Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2.1, dated February 1999. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the latest version of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program (LICENSE.txt); if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.jamwiki.parser.jflex; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jamwiki.Environment; import org.jamwiki.model.WikiReference; import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserException; import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserInput; import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserOutput; import org.jamwiki.utils.LinkUtil; import org.jamwiki.utils.Utilities; import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLink; import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLogger; /** * Utility methods used with the Mediawiki lexers. */ public class JFlexParserUtil { private static final WikiLogger logger = WikiLogger.getLogger(JFlexParserUtil.class.getName()); private static final String emptyBodyTagPattern = "(br|div|hr|td|th)"; private static final String nonNestingTagPattern = "(dd|dl|dt|hr|li|ol|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|tr|ul)"; private static final String nonTextBodyTagPattern = "(dl|ol|table|tr|ul)"; private static final String nonInlineTagPattern = "(caption|dd|div|dl|dt|hr|li|ol|p|table|td|th|tr|ul)"; private static final String nonInlineTagStartPattern = "<" + nonInlineTagPattern + ">.*"; private static final String nonInlineTagEndPattern = ".*</" + nonInlineTagPattern + ">"; private static final Pattern EMPTY_BODY_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(emptyBodyTagPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** Pattern to catch script insertions of the form "onsubmit=" or insertions that use a javascript url. */ private static final Pattern JAVASCRIPT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(( on[a-z]{3,}=)+)|((javascript\\s*\\:)+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern NON_NESTING_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(nonNestingTagPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern NON_TEXT_BODY_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(nonTextBodyTagPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern NON_INLINE_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(nonInlineTagPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern NON_INLINE_TAG_START_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(nonInlineTagStartPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL); private static final Pattern NON_INLINE_TAG_END_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(nonInlineTagEndPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL); private static final Pattern TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(<\\s*[/]?\\s*)([a-z]+)(\\s*(.*?))([/]?\\s*>)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * */ private JFlexParserUtil() { } /** * An empty body tag is one that contains no content, such as "br". */ protected static boolean isEmptyBodyTag(String tagType) { if (isRootTag(tagType)) { return true; } Matcher matcher = EMPTY_BODY_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(tagType); return matcher.matches(); } /** * An inline tag is a tag that does not affect page flow such as * "b" or "i". A non-inline tag such as "div" is one that creates * its own display box. */ protected static boolean isInlineTag(String tagType) { if (isRootTag(tagType)) { return true; } Matcher matcher = NON_INLINE_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(tagType); return !matcher.matches(); } /** * A non-nesting tag is a tag such as "li" which cannot be nested within * another "li" tag. */ protected static boolean isNonNestingTag(String tagType) { Matcher matcher = NON_NESTING_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(tagType); return matcher.matches(); } /** * */ protected static boolean isNonInlineTagEnd(String tagText) { Matcher matcher = NON_INLINE_TAG_END_PATTERN.matcher(tagText); return matcher.matches(); } /** * */ protected static boolean isNonInlineTagStart(String tagText) { Matcher matcher = NON_INLINE_TAG_START_PATTERN.matcher(tagText); return matcher.matches(); } /** * Evaluate the tag to determine whether it is the parser root tag * that indicates the bottom of the parser tag stack. */ protected static boolean isRootTag(String tagType) { return tagType.equals(JFlexTagItem.ROOT_TAG); } /** * Determine whether the tag allows text body content. Some tags, such * as "table", allow only tag content and no text content. */ protected static boolean isTextBodyTag(String tagType) { if (isRootTag(tagType)) { return true; } Matcher matcher = NON_TEXT_BODY_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(tagType); return !matcher.matches(); } /** * Provide a way to run the pre-processor against a fragment of text, such * as an image caption. This method should be used sparingly since it is * not very efficient. */ public static String parseFragment(ParserInput parserInput, String raw, int mode) throws ParserException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(raw)) { return raw; } JFlexParser parser = new JFlexParser(parserInput); ParserOutput parserOutput = new ParserOutput(); return parser.parseFragment(parserOutput, raw, mode); } /** * Parse a raw Wiki link of the form "[[link|text]]", and return a WikiLink * object representing the link. * * @param raw The raw Wiki link text. * @return A WikiLink object that represents the link. */ protected static WikiLink parseWikiLink(String raw) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(raw)) { return new WikiLink(); } raw = raw.trim(); String suffix = ((!raw.endsWith("]]")) ? raw.substring(raw.lastIndexOf("]]") + 2) : null); // for performance reasons use String methods rather than regex // private static final Pattern WIKI_LINK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[\\s*(\\:\\s*)?\\s*(.+?)(\\s*\\|\\s*(.+))?\\s*\\]\\]([a-z]*)"); raw = raw.substring(raw.indexOf("[[") + 2, raw.lastIndexOf("]]")).trim(); boolean colon = false; if (raw.startsWith(":")) { colon = true; raw = raw.substring(1).trim(); } String text = null; int pos = raw.indexOf('|'); if (pos != -1 && pos != (raw.length() - 1)) { text = raw.substring(pos + 1).trim(); raw = raw.substring(0, pos).trim(); } WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(raw); wikiLink.setColon(colon); wikiLink.setText(text); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) { wikiLink.setText((StringUtils.isBlank(text) ? wikiLink.getDestination() : text) + suffix); } return wikiLink; } /** * Clean up HTML tags to make them XHTML compliant (lowercase, no * unnecessary spaces). */ protected static String sanitizeHtmlTag(String tag) { String result = tag.trim(); result = StringUtils.remove(result, " ").toLowerCase(); if (result.endsWith("/>")) { // spaces were stripped, so make sure tag is of the form "<br />" result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 2) + " />"; } return result; } /** * Given a tag of the form "<tag>content</tag>", return all content between * the tags. Consider the following examples: * * "<tag>content</tag>" returns "content". * "<tag />" returns and empty string. * "<tag><sub>content</sub></tag>" returns "<sub>content</sub>". * * @param raw The raw tag content to be analyzed. * @return The content for the tag being analyzed. */ protected static String tagContent(String raw) { int start = raw.indexOf('>') + 1; int end = raw.lastIndexOf('<'); if (start == 0) { // no tags return raw; } if (end <= start) { return ""; } return raw.substring(start, end); } /** * Given an HTML tag, split it into its tag type and tag attributes, * cleaning up the attribtues in the process - allowing Javascript * action tags to be used as attributes (onmouseover, etc) is * a bad thing, so clean up HTML tags to remove any such attributes. */ protected static String[] parseHtmlTag(String tag) { Matcher m = TAG_PATTERN.matcher(tag); String[] result = new String[4]; if (!m.find()) { logger.severe("Failure while attempting to match html tag for pattern " + tag); return result; } String tagType =; String tagAttributes =; String tagOpen =; String tagClose =; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tagAttributes)) { tagAttributes = JFlexParserUtil.validateHtmlTagAttributes(tagAttributes).trim(); } result[0] = tagType; result[1] = tagAttributes; result[2] = tagOpen; result[3] = tagClose; return result; } /** * During parsing the reference objects will be stored as a temporary array. This method * parses that array and returns the reference objects. * * @param parserInput The current ParserInput object for the topic that is being parsed. * @return A list of reference objects (never <code>null</code>) for the current topic that * is being parsed. */ protected static List<WikiReference> retrieveReferences(ParserInput parserInput) { List<WikiReference> references = (List<WikiReference>) parserInput.getTempParams() .get(WikiReferenceTag.REFERENCES_PARAM); if (references == null) { references = new ArrayList<WikiReference>(); parserInput.getTempParams().put(WikiReferenceTag.REFERENCES_PARAM, references); } return references; } /** * Parse a template string of the form "param1|param2|param3" into tokens * (param1, param2, and param3 in the example), handling such cases as * "param1|[[foo|bar]]|param3" correctly. */ protected static List<String> tokenizeParamString(String content) { List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(); int pos = 0; int endPos = -1; String substring = ""; String value = ""; while (pos < content.length()) { substring = content.substring(pos); endPos = -1; if (substring.startsWith("{{{")) { // template parameter endPos = Utilities.findMatchingEndTag(content, pos, "{{{", "}}}"); } else if (substring.startsWith("{{")) { // template endPos = Utilities.findMatchingEndTag(content, pos, "{{", "}}"); } else if (substring.startsWith("[[")) { // link endPos = Utilities.findMatchingEndTag(content, pos, "[[", "]]"); } else if (substring.startsWith("{|")) { // table endPos = Utilities.findMatchingEndTag(content, pos, "{|", "|}"); } else if (content.charAt(pos) == '|') { // new token tokens.add(value); value = ""; pos++; continue; } if (endPos != -1) { value += content.substring(pos, endPos); pos = endPos; } else { value += content.charAt(pos); pos++; } } // add the last one tokens.add(value); return tokens; } /** * Allowing Javascript action tags to be used as attributes (onmouseover, etc) is * a bad thing, so clean up HTML tags to remove any such attributes. */ protected static String validateHtmlTag(String tag) { String[] tagInfo = JFlexParserUtil.parseHtmlTag(tag); String tagOpen = tagInfo[2]; String tagKeyword = tagInfo[0]; String attributes = tagInfo[1]; String tagClose = tagInfo[3]; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("<"); if (tagOpen.indexOf('/') != -1) { result.append('/'); } result.append(tagKeyword); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(attributes)) { result.append(' ').append(attributes); } if (tagClose.indexOf('/') != -1) { result.append(" />"); } else { result.append(tagClose.trim()); } return result.toString(); } /** * Allowing Javascript action tags to be used as attributes (onmouseover, etc) is * a bad thing, so clean up HTML tags to remove any such attributes. */ protected static String validateHtmlTagAttributes(String attributes) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(attributes)) { return attributes; } if (!Environment.getBooleanValue(Environment.PROP_PARSER_ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT)) { // pattern requires a space prior to the "onFoo", so make sure one exists Matcher m = JAVASCRIPT_PATTERN.matcher(" " + attributes); if (m.find()) { logger.warning("Attempt to include Javascript in Wiki syntax " + attributes); return ""; } } return attributes; } }