Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import; import org.jahia.osgi.BundleUtils; import org.jahia.osgi.FrameworkService; import*; import; import; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.BundleException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Value; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Template package deployer service. * * @author Sergiy Shyrkov * @author Thomas Draier */ public class TemplatePackageDeployer { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TemplatePackageDeployer.class); protected JahiaTemplateManagerService service; private TemplatePackageRegistry templatePackageRegistry; private ComponentRegistry componentRegistry; private ImportExportBaseService importExportService; public void setComponentRegistry(ComponentRegistry componentRegistry) { this.componentRegistry = componentRegistry; } public void setImportExportService(ImportExportBaseService importExportService) { this.importExportService = importExportService; } public void setService(JahiaTemplateManagerService service) { this.service = service; } public void setTemplatePackageRegistry(TemplatePackageRegistry tmplPackageRegistry) { templatePackageRegistry = tmplPackageRegistry; } public void initializeModuleContent(JahiaTemplatesPackage aPackage, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { resetModuleNodes(aPackage, session);"Starting import for the module package '" + aPackage.getName() + "' including: " + aPackage.getInitialImports()); for (String imp : aPackage.getInitialImports()) { String targetPath = "/" + StringUtils .substringAfter(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(imp, "."), "import-").replace('-', '/'); Resource importFile = aPackage.getResource(imp);"... importing " + importFile + " into " + targetPath); session.getPathMapping().put("/templateSets/", "/modules/"); session.getPathMapping().put("/modules/" + aPackage.getId() + "/", "/modules/" + aPackage.getId() + "/" + aPackage.getVersion() + "/"); try { if (imp.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { InputStream is = null; try { is = new BufferedInputStream(importFile.getInputStream()); session.importXML(targetPath, is, ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW, DocumentViewImportHandler.ROOT_BEHAVIOUR_IGNORE); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } else if (imp.toLowerCase().contains("/importsite")) { importExportService.importSiteZip(importFile, session); } else { // importExportService.importZip(targetPath, importFile, DocumentViewImportHandler.ROOT_BEHAVIOUR_IGNORE, session); importExportService.importZip(targetPath, importFile, DocumentViewImportHandler.ROOT_BEHAVIOUR_IGNORE, session, new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("permissions.xml", "roles.xml")), false); if (targetPath.equals("/")) { List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Long> sizes = new HashMap<String, Long>(); importExportService.getFileList(importFile, sizes, fileList); if (sizes.containsKey("permissions.xml")) { Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(sizes.keySet()); s.remove("permissions.xml"); if (!session.itemExists("/modules/" + aPackage.getIdWithVersion() + "/permissions")) { session.getNode("/modules/" + aPackage.getIdWithVersion()).addNode("permissions", "jnt:permission"); } importExportService.importZip("/modules/" + aPackage.getIdWithVersion(), importFile, DocumentViewImportHandler.ROOT_BEHAVIOUR_IGNORE, session, s, false); } if (sizes.containsKey("roles.xml")) { Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(sizes.keySet()); s.remove("roles.xml"); session.getPathMapping().put("/permissions", "/modules/" + aPackage.getIdWithVersion() + "/permissions"); importExportService.importZip("/", importFile, DocumentViewImportHandler.ROOT_BEHAVIOUR_IGNORE, session, s, false); session.getPathMapping().remove("/permissions"); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryException(e); } File realImportFile = null; try { realImportFile = importFile.getFile(); } catch (IOException ioe) { realImportFile = null; } if (realImportFile != null) { realImportFile.delete(); }; } cloneModuleInLive(aPackage);"... finished initial import for module package '" + aPackage.getName() + "'."); componentRegistry.registerComponents(aPackage, session);; } private