Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Jahia, next-generation open source CMS: * Jahia's next-generation, open source CMS stems from a widely acknowledged vision * of enterprise application convergence - web, search, document, social and portal - * unified by the simplicity of web content management. * * For more information, please visit * * Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 2.0 of * the GPL (or any later version), you may redistribute this Program in connection * with Free/Libre and Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described * in Jahia's FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text * describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * * * Commercial and Supported Versions of the program (dual licensing): * alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program may be used * in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in a separate * written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package; import*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import org.jahia.exceptions.JahiaException; import org.jahia.exceptions.JahiaInitializationException; import; import; import; import; import*; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.query.Query; import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult; import javax.jcr.query.Row; import javax.jcr.query.RowIterator; import java.util.*; /** * JCR-based implementation of the Group manager provider interface * * @author : rincevent * @since JAHIA 6.5 * Created : 8 juil. 2009 */ public class JCRGroupManagerProvider extends JahiaGroupManagerProvider { private transient static Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(JCRGroupManagerProvider.class); private transient JCRTemplate jcrTemplate; private static JCRGroupManagerProvider mGroupManagerProvider; private JCRUserManagerProvider userManagerProvider; private transient JahiaSitesService sitesService; private transient CacheService cacheService; private transient Cache<String, JCRGroup> cache; private Cache<String, List<String>> membershipCache; public static final String JCR_GROUPMEMBERSHIP_CACHE = "JCRGroupMembershipCache"; /** * Create an new instance of the User Manager Service if the instance do not * exist, or return the existing instance. * * @return Return the instance of the User Manager Service. */ public static JCRGroupManagerProvider getInstance() { if (mGroupManagerProvider == null) { mGroupManagerProvider = new JCRGroupManagerProvider(); } return mGroupManagerProvider; } public void setJcrTemplate(JCRTemplate jcrTemplate) { this.jcrTemplate = jcrTemplate; } public void setSitesService(JahiaSitesService sitesService) { this.sitesService = sitesService; } public void setCacheService(CacheService cacheService) { this.cacheService = cacheService; } /** * Create a new group in the system. * * @param hidden * @return a reference on a group object on success, or if the groupname * already exists or another error occured, null is returned. */ public JCRGroup createGroup(final int siteID, final String name, final Properties properties, final boolean hidden) { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<JCRGroup>() { public JCRGroup doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { try { JCRNodeWrapper nodeWrapper; JCRNodeWrapper parentNodeWrapper; if (siteID == 0) { parentNodeWrapper = session.getNode("/groups"); } else { String siteName = sitesService.getSite(siteID).getSiteKey(); parentNodeWrapper = session.getNode("/sites/" + siteName + "/groups"); } session.checkout(parentNodeWrapper); nodeWrapper = parentNodeWrapper.addNode(name, Constants.JAHIANT_GROUP); nodeWrapper.setProperty(JCRGroup.J_HIDDEN, hidden); if (properties != null) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof Boolean) { nodeWrapper.setProperty((String) entry.getKey(), (Boolean) entry.getValue()); } else { nodeWrapper.setProperty((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } } }; JCRGroup jcrGroup = new JCRGroup(nodeWrapper, siteID); final String trueGroupKey = name + ":" + siteID; getCache().put(trueGroupKey, jcrGroup); return jcrGroup; } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.error("Error while creating group", e); } return null; } }); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error while creating group", e); return null; } } public boolean deleteGroup(JahiaGroup group) { if (group instanceof JCRGroup) { final JCRGroup jcrGroup = (JCRGroup) group; try { Boolean aBoolean = jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(deleteCallback(jcrGroup)); aBoolean = aBoolean && jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(null, Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE, deleteCallback(jcrGroup)); return aBoolean; } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error while deleting group", e); } finally { updateCache(group); } } return false; } private JCRCallback<Boolean> deleteCallback(final JCRGroup jcrGroup) { return new JCRCallback<Boolean>() { public Boolean doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { Node node = null; try { node = jcrGroup.getNode(session); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { return true; } PropertyIterator pi = node.getWeakReferences("j:member"); while (pi.hasNext()) { JCRPropertyWrapper member = (JCRPropertyWrapper); member.getParent().remove(); } session.checkout(node.getParent()); session.checkout(node); node.remove();; return true; } }; } /** * Get all JahiaSite objects where the user has an access. * * @param user, the user you want to get his access grantes sites list. * @return Return a List containing all JahiaSite objects where the user has an access. */ public List<JahiaSite> getAdminGrantedSites(JahiaUser user) { return null; } /** * */ public JahiaGroup getAdministratorGroup(int siteID) { return lookupGroup(siteID, siteID == 0 ? JahiaGroupManagerService.ADMINISTRATORS_GROUPNAME : JahiaGroupManagerService.SITE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUPNAME); } /** * Return a <code>List</code) of <code>String</code> representing all the * group keys of a site. * * @return Return a List of identifier of all groups of this site. * @author NK */ public List<String> getGroupList() { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<List<String>>() { public List<String> doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); if (session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager() != null) { String query = "SELECT [j:nodename] FROM [" + Constants.JAHIANT_GROUP + "] as group WHERE group.[" + JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL + "] = 'false' ORDER BY group.[j:nodename]"; Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(query, Query.JCR_SQL2); QueryResult qr = q.execute(); RowIterator rows = qr.getRows(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row groupsFolderNode = rows.nextRow(); String groupName = "{jcr}" + groupsFolderNode.getValue("j:nodename").getString(); if (!groups.contains(groupName)) { groups.add(groupName); } } } return groups; } }); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving group list", e); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * Return a <code>List</code) of <code>String</code> representing all the * group keys of a site. * * @return Return a List of identifier of all groups of this site. * @author NK */ public List<String> getGroupList(final int siteID) { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<List<String>>() { public List<String> doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { final List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager() != null) { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer( "SELECT [j:nodename] FROM [" + Constants.JAHIANT_GROUP + "] as group WHERE group.[" + JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL + "] = 'false'"); if (siteID <= 0) { query.append(" AND ISCHILDNODE(group, '/groups"); ; } else { String siteName = sitesService.getSite(siteID).getSiteKey(); query.append(" AND ISCHILDNODE(group, '/sites/").append(siteName) .append("/groups')"); } query.append(" ORDER BY group.[j:nodename]"); Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(query.toString(), Query.JCR_SQL2); QueryResult qr = q.execute(); RowIterator rows = qr.getRows(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row groupsFolderNode = rows.nextRow(); String groupName = "{jcr}" + groupsFolderNode.getValue("j:nodename").getString() + ":" + siteID; if (!groups.contains(groupName)) { groups.add(groupName); } } } } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving group list for site " + siteID, e); } return groups; } }); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving group list for site " + siteID, e); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * Return a <code>List</code) of <code>String</code> representing all the * group names. * * @return Return a List of strings containing all the group names. */ public List<String> getGroupnameList() { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<List<String>>() { public List<String> doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); if (session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager() != null) { String query = "SELECT [j:nodename] FROM [" + Constants.JAHIANT_GROUP + "] as group WHERE group.[" + JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL + "] = 'false' ORDER BY group.[j:nodename]"; Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(query, Query.JCR_SQL2); QueryResult qr = q.execute(); RowIterator rows = qr.getRows(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row groupsFolderNode = rows.nextRow(); String groupName = groupsFolderNode.getValue("j:nodename").getString(); if (!groups.contains(groupName)) { groups.add(groupName); } } } return groups; } }); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving group name list", e); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * Return a <code>List</code) of <code>String</code> representing all the * group names of a site. * * @return Return a List of strings containing all the group names. */ public List<String> getGroupnameList(final int siteID) { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<List<String>>() { public List<String> doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager() != null) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "SELECT [j:nodename] FROM [" + Constants.JAHIANT_GROUP + "] as group WHERE group.[" + JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL + "] = 'false'"); if (siteID <= 0) { query.append(" AND ISCHILDNODE(g, '/groups')"); } else { String siteName = sitesService.getSite(siteID).getSiteKey(); query.append(" AND ISCHILDNODE(g, '/sites/" + siteName + "/groups')"); } query.append(" ORDER BY group.