Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2002-2016 The Jamocha Team * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import lombok.ToString; import lombok.Value; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryFact; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandler; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.SlotAddress; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.Template; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.LockWrapper.MultipleReadLockWrapper; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.LockWrapper.ReadLockWrapper; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.LockWrapper.WriteLockWrapper; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.MemoryHandlerMain.SafeReadQueue; import org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.MemoryHandlerMain.SafeWriteQueue; import org.jamocha.dn.nodes.AddressPredecessor; import org.jamocha.dn.nodes.CouldNotAcquireLockException; import org.jamocha.dn.nodes.Edge; import org.jamocha.dn.nodes.Node; import org.jamocha.dn.nodes.SlotInFactAddress; import org.jamocha.filter.AddressNodeFilterSet; import org.jamocha.filter.AddressNodeFilterSet.AddressFilter; import org.jamocha.filter.AddressNodeFilterSet.AddressMatchingConfiguration; import org.jamocha.function.fwa.ParameterLeaf; import org.jamocha.function.fwa.PredicateWithArguments; /** * Java-implementation of the {@link org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerPlusTemp} interface. * * @author Fabian Ohler <> * @author Christoph Terwelp <> * @see org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerPlusTemp */ @ToString(callSuper = true, of = "valid") public class MemoryHandlerPlusTemp extends MemoryHandlerTemp implements org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerPlusTemp { private static MemoryFactory memoryFactory = (MemoryFactory) MemoryFactory.getMemoryFactory(); private static MemoryHandlerPlusTemp empty = new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(new Template[0], null, new JamochaArray<Row>(), 0, true); static class Semaphore { final AtomicInteger count; Semaphore(final int count) { super(); this.count = new AtomicInteger(count); } public boolean release() { return this.count.decrementAndGet() != 0; } } final Semaphore lock; /** * set to false as soon as the memory has been committed to its main memory */ boolean valid = true; Optional<JamochaArray<Row>> filtered = Optional.empty(); JamochaArray<Row> getFiltered() { return this.filtered.orElse(this.validRows); } void setFiltered(final JamochaArray<Row> filteredRows) { this.filtered = Optional.of(filteredRows); } protected MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(final Template[] template, final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final JamochaArray<Row> rows, final int numChildren, final boolean omitSemaphore) { super(template, originatingMainHandler, rows); if (rows.isEmpty()) { this.lock = null; this.valid = false; } else if (omitSemaphore) { this.lock = null; if (null == this.originatingMainHandler) return; try (final SafeWriteQueue writeQueue = originatingMainHandler.getWriteableValidOutgoingPlusTokens()) { writeQueue.add(this); // commit and invalidate the token commitAndInvalidate(); } } else { this.lock = new Semaphore(numChildren); try (final SafeWriteQueue writeQueue = originatingMainHandler.getWriteableValidOutgoingPlusTokens()) { writeQueue.add(this); } } } protected MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final JamochaArray<Row> rows, final int numChildren, final boolean omitSemaphore) { this(originatingMainHandler.template, originatingMainHandler, rows, numChildren, omitSemaphore); } @Override public final void releaseLock() { if (null == this.lock || this.lock.release()) return; // all children have processed the temp memory, now we have to write its // content to main memory commitAndInvalidate(); } protected final void commitAndInvalidate() { try (final WriteLockWrapper wlw = new WriteLockWrapper(this.originatingMainHandler.lock)) { try (final SafeWriteQueue writeQueue = this.originatingMainHandler .getWriteableValidOutgoingPlusTokens()) { assert this == writeQueue.peek(); writeQueue.remove(); final JamochaArray<Row> rows = this.getFiltered(); this.valid = false; // skip further code if no rows to add if (rows.isEmpty()) { return; } // add new filtered rows to main valid rows