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 * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2.1, dated February 1999.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the latest version of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program (LICENSE.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
package org.jamwiki.servlets;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.LocaleUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jamwiki.DataAccessException;
import org.jamwiki.Environment;
import org.jamwiki.WikiBase;
import org.jamwiki.WikiException;
import org.jamwiki.WikiMessage;
import org.jamwiki.authentication.JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants;
import org.jamwiki.authentication.RoleImpl;
import org.jamwiki.authentication.WikiUserDetails;
import org.jamwiki.model.Category;
import org.jamwiki.model.Topic;
import org.jamwiki.model.VirtualWiki;
import org.jamwiki.model.Watchlist;
import org.jamwiki.model.WikiUser;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserException;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserInput;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserOutput;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserUtil;
import org.jamwiki.utils.LinkUtil;
import org.jamwiki.utils.NamespaceHandler;
import org.jamwiki.utils.Pagination;
import org.jamwiki.utils.Utilities;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLink;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLogger;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiUtil;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

 * Utility methods useful when processing JAMWiki servlet requests.
public class ServletUtil {

    private static final WikiLogger logger = WikiLogger.getLogger(ServletUtil.class.getName());
    /** The name of the JSP file used to render the servlet output for logins. */
    protected static final String JSP_LOGIN = "login.jsp";
    /** The name of the output parameter used to store page information. */
    public static final String PARAMETER_PAGE_INFO = "pageInfo";
    /** The name of the output parameter used to store topic information. */
    public static final String PARAMETER_TOPIC_OBJECT = "topicObject";
     * The name of the output parameter used to indicate that Spring should
     * redirect to another servlet.
    protected static final String SPRING_REDIRECT_PREFIX = "redirect:";

    private ServletUtil() {

     * Retrieve the content of a topic from the cache, or if it is not yet in the
     * cache then add it to the cache.
     * @param context
     *          The servlet context for the topic being retrieved. May be
     *          <code>null</code> if the <code>cook</code> parameter is set to
     *          <code>false</code>.
     * @param locale
     *          The locale for the topic being retrieved. May be <code>null</code>
     *          if the <code>cook</code> parameter is set to <code>false</code>.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki for the topic being retrieved.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the topic being retrieved.
     * @param cook
     *          A parameter indicating whether or not the content should be parsed
     *          before it is added to the cache. Stylesheet content (CSS) is not
     *          parsed, but most other content is parsed.
     * @return The parsed or unparsed (depending on the <code>cook</code>
     *         parameter) topic content.
    protected static String cachedContent(String context, Locale locale, String virtualWiki, String topicName,
            boolean cook) {
        // return PageService.getHTMLContent(topicName);
        String content = null;
        // String key = WikiCache.key(virtualWiki, topicName);
        // Element cacheElement = WikiCache.retrieveFromCache(
        // WikiBase.CACHE_PARSED_TOPIC_CONTENT, key);
        // if (cacheElement != null) {
        // content = (String) cacheElement.getObjectValue();
        // return (content == null) ? null : content;
        // }
        try {
            Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null);
            if (topic == null) {
                return "";
            content = topic.getTopicContent();
            if (cook) {
                ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput();
                content = ParserUtil.parse(parserInput, null, content);
            // WikiCache.addToCache(WikiBase.CACHE_PARSED_TOPIC_CONTENT, key,
            // content);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warning("error getting cached page " + virtualWiki + " / " + topicName, e);
            return null;
        return content;

     * This is a utility method that will check topic content for spam, and return
     * <code>null</code> if no matching values are found, or if a spam pattern is
     * found then that pattern will be returned. It will also log information
     * about the offending spam and user to the logs.
     * @param request
     *          The current servlet request.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the current topic being edited.
     * @param contents
     *          The text for the current topic that the user is trying to add.
     * @return <code>null</code> if nothing in the topic content matches a current
     *         spam pattern, or the text that matches a spam pattern if one is
     *         found.
    // protected static String checkForSpam(HttpServletRequest request,
    // String topicName, String contents) throws DataAccessException {
    // String result = SpamFilter.containsSpam(contents);
    // if (StringUtils.isBlank(result)) {
    // return null;
    // }
    // String message = "SPAM found in topic " + topicName + " (";
    // WikiUserDetails user = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails();
    // if (!user.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) {
    // message += user.getUsername() + " / ";
    // }
    // message += ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request) + "): " + result;
    // return result;
    // }