[j:nodename]"); Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(query.toString(), Query.JCR_SQL2); QueryResult qr = q.execute(); RowIterator rows = qr.getRows(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row groupsFolderNode = rows.nextRow(); String groupName = groupsFolderNode.getValue("j:nodename").getString() + ":" + siteID; if (!groups.contains(groupName)) { groups.add(groupName); } } } } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving group name list for site " + siteID, e); } return groups; } }); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving group name list for site " + siteID, e); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * Return an instance of the guest group * * @return Return the instance of the guest group. Return null on any failure. */ public JahiaGroup getGuestGroup(int siteID) { return lookupGroup(0, JahiaGroupManagerService.GUEST_GROUPNAME); } /** * Return the list of groups to which the specified user has access. * * @param user Valid reference on an existing group. * @return Return a List of strings holding all the group names to * which the user as access. On any error, the returned List * might be null. */ public List<String> getUserMembership(JahiaUser user) { return getMembership(user); } /** * Return the list of groups to which the specified principal (user or group) belongs. * * @param principal a JCR user or group * @return the list of groups to which the specified principal (user or group) belongs */ public List<String> getMembership(final JahiaPrincipal principal) { String uuid = null; if (principal instanceof JCRPrincipal) { uuid = ((JCRPrincipal) principal).getIdentifier(); } else { if (principal instanceof JahiaUser) { JCRUser extUser = userManagerProvider.lookupExternalUser((JahiaUser) principal); if (extUser != null) { uuid = extUser.getIdentifier(); } } else if (principal instanceof JahiaGroup) { JCRGroup extGroup = lookupExternalGroup(((JahiaGroup) principal).getGroupname()); if (extGroup != null) { uuid = extGroup.getIdentifier(); } } } if (uuid != null) { try { final String principalId = uuid; Cache<String, List<String>> membershipCache = getMembershipCache(); List<String> membership = membershipCache.get(uuid); if (membership != null) { return membership; } final Cache<String, List<String>> finalObjectCache = membershipCache; return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<List<String>>() { public List<String> doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); try { recurseOnGroups(session, groups, principalId); } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.warn("Error retrieving membership for user " + principal.getName(), e); } if (principal instanceof JahiaUser) { if (!principal.getName().equals(JahiaUserManagerService.GUEST_USERNAME)) { groups.add(JahiaGroupManagerService.USERS_GROUPNAME); } groups.add(JahiaGroupManagerService.GUEST_GROUPNAME); } finalObjectCache.put(principalId, groups); return groups; } private void recurseOnGroups(JCRSessionWrapper session, List<String> groups, String principalId) throws RepositoryException, JahiaException { JCRNodeWrapper node = session.getNodeByUUID(principalId); PropertyIterator weakReferences = node.getWeakReferences(); while (weakReferences.hasNext()) { try { Property property = weakReferences.nextProperty(); if (property.getPath().contains("j:members")) { Node group = property.getParent().getParent().getParent(); if (group.isNodeType("jnt:group")) { int siteID = 0; try { String siteKey = group.getParent().getParent().getName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(siteKey)) { siteID = sitesService.getSiteByKey(siteKey).getID(); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { siteID = 0; } groups.add(group.getName() + ":" + siteID); recurseOnGroups(session, groups, group.getIdentifier()); } } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("Cannot find group for " + node.getPath(), e); } } } } ); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error( "Error retrieving membership for user " + principal.getName() + ", will return empty list", e); } catch (JahiaInitializationException e) { logger.error( "Error retrieving membership for user " + principal.getName() + ", will return empty list", e); } } return new ArrayList<String>(); } /** * Return an instance of the users group. * * @return Return the instance of the users group. Return null on any failure */ public JahiaGroup getUsersGroup(int siteID) { return lookupGroup(0, JahiaGroupManagerService.USERS_GROUPNAME); } /** * This function checks on a given site if the groupname has already been * assigned to another group. * * @param siteID siteID the site id * @param name String representing the unique group name. * @return Return true if the specified username has not been assigned yet, * return false on any failure. */ public boolean groupExists(final int siteID, final String name) { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<Boolean>() { public Boolean doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { try { Node groupNode; if (siteID == 0) { groupNode = session.getNode("/groups/" + name.trim()); } else { String siteName = sitesService.getSite(siteID).getSiteKey(); groupNode = session.getNode("/sites/" + siteName + "/groups/" + name.trim()); } return groupNode != null && !groupNode.getProperty(JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL).getBoolean(); } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.error("Error testing existence of group " + name + " for site " + siteID, e); return false; } } }); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { logger.debug("Error testing existence of group " + name + " for site " + siteID, e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Error testing existence of group " + name + " for site " + siteID, e); } return false; } /** * Lookup the group information from the underlying system (DB, LDAP, ... ) * Try to lookup the group into the cache, if it's not in the cache, then * load it into the cache from the database. * * @param groupKey Group's unique identification key. * @return Return a reference on a the specified group name. Return null * if the group doesn't exist or when any error occured. */ public JahiaGroup lookupGroup(String groupKey) { int siteID = 0; final String name; if (groupKey.contains(":")) { String[] splittedGroupKey = groupKey.split(":"); siteID = Integer.valueOf(splittedGroupKey[1]); name = splittedGroupKey[0]; if (JahiaGroupManagerService.GUEST_GROUPNAME.equals(name) || JahiaGroupManagerService.USERS_GROUPNAME.equals(name)) { siteID = 0; } } else { name = groupKey; } return lookupGroup(siteID, name); } /** * Lookup the group information from the underlying system (DB, LDAP, ... ) * Try to lookup the group into the cache, if it's not in the cache, then * load it into the cache from the database. * * @param siteID the site id * @param name Group's unique identification name. * @return Return a reference on a the specified group name. Return null * if the group doesn't exist or when any error occured. */ public JCRGroup lookupGroup(int siteID, final String name) { return lookupGroup(siteID, name, false); } /** * Lookup the external group information from the JCR. * * @param name Group's unique identification name. * @return an instance of the {@link JCRGroup} for an external group or null * if the group cannot be found */ public JCRGroup lookupExternalGroup(final String name) { return lookupGroup(0, name, true); } /** * Lookup the group information from the underlying system (DB, LDAP, ... ) * Try to lookup the group into the cache, if it's not in the cache, then * load it into the cache from the database. * * @param siteID the site id * @param name Group's unique identification name. * @return Return a reference on a the specified group name. Return null * if the group doesn't exist or when any error occured. */ private JCRGroup lookupGroup(int siteID, final String name, final boolean allowExternal) { try { if (name.equals(JahiaGroupManagerService.GUEST_GROUPNAME) || name.equals(JahiaGroupManagerService.USERS_GROUPNAME)) { siteID = 0; } final String trueGroupKey = name + ":" + siteID; if (getCache().containsKey(trueGroupKey)) { JCRGroup group = getCache().get(trueGroupKey); if (group == null) { return null; } return !allowExternal && group.isExternal() ? null : group; } final int siteID1 = siteID; return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<JCRGroup>() { public JCRGroup doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { try { Node groupNode; try { if (siteID1 <= 0) { groupNode = session.getNode("/groups/" + name.trim()); } else { JahiaSite site = sitesService.getSite(siteID1); if (site == null) { // This can happen if this method is called during the creation of the site ! logger.warn( "Site " + siteID1 + " is not available, maybe it's being created ?"); return null; } String siteName = site.getSiteKey(); groupNode = session.getNode("/sites/" + siteName + "/groups/" + name.trim()); } } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { getCache().put(trueGroupKey, null); return null; } JCRGroup group = null; boolean external = groupNode.getProperty(JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL).getBoolean(); if (allowExternal || !external) { group = getGroup(groupNode, name, siteID1, external); getCache().put(trueGroupKey, group); } return group; } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.error("Error while retrieving group " + name + " for site " + siteID1, e); return null; } } }); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { logger.debug("Error while retrieving group " + name + " for site " + siteID, e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Error while retrieving group " + name + " for site " + siteID, e); } catch (JahiaInitializationException e) { logger.error("Error while retrieving group " + name + " for site " + siteID, e); } return null; } private JCRGroup getGroup(Node usersFolderNode, String name, int siteID1, boolean external) { JCRGroup group; if (JahiaGroupManagerService.GUEST_GROUPNAME.equals(name)) { group = new GuestGroup(usersFolderNode, jcrTemplate, siteID1); } else if (JahiaGroupManagerService.USERS_GROUPNAME.equals(name)) { group = new UsersGroup(usersFolderNode, jcrTemplate, siteID1); } else { group = new JCRGroup(usersFolderNode, siteID1, external); } return group; } /** * Remove the specified user from all the membership lists of all the groups. * * @param user Reference on an existing user. * @return Return true on success, or false on any failure. */ public boolean removeUserFromAllGroups(final JahiaUser user) { try { String uuid = null; if (user instanceof JCRUser) { uuid = ((JCRUser) user).getIdentifier(); } else { JCRUser extUser = userManagerProvider.lookupExternalUser(user); if (extUser != null) { uuid = extUser.getIdentifier(); } } if (uuid != null) { final String id = uuid; return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<Boolean>() { public Boolean doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { if (session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager() != null) { String query = "SELECT * FROM [jnt:member] as m where m.