this.originatingMainHandler.validRows.addAll(rows); } } } @Override public void enqueueInEdge(final Edge edge) { edge.enqueueMemory(this); } /* * * * * * * * * STATIC FACTORY PART * * * * * * * * */ protected static boolean canOmitSemaphore(final Edge originEdge) { return canOmitSemaphore(originEdge.getTargetNode()); } protected static boolean canOmitSemaphore(final Node targetNode) { if (targetNode.getOutgoingEdges().isEmpty()) return true; for (final Edge edge : targetNode.getOutgoingEdges()) { if (edge.targetsBeta()) { return false; } } return true; } public static MemoryHandlerPlusTemp newNewNodeTemp(final Template[] template, final JamochaArray<Row> rows) { return new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(template, null, rows, 0, true); } @Override public org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerTemp newBetaTemp(final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final Edge originIncomingEdge, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { // create follow-up-temp final org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerTemp token = newRegularBetaTemp(originatingMainHandler, originIncomingEdge, filter, this); // push old temp into incoming edge to augment the memory seen by its target originIncomingEdge.getTempMemories().add(this); // return new temp return token; } @Override public org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerTemp newBetaTemp( final MemoryHandlerMainWithExistentials originatingMainHandler, final Edge originIncomingEdge, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { // create follow-up-temp final org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerTemp token = newExistentialBetaTemp(originatingMainHandler, filter, this, originIncomingEdge); // push old temp into incoming edge to augment the memory seen by its target originIncomingEdge.getTempMemories().add(this); // return new temp return token; } static MemoryHandlerPlusTemp newAlphaTemp(final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final MemoryHandlerPlusTemp token, final Edge originIncomingEdge, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { final JamochaArray<Row> factList = new JamochaArray<>(1); factLoop: for (final Row row : token.validRows) { assert row.getFactTuple().length == 1; for (final AddressFilter filterElement : filter.getFilters()) { if (!applyFilterElement(row.getFactTuple()[0], filterElement)) { continue factLoop; } } factList.add(row); } if (factList.isEmpty()) { return empty; } return new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(originatingMainHandler, factList, originIncomingEdge.getTargetNode().getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(), canOmitSemaphore(originIncomingEdge)); } @Override public MemoryHandlerPlusTemp newAlphaTemp(final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final Edge originIncomingEdge, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { return newAlphaTemp(originatingMainHandler, this, originIncomingEdge, filter); } static Pair<MemoryHandlerPlusTemp, MemoryFact[]> newRootTemp(final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final Node otn, final org.jamocha.dn.memory.Fact... facts) { final JamochaArray<Row> factList = new JamochaArray<>(facts.length); final Fact[] memoryFacts = new Fact[facts.length]; try (final SafeReadQueue readQueue = originatingMainHandler .getWithoutTimeoutReadableValidOutgoingPlusTokens()) { factLoop: for (int i = 0; i < facts.length; i++) { final org.jamocha.dn.memory.Fact fact = facts[i]; assert fact.getTemplate() == otn.getMemory().getTemplate()[0]; final Fact memoryFact = new Fact((org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.Template) fact.getTemplate(), fact.getSlotValues(), memoryFactory.getNextFactIdentifier()); // spot internal duplicates for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (null != memoryFacts[j] && Fact.equalContent(memoryFact, memoryFacts[j])) { continue factLoop; } } // spot duplicates wrt main memory for (final Row mainRow : originatingMainHandler.validRows) { final Fact mainFact = mainRow.getFactTuple()[0]; if (Fact.equalContent(mainFact, memoryFact)) { continue factLoop; } } // spot duplicates wrt outgoing plus tokens for (final MemoryHandlerPlusTemp temp : readQueue) { for (final Row mainRow : temp.getFiltered()) { final Fact mainFact = mainRow.getFactTuple()[0]; if (Fact.equalContent(mainFact, memoryFact)) { continue