     * Retrieve the current <code>WikiUserDetails</code> from Spring Security
     * <code>SecurityContextHolder</code>. If the current user is not logged-in
     * then this method will return an empty <code>WikiUserDetails</code> object.
     * @return The current logged-in <code>WikiUserDetails</code>, or an empty
     *         <code>WikiUserDetails</code> if there is no user currently logged
     *         in. This method will never return <code>null</code>.
     * @throws AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException
     *           If authentication credentials are unavailable.
    public static WikiUserDetails currentUserDetails() throws AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException {
        Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
        return WikiUserDetails.initWikiUserDetails(auth);

     * Retrieve the current <code>WikiUser</code> using the
     * <code>WikiUserDetails</code> from Spring Security
     * <code>SecurityContextHolder</code>. If there is no current user (the user
     * is not logged in) then this method will return an empty WikiUser. The
     * method will never return <code>null</code>.
     * @return The current logged-in <code>WikiUser</code>, or an empty WikiUser
     *         if there is no user currently logged in.
    public static WikiUser currentWikiUser() throws AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException {
        WikiUserDetails userDetails = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails();
        WikiUser user = new WikiUser();
        String username = userDetails.getUsername();
        if (username.equals(WikiUserDetails.ANONYMOUS_USER_USERNAME)) {
            return user;
        if (!WikiUtil.isFirstUse() && !WikiUtil.isUpgrade()) {
            try {
                // FIXME - do not lookup the user every time this method is called, that
                // will kill performance
                user = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupWikiUser(username);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                logger.severe("Failure while retrieving user from database with login: " + username, e);
                return user;
            if (user == null) {
                // invalid user. someone has either spoofed a cookie or the user account
                // is no longer in
                // the database.
                        "No user exists for principal found in security context authentication: " + username);
                throw new AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException("Invalid user credentials found - username "
                        + username + " does not exist in this wiki installation");
        return user;

     * Retrieve the current logged-in user's watchlist from the session. If there
     * is no watchlist return an empty watchlist.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request object.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki for the watchlist being parsed.
     * @return The current logged-in user's watchlist, or an empty watchlist if
     *         there is no watchlist in the session.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
    public static Watchlist currentWatchlist(HttpServletRequest request, String virtualWiki) throws WikiException {
        // try to get watchlist stored in session
        if (request.getSession(false) != null) {
            Watchlist watchlist = (Watchlist) request.getSession(false).getAttribute(WikiUtil.PARAMETER_WATCHLIST);
            if (watchlist != null) {
                return watchlist;
        // no watchlist in session, retrieve from database
        WikiUserDetails userDetails = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails();
        Watchlist watchlist = new Watchlist();
        if (userDetails.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) {
            return watchlist;
        WikiUser user = ServletUtil.currentWikiUser();
        try {
            watchlist = WikiBase.getDataHandler().getWatchlist(virtualWiki, user.getUserId());
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        if (request.getSession(false) != null) {
            // add watchlist to session
            request.getSession(false).setAttribute(WikiUtil.PARAMETER_WATCHLIST, watchlist);
        return watchlist;

     * Duplicate the functionality of the request.getRemoteAddr() method, but for
     * IPv6 addresses strip off any local interface information (anything
     * following a "%").
     * @param request
     *          the HTTP request object.
     * @return The IP address that the request originated from, or if the
     *         originating address cannot be determined.
    public static String getIpAddress(HttpServletRequest request) {
        if (request == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request object cannot be null");
        String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
        int pos = ipAddress.indexOf('%');
        if (pos != -1) {
            ipAddress = ipAddress.substring(0, pos);
        if (!Utilities.isIpAddress(ipAddress)) {
  "Invalid IP address found in request: " + ipAddress);
            ipAddress = "";
        return ipAddress;

