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 * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2.1, dated February 1999.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the latest version of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program (LICENSE.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
package org.jamwiki.db;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jamwiki.DataAccessException;
import org.jamwiki.Environment;
import org.jamwiki.WikiBase;
import org.jamwiki.WikiException;
import org.jamwiki.authentication.RoleImpl;
import org.jamwiki.model.OS;
import org.jamwiki.model.Role;
import org.jamwiki.model.Topic;
import org.jamwiki.model.TopicVersion;
import org.jamwiki.model.VirtualWiki;
import org.jamwiki.model.WikiGroup;
import org.jamwiki.model.WikiUser;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLogger;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiUtil;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;

 * This class contains general database utility methods that are useful for a
 * variety of JAMWiki database functions, including setup and upgrades.
public class WikiDatabase {

    private static String CONNECTION_VALIDATION_QUERY = null;
    private static String EXISTENCE_VALIDATION_QUERY = null;
    private static final WikiLogger logger = WikiLogger.getLogger(WikiDatabase.class.getName());

    // private static final String[][] JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO = {
    // {"jam_virtual_wiki", "virtual_wiki_id"},
    // {"jam_users", null},
    // {"jam_wiki_user", "wiki_user_id"},
    // {"jam_topic", "topic_id"},
    // {"jam_topic_version", "topic_version_id"},
    // {"jam_file", "file_id"},
    // {"jam_file_version", "file_version_id"},
    // {"jam_category", null},
    // {"jam_group", "group_id"},
    // {"jam_group_members", "id"},
    // {"jam_role", null},
    // {"jam_authorities", null},
    // {"jam_group_authorities", null},
    // {"jam_recent_change", "topic_version_id"},
    // {"jam_watchlist", null}
    // };