synchronized void cloneModuleInLive(final JahiaTemplatesPackage pack) throws RepositoryException { JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser(null, "live", null, new JCRCallback<Object>() { public Object doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { try { JCRObservationManager.setEventListenersAvailableDuringPublishOnly(true); if (!session.itemExists("/modules")) { JahiaAccessManager .setDeniedPaths(Arrays.asList("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion() + "/sources")); session.getWorkspace().clone("default", "/modules", "/modules", true); } else if (!session.itemExists("/modules/" + pack.getId())) { JahiaAccessManager .setDeniedPaths(Arrays.asList("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion() + "/sources")); session.getWorkspace().clone("default", "/modules/" + pack.getId(), "/modules/" + pack.getId(), true); } else { if (session.itemExists("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion())) { session.getNode("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion()).remove();; } JahiaAccessManager .setDeniedPaths(Arrays.asList("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion() + "/sources")); session.getWorkspace().clone("default", "/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion(), "/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion(), true); } } finally { JCRObservationManager.setEventListenersAvailableDuringPublishOnly(false); JahiaAccessManager.setDeniedPaths(null); } return null; } }); } private void resetModuleNodes(JahiaTemplatesPackage pkg, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { clearModuleNodes(pkg, session); if (initModuleNode(session, pkg, true)) { resetModuleAttributes(session, pkg); }; } public void clearModuleNodes(JahiaTemplatesPackage pkg, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { String modulePath = "/modules/" + pkg.getId() + "/" + pkg.getVersion(); if (session.nodeExists(modulePath)) { JCRNodeWrapper moduleNode = session.getNode(modulePath); NodeIterator nodeIterator = moduleNode.getNodes(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { JCRNodeWrapper next = (JCRNodeWrapper); if (!next.isNodeType("jnt:versionInfo") && !next.isNodeType("jnt:moduleVersionFolder")) { next.remove(); } }; } } private boolean initModuleNode(JCRSessionWrapper session, JahiaTemplatesPackage pack, boolean updateDeploymentDate) throws RepositoryException { boolean modified = false; if (!session.nodeExists("/modules")) { session.getRootNode().addNode("modules", "jnt:modules"); modified = true; } JCRNodeWrapper modules = session.getNode("/modules"); JCRNodeWrapper m; if (!modules.hasNode(pack.getId())) { modified = true; m = modules.addNode(pack.getId(), "jnt:module"); } else { m = modules.getNode(pack.getId()); } if (!m.hasNode(pack.getVersion().toString())) { modified = true; m = m.addNode(pack.getVersion().toString(), "jnt:moduleVersion"); } else { m = m.getNode(pack.getVersion().toString()); } JCRNodeWrapper v; if (!m.hasNode("j:versionInfo")) { v = m.addNode("j:versionInfo", "jnt:versionInfo"); modified = true; } else { v = m.getNode("j:versionInfo"); } if (!v.hasProperty("j:version")) { v.setProperty("j:version", pack.getVersion().toString()); modified = true; } if (pack.getSourcesFolder() != null) { v.setProperty("j:sourcesFolder", pack.getSourcesFolder().getPath()); } if (pack.getScmURI() != null && !Constants.SCM_DUMMY_URI.equals(pack.getScmURI())) { try { v.setProperty("j:scmURI", pack.getScmURI()); if (pack.getScmTag() != null) { v.setProperty("j:scmTag", pack.getScmTag()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot get SCM url"); } } if (updateDeploymentDate) { v.setProperty("j:deployementDate", new GregorianCalendar()); modified = true; } if (!m.hasNode("portlets")) { modified = true; m.addNode("portlets", "jnt:portletFolder"); } if (!m.hasNode("files")) { modified = true; m.addNode("files", "jnt:folder"); } if (!m.hasNode("contents")) { modified = true; m.addNode("contents", "jnt:contentFolder"); } if (!m.hasNode("templates")) { modified = true; JCRNodeWrapper tpls = m.addNode("templates", "jnt:templatesFolder"); if (JahiaTemplateManagerService.MODULE_TYPE_MODULE.equals(pack.getModuleType())) { tpls.setProperty("j:rootTemplatePath", "/base"); } tpls.addNode("files", "jnt:folder"); tpls.addNode("contents", "jnt:contentFolder"); } return