     * Initialize topic values for a Topic object. This method will check to see
     * if a topic with the specified name exists, and if it does exist then that
     * topic will be returned. Otherwise a new topic will be initialized, setting
     * initial parameters such as topic name, virtual wiki, and topic type.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki name for the topic being initialized.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the topic being initialized.
     * @return A new topic object with basic fields initialized, or if a topic
     *         with the given name already exists then the pre-existing topic is
     *         returned.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs while retrieving or initializing the
     *           topic object.
    protected static Topic initializeTopic(String virtualWiki, String topicName) throws WikiException {
        // WikiUtil.validateTopicName(topicName);
        Topic topic = null;
        // try {
        topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null);
        // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        // throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()),
        // e);
        // }
        if (topic != null) {
            return topic;
        topic = new Topic();
        // topic.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki);
        WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(topicName);
        String namespace = wikiLink.getNamespace();
        return topic;

     * Examine the request object, and see if the requested topic or page matches
     * a given value.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request object.
     * @param value
     *          The value to match against the current topic or page name.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the value matches the current topic or page
     *         name, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    protected static boolean isTopic(HttpServletRequest request, String value) {
        String topic = WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request);
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(topic)) {
            return false;
        if (value != null && topic.equals(value)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Utility method for adding categories associated with the current topic to
     * the ModelAndView object. This method adds a hashmap of category names and
     * sort keys to the session that can then be retrieved for display during
     * rendering.
     * @param next
     *          The current ModelAndView object used to return rendering
     *          information.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki name for the topic being rendered.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the topic that is being rendered.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
    protected static void loadCategoryContent(ModelAndView next, String virtualWiki, String topicName)
            throws WikiException {
        String categoryName = topicName.substring(
                NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length() + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length());
        next.addObject("categoryName", categoryName);
        List<Category> categoryTopics = null;
        try {
            categoryTopics = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupCategoryTopics(virtualWiki, topicName);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        List<Category> categoryImages = new ArrayList<Category>();
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> subCategories = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        int i = 0;
        // loop through the results and split out images and sub-categories
        while (i < categoryTopics.size()) {
            Category category = categoryTopics.get(i);
            if (category.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE) {
            if (category.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_CATEGORY) {
                String value = category.getChildTopicName().substring(NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length()
                        + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length());
                subCategories.put(category.getChildTopicName(), value);
        next.addObject("categoryTopics", categoryTopics);
        next.addObject("numCategoryTopics", categoryTopics.size());
        next.addObject("categoryImages", categoryImages);
        next.addObject("numCategoryImages", categoryImages.size());
        next.addObject("subCategories", subCategories);
        next.addObject("numSubCategories", subCategories.size());

     * Create a Pagination object and load all necessary values into the request
     * for processing by a JSP.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request object.
     * @param next
     *          A ModelAndView object corresponding to the page being constructed.
     * @return A Pagination object constructed from parameters found in the
     *         request object.
    public static Pagination loadPagination(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next) {
        if (next == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "A non-null ModelAndView object must be specified when loading pagination values");
        Pagination pagination = WikiUtil.buildPagination(request);
        next.addObject("num", pagination.getNumResults());
        next.addObject("offset", pagination.getOffset());
        return pagination;

