetURI : datasets) { Dataset d = .header("subjectid", subjectId).get(Dataset.class); dataset = DatasetFactory.mergeRows(dataset, d); } ROG randomStringGenerator = new ROG(true); dataset.setId(randomStringGenerator.nextString(14)); dataset.setFeatured(Boolean.FALSE); dataset.setVisible(true); if (dataset.getMeta() == null) { dataset.setMeta(new MetaInfo()); } dataset.getMeta().setCreators(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()))); datasetHandler.create(dataset); return Response.created(new URI(dataset.getId())).entity(dataset).build(); } @DELETE @Path("/{id}") @ApiOperation("Deletes dataset") @Authorize public Response deleteDataset( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @PathParam("id") String id) { Dataset ds = datasetHandler.find(id); if (ds == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Dataset with id:" + id + " was not found on the server."); } String userName = securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName(); if (!ds.getMeta().getCreators().contains(userName)) { return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN) .entity("You cannot delete a Dataset that was not created by you.").build(); } datasetHandler.remove(ds); return Response.ok().build(); } @POST @Path("/{id}/qprf") @ApiOperation("Creates QPRF Report") @Authorize public Response createQPRFReport( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @PathParam("id") String id, @FormParam("substance_uri") String substanceURI, @FormParam("title") String title, @FormParam("description") String description) throws QuotaExceededException { User user = userHandler.find(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()); long reportCount = reportHandler.countAllOfCreator(user.getId()); int maxAllowedReports = new UserFacade(user).getMaxReports(); if (reportCount > maxAllowedReports) {"User %s has %d algorithms while maximum is %d", user.getId(), reportCount, maxAllowedReports)); throw new QuotaExceededException("Dear " + user.getId() + ", your quota has been exceeded; you already have " + reportCount + " reports. " + "No more than " + maxAllowedReports + " are allowed with your subscription."); } Dataset ds = datasetHandler.find(id); if (ds == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Dataset with id:" + id + " was not found on the server."); } if (ds.getByModel() == null || ds.getByModel().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("Selected dataset was not produced by a valid model."); } Model model = modelHandler.find(ds.getByModel()); if (model == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Selected dataset was not produced by a valid model."); } String datasetURI = model.getDatasetUri(); if (datasetURI == null || datasetURI.isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException( "The model that created this dataset does not point to a valid training dataset."); } Dataset trainingDS = .header("subjectid", subjectId).get(Dataset.class); if (trainingDS == null) { throw new BadRequestException( "The model that created this dataset does not point to a valid training dataset."); } if (model.getTransformationModels() != null) { for (String transModelURI : model.getTransformationModels()) { Model transModel = modelHandler.find(transModelURI.split("model/")[1]); if (transModel == null) { throw new NotFoundException( "Transformation model with id:" + transModelURI + " was not found."); } try { trainingDS = jpdiClient .predict(trainingDS, transModel, trainingDS.getMeta(), UUID.randomUUID().toString()) .get(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "JPDI Training procedure interupted", ex); throw new InternalServerErrorException("JPDI Training procedure interupted", ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Training procedure execution error", ex.getCause()); throw new InternalServerErrorException("JPDI Training procedure error", ex.getCause()); } catch (CancellationException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Procedure was cancelled"); } } } List<String> retainableFeatures = new ArrayList<>(model.getIndependentFeatures()); retainableFeatures.addAll(model.getDependentFeatures()); trainingDS.getDataEntry().parallelStream().forEach(dataEntry -> { dataEntry.getValues().keySet().retainAll(retainableFeatures); }); DataEntry dataEntry = ds.getDataEntry().stream() .filter(de -> de.getCompound().getURI().equals(substanceURI)).findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new BadRequestException("")); trainingDS.getDataEntry().add(dataEntry); trainingDS.getMeta().setCreators(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(user.getId()))); Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(); if (urlValidator.isValid(substanceURI)) { Dataset structures = + "/structures").request() .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).header("subjectid", subjectId).get(Dataset.class); List<Map<String, String>> structuresList = structures.getDataEntry().stream().map(de -> { String compound = de.getCompound().getURI(); String casrn = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String einecs = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String iuclid5 = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String inchi = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String reach = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String iupac = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); Map<String, String> structuresMap = new HashMap<>(); structuresMap.put("Compound", compound); structuresMap.put("CasRN", casrn); structuresMap.put("EC number", einecs); structuresMap.put("REACH registration date", reach); structuresMap.put("IUCLID 5 Reference substance UUID", iuclid5); structuresMap.put("Std. InChI", inchi); structuresMap.put("IUPAC name", iupac); return structuresMap; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); parameters.put("structures", structuresList); } else { List<Map<String, String>> structuresList = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> structuresMap = new HashMap<>(); structuresMap.put("Compound", ""); structuresMap.put("CasRN", ""); structuresMap.put("EC number", ""); structuresMap.put("REACH registration date", ""); structuresMap.put("IUCLID 5 Reference substance UUID", ""); structuresMap.put("Std. InChI", ""); structuresMap.put("IUPAC name", ""); structuresList.add(structuresMap); parameters.put("structures", structuresList); } parameters.put("predictedFeature", model.getPredictedFeatures().stream().findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new BadRequestException("Model does not have a valid predicted feature"))); parameters.put("algorithm", algorithmHandler.find(model.getAlgorithm().getId())); parameters.put("substanceURI", substanceURI); if (model.getLinkedModels() != null && !model.getLinkedModels().isEmpty()) { Model doa = modelHandler.find(model.getLinkedModels().get(0).split("model/")[1]); if (doa != null) { parameters.put("doaURI", doa.getPredictedFeatures().get(0)); parameters.put("doaMethod", doa.getAlgorithm().getId()); } } TrainingRequest request = new TrainingRequest(); request.setDataset(trainingDS); request.setParameters(parameters); request.setPredictionFeature(model.getDependentFeatures().stream().findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new BadRequestException("Model does not have a valid prediction feature"))); Report report ="").request() .header("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.json(request), Report.class); report.setMeta(MetaInfoBuilder.builder().addTitles(title).addDescriptions(description) .addCreators(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()).build()); report.setId(new ROG(true).nextString(15)); report.