Java tutorial
/* * * JAQPOT Quattro * * JAQPOT Quattro and the components shipped with it (web applications and beans) * are licensed by GPL v3 as specified hereafter. Additional components may ship * with some other licence as will be specified therein. * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 KinkyDesign (Charalampos Chomenidis, Pantelis Sopasakis) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Source code: * The source code of JAQPOT Quattro is available on github at: * * All source files of JAQPOT Quattro that are stored on github are licensed * with the aforementioned licence. */ package org.jaqpot.core.db.entitymanager; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoWriteException; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.model.Projections; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import; import; import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.*; import com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts; import org.bson.BsonDocument; import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry; import org.bson.conversions.Bson; import org.jaqpot.core.annotations.MongoDB; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import org.bson.Document; import; import org.jaqpot.core.model.JaqpotEntity; import org.jaqpot.core.model.Model; import org.reflections.Reflections; /** * A JaqpotEntityManager implementation for MongoDB. * * @author Pantelis Sopasakis * @author Charalampos Chomenidis * */ @MongoDB @ApplicationScoped public class MongoDBEntityManager implements JaqpotEntityManager { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MongoDBEntityManager.class.getName()); private static final Integer DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10; @Inject @MongoDB JSONSerializer serializer; private final MongoClient mongoClient; private String database; private static Properties dbProperties = new Properties(); private static final Map<Class, String> collectionNames; static { collectionNames = new HashMap<>(); try { Reflections reflections = new Reflections("org.jaqpot.core.model"); Set<Class<?>> annotatedClasses = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(XmlRootElement.class); for (Class c : annotatedClasses) { Annotation xmlRootElement = c.getAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class); String value = (String) xmlRootElement.annotationType().getMethod("name").invoke(xmlRootElement); collectionNames.put(c, !value.equals("##default") ? value : c.getSimpleName()); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) { String errorMessage = "Improper data model - all elementary POJOs ###MUST### be annotated with @XmlRootElement!"; LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, errorMessage, ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); // terrible case: No @XmlRootElement annotation in our data model! } } public MongoDBEntityManager() { LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Initializing MongoDB EntityManager"); ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("config/"); String dbName = "production"; // Default DB name in case no properties file is found! String dbHost = "localhost"; // Default DB host int dbPort = 27017; // Default DB port try { dbProperties.load(is); dbName = dbProperties.getProperty(""); dbHost = dbProperties.getProperty("", dbHost); dbPort = Integer.parseInt(dbProperties.getProperty("db.port", Integer.toString(dbPort))); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Database host : {0}", dbHost); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Database port : {0}", dbPort); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Database name : {0}", dbName); } catch (IOException ex) { String errorMessage = "No DB properties file found!"; LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, errorMessage, ex); // Log the event (but use the default properties) } finally { database = dbName; mongoClient = new MongoClient(dbHost, dbPort); // Connect to the DB LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Database configured and connection established successfully!"); } } @Override public void close() { mongoClient.close(); } @Override public void persist(JaqpotEntity entity) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); String entityJSON = serializer.write(entity); MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entity.getClass())); Document entityBSON = Document.parse(entityJSON); try { collection.insertOne(entityBSON); } catch (final MongoWriteException ex) { String errorMessage = "Entity with ID " + entity.getId() + " is already registered and will not be overwritten!"; LOG.log(Level.FINE, errorMessage, ex); throw ex; } } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> T merge(T entity) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); Class<T> entityClass = (Class<T>) entity.getClass(); String entityJSON = serializer.write(entity); Document entityBSON = Document.parse(entityJSON); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entity.getClass())); Document oldEntity = collection.findOneAndReplace(new Document("_id", entity.getId()), entityBSON); return serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(oldEntity), entityClass); } @Override public void remove(JaqpotEntity entity) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entity.getClass())); collection.deleteOne(new Document("_id", entity.getId())); } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> T find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); Document retrieved = collection.find(new Document("_id", primaryKey)).first(); return serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(retrieved), entityClass); } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> T find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey, List<String> fields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); Document retrieved = collection.find(new Document("_id", primaryKey)).projection(include(fields)).first(); return serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(retrieved), entityClass); } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> find(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, Integer start, Integer max) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).skip(start != null ? start : 0) .limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findSorted(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, Integer start, Integer max, List<String> ascendingFields, List<String> descendingFields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)) .sort(Sorts.orderBy(Sorts.ascending(ascendingFields), Sorts.descending(descendingFields))) .skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findSortedAsc(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, Integer start, Integer max, List<String> ascendingFields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).sort(Sorts.ascending(ascendingFields)) .skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findSortedDesc(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, Integer start, Integer max, List<String> descendingFields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).sort(Sorts.descending(descendingFields)) .skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> Long count(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); return collection.count(new Document(properties)); } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> find(Class<T> entityClass, List<String> keys, List<String> fields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); Document query = new Document("_id", new Document("$in", keys)); Document filter = new Document(); -> filter.put(f, 1)); collection.find(query).projection(filter) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> find(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, List<String> fields, Integer start, Integer max) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); Document filter = new Document(); -> filter.put(f, 1)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).projection(filter).skip(start != null ? start : 0) .limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findSorted(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, List<String> fields, Integer start, Integer max, List<String> ascendingFields, List<String> descendingFields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); Document filter = new Document(); -> filter.put(f, 1)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).projection(filter) .sort(Sorts.orderBy(Sorts.ascending(ascendingFields), Sorts.descending(descendingFields))) .skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findSortedAsc(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, List<String> fields, Integer start, Integer max, List<String> ascendingFields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); Document filter = new Document(); -> filter.put(f, 1)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).projection(filter).sort(Sorts.ascending(ascendingFields)) .skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findSortedDesc(Class<T> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties, List<String> fields, Integer start, Integer max, List<String> descendingFields) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { return e.getValue() instanceof List; }).forEach(e -> { Map<String, Object> all = new HashMap<>(); all.put("$all", e.getValue()); properties.put(e.getKey(), all); }); Document filter = new Document(); -> filter.put(f, 1)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find(new Document(properties)).projection(filter).sort(Sorts.descending(descendingFields)) .skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass, Integer start, Integer max) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); collection.find().skip(start != null ? start : 0).limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass, List<String> fields, Integer start, Integer max) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); Document filter = new Document(); -> filter.put(f, 1)); collection.find().projection(filter).skip(start != null ? start : 0) .limit(max != null ? max : DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) .map(document -> serializer.parse(JSON.serialize(document), entityClass)).into(result); return result; } @Override public <T extends JaqpotEntity> Long countAll(Class<T> entityClass) { MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionNames.get(entityClass)); return collection.count(); } public String getDatabase() { return database; } public void setDatabase(String database) { this.database = database; } }