factLoop; } } } memoryFacts[i] = memoryFact; factList.add(originatingMainHandler.newRow(new Fact[] { memoryFact })); } } return Pair.of(new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(originatingMainHandler, factList, otn.getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(), canOmitSemaphore(otn)), memoryFacts); } abstract static class StackElement { int rowIndex, memIndex; JamochaArray<JamochaArray<Row>> memStack; final int offset; private StackElement(final JamochaArray<JamochaArray<Row>> memStack, final int offset) { this.memStack = memStack; this.offset = offset; } public static StackElement ordinaryInput(final Edge edge, final int offset) { final LinkedList<? extends MemoryHandler> temps = edge.getTempMemories(); final JamochaArray<JamochaArray<Row>> memStack = new JamochaArray<JamochaArray<Row>>(temps.size() + 1); memStack.add(((org.jamocha.dn.memory.javaimpl.MemoryHandlerMain) edge.getSourceNode() .getMemory()).validRows); for (final Iterator<? extends MemoryHandler> iter = temps.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final MemoryHandlerPlusTemp temp = (MemoryHandlerPlusTemp); if (!temp.valid) { iter.remove(); continue; } memStack.add(temp.validRows); } return new StackElement(memStack, offset) { @Override Object getValue(final AddressPredecessor addr, final SlotAddress slot) { final FactAddress factAddress = (FactAddress) addr.getAddress(); final Fact[] factTuple = this.getRow().getFactTuple(); return factTuple[factAddress.index].getValue(slot); } }; } public static StackElement originInput(final int columns, final Edge originEdge, final JamochaArray<Row> tokenRows, final int offset) { final JamochaArray<Row> listWithHoles = new JamochaArray<>(tokenRows.size()); for (final Row row : tokenRows) { final Row wideRow = ((MemoryHandlerMain) originEdge.getTargetNode().getMemory()).newRow(); assert columns >= offset + row.getFactTuple().length; wideRow.copy(offset, row); listWithHoles.add(wideRow); } final JamochaArray<JamochaArray<Row>> memStack = new JamochaArray<JamochaArray<Row>>(1); memStack.add(listWithHoles); return new StackElement(memStack, offset) { @Override Object getValue(final AddressPredecessor addr, final SlotAddress slot) { final FactAddress factAddress = (FactAddress) addr.getEdge().localizeAddress(addr.getAddress()); final Fact[] factTuple = this.getRow().getFactTuple(); return factTuple[factAddress.index].getValue(slot); } }; } JamochaArray<Row> getTable() { return this.memStack.get(this.memIndex); } Row getRow() { return this.getTable().get(this.rowIndex); } abstract Object getValue(final AddressPredecessor addr, final SlotAddress slot); boolean checkMemBounds() { return this.memStack.size() > this.memIndex && this.memIndex >= 0; } boolean checkRowBounds() { return checkMemBounds() && getTable().size() > this.rowIndex && this.rowIndex >= 0; } void resetIndices() { this.rowIndex = 0; this.memIndex = 0; } int getOffset() { return this.offset; } public void prepareMatching(final AddressMatchingConfiguration matchingConfiguration) { assert 0 == this.rowIndex && 0 == this.memIndex; this.memStack = .map(memory -> .flatMap(row -> MatchingProcessor.processMatching(row, matchingConfiguration).stream()) .<JamochaArray<Row>>collect(JamochaArray::new, JamochaArray::add, JamochaArray::addAll)) .collect(JamochaArray::new, JamochaArray::add, JamochaArray::addAll); } } @FunctionalInterface interface FunctionPointer { void apply(final JamochaArray<Row> tr, final StackElement originElement); } private static JamochaArray<Row> loop(final FunctionPointer functionPointer, final List<StackElement> stack) { if (stack.isEmpty()) { return new JamochaArray<>(); } final StackElement originElement = stack.get(0); final JamochaArray<Row> tr = new JamochaArray<>(); { final Iterator<StackElement> iter = stack.iterator(); // initialize all memory indices to valid values while (iter.hasNext()) { final StackElement element =; while (!element.checkRowBounds()) { if (!element.checkMemBounds()) { // one of the elements doesn't hold any facts, the join will be empty // reset all indices in the StackElements for (final StackElement elem : stack) { elem.resetIndices(); } return tr; } element.memIndex++; // we could break here, since there can be no empty temp memories } } } outerloop: while (true) { innerloop: while (true) { functionPointer.apply(tr, originElement); // increment row indices for (final Iterator<StackElement> iter = stack.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final StackElement element =; element.rowIndex++; if (element.checkRowBounds()) break; element.rowIndex = 0; if (!iter.hasNext()) break innerloop; } } // increment memory indices for (final Iterator<StackElement> iter = stack.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final StackElement element =; element.memIndex++; if (element.checkMemBounds()) break; element.memIndex = 0; if (!iter.hasNext()) break outerloop; } } // reset all indices in the StackElements for (final StackElement elem : stack) { elem.resetIndices(); } return tr; } private static LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> getStack(final JamochaArray<Row> tokenRows, final Edge originIncomingEdge) { // get a fixed-size array of indices (size: #inputs of the node), // determine number of inputs for the current join as maxIndex // loop through the inputs line-wise using array[0] .. array[maxIndex] // as line indices, incrementing array[maxIndex] and propagating the // increment to lower indices when input-size is reached // set locks and create stack final Node targetNode = originIncomingEdge.getTargetNode(); final Edge[] nodeIncomingEdges = targetNode.getIncomingEdges(); final LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> edgeToStack = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final int columns = targetNode.getMemory().getTemplate().length; final StackElement originElement; { StackElement tempOriginElement = null; int offset = 0; for (final Edge incomingEdge : nodeIncomingEdges) { if (incomingEdge == originIncomingEdge) { tempOriginElement = StackElement.originInput(columns, originIncomingEdge, tokenRows, offset); offset += incomingEdge.getSourceNode().getMemory().getTemplate().length; continue; } edgeToStack.put(incomingEdge, StackElement.ordinaryInput(incomingEdge, offset)); offset += incomingEdge.getSourceNode().getMemory().getTemplate().length; } originElement = tempOriginElement; } edgeToStack.put(originIncomingEdge, originElement); return edgeToStack; } private static MemoryHandlerTemp newRegularBetaTemp(final MemoryHandlerMain originatingMainHandler, final Edge originEdge, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter, final MemoryHandlerPlusTemp token) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { final JamochaArray<Row> facts = regularLockJoinAndUnlock(filter, token, originEdge); final int numChildren = originEdge.getTargetNode().getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(); return new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(originatingMainHandler, facts, numChildren, canOmitSemaphore(originEdge)); } private static JamochaArray<Row> regularLockJoinAndUnlock(final AddressNodeFilterSet filter, final MemoryHandlerPlusTemp token, final Edge originEdge) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { try (final MultipleReadLockWrapper mrlw = new MultipleReadLockWrapper(originEdge)) { final LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> edgeToStack = getStack(token.validRows, originEdge); prepareMatchings(filter, edgeToStack, originEdge); performJoin(filter, edgeToStack, originEdge); final JamochaArray<Row> facts = edgeToStack.get(originEdge).getTable(); return facts; } } private static void prepareMatchings(final AddressNodeFilterSet filter, final LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> edgeToStack, final Edge originEdge) { final Node targetNode = originEdge.getTargetNode(); for (final AddressMatchingConfiguration matchingConfiguration : filter.getMatchingConfigurations()) { final org.jamocha.dn.memory.FactAddress factAddress = matchingConfiguration.getFactAddress(); final Edge edge = targetNode.delocalizeAddress(factAddress).getEdge(); final StackElement stackElement = edgeToStack.get(edge); stackElement.prepareMatching(matchingConfiguration); } } static JamochaArray<Row> validPart(final Counter counter, final JamochaArray<Row> allRows) { final LazyListCopy<Row> copy = new LazyListCopy<>(allRows); for (int index = 0; index < allRows.size(); index++) { final Row row = allRows.get(index); if (!counter.isValid(row)) { copy.drop(index); } } return copy.getList(); } private static org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerTemp newExistentialBetaTemp( final MemoryHandlerMainWithExistentials originatingMainHandler, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter, final MemoryHandlerPlusTemp token, final Edge