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); reportHandler.create(report); return Response.ok(report).build(); } @POST @Path("/{id}/qprf-dummy") @ApiOperation("Creates QPRF Report") @Authorize public Response createQPRFReportDummy( @ApiParam(value = "Authorization token") @HeaderParam("subjectid") String subjectId, @PathParam("id") String id, @FormParam("substance_uri") String substanceURI, @FormParam("title") String title, @FormParam("description") String description) { Dataset ds = datasetHandler.find(id); if (ds == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Dataset with id:" + id + " was not found on the server."); } if (ds.getByModel() == null || ds.getByModel().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("Selected dataset was not produced by a valid model."); } Model model = modelHandler.find(ds.getByModel()); if (model == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Selected dataset was not produced by a valid model."); } String datasetURI = model.getDatasetUri(); if (datasetURI == null || datasetURI.isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException( "The model that created this dataset does not point to a valid training dataset."); } Dataset trainingDS = .header("subjectid", subjectId).get(Dataset.class); if (trainingDS == null) { throw new BadRequestException( "The model that created this dataset does not point to a valid training dataset."); } if (model.getTransformationModels() != null) { for (String transModelURI : model.getTransformationModels()) { Model transModel = modelHandler.find(transModelURI.split("model/")[1]); if (transModel == null) { throw new NotFoundException( "Transformation model with id:" + transModelURI + " was not found."); } try { trainingDS = jpdiClient .predict(trainingDS, transModel, trainingDS.getMeta(), UUID.randomUUID().toString()) .get(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "JPDI Training procedure interupted", ex); throw new InternalServerErrorException("JPDI Training procedure interupted", ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Training procedure execution error", ex.getCause()); throw new InternalServerErrorException("JPDI Training procedure error", ex.getCause()); } catch (CancellationException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Procedure was cancelled"); } } } List<String> retainableFeatures = new ArrayList<>(model.getIndependentFeatures()); retainableFeatures.addAll(model.getDependentFeatures()); trainingDS.getDataEntry().parallelStream().forEach(dataEntry -> { dataEntry.getValues().keySet().retainAll(retainableFeatures); }); DataEntry dataEntry = ds.getDataEntry().stream() .filter(de -> de.getCompound().getURI().equals(substanceURI)).findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new BadRequestException("")); trainingDS.getDataEntry().add(dataEntry); Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(); if (urlValidator.isValid(substanceURI)) { Dataset structures = + "/structures").request() .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).header("subjectid", subjectId).get(Dataset.class); List<Map<String, String>> structuresList = structures.getDataEntry().stream().map(de -> { String compound = de.getCompound().getURI(); String casrn = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String einecs = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String iuclid5 = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String inchi = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String reach = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); String iupac = Optional.ofNullable(de.getValues().get( "")) .orElse("").toString(); Map<String, String> structuresMap = new HashMap<>(); structuresMap.put("Compound", compound); structuresMap.put("CasRN", casrn); structuresMap.put("EC number", einecs); structuresMap.put("REACH registration date", reach); structuresMap.put("IUCLID 5 Reference substance UUID", iuclid5); structuresMap.put("Std. InChI", inchi); structuresMap.put("IUPAC name", iupac); return structuresMap; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); parameters.put("structures", structuresList); } else { List<Map<String, String>> structuresList = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> structuresMap = new HashMap<>(); structuresMap.put("Compound", ""); structuresMap.put("CasRN", ""); structuresMap.put("EC number", ""); structuresMap.put("REACH registration date", ""); structuresMap.put("IUCLID 5 Reference substance UUID", ""); structuresMap.put("Std. InChI", ""); structuresMap.put("IUPAC name", ""); structuresList.add(structuresMap); parameters.put("structures", structuresList); } parameters.put("predictedFeature", model.getPredictedFeatures().stream().findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new BadRequestException("Model does not have a valid predicted feature"))); parameters.put("algorithm", algorithmHandler.find(model.getAlgorithm().getId())); parameters.put("substanceURI", substanceURI); if (model.getLinkedModels() != null && !model.getLinkedModels().isEmpty()) { Model doa = modelHandler.find(model.getLinkedModels().get(0).split("model/")[1]); if (doa != null) { parameters.put("doaURI", doa.getPredictedFeatures().get(0)); parameters.put("doaMethod", doa.getAlgorithm().getId()); } } TrainingRequest request = new TrainingRequest(); request.setDataset(trainingDS); request.setParameters(parameters); request.setPredictionFeature(model.getDependentFeatures().stream().findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new BadRequestException("Model does not have a valid prediction feature"))); return Response.ok(request).build(); // Report report ="") // .request() // .header("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) // .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) // .post(Entity.json(request), Report.class); // // report.setMeta(MetaInfoBuilder.builder() // .addTitles(title) // .addDescriptions(description) // .addCreators(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName()) // .build() // ); // report.setId(new ROG(true).nextString(15)); // report.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); // reportHandler.create(report); // // return Response.ok(report).build(); } }