     * Determine if a user has permission to edit a topic.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki name for the topic in question.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the topic in question.
     * @param user
     *          The current Wiki user, or <code>null</code> if there is no current
     *          user.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the user is allowed to edit the topic,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
    protected static boolean isEditable(String virtualWiki, String topicName, WikiUserDetails user)
            throws WikiException {
        if (user == null || !user.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_EDIT_EXISTING)) {
            // user does not have appropriate permissions
            return false;
        Topic topic = null;
        try {
            if (!user.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_EDIT_NEW)
                    && WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null) == null) {
                // user does not have appropriate permissions
                return false;
            topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        if (topic == null) {
            // new topic, edit away...
            return true;
        if (topic.isAdminOnly() && !user.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_ADMIN)) {
            return false;
        if (topic.isReadOnly()) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Determine if a user has permission to move a topic.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki name for the topic in question.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the topic in question.
     * @param user
     *          The current Wiki user, or <code>null</code> if there is no current
     *          user.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the user is allowed to move the topic,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
    protected static boolean isMoveable(String virtualWiki, String topicName, WikiUserDetails user)
            throws WikiException {
        if (user == null || !user.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_MOVE)) {
            // no permission granted to move pages
            return false;
        Topic topic = null;
        // try {
        topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null);
        // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        // throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()),
        // e);
        // }
        if (topic == null) {
            // cannot move a topic that doesn't exist
            return false;
        if (topic.isReadOnly()) {
            return false;
        if (topic.isAdminOnly() && !user.hasRole(RoleImpl.ROLE_ADMIN)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Examine the request object, and see if the requested topic or page matches
     * a given value.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request object.
     * @param value
     *          The value to match against the current topic or page name.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the value matches the current topic or page
     *         name, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    // protected static boolean isTopic(HttpServletRequest request, String value)
    // {
    // String topic = WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request);
    // if (StringUtils.isBlank(topic)) {
    // return false;
    // }
    // if (value != null && topic.equals(value)) {
    // return true;
    // }
    // return false;
    // }

     * Utility method for adding categories associated with the current topic to
     * the ModelAndView object. This method adds a hashmap of category names and
     * sort keys to the session that can then be retrieved for display during
     * rendering.
     * @param next
     *          The current ModelAndView object used to return rendering
     *          information.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki name for the topic being rendered.
     * @param topicName
     *          The name of the topic that is being rendered.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
    // protected static void loadCategoryContent(ModelAndView next,
    // String virtualWiki, String topicName) throws WikiException {
    // String categoryName = topicName
    // .substring(NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length()
    // + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length());
    // next.addObject("categoryName", categoryName);
    // List<Category> categoryTopics = null;
    // try {
    // categoryTopics = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupCategoryTopics(
    // virtualWiki, topicName);
    // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
    // throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()),
    // e);
    // }
    // List<Category> categoryImages = new ArrayList<Category>();
    // LinkedHashMap<String, String> subCategories = new LinkedHashMap<String,
    // String>();
    // int i = 0;
    // // loop through the results and split out images and sub-categories
    // while (i < categoryTopics.size()) {
    // Category category = categoryTopics.get(i);
    // if (category.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE) {
    // categoryTopics.remove(i);
    // categoryImages.add(category);
    // continue;
    // }
    // if (category.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_CATEGORY) {
    // categoryTopics.remove(i);
    // String value = category.getChildTopicName().substring(
    // NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length()
    // + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length());
    // subCategories.put(category.getChildTopicName(), value);
    // continue;
    // }
    // i++;
    // }
    // next.addObject("categoryTopics", categoryTopics);
    // next.addObject("numCategoryTopics", categoryTopics.size());
    // next.addObject("categoryImages", categoryImages);
    // next.addObject("numCategoryImages", categoryImages.size());
    // next.addObject("subCategories", subCategories);
    // next.addObject("numSubCategories", subCategories.size());
    // }

     * Create a Pagination object and load all necessary values into the request
     * for processing by a JSP.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request object.
     * @param next
     *          A ModelAndView object corresponding to the page being constructed.
     * @return A Pagination object constructed from parameters found in the
     *         request object.
    // public static Pagination loadPagination(HttpServletRequest request,
    // ModelAndView next) {
    // if (next == null) {
    // throw new IllegalArgumentException(
    // "A non-null ModelAndView object must be specified when loading pagination values");
    // }
    // Pagination pagination = WikiUtil.buildPagination(request);
    // next.addObject("num", pagination.getNumResults());
    // next.addObject("offset", pagination.getOffset());
    // return pagination;
    // }