modified; } private void resetModuleAttributes(JCRSessionWrapper session, JahiaTemplatesPackage pack) throws RepositoryException { JCRNodeWrapper modules = session.getNode("/modules"); JCRNodeWrapper m = modules.getNode(pack.getIdWithVersion()); m.setProperty("j:title", pack.getName()); if (pack.getModuleType() != null) { m.setProperty("j:moduleType", pack.getModuleType()); } m.setProperty("j:modulePriority", pack.getModulePriority()); List<Value> l = new ArrayList<Value>(); for (String d : pack.getDepends()) { String v = templatePackageRegistry.getModuleId(d); if (v != null) { l.add(session.getValueFactory().createValue(v)); } else { logger.warn("Cannot find dependency {} for package '{}'", d, pack.getName()); } } Value[] values = new Value[pack.getDepends().size()]; m.setProperty("j:dependencies", l.toArray(values)); if (pack.getModuleType() == null) { String moduleType = guessModuleType(session, pack); pack.setModuleType(moduleType); } if (!m.hasNode("templates")) { m.addNode("templates", "jnt:templatesFolder"); } if (!m.hasNode("permissions")) { m.addNode("permissions", "jnt:permission"); } JCRNodeWrapper perms = m.getNode("permissions"); if (!perms.hasNode("components")) { perms.addNode("components", "jnt:permission"); } if (!perms.hasNode("templates")) { perms.addNode("templates", "jnt:permission"); } JCRNodeWrapper tpls = m.getNode("templates"); if (!tpls.hasProperty("j:rootTemplatePath") && JahiaTemplateManagerService.MODULE_TYPE_MODULE.equals(pack.getModuleType())) { tpls.setProperty("j:rootTemplatePath", "/base"); } if (pack.getResourceBundleName() != null) { List<String> langs = new ArrayList<String>(); Resource[] resources = pack.getResources("resources"); for (Resource resource : resources) { try { String key = resource.getURI().getPath().substring(1).replace("/", "."); if (key.startsWith(pack.getResourceBundleName())) { String langCode = StringUtils.substringBetween(key, pack.getResourceBundleName() + "_", ".properties"); if (langCode != null) { langs.add(langCode); } } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot get resources", e); } } JCRNodeWrapper moduleNode = m.getParent(); if (moduleNode.hasProperty("j:languages")) { Value[] oldValues = m.getParent().getProperty("j:languages").getValues(); for (Value value : oldValues) { if (!langs.contains(value.getString())) { langs.add(value.getString()); } } } moduleNode.setProperty("j:languages", langs.toArray(new String[langs.size()])); } } private String guessModuleType(JCRSessionWrapper session, JahiaTemplatesPackage pack) throws RepositoryException { String moduleType = JahiaTemplateManagerService.MODULE_TYPE_MODULE; if (session.itemExists("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion() + "/j:moduleType")) { moduleType = session.getNode("/modules/" + pack.getIdWithVersion()).getProperty("j:moduleType") .getValue().getString(); } else { String[] fileNames = new File(pack.getFilePath()).list(); if (fileNames != null) { List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(fileNames)); files.removeAll(Arrays.asList("META-INF", "WEB-INF", "resources")); if (files.isEmpty()) { moduleType = JahiaTemplateManagerService.MODULE_TYPE_SYSTEM; } } } return moduleType; } public JahiaTemplatesPackage deployModule(File jarFile, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { try { String location = jarFile.toURI().toString(); Bundle bundle = FrameworkService.getBundleContext().installBundle(location); bundle.update(); bundle.start(); String moduleId = BundleUtils.getModuleId(bundle); String version = BundleUtils.getModuleVersion(bundle); return service.getTemplatePackageRegistry().lookupByIdAndVersion(moduleId, new ModuleVersion(version)); } catch (BundleException e) { logger.error("Cannot deploy module", e); } return null; } public void undeployModule(String id, String version) throws RepositoryException { Bundle[] bundles = FrameworkService.getBundleContext().getBundles(); for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { String moduleId = BundleUtils.getModuleId(bundle); String moduleVersion = BundleUtils.getModuleVersion(bundle); if (moduleId.equals(id) && moduleVersion.equals(version)) { try { bundle.uninstall(); return; } catch (BundleException e) { logger.error("Cannot undeploy module", e); } } } } }