originEdge) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { // existential join (counter updates) or regular join (new rows)? final boolean existential = originEdge.getFilterPartsForCounterColumns().length != 0; if (!existential) { final JamochaArray<Row> newUnfilteredRows = regularLockJoinAndUnlock(filter, token, originEdge); // push new rows into main.allRows // no need for a lock as the current node is the only one reading/writing allRows // FIXME think about locking originatingMainHandler.allRows - really unnecessary ? for (final Row newUnfilteredRow : newUnfilteredRows) { originatingMainHandler.allRows.add(newUnfilteredRow); } // get valid part of the new rows final JamochaArray<Row> newValidRows = validPart(originatingMainHandler.counter, newUnfilteredRows); if (newValidRows.isEmpty()) { return empty; } final int numChildren = originEdge.getTargetNode().getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(); return new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(originatingMainHandler, newValidRows, numChildren, canOmitSemaphore(originEdge)); } return handleExistentialEdge(originatingMainHandler, filter, token.validRows, originEdge, CounterUpdater.INCREMENTER); } /* * Assumption: every existentially quantified path/address is only used in a single filter * element. */ private static void performJoin(final AddressNodeFilterSet nodeFilterSet, final LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> edgeToStack, final Edge originEdge) { final Node targetNode = originEdge.getTargetNode(); final StackElement originElement = edgeToStack.get(originEdge); final Counter counter = ((MemoryHandlerMain) originEdge.getTargetNode().getMemory()).counter; for (final AddressFilter filter : nodeFilterSet.getFilters()) { final SlotInFactAddress[] addresses = filter.getAddressesInTarget(); final List<StackElement> stack = new ArrayList<>(addresses.length); final PredicateWithArguments<ParameterLeaf> predicate = filter.getFunction(); final CounterColumn counterColumn = (CounterColumn) filter.getCounterColumn(); final boolean existential = (counterColumn != null); // determine new edges final Set<Edge> newEdges = new HashSet<>(); stack.add(originElement); for (final SlotInFactAddress address : addresses) { final Edge edge = targetNode.delocalizeAddress(address.getFactAddress()).getEdge(); final StackElement element = edgeToStack.get(edge); if (element != originElement) { // (!a || b) <=> (a -> b) if (!existential || edge.getSourceNode().getOutgoingExistentialEdges().contains(edge)) { if (newEdges.add(edge)) { stack.add(element); } } else { // full join regular edges if FilterElement is existential fullJoin(edgeToStack, originElement, edge, element); } } } // if existential, perform slightly different join not copying but only changing // counters. if (existential) { loop(new FunctionPointer() { @Override public void apply(final JamochaArray<Row> tr, final StackElement originElement) { final int paramLength = predicate.getParamTypes().length; final Object[] params = new Object[paramLength]; // determine parameters for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; ++i) { final SlotInFactAddress slotInTargetAddress = addresses[i]; final org.jamocha.dn.memory.FactAddress targetAddress = slotInTargetAddress .getFactAddress(); final AddressPredecessor upwardsAddress = targetNode.delocalizeAddress(targetAddress); final StackElement se = edgeToStack.get(upwardsAddress.getEdge()); params[i] = se.getValue(upwardsAddress, slotInTargetAddress.getSlotAddress()); } // increment counter if facts match predicate if (predicate.evaluate(params)) { final Row row = originElement.getRow(); // use counter to set counterColumn to 1 if counterColumn is not null counter.increment(row, counterColumn, 1); } } }, stack); } else { // replace TR in originElement with new temporary result originElement.memStack.set(0, loop(new FunctionPointer() { @Override public void apply(final JamochaArray<Row> tr, final StackElement originElement) { final int paramLength = predicate.getParamTypes().length; final Object[] params = new Object[paramLength]; // determine parameters for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; ++i) { final SlotInFactAddress slotInTargetAddress = addresses[i]; final org.jamocha.dn.memory.FactAddress targetAddress = slotInTargetAddress .getFactAddress(); final AddressPredecessor upwardsAddress = targetNode.delocalizeAddress(targetAddress); final StackElement se = edgeToStack.get(upwardsAddress.getEdge()); params[i] = se.getValue(upwardsAddress, slotInTargetAddress.getSlotAddress()); } // copy result to new TR if facts match predicate if (predicate.evaluate(params)) { // copy current row from old TR final Row row = originElement.getRow().copy(); // insert information from new inputs for (final Edge edge : newEdges) { // source is some temp, destination new TR final StackElement se = edgeToStack.get(edge); row.copy(se.getOffset(), se.getRow()); } // copy the result to new TR tr.add(row); } } }, stack)); } // point all inputs that were joint during this turn to the TR StackElement for (final Edge incomingEdge : newEdges) { edgeToStack.put(incomingEdge, originElement); } if (!originElement.checkRowBounds()) { return; } } // full join with all inputs not pointing to TR now for (final Map.Entry<Edge, StackElement> entry : edgeToStack.entrySet()) { final StackElement se = entry.getValue(); if (se == originElement) continue; final Edge nodeInput = entry.getKey(); fullJoin(edgeToStack, originElement, nodeInput, se); } } private static void fullJoin(final LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> edgeToStack, final StackElement originElement, final Edge edge, final StackElement se) { // replace TR in originElement with new temporary result originElement.memStack.set(0, loop(new FunctionPointer() { @Override public void apply(final JamochaArray<Row> tr, final StackElement originElement) { // copy result to new TR // copy current row from old TR // insert information from new input // source is some temp, destination new TR // copy the result to new TR tr.add(originElement.getRow().copy().copy(se.getOffset(), se.getRow())); } }, Arrays.asList(originElement, se))); // point all inputs that were joint during this turn to the TR StackElement edgeToStack.put(edge, originElement); } @Value static class FactAddressPartition { FactAddress[] regular; Set<FactAddress> existential; } private static FactAddressPartition partitionFactAddresses(final AddressNodeFilterSet filter, final Edge originEdge) { final FactAddress[] originAddresses = ((MemoryHandlerMain) originEdge.getSourceNode() .getMemory()).addresses; final Set<org.jamocha.dn.memory.FactAddress> filterNegativeExistentialAddresses = filter .getNegativeExistentialAddresses(); final Set<org.jamocha.dn.memory.FactAddress> filterPositiveExistentialAddresses = filter .getPositiveExistentialAddresses(); final JamochaArray<FactAddress> regular = new JamochaArray<>(originAddresses.length); final Set<FactAddress> existential = new HashSet<>(originAddresses.length); for (final FactAddress sourceFactAddress : originAddresses) { final FactAddress targetFactAddress = (FactAddress) originEdge.localizeAddress(sourceFactAddress); if (!filterNegativeExistentialAddresses.contains(targetFactAddress) && !filterPositiveExistentialAddresses.contains(targetFactAddress)) { regular.add(targetFactAddress); } else { existential.add(targetFactAddress); } } return new FactAddressPartition(regular.toArray(FactAddress[]::new), existential); } static org.jamocha.dn.memory.MemoryHandlerTemp handleExistentialEdge( final MemoryHandlerMainWithExistentials originatingMainHandler, final AddressNodeFilterSet filter, final JamochaArray<Row> tokenRows, final Edge originEdge, final CounterUpdater counterUpdater) throws CouldNotAcquireLockException { final JamochaArray<CounterUpdate> counterUpdates; // read-lock target main for existential join try (final ReadLockWrapper rlw = ReadLockWrapper.withTimeout(originatingMainHandler.lock)) { // read-lock all other input-mains try (final MultipleReadLockWrapper mrlw = new MultipleReadLockWrapper(originEdge)) { // get stack final LinkedHashMap<Edge, StackElement> edgeToStack = MemoryHandlerPlusTemp.getStack(tokenRows, originEdge); prepareMatchings(filter, edgeToStack, originEdge); // perform the actual join to get the counter updates counterUpdates = performExistentialJoin(filter, edgeToStack.get(originEdge), originEdge, counterUpdater); } } if (counterUpdates.isEmpty()) return empty; // apply the counter updates and generate the actual temps try (final WriteLockWrapper wlw = new WriteLockWrapper(originatingMainHandler.lock)) { final JamochaArray<Row> rowsToAdd = new JamochaArray<>(); final JamochaArray<Row> rowsToDel = new JamochaArray<>(); final Counter counter = originatingMainHandler.counter; for (final CounterUpdate counterUpdate : counterUpdates) { final Row row = counterUpdate.row; final boolean wasValid = counter.isValid(row); counterUpdate.apply(); final boolean isValid = counter.isValid(row); if (!wasValid && isValid) { // changed to valid rowsToAdd.add(counterUpdate.row); } else if (wasValid && !isValid) { // changed to invalid rowsToDel.add(counterUpdate.row); } // else: no change } final boolean noLinesToAdd = rowsToAdd.isEmpty(); final boolean noLinesToDel = rowsToDel.isEmpty(); if (noLinesToAdd && noLinesToDel) { // no change return empty; } if (noLinesToAdd) { // create -token for invalidated rows (deleting them while at it) return MemoryHandlerMinusTemp.newExistentialBetaFromRowsToDelete(originatingMainHandler, rowsToDel, originEdge); } final int numChildren = originEdge.getTargetNode().getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(); if (noLinesToDel) { // create + token for validated rows return new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(originatingMainHandler, rowsToAdd, numChildren, canOmitSemaphore(originEdge)); } // create both tokens as above and wrap them return new MemoryHandlerTempPairDistributer( new MemoryHandlerPlusTemp(originatingMainHandler, rowsToAdd, numChildren, canOmitSemaphore(originEdge)), MemoryHandlerMinusTemp.newExistentialBetaFromRowsToDelete(originatingMainHandler, rowsToDel, originEdge)); } } @FunctionalInterface interface CounterUpdater { void apply(final CounterUpdate counterUpdate, final CounterColumn counterColumn); CounterUpdater INCREMENTER = (final CounterUpdate counterUpdate, final CounterColumn counterColumn) -> counterUpdate.increment(counterColumn, 1); CounterUpdater DECREMENTER = (final CounterUpdate counterUpdate, final CounterColumn counterColumn) -> counterUpdate.increment(counterColumn, -1); } static JamochaArray<CounterUpdate> performExistentialJoin(final AddressNodeFilterSet filterSet, final StackElement originElement, final Edge originEdge, final CounterUpdater counterUpdater) { final AddressFilter[] filterPartsForCounterColumns = originEdge.getFilterPartsForCounterColumns(); // if there are existential facts in the token, perform a join with the main memory final JamochaArray<CounterUpdate> counterUpdates = new JamochaArray<>(); final FactAddressPartition partition = partitionFactAddresses(filterSet, originEdge); final MemoryHandlerMainWithExistentials memoryHandlerMain = (MemoryHandlerMainWithExistentials) originEdge .getTargetNode().getMemory(); final JamochaArray<Row> mainRows = memoryHandlerMain.allRows; final JamochaArray<Row> tokenRows = originElement.getTable(); final int mainSize = mainRows.size(); final int tokenSize = tokenRows.size(); // TODO adjust to be able to handle multiple existential edges for (int mainIndex = 0; mainIndex < mainSize; ++mainIndex) { final Row mainRow = mainRows.get(mainIndex); final Fact[] mainFactTuple = mainRow.getFactTuple(); CounterUpdate currentCounterUpdate = null; tokenloop: for (int tokenIndex = 0; tokenIndex < tokenSize; ++tokenIndex) { final Row tokenRow = tokenRows.get(tokenIndex); final Fact[] tokenFactTuple = tokenRow.getFactTuple(); // check whether the existential part fulfill the filter conditions for (final AddressFilter filter : filterPartsForCounterColumns) { final PredicateWithArguments<ParameterLeaf> predicate = filter.getFunction(); final SlotInFactAddress[] addresses = filter.getAddressesInTarget(); final CounterColumn counterColumn = (CounterColumn) filter.getCounterColumn(); final int paramLength = predicate.getParamTypes().length; final Object[] params = new Object[paramLength]; // determine parameters using facts in the token where possible for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; ++i) { final SlotInFactAddress address = addresses[i]; final Fact[] factBase; if (partition.existential.contains(address.getFactAddress())) { factBase = tokenFactTuple; } else { factBase = mainFactTuple; } params[i] = factBase[((FactAddress) address.getFactAddress()).index] .getValue(address.getSlotAddress()); } // if combined row doesn't match, try the next token row if (!predicate.evaluate(params)) { continue tokenloop; } // token row matches main row, we can increment the counter if (null == currentCounterUpdate) { currentCounterUpdate = new CounterUpdate(mainRow); counterUpdates.add(currentCounterUpdate); } counterUpdater.apply(currentCounterUpdate, counterColumn); } } } originElement.memStack.set(0, tokenRows); return counterUpdates; } }