    private WikiDatabase() {

    // /**
    // * Dump the database to a CSV file. This is an HSQL-specific method useful
    // * for individuals who want to convert from HSQL to another database.
    // */
    // public static void exportToCsv() throws DataAccessException, SQLException {
    // if (!(WikiBase.getDataHandler() instanceof HSqlDataHandler)) {
    // throw new
    // IllegalStateException("Exporting to CSV is allowed only when the wiki is configured to use the internal database setting.");
    // }
    // PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    // Connection conn = null;
    // String sql = null;
    // String exportTableName = null;
    // String csvDirectory = new
    // File(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_BASE_FILE_DIR),
    // "database").getPath();
    // File csvFile = null;
    // TransactionStatus status = DatabaseConnection.startTransaction();
    // try {
    // conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
    // // make sure CSV files are encoded UTF-8
    // // TODO: this does not seem to be working currently - HSQL bug?
    // sql = "set property \"textdb.encoding\" 'UTF-8'";
    // stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    // stmt.executeUpdate();
    // for (int i=0; i < JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO.length; i++) {
    // exportTableName = JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][0] + "_export";
    // // first drop any pre-existing CSV database files.
    // sql = "drop table " + exportTableName + " if exists";
    // stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    // stmt.executeUpdate();
    // // now delete the CSV file if it exists
    // csvFile = new File(csvDirectory, exportTableName + ".csv");
    // if (csvFile.exists()) {
    // if (csvFile.delete()) {
    //"Deleted existing CSV file: " + csvFile.getPath());
    // } else {
    // logger.warning("Could not delete existing CSV file: " + csvFile.getPath());
    // }
    // }
    // // create the CSV files
    // sql = "select * into text " + exportTableName + " from " +
    // stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    // stmt.executeUpdate();
    // }
    // // rebuild the data files to make sure everything is committed to disk
    // sql = "checkpoint";
    // stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    // stmt.executeUpdate();
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // DatabaseConnection.rollbackOnException(status, e);
    // throw new DataAccessException(e);
    // } catch (Error err) {
    // DatabaseConnection.rollbackOnException(status, err);
    // throw new DataAccessException(err);
    // } finally {
    // DatabaseConnection.closeStatement(stmt);
    // }
    // DatabaseConnection.commit(status);
    // }
    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // private static DataHandler findNewDataHandler(Properties props) {
    // // find the DataHandler appropriate to the NEW database
    // String handlerClassName = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_TYPE);
    // if
    // (handlerClassName.equals(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_DB_TYPE))) {
    // // use existing DataHandler
    // return WikiBase.getDataHandler();
    // }
    // logger.fine("Using NEW data handler: " + handlerClassName);
    // return (DataHandler)Utilities.instantiateClass(handlerClassName);
    // }
    // /**
    // * Migrate from the current database to a new database.
    // * Tables are created in the new database, and then the contents
    // * of the existing database are transferred across.
    // *
    // * @param props Properties object containing the new database properties
    // * @param errors List to add error messages to
    // */
    // public static void migrateDatabase(Properties props, List<WikiMessage>
    // errors) throws DataAccessException {
    // // verify that new database is different from the old database
    // if
    // (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_DB_URL),
    // props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_URL))) {
    // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.databaseconnection",
    // "Cannot migrate to the same database"));
    // return;
    // }
    // // find the DataHandler appropriate to the NEW database
    // DataHandler newDataHandler = WikiDatabase.findNewDataHandler(props);
    // // the QueryHandler appropriate for the NEW database
    // QueryHandler newQueryHandler = null;
    // // FIXME - this is ugly
    // if (newDataHandler instanceof AnsiDataHandler) {
    // AnsiDataHandler dataHandler = (AnsiDataHandler)newDataHandler;
    // newQueryHandler = dataHandler.queryHandler();
    // logger.fine("Using NEW query handler: " +
    // newQueryHandler.getClass().getName());
    // } else {
    // newQueryHandler = queryHandler();
    // }
    // Connection conn = null;
    // Connection from = null;
    // Statement stmt = null;
    // ResultSet rs = null;
    // try {
    // // create the tables in the NEW database
    // conn = WikiDatabase.initializeNewDatabase(props, errors, newQueryHandler);
    // if (conn == null) {
    // return;
    // }
    // // since this is a new database setting autocommit to true is ok. in
    // addition,
    // // since a potentially huge amount of data might be getting committed it
    // prevents
    // // locking issues when loading the database.
    // conn.setAutoCommit(true);
    // // copy the existing table content from the CURRENT database across to the
    // NEW database
    // from = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
    // from.setReadOnly(true);
    // from.setAutoCommit(true);
    // // used to track current_version_id for each jam_topic row inserted
    // Map<Integer, Integer> topicVersions = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    // for (int i = 0; i < JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO.length; i++) {
    // // these 3 variables are for special handling of the
    // jam_topic.current_version_id field
    // // which cannot be loaded on initial insert due to the jam_f_topic_topicv
    // constraint
    // boolean isTopicTable = "jam_topic".equals(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][0]);
    // int topicIdColumn = 0;
    // int currentVersionColumn = 0;
    // int maxIndex =
    // WikiDatabase.retrieveMaximumTableId(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][0],
    // JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][1]);
    // StringBuilder insert;
    // ResultSetMetaData md;
    // StringBuilder values;
    // StringBuilder select;
    // String columnName;
    // Integer topicId;
    // Integer currentVersionId;
    // Object o;
    // // cycle through at most RECORDS_PER_CYCLE records at a time to avoid
    // blowing up the system
    // int RECORDS_PER_CYCLE = 25;
    // for (int j = 0; j <= maxIndex; j += RECORDS_PER_CYCLE) {
    // select = new
    // StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ").append(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][0]);
    // if (!StringUtils.isBlank(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][1])) {
    // select.append(" WHERE ").append(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][1]).append(" > ").append(j);
    // select.append(" AND ").append(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][1]).append(" <= ").append(j
    // select.append(" ORDER BY ").append(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][1]);
    // }
    // insert = new StringBuilder();
    // stmt = from.createStatement();
    // rs = stmt.executeQuery(select.toString());
    // md = rs.getMetaData();
    // insert.append("INSERT INTO ").append(JAMWIKI_DB_TABLE_INFO[i][0]).append('(');
    // values = new StringBuilder();
    // for (int k = 1; k <= md.getColumnCount(); k++) {
    // if (k > 1) {
    // insert.append(',');
    // values.append(',');
    // }
    // columnName = md.getColumnLabel(k);
    // if (isTopicTable) {
    // if ("topic_id".equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) {
    // topicIdColumn = k;
    // } else if ("current_version_id".equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) {
    // currentVersionColumn = k;
    // }
    // }
    // // special handling for Sybase ASA, which requires the "login" column name
    // to be quoted
    // if (newQueryHandler instanceof org.jamwiki.db.SybaseASAQueryHandler &&
    // "login".equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) {
    // columnName = "\"" + columnName + "\"";
    // }
    // insert.append(columnName);
    // values.append('?');
    // }
    // insert.append(") VALUES (").append(values).append(')');
    // PreparedStatement insertStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insert.toString());
    // while ( {
    // topicId = null;
    // currentVersionId = null;
    // for (int k = 1; k <= md.getColumnCount(); k++) {
    // o = rs.getObject(k);
    // if (isTopicTable) {
    // if (k == topicIdColumn) {
    // topicId = (Integer)o;
    // } else if (k == currentVersionColumn) {
    // currentVersionId = (Integer)o;
    // }
    // }
    // if (rs.wasNull() || (isTopicTable && k == currentVersionColumn)) {
    // insertStmt.setNull(k, md.getColumnType(k));
    // } else {
    // insertStmt.setObject(k, rs.getObject(k));
    // }
    // }
    // insertStmt.executeUpdate();
    // if (topicId != null && currentVersionId != null) {
    // // store current topic version for later update. since topic id is the
    // // map key, any older (obsolete) topic version IDs will be overwritten
    // // as later records are processed.
    // topicVersions.put(topicId, currentVersionId);
    // }
    // }
    // rs.close();
    // DatabaseConnection.closeStatement(stmt);
    // DatabaseConnection.closeStatement(insertStmt);
    // }
    // }
    // // update the jam_topic.current_version_id field that we had to leave blank
    // on initial insert
    // String updateSql =
    // "UPDATE jam_topic SET current_version_id = ? WHERE topic_id = ?";
    // PreparedStatement update = conn.prepareStatement(updateSql);
    // for (Integer topicId : topicVersions.keySet()) {
    // Integer topicVersionId = topicVersions.get(topicId);
    // update.setObject(1, topicVersionId);
    // update.setObject(2, topicId);
    // update.executeUpdate();
    // }
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // logger.severe("Error attempting to migrate the database", e);
    // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()));
    // try {
    // newQueryHandler.dropTables(conn);
    // } catch (Exception ex) {
    // logger.warning("Unable to drop tables in NEW database following failed migration",
    // ex);
    // }
    // } finally {
    // if (conn != null) {
    // try {
    // conn.close();
    // } catch (SQLException e) {}
    // }
    // if (from != null) {
    // DatabaseConnection.closeConnection(from, stmt, rs);
    // }
    // }
    // }
    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // protected static String getConnectionValidationQuery() {
    // return (!StringUtils.isBlank(CONNECTION_VALIDATION_QUERY)) ?
    // }
    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // protected static String getExistenceValidationQuery() {
    // return (!StringUtils.isBlank(EXISTENCE_VALIDATION_QUERY)) ?
    // }

