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 * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2.1, dated February 1999.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the latest version of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program (LICENSE.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
package org.jamwiki.parser.jflex;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jamwiki.DataAccessException;
import org.jamwiki.Environment;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserException;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserInput;
import org.jamwiki.utils.LinkUtil;
import org.jamwiki.utils.NamespaceHandler;
import org.jamwiki.utils.Utilities;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLogger;

 * Process parser functions.  See
public class ParserFunctionUtil {

    private static final WikiLogger logger = WikiLogger.getLogger(ParserFunctionUtil.class.getName());
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_ANCHOR_ENCODE = "anchorencode:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_FILE_PATH = "filepath:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_FULL_URL = "fullurl:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_IF = "#if:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_LOCAL_URL = "localurl:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_LOWER_CASE = "lc:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_LOWER_CASE_FIRST = "lcfirst:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_UPPER_CASE = "uc:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_UPPER_CASE_FIRST = "ucfirst:";
    private static final String PARSER_FUNCTION_URL_ENCODE = "urlencode:";
    private static List<String> PARSER_FUNCTIONS = new ArrayList<String>();

    static {
        // parser functions

     * Determine if a template name corresponds to a parser function requiring
     * special handling.  See
     * for a list of Mediawiki parser functions.  If the template name is a parser
     * function then return the parser function name and argument.
    protected static String[] parseParserFunctionInfo(String name) {
        int pos = name.indexOf(':');
        if (pos == -1 || (pos + 2) > name.length()) {
            return null;
        String parserFunction = name.substring(0, pos + 1).trim();
        String parserFunctionArguments = name.substring(pos + 1).trim();
        if (!PARSER_FUNCTIONS.contains(parserFunction)) {
            return null;
        return new String[] { parserFunction, parserFunctionArguments };

     * Process a parser function, returning the value corresponding to the parser
     * function result.  See for a
     * list of Mediawiki parser functions.
    protected static String processParserFunction(ParserInput parserInput, String parserFunction,
            String parserFunctionArguments) throws DataAccessException, ParserException {
        String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray = ParserFunctionUtil
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_ANCHOR_ENCODE)) {
            return Utilities.encodeAndEscapeTopicName(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0]);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_FILE_PATH)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseFilePath(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_FULL_URL)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseFileUrl(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_IF)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseIf(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_LOCAL_URL)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseLocalUrl(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_LOWER_CASE)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseLowerCase(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_LOWER_CASE_FIRST)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseLowerCaseFirst(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_UPPER_CASE)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseUpperCase(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_UPPER_CASE_FIRST)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseUpperCaseFirst(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        if (parserFunction.equals(PARSER_FUNCTION_URL_ENCODE)) {
            return ParserFunctionUtil.parseUrlEncode(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray);
        return null;

     * Parse the {{filepath}} parser function.
    private static String parseFilePath(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray)
            throws DataAccessException {
        // pre-pend the image namespace to the file name
        String filename = NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_IMAGE + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR
                + parserFunctionArgumentArray[0];
        String result = LinkUtil.buildImageFileUrl(parserInput.getContext(), parserInput.getVirtualWiki(),
        if (result == null) {
            return "";
        result = LinkUtil.normalize(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_FILE_SERVER_URL) + result);
        if (parserFunctionArgumentArray.length > 1 && parserFunctionArgumentArray[1].equalsIgnoreCase("nowiki")) {
            // add nowiki tags so that the next round of parsing does not convert to an HTML link
            result = "<nowiki>" + result + "</nowiki>";
        return result;

     * Parse the {{fileurl:}} parser function.
    private static String parseFileUrl(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray)
            throws DataAccessException {
        String result = LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(parserInput.getContext(), parserInput.getVirtualWiki(),
                parserFunctionArgumentArray[0], false);
        result = LinkUtil.normalize(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_SERVER_URL) + result);
        if (parserFunctionArgumentArray.length > 1 && !StringUtils.isBlank(parserFunctionArgumentArray[1])) {
            result += "?" + parserFunctionArgumentArray[1];
        return result;

     * Parse the {{#if:}} parser function.  Usage: {{#if: test | true | false}}.
    private static String parseIf(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray)
            throws DataAccessException, ParserException {
        boolean condition = ((parserFunctionArgumentArray.length >= 1)
                ? !StringUtils.isBlank(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0])
                : false);
        // parse to handle any embedded templates
        if (condition) {
            return (parserFunctionArgumentArray.length >= 2)
                    ? JFlexParserUtil.parseFragment(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray[1],
                    : "";
        } else {
            return (parserFunctionArgumentArray.length >= 3)
                    ? JFlexParserUtil.parseFragment(parserInput, parserFunctionArgumentArray[2],
                    : "";

     * Parse the {{localurl:}} parser function.
    private static String parseLocalUrl(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray)
            throws DataAccessException {
        String result = LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(parserInput.getContext(), parserInput.getVirtualWiki(),
                parserFunctionArgumentArray[0], false);
        if (parserFunctionArgumentArray.length > 1 && !StringUtils.isBlank(parserFunctionArgumentArray[1])) {
            result += "?" + parserFunctionArgumentArray[1];
        return result;

     * Parse the {{lc:}} parser function.
    private static String parseLowerCase(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray) {
        return StringUtils.lowerCase(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0]);

     * Parse the {{lcfirst:}} parser function.
    private static String parseLowerCaseFirst(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray) {
        return StringUtils.uncapitalize(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0]);

     * Parse the {{uc:}} parser function.
    private static String parseUpperCase(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray) {
        return StringUtils.upperCase(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0]);

     * Parse the {{ucfirst:}} parser function.
    private static String parseUpperCaseFirst(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray) {
        return StringUtils.capitalize(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0]);

     * Parse the {{urlencode:}} parser function.
    private static String parseUrlEncode(ParserInput parserInput, String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray) {
        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(parserFunctionArgumentArray[0], "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // this should never happen
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupporting encoding UTF-8");

     * Parse parser function arguments of the form "arg1|arg2", trimming excess whitespace
     * and returning an array of results.
    private static String[] parseParserFunctionArgumentArray(String parserFunctionArguments) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(parserFunctionArguments)) {
            return new String[0];
        List<String> parserFunctionArgumentList = JFlexParserUtil.tokenizeParamString(parserFunctionArguments);
        String[] parserFunctionArgumentArray = new String[parserFunctionArgumentList.size()];
        // trim results and store in array
        int i = 0;
        for (String argument : parserFunctionArgumentList) {
            parserFunctionArgumentArray[i++] = argument.trim();
        return parserFunctionArgumentArray;