     * Utility method for parsing a multipart servlet request. This method returns
     * an iterator of FileItem objects that corresponds to the request.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request containing the multipart request.
     * @param uploadDirectory
     *          The directory into which files will be uploaded.
     * @param maxFileSize
     *          The maximum allowed file size in bytes.
     * @return Returns an iterator of FileItem objects the corresponds to the
     *         request.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any problems occur while processing the request.
    // public static Iterator processMultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
    // String uploadDirectory, long maxFileSize) throws WikiException {
    // // Create a factory for disk-based file items
    // DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
    // factory.setRepository(new File(uploadDirectory));
    // ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
    // upload.setHeaderEncoding("UTF-8");
    // upload.setSizeMax(maxFileSize);
    // try {
    // return upload.parseRequest(request).iterator();
    // } catch (FileUploadException e) {
    // throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()),
    // e);
    // }
    // }

     * Modify the current ModelAndView object to create a Spring redirect
     * response, meaning that the view name becomes "redirect:" followed by the
     * redirection target.
     * @param next
     *          The current ModelAndView object, which will be reset by this
     *          method.
     * @param virtualWiki
     *          The virtual wiki name for the page being redirected to.
     * @param destination
     *          The topic or page name that is the redirection target. An example
     *          might be "Special:Login".
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs while processing.
    protected static void redirect(ModelAndView next, String virtualWiki, String destination) throws WikiException {
        String target = null;
        try {
            target = LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(null, virtualWiki, destination, true);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        String view = ServletUtil.SPRING_REDIRECT_PREFIX + target;

     * Users can specify a default locale in their preferences, so determine if
     * the current user is logged-in and has chosen a locale. If not, use the
     * default locale from the request object.
     * @param request
     *          The request object for the HTTP request.
     * @return Either the user's default locale (for logged-in users) or the
     *         locale specified in the request if no default locale is available.
    public static Locale retrieveUserLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {
        try {
            WikiUser user = ServletUtil.currentWikiUser();
            if (user.getDefaultLocale() != null) {
                return LocaleUtils.toLocale(user.getDefaultLocale());
        } catch (AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException e) {
            // ignore
        return request.getLocale();

     * Given a virtual wiki name, return a <code>VirtualWiki</code> object. If
     * there is no virtual wiki available with the given name then the default
     * virtual wiki is returned.
     * @param virtualWikiName
     *          The name of the virtual wiki that is being retrieved.
     * @return A <code>VirtualWiki</code> object. If there is no virtual wiki
     *         available with the given name then the default virtual wiki is
     *         returned.
    public static VirtualWiki retrieveVirtualWiki(String virtualWikiName) {
        VirtualWiki virtualWiki = null;
        if (virtualWikiName == null) {
            virtualWikiName = WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI;
        // FIXME - the check here for initialized properties is due to this
        // change being made late in a release cycle. Revisit in a future
        // release & clean this up.
        if (Environment.getBooleanValue(Environment.PROP_BASE_INITIALIZED)) {
            try {
                virtualWiki = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        if (virtualWiki == null) {
            logger.severe("No virtual wiki found for " + virtualWikiName);
            virtualWiki = new VirtualWiki(WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI,
        return virtualWiki;

     * Validate that vital system properties, such as database connection
     * settings, have been specified properly.
     * @param props
     *          The property object to validate against.
     * @return A list of WikiMessage objects containing any errors encountered, or
     *         an empty list if no errors are encountered.
    protected static List<WikiMessage> validateSystemSettings(Properties props) {
        List<WikiMessage> errors = new ArrayList<WikiMessage>();
        // test directory permissions & existence
        // WikiMessage baseDirError = WikiUtil.validateDirectory(props
        // .getProperty(Environment.PROP_BASE_FILE_DIR));
        // if (baseDirError != null) {
        // errors.add(baseDirError);
        // }
        // WikiMessage fullDirError = WikiUtil.validateDirectory(props
        // .getProperty(Environment.PROP_FILE_DIR_FULL_PATH));
        // if (fullDirError != null) {
        // errors.add(fullDirError);
        // }
        // String classesDir = null;
        // try {
        // classesDir = Utilities.getClassLoaderRoot().getPath();
        // WikiMessage classesDirError = WikiUtil.validateDirectory(classesDir);
        // if (classesDirError != null) {
        // errors.add(classesDirError);
        // }
        // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.directorywrite", classesDir, e
        // .getMessage()));
        // }

        // test database
        // String driver = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_DRIVER);
        // String url = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_URL);
        // String userName = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_USERNAME);
        // String password = Encryption.getEncryptedProperty(
        // Environment.PROP_DB_PASSWORD, props);
        // try {
        // DatabaseConnection.testDatabase(driver, url, userName, password, false);
        // } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // logger.severe("Invalid database settings", e);
        // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.databaseconnection", e.getMessage()));
        // } catch (SQLException e) {
        // logger.severe("Invalid database settings", e);
        // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.databaseconnection", e.getMessage()));
        // }

        // verify valid parser class
        String parserClass = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_PARSER_CLASS);
        String abstractParserClass = "org.jamwiki.parser.AbstractParser";
        boolean validParser = (parserClass != null && !parserClass.equals(abstractParserClass));
        if (validParser) {
            try {
                Class parent = ClassUtils.getClass(parserClass);
                Class child = ClassUtils.getClass(abstractParserClass);
                if (!child.isAssignableFrom(parent)) {
                    validParser = false;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                validParser = false;
        if (!validParser) {
            errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.parserclass", parserClass));
        return errors;

     * Utility method used when redirecting to a login page.
     * @param request
     *          The servlet request object.
     * @param pageInfo
     *          The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed
     *          for rendering the final JSP page.
     * @param topic
     *          The topic to be redirected to. Valid examples are "Special:Admin",
     *          "StartingPoints", etc.
     * @param messageObject
     *          A WikiMessage object to be displayed on the login page.
     * @return Returns a ModelAndView object corresponding to the login page
     *         display.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
    protected static ModelAndView viewLogin(HttpServletRequest request, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, String topic,
            WikiMessage messageObject) throws WikiException {
        ModelAndView next = new ModelAndView("wiki");
        String virtualWikiName = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName();
        String target = request
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(target)) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(topic)) {
                VirtualWiki virtualWiki = null;
                try {
                    virtualWiki = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName);
                } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                    throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
                topic = virtualWiki.getDefaultTopicName();
            target = "/" + virtualWikiName + "/" + topic;
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getQueryString())) {
                target += "?" + request.getQueryString();
        HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
        if (request.getRequestURL().indexOf(request.getRequestURI()) != -1 && (session == null || session
                .getAttribute(JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants.SPRING_SECURITY_SAVED_REQUEST_SESSION_KEY) == null)) {
            // Only add a target URL if Spring Security has not saved a request in the
            // session. The request
            // URL vs URI check is needed due to the fact that the first time a user
            // is redirected by Spring
            // Security to the login page the saved request attribute is not yet
            // available in the session
            // due to weirdness and magic which I've thus far been unable to track
            // down, so comparing the URI
            // to the URL provides a way of determining if the user was redirected.
            // Anyone who can create
            // a check that reliably captures whether or not Spring Security has a
            // saved request should
            // feel free to modify the conditional above.
            next.addObject("springSecurityTargetUrl", target);
        String springSecurityLoginUrl = "/" + virtualWikiName
                + JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants.SPRING_SECURITY_LOGIN_URL;
        next.addObject("springSecurityLoginUrl", springSecurityLoginUrl);
        pageInfo.setPageTitle(new WikiMessage("login.title"));
        if (messageObject != null) {
            next.addObject("messageObject", messageObject);
        return next;

     * Utility method used when viewing a topic.
     * @param request
     *          The current servlet request object.
     * @param next
     *          The current Spring ModelAndView object.
     * @param pageInfo
     *          The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed
     *          for rendering the final JSP page.
     * @param pageTitle
     *          The title of the page being rendered.
     * @param topic
     *          The Topic object for the topic being displayed.
     * @param sectionEdit
     *          Set to <code>true</code> if edit links should be displayed for
     *          each section of the topic.
     * @param allowRedirect
     *          Setting this parameter to <code>true</code> will force the
     *          redirection target to be displayed (rather than a redirect page)
     *          if the topic is a redirect.
     * @throws WikiException
     *           Thrown if any error occurs while retrieving or parsing the topic.
    protected static void viewTopic(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo,
            WikiMessage pageTitle, Topic topic, boolean sectionEdit, boolean allowRedirect) throws WikiException {
        // FIXME - what should the default be for topics that don't exist?
        if (topic == null) {
            throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic"));
        // WikiUtil.validateTopicName(topic.getName());
        // if (allowRedirect
        // && topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_REDIRECT
        // && (request.getParameter("redirect") == null || !request.getParameter(
        // "redirect").equalsIgnoreCase("no"))) {
        // Topic child = null;
        // try {
        // child = WikiUtil.findRedirectedTopic(topic, 0);
        // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        // throw new WikiException(
        // new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        // }
        // if (!child.getName().equals(topic.getName())) {
        // String redirectUrl = null;
        // try {
        // redirectUrl = LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(request.getContextPath(), topic
        // .getVirtualWiki(), topic.getName(), true);
        // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        // throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e
        // .getMessage()), e);
        // }
        // // FIXME - hard coding
        // redirectUrl += LinkUtil.appendQueryParam("", "redirect", "no");
        // String redirectName = topic.getName();
        // pageInfo.setRedirectInfo(redirectUrl, redirectName);
        // pageTitle = new WikiMessage("topic.title", child.getName());
        // topic = child;
        // // update the page info's virtual wiki in case this redirect is to
        // // another virtual wiki
        // pageInfo.setVirtualWikiName(topic.getVirtualWiki());
        // }
        // }
        String virtualWiki = topic.getVirtualWiki();
        String topicName = topic.getName();
        // WikiUserDetails userDetails = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails();
        // if (sectionEdit
        // && !ServletUtil.isEditable(virtualWiki, topicName, userDetails)) {
        // sectionEdit = false;
        // }
        WikiUser user = ServletUtil.currentWikiUser();
        ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput();
        ParserOutput parserOutput = new ParserOutput();
        String content = null;
        try {
            content = ParserUtil.parse(parserInput, parserOutput, topic.getTopicContent());
        } catch (ParserException e) {
            throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        if (parserOutput.getCategories().size() > 0) {
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> categories = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
            for (String key : parserOutput.getCategories().keySet()) {
                String value = key.substring(NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length()
                        + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length());
                categories.put(key, value);
            next.addObject("categories", categories);
        if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_CATEGORY) {
            loadCategoryContent(next, virtualWiki, topic.getName());
        // if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE
        // || topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_FILE) {
        // List<WikiFileVersion> fileVersions = null;
        // try {
        // fileVersions = WikiBase.getDataHandler().getAllWikiFileVersions(
        // virtualWiki, topicName, true);
        // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        // throw new WikiException(
        // new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()), e);
        // }
        // WikiUser wikiUser;
        // for (WikiFileVersion fileVersion : fileVersions) {
        // // update version urls to include web root path
        // String url = FilenameUtils.normalize(Environment
        // .getValue(Environment.PROP_FILE_DIR_RELATIVE_PATH)
        // + "/" + fileVersion.getUrl());
        // url = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(url);
        // fileVersion.setUrl(url);
        // // make sure the authorDisplay field is equal to the login for
        // // non-anonymous uploads
        // if (fileVersion.getAuthorId() != null) {
        // try {
        // wikiUser = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupWikiUser(
        // fileVersion.getAuthorId());
        // } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        // throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e
        // .getMessage()), e);
        // }
        // if (wikiUser != null) {
        // // wikiUser should never be null unless the data in the database is
        // // somehow corrupt
        // fileVersion.setAuthorDisplay(wikiUser.getUsername());
        // }
        // }
        // }
        // next.addObject("fileVersions", fileVersions);
        // if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE) {
        // next.addObject("topicImage", true);
        // } else {
        // next.addObject("topicFile", true);
        // }
        // }
        next.addObject(ServletUtil.PARAMETER_TOPIC_OBJECT, topic);
        if (pageTitle != null) {