Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.ISO8601; import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.ISO9075; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import org.jahia.exceptions.JahiaException; import org.jahia.registries.ServicesRegistry; import; import*; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.settings.SettingsBean; import org.jahia.utils.DateUtils; import org.jahia.utils.Patterns; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.query.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; import static; /** * This is the default search provider used by Jahia and used the index created by Jahia's main * repository, which is based on Apache Jackrabbit. The search request is also done on mounted * external repositories. * <p/> * For now the search criteria is converted to XPATH queries, which is despite of the deprecation * still the most stable and performance means to use search in Jackrabbit. * <p/> * For future versions we may change to either SQL-2 or directly the QueryObejctModel specified * in JSR-283. * * @author Benjamin Papez */ public class JahiaJCRSearchProvider implements SearchProvider, SearchProvider.SupportsSuggestion { private static final Pattern AND_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" AND "); private static final Pattern MULTIPLE_SPACES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s{2,}"); private static final Pattern NOT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" NOT "); private static final Pattern OR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" OR "); private static final String AND = "and"; private static final String OR = "or"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JahiaJCRSearchProvider.class); private TaggingService taggingService = null; private String name; private Set<String> typesToHideFromSearchResults; public SearchResponse search(SearchCriteria criteria, RenderContext context) { SearchResponse response = new SearchResponse(); List<Hit<?>> results = new ArrayList<Hit<?>>(); response.setResults(results); try { JCRSessionWrapper session = ServicesRegistry.getInstance().getJCRStoreService().getSessionFactory() .getCurrentUserSession(context.getMainResource().getWorkspace(), context.getMainResource().getLocale(), context.getFallbackLocale()); Query query = buildQuery(criteria, session); final int offset = criteria.getOffset() < 0 ? 0 : (int) criteria.getOffset(); final int limit = criteria.getLimit() <= 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) criteria.getLimit(); response.setOffset(offset); response.setLimit(limit); int count = 0; if (query != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Executing search query [{}]", query.getStatement()); } QueryResult queryResult = query.execute(); RowIterator it = queryResult.getRows(); Set<String> languages = new HashSet<String>(); if (it.hasNext()) { if (!criteria.getLanguages().isEmpty()) { for (String languageCode : criteria.getLanguages().getValues()) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(languageCode)) { languages.add(languageCode); } } } else { if (session.getLocale() != null) { languages.add(session.getLocale().toString()); } } } Set<String> usageFilterSites = !criteria.getSites().isEmpty() && !criteria.getSites().getValue().equals("-all-") && !criteria.getSitesForReferences().isEmpty() ? Sets.newHashSet(criteria.getSites().getValues()) : null; Set<String> addedNodes = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, JCRNodeHit> addedHits = new HashMap<String, JCRNodeHit>(); List<JCRNodeHit> hitsToAdd = new ArrayList<JCRNodeHit>(); final int requiredHits = limit + offset; boolean displayableNodeCompat = Boolean.valueOf( SettingsBean.getInstance().getPropertiesFile().getProperty("search.displayableNodeCompat")); while (it.hasNext()) { count++; Row row = it.nextRow(); try { JCRNodeWrapper node = (JCRNodeWrapper) row.getNode(); if (node != null && (node.isNodeType(Constants.JAHIANT_TRANSLATION) || Constants.JCR_CONTENT.equals(node.getName()))) { node = node.getParent(); } if (node != null && node.isNodeType("jnt:vanityUrl")) { node = node.getParent().getParent(); } if (node != null && addedNodes.add(node.getIdentifier())) { boolean skipNode = isNodeToSkip(node, criteria, languages); JCRNodeHit hit = !skipNode ? buildHit(row, node, context, usageFilterSites) : null; if (!skipNode && !displayableNodeCompat) { //check if node is invisible (or don't have a displayable parent or reference) skipNode = hit.getDisplayableNode() == null; } if (!skipNode && usageFilterSites != null && !usageFilterSites.contains(node.getResolveSite().getName())) { skipNode = hit.getUsages().isEmpty(); } if (!skipNode) { hitsToAdd.add(hit); if (hitsToAdd.size() + addedHits.size() >= requiredHits) { SearchServiceImpl.executeURLModificationRules(hitsToAdd, context); addHitsToResults(hitsToAdd, results, addedHits, offset); hitsToAdd.clear(); if (addedHits.size() >= requiredHits) { response.setHasMore(true); if (it.getSize() > 0) { int approxCount = ((int) it.getSize() * addedHits.size() / count); approxCount = (int) Math.ceil(MathUtils.round(approxCount, approxCount < 1000 ? -1 : (approxCount < 10000 ? -2 : -3), BigDecimal.ROUND_UP)); response.setApproxCount(approxCount); } return response; } } } } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Found node is not visible or published: " + row.getPath(), e); } } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Found node is not visible or published: " + row.getPath(), e); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error resolving search hit", e); } } if (hitsToAdd.size() > 0) { SearchServiceImpl.executeURLModificationRules(hitsToAdd, context); addHitsToResults(hitsToAdd, results, addedHits, offset); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains(ParseException.class.getName())) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { logger.error("Error while trying to perform a search", e); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while trying to perform a search", e); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Search query has {} results", results.size()); } return response; } private void addHitsToResults(List<JCRNodeHit> collectedHits, List<Hit<?>> results, Map<String, JCRNodeHit> addedHits, int offset) { for (JCRNodeHit hit : collectedHits) { if (!addedHits.containsKey(hit.getLink())) { addedHits.put(hit.getLink(), hit); if (addedHits.size() >= offset) { results.add(hit); } } else { JCRNodeHit previousHit = addedHits.get(hit.getLink()); for (Row row : hit.getRows()) { previousHit.addRow(row); } } } } private boolean isNodeToSkip(JCRNodeWrapper node, SearchCriteria criteria, Set<String> languages) { boolean skipNode = false; try { if (typesToHideFromSearchResults.contains(node.getPrimaryNodeTypeName())) { return true; } if (!languages.isEmpty() && isSiteSearch(criteria) && (node.isFile() || node.isNodeType(Constants.NT_FOLDER))) { // if just site-search and no file-search, then skip the node unless it is referred // by a node in the wanted language - unreferenced files are skipped skipNode = !isFileSearch(criteria) ? true : skipNode; for (PropertyIterator it = node.getWeakReferences(); it.hasNext();) { // if site-search and file-search, then skip the node unless it is referred // by a node in the wanted language - unreferenced files are not skipped skipNode = isFileSearch(criteria) ? true : skipNode; try { JCRNodeWrapper refNode = (JCRNodeWrapper) it.nextProperty().getParent(); if (languages.contains(refNode.getLanguage())) { skipNode = false; break; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Error while trying to check for node language", e); } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.debug("Error while trying to check for node language", e); } return skipNode; } private JCRNodeHit buildHit(Row row, JCRNodeWrapper node, RenderContext context, Set<String> usageFilterSites) throws RepositoryException { JCRNodeHit searchHit = null; if (node.isFile() || node.isNodeType(Constants.NT_FOLDER)) { searchHit = new FileHit(node, context); } else { searchHit = new JCRNodeHit(node, context); } try { searchHit.setUsageFilterSites(usageFilterSites); searchHit.setScore((float) (row.getScore() / 1000.)); searchHit.addRow(row); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Search details cannot be retrieved", e); } return searchHit; } private String buildSQLQuery(SearchCriteria params, JCRSessionWrapper session) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("select * from "); query.append("["); query.append(getNodeType(params)); query.append("] as