[j:member] = '" + id + "' ORDER BY m.[j:nodename]"; Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(query, Query.JCR_SQL2); QueryResult qr = q.execute(); NodeIterator nodes = qr.getNodes(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { Node memberNode = nodes.nextNode(); memberNode.remove(); }; return true; } return false; } }); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error while removing user from all groups", e); } return false; } public Set<JahiaGroup> searchGroups(final int siteID, final Properties searchCriterias) { try { return jcrTemplate.doExecuteWithSystemSession(new JCRCallback<Set<JahiaGroup>>() { public Set<JahiaGroup> doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { try { Set<JahiaGroup> users = new HashSet<JahiaGroup>(); if (session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager() != null) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM [" + Constants.JAHIANT_GROUP + "] as g WHERE g.[" + JCRGroup.J_EXTERNAL + "] = 'false'"); if (siteID <= 0) { query.append(" AND ISCHILDNODE(g, '/groups')"); } else { String siteName = sitesService.getSite(siteID).getSiteKey(); query.append(" AND ISCHILDNODE(g, '/sites/" + siteName + "/groups')"); } if (searchCriterias != null && searchCriterias.size() > 0) { // Avoid wildcard attribute if (!(searchCriterias.containsKey("*") && searchCriterias.size() == 1 && searchCriterias.getProperty("*").equals("*"))) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> objectIterator = searchCriterias.entrySet() .iterator(); if (objectIterator.hasNext()) { query.append(" AND ("); while (objectIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry =; String propertyKey = (String) entry.getKey(); if ("groupname".equals(propertyKey)) { propertyKey = "j:nodename"; } String propertyValue = (String) entry.getValue(); if ("*".equals(propertyValue)) { propertyValue = "%"; } else { if (propertyValue.contains("*")) { propertyValue = propertyValue.replaceAll("\\*", "%"); } else { propertyValue = propertyValue + "%"; } } if ("*".equals(propertyKey)) { query.append("(CONTAINS(g.*,'" + propertyValue.replaceAll("%", "") + "') OR LOWER(g.[j:nodename]) LIKE '") .append(propertyValue.toLowerCase()).append("') "); } else { query.append( "LOWER(g.[" + propertyKey.replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\.") + "])") .append(" LIKE '").append(propertyValue.toLowerCase()) .append("'"); } if (objectIterator.hasNext()) { query.append(" OR "); } } query.append(")"); } } } query.append(" ORDER BY g.[j:nodename]"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(query.toString()); } Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(query.toString(), Query.JCR_SQL2); QueryResult qr = q.execute(); NodeIterator ni = qr.getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { Node usersFolderNode = ni.nextNode(); users.add(getGroup(usersFolderNode, usersFolderNode.getName(), siteID, false)); } } return users; } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.error("Error searching groups for site " + siteID, e); return null; } } }); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error while searching groups", e); return new HashSet<JahiaGroup>(); } } /** * This method indicates that any internal cache for a provider should be * updated because the value has changed and needs to be transmitted to the * other nodes in a clustering environment. * * @param jahiaGroup JahiaGroup the group to be updated in the cache. */ public void updateCache(JahiaGroup jahiaGroup) { try { getCache().remove(jahiaGroup.getGroupKey()); } catch (JahiaInitializationException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void start() throws JahiaInitializationException { getCache(); } private Cache<String, JCRGroup> getCache() throws JahiaInitializationException { if (cache == null) { if (cacheService != null) { cache = cacheService.getCache("JCRGroupCache", true); } } return cache; } private Cache<String, List<String>> getMembershipCache() throws JahiaInitializationException { if (membershipCache == null) { if (cacheService != null) { membershipCache = cacheService.getCache(JCR_GROUPMEMBERSHIP_CACHE, true); } } return membershipCache; } public void stop() throws JahiaException { // do nothing } /** * @param userManagerProvider the userManagerProvider to set */ public void setUserManagerProvider(JCRUserManagerProvider userManagerProvider) { this.userManagerProvider = userManagerProvider; } public void updateMembershipCache(String identifier) { try { getMembershipCache().remove(identifier); } catch (JahiaInitializationException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); try { getCache().flush(); getMembershipCache().flush(); } catch (JahiaInitializationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }