Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package org.jahia.test; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import; import; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Text; /** * Prints XML output of the test to a specified Writer. * * @see FormatterElement */ public class SurefireJUnitXMLResultFormatter extends RunListener { private static final double ONE_SECOND = 1000.0; /** constant for unnnamed testsuites/cases */ private static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; /** the system-err element */ private static final String SYSTEM_ERR = "system-err"; /** the system-out element */ private static final String SYSTEM_OUT = "system-out"; /** the testsuite element */ private static final String TESTSUITE = "testsuite"; /** the testcase element */ private static final String TESTCASE = "testcase"; /** the failure element */ private static final String FAILURE = "failure"; /** name attribute for property, testcase and testsuite elements */ private static final String ATTR_NAME = "name"; /** time attribute for testcase and testsuite elements */ private static final String ATTR_TIME = "time"; /** errors attribute for testsuite elements */ private static final String ATTR_ERRORS = "errors"; /** failures attribute for testsuite elements */ private static final String ATTR_FAILURES = "failures"; /** tests attribute for testsuite elements */ private static final String ATTR_TESTS = "tests"; /** type attribute for failure and error elements */ private static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type"; /** message attribute for failure elements */ private static final String ATTR_MESSAGE = "message"; /** classname attribute for testcase elements */ private static final String ATTR_CLASSNAME = "classname"; /** * timestamp of test cases */ private static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; /** * name of host running the tests */ private static final String HOSTNAME = "hostname"; private static DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() { try { return DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(exc); } } /** * The XML document. */ private Document doc; /** * The wrapper for the whole testsuite. */ private Element rootElement; /** * Element for the current test. */ private Map<Description, Element> testElements = new HashMap<Description, Element>(); /** * tests that failed. */ private Set<Description> failedTests = new HashSet<Description>(); /** * Timing helper. */ private Map<Description, Long> testStarts = new HashMap<Description, Long>(); /** * Where to write the log to. */ private OutputStream out; /** No arg constructor. */ public SurefireJUnitXMLResultFormatter() { } /** No arg constructor. */ public SurefireJUnitXMLResultFormatter(OutputStream out) { setOutput(out); } /** {@inheritDoc}. */ public void setOutput(OutputStream out) { this.out = out; } /** {@inheritDoc}. */ public void setSystemOutput(String out) { formatOutput(SYSTEM_OUT, out); } /** {@inheritDoc}. */ public void setSystemError(String out) { formatOutput(SYSTEM_ERR, out); } /** * The whole testsuite started. * @param suite the testsuite. */ public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception { doc = getDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); rootElement = doc.createElement(TESTSUITE); String n = description.getDisplayName(); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, n == null ? UNKNOWN : n); //add the timestamp final String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); rootElement.setAttribute(TIMESTAMP, timestamp); //and the hostname. rootElement.setAttribute(HOSTNAME, getHostname()); } /** * get the local hostname * @return the name of the local host, or "localhost" if we cannot work it out */ private String getHostname() { try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return "localhost"; } } /** * The whole testsuite ended. * @param suite the testsuite. * @throws BuildException on error. */ public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception { rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_TESTS, "" + result.getRunCount()); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_FAILURES, "" + result.getFailureCount()); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_ERRORS, "" + result.getFailures().size()); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_TIME, "" + (result.getRunTime() / ONE_SECOND)); if (out != null) { Writer wri = null; try { wri = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF8")); wri.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"); (new DOMElementWriter()).write(rootElement, wri, 0, " "); } catch (IOException exc) { throw new Exception("Unable to write log file", exc); } finally { if (wri != null) { try { wri.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore } } if (out != System.out && out != System.err) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(wri); } } } } /** * Interface RunListener. * * <p>A new Test is started. * @param t the test. */ public void testStarted(Description test) throws Exception { testStarts.put(test, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis())); } /** * Interface RunListener. * * <p>A Test is finished. * @param test the test. */ public void testFinished(Description test) throws Exception { // Fix for bug #5637 - if a junit.extensions.TestSetup is // used and throws an exception during setUp then startTest // would never have been called if (!testStarts.containsKey(test)) { testStarted(test); } Element currentTest = null; if (!failedTests.contains(test)) { currentTest = doc.createElement(TESTCASE); String n = test.getDisplayName(); currentTest.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, n == null ? UNKNOWN : n); // a TestSuite can contain Tests from multiple classes, // even tests with the same name - disambiguate them. currentTest.setAttribute(ATTR_CLASSNAME, test.getClassName()); rootElement.appendChild(currentTest); testElements.put(test, currentTest); } else { currentTest = (Element) testElements.get(test); } Long l = (Long) testStarts.get(test); currentTest.setAttribute(ATTR_TIME, "" + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - l.longValue()) / ONE_SECOND)); } /** * Interface RunListener for JUnit <= 3.4. * * <p>A Test failed. * @param test the test. * @param t the exception. */ public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception { if (failure.getDescription() != null) { testFinished(failure.getDescription()); failedTests.add(failure.getDescription()); } Element nested = doc.createElement(FAILURE); Element currentTest = null; if (failure.getDescription() != null) { currentTest = (Element) testElements.get(failure.getDescription()); } else { currentTest = rootElement; } currentTest.appendChild(nested); String message = failure.getMessage(); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { nested.setAttribute(ATTR_MESSAGE, failure.getMessage()); } nested.setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, failure.getClass().getName()); String strace = failure.getTrace(); Text trace = doc.createTextNode(strace); nested.appendChild(trace); } private void formatOutput(String type, String output) { Element nested = doc.createElement(type); rootElement.appendChild(nested); nested.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(output)); } }