    public synchronized static void initialize() {
        try {
            // WikiDatabase.CONNECTION_VALIDATION_QUERY =
            // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().connectionValidationQuery();
            // WikiDatabase.EXISTENCE_VALIDATION_QUERY =
            // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().existenceValidationQuery();
            // // initialize connection pool in its own try-catch to avoid an error
            // // causing property values not to be saved.
            // // this clears out any existing connection pool, so that a new one will
            // be created on first access
            // DatabaseConnection.closeConnectionPool();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.severe("Unable to initialize database", e);

    // private static Connection initializeNewDatabase(Properties props,
    // List<WikiMessage> errors, QueryHandler newQueryHandler) {
    // String driver = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_DRIVER);
    // String url = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_URL);
    // String userName = props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_USERNAME);
    // String password =
    // Encryption.getEncryptedProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_PASSWORD, props);
    // Connection conn = null;
    // try {
    // // test to see if we can connect to the new database
    // conn = DatabaseConnection.getTestConnection(driver, url, userName,
    // password);
    // conn.setAutoCommit(true);
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // if (conn != null) {
    // try {
    // conn.close();
    // } catch (SQLException ex) {}
    // }
    // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.databaseconnection", e.getMessage()));
    // return null;
    // }
    // // test to see if JAMWiki tables already exist (if they do, we can't
    // continue this migration process
    // Statement stmt = null;
    // try {
    // stmt = conn.createStatement();
    // stmt.executeQuery(newQueryHandler.existenceValidationQuery());
    // errors.add(new WikiMessage("setup.error.migrate"));
    // if (conn != null) {
    // try {
    // conn.close();
    // } catch (SQLException ex) {}
    // }
    // return null;
    // } catch (Exception ex) {
    // // we expect this exception as the JAMWiki tables don't exist
    // logger.fine("NEW Database does not contain any JAMWiki instance");
    // } finally {
    // DatabaseConnection.closeStatement(stmt);
    // }
    // try {
    // newQueryHandler.createTables(conn);
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // logger.severe("Error attempting to migrate the database", e);
    // errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.unknown", e.getMessage()));
    // try {
    // newQueryHandler.dropTables(conn);
    // } catch (Exception ex) {
    // logger.warning("Unable to drop tables in NEW database following failed migration",
    // ex);
    // }
    // if (conn != null) {
    // try {
    // conn.close();
    // } catch (SQLException ex) {}
    // }
    // }
    // return conn;
    // }

    public synchronized static void shutdown() {
        // try {
        // DatabaseConnection.closeConnectionPool();
        // } catch (Exception e) {
        // logger.severe("Unable to close the connection pool on shutdown", e);
        // }