n "); String path = null; boolean includeChildren = false; if (!params.getFilePath().isEmpty()) { path = params.getFilePath().getValue().trim(); includeChildren = params.getFilePath().isIncludeChildren(); } else if (!params.getPagePath().isEmpty()) { path = params.getPagePath().getValue().trim(); includeChildren = params.getPagePath().isIncludeChildren(); } if (path != null) { query.append("where ("); if (includeChildren) { query.append("isdescendantnode(n,'"); } else { query.append("ischildnode(n,'"); } query.append(path).append("')"); query.append(")"); } else if (!params.getSites().isEmpty()) { query.append("where ("); if ("-all-".equals(params.getSites().getValue())) { query.append("isdescendantnode(n,'/sites/')"); // ticket PEU-468 } else { Set<String> sites = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String site : params.getSites().getValues()) { sites.add(site); } if (!params.getSitesForReferences().isEmpty()) { for (String site : params.getSitesForReferences().getValues()) { sites.add(site); } } for (String site : sites) { query.append("isdescendantnode(n,'/sites/").append(site).append("') or "); } query.delete(query.length() - 4, query.length()); } if (isSiteSearch(params)) { // query.append("/*[@j:isHomePage='true' or fn:name() = 'files' or fn:name() = 'contents']"); } query.append(")"); } query = appendConstraints(params, query, false); query = appendOrdering(params, query, false); return query.toString(); } private String buildXpathQuery(SearchCriteria params, JCRSessionWrapper session) { String xpathQuery = null; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(256); String path = null; boolean includeChildren = false; if (!params.getFilePath().isEmpty()) { path = params.getFilePath().getValue().trim(); includeChildren = params.getFilePath().isIncludeChildren(); } else if (!params.getPagePath().isEmpty()) { path = params.getPagePath().getValue().trim(); includeChildren = params.getPagePath().isIncludeChildren(); } if (path != null) { String[] pathTokens = path != null ? Patterns.SLASH.split(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(path)) : ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; String lastFolder = null; StringBuilder jcrPath = new StringBuilder(64); jcrPath.append("/jcr:root/"); for (String folder : pathTokens) { if (folder.length() == 0) { continue; } if (!includeChildren) { if (lastFolder != null) { jcrPath.append(lastFolder).append("/"); } lastFolder = folder; } else { jcrPath.append(folder).append("/"); } } if (includeChildren) { jcrPath.append("/"); lastFolder = "*"; } query.append(ISO9075.encodePath(jcrPath.toString())).append("element(").append(lastFolder).append(",") .append(getNodeType(params)).append(")"); } else if (!params.getSites().isEmpty()) { query.append("/jcr:root/sites/"); if ("-all-".equals(params.getSites().getValue())) { query.append("*"); } else { Set<String> sites = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String site : params.getSites().getValues()) { sites.add(site); } if (!params.getSitesForReferences().isEmpty()) { for (String site : params.getSitesForReferences().getValues()) { sites.add(site); } } if (sites.size() == 1) { query.append(sites.iterator().next()); } else { query.append("*["); int i = 0; for (String site : sites) { if (i > 0) { query.append(" or "); } query.append("fn:name() = '"); query.append(site); query.append("'"); i++; } query.append("]"); } } if (isSiteSearch(params)) { query.append("/*[@j:isHomePage='true' or fn:name() = 'files' or fn:name() = 'contents']"); } query.append("//element(*,").append(getNodeType(params)).append(")"); } else { query.append("//element(*,").append(getNodeType(params)).append(")"); } query = appendConstraints(params, query, true); query = appendOrdering(params, query, true); xpathQuery = query.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("XPath query built: " + xpathQuery); } return xpathQuery; } private boolean isFileSearch(SearchCriteria params) { for (Term term : params.getTerms()) { if (term.getFields() != null && (term.getFields().isSiteContent() || (!term.getFields().isDescription() && !term.getFields().isFileContent() && !term.getFields().isFilename() && !term.getFields().isKeywords() && !term.getFields().isTitle())) && !(term.getFields().isDescription() && term.getFields