    // /**
    // * This method causes all existing data to be deleted from the Wiki. Use
    // only
    // * when totally re-initializing a system. To reiterate: CALLING THIS METHOD
    // WILL
    // */
    // protected static void purgeData(Connection conn) throws DataAccessException
    // {
    // // BOOM! Everything gone...
    // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().dropTables(conn);
    // try {
    // // re-create empty tables
    // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().createTables(conn);
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // // creation failure, don't leave tables half-committed
    // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().dropTables(conn);
    // }
    // }
    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // protected static QueryHandler queryHandler() throws DataAccessException {
    // // FIXME - this is ugly
    // if (WikiBase.getDataHandler() instanceof AnsiDataHandler) {
    // AnsiDataHandler dataHandler = (AnsiDataHandler)WikiBase.getDataHandler();
    // return dataHandler.queryHandler();
    // }
    // throw new DataAccessException("Unable to determine query handler");
    // }
    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // protected static void releaseConnection(Connection conn, Object
    // transactionObject) throws SQLException {
    // if (transactionObject instanceof Connection) {
    // // transaction objects will be released elsewhere
    // return;
    // }
    // WikiDatabase.releaseConnection(conn);
    // }
    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // private static void releaseConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException
    // {
    // if (conn == null) {
    // return;
    // }
    // try {
    // conn.commit();
    // } finally {
    // DatabaseConnection.closeConnection(conn);
    // }
    // }
    // /**
    // * Return the largest primary key ID for the specified table, or 1 if the
    // table does
    // * not have a numeric primary key value.
    // */
    // private static int retrieveMaximumTableId(String tableName, String
    // primaryIdColumnName) throws SQLException {
    // if (StringUtils.isBlank(tableName) ||
    // StringUtils.isBlank(primaryIdColumnName)) {
    // return 1;
    // }
    // String sql = "select max(" + primaryIdColumnName +
    // ") as max_table_id from " + tableName;
    // Connection conn = null;
    // Statement stmt = null;
    // ResultSet rs = null;
    // try {
    // conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
    // stmt = conn.createStatement();
    // rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    // return ( ? rs.getInt("max_table_id") : 0;
    // } finally {
    // DatabaseConnection.closeConnection(conn, stmt, rs);
    // }
    // }

    // private Topic setupSpecialWikiTopics(WikiUser wikiUser, Locale locale,
    // String topicName) {
    // String contents = null;
    // try {
    // contents = BlikiUtil.readSpecialPage(locale, topicName);
    // if (contents != null) {
    // Topic page = new Topic(topicName, contents, wikiUser);
    // page =, null);
    // return page;
    // }
    // } catch (IOException e) {
    // }
    // return null;
    // }

    public static void setup(Locale locale, WikiUser user, String username, String encryptedPassword)
            throws DataAccessException, WikiException {
        TransactionStatus status = null;
        try {
            // set up tables
            WikiDatabase.setupAdminUser(user, username, encryptedPassword);
            WikiDatabase.setupSpecialPages(locale, user);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            // DatabaseConnection.rollbackOnException(status, e);
            logger.severe("Unable to set up database tables", e);
            // clean up anything that might have been created
            // try {
            // Connection conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
            // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().dropTables(conn);
            // } catch (Exception e2) {}
            throw e;
        } catch (WikiException e) {
            // DatabaseConnection.rollbackOnException(status, e);
            logger.severe("Unable to set up database tables", e);
            // clean up anything that might have been created
            // try {
            // Connection conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
            // WikiDatabase.queryHandler().dropTables(conn);
            // } catch (Exception e2) {}
            throw e;
        // DatabaseConnection.commit(status);

    private static void setupAdminUser(WikiUser user, String username, String encryptedPassword)
            throws DataAccessException, WikiException {
        if (user == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass null or anonymous WikiUser object to setupAdminUser");
        if (WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupWikiUser(user.getUsername()) != null) {
            logger.warning("Admin user already exists");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeWikiUser(user, username, encryptedPassword);
        List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRoleMapUser(user.getUsername(), roles);

    // /**
    // *
    // */
    // public static void setupDefaultDatabase(Properties props) {
    // props.setProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_DRIVER, "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver");
    // props.setProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_TYPE, DataHandler.DATA_HANDLER_HSQL);
    // props.setProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_USERNAME, "sa");
    // props.setProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_PASSWORD, "");
    // File file = new File(props.getProperty(Environment.PROP_BASE_FILE_DIR),
    // "database");
    // if (!file.exists()) {
    // file.mkdirs();
    // }
    // String url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + new File(file.getPath(),
    // "jamwiki").getPath() + ";shutdown=true";
    // props.setProperty(Environment.PROP_DB_URL, url);
    // }

    private static void setupDefaultVirtualWiki() throws DataAccessException, WikiException {
        VirtualWiki virtualWiki = new VirtualWiki();

    protected static void setupGroups() throws DataAccessException, WikiException {
        WikiGroup group = new WikiGroup();
        // FIXME - use message key
        group.setDescription("All non-logged in users are automatically assigned to the anonymous group.");
        List<String> anonymousRoles = new ArrayList<String>();
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRoleMapGroup(group.getGroupId(), group.getName(), anonymousRoles);
        group = new WikiGroup();
        // FIXME - use message key
        group.setDescription("All logged in users are automatically assigned to the registered user group.");
        List<String> userRoles = new ArrayList<String>();
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRoleMapGroup(group.getGroupId(), group.getName(), userRoles);

    protected static void setupRoles() throws DataAccessException, WikiException {
        Role role = RoleImpl.ROLE_ADMIN;
        // FIXME - use message key
                "Provides the ability to perform wiki maintenance tasks not available to normal users.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_EDIT_EXISTING;
        // FIXME - use message key
        role.setDescription("Allows a user to edit an existing topic.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_EDIT_NEW;
        // FIXME - use message key
        role.setDescription("Allows a user to create a new topic.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_IMPORT;
        // FIXME - use message key
        role.setDescription("Allows a user to import data from a file.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_MOVE;
        // FIXME - use message key
        role.setDescription("Allows a user to move a topic to a different name.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_SYSADMIN;
        // FIXME - use message key
                "Allows access to set database parameters, modify parser settings, and set other wiki system settings.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_TRANSLATE;
        // FIXME - use message key
                "Allows access to the translation tool used for modifying the values of message keys used to display text on the wiki.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_UPLOAD;
        // FIXME - use message key
        role.setDescription("Allows a user to upload a file to the wiki.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);
        role = RoleImpl.ROLE_VIEW;
        // FIXME - use message key
        role.setDescription("Allows a user to view topics on the wiki.");
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeRole(role, false);

    protected static void setupSpecialPage(Locale locale, String virtualWiki, String topicName, WikiUser user,
            boolean adminOnly) throws DataAccessException, WikiException {"Setting up special page " + virtualWiki + " / " + topicName);
        if (user == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass null WikiUser object to setupSpecialPage");
        String contents = null;
        try {
            contents = WikiUtil.readSpecialPage(locale, topicName);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DataAccessException(e);
        Topic topic = new Topic();
        int charactersChanged = StringUtils.length(contents);
        // FIXME - hard coding
        TopicVersion topicVersion = new TopicVersion(user, user.getLastLoginIpAddress(),
                "Automatically created by system setup", contents, charactersChanged);
        // FIXME - it is not connection-safe to parse for metadata since we are
        // already holding a connection
        // ParserOutput parserOutput =
        // ParserUtil.parserOutput(topic.getTopicContent(), virtualWiki, topicName);
        // WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion,
        // parserOutput.getCategories(), parserOutput.getLinks());
        WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, null, null);

    private static void setupSpecialPages(Locale locale, WikiUser user) throws DataAccessException, WikiException {
        List<VirtualWiki> all = WikiBase.getDataHandler().getVirtualWikiList();
        for (VirtualWiki virtualWiki : all) {
            // create the default topics
            setupSpecialPage(locale, virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_STARTING_POINTS, user, false);
            setupSpecialPage(locale, virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_LEFT_MENU, user, true);
            setupSpecialPage(locale, virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_BOTTOM_AREA, user, true);
            setupSpecialPage(locale, virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_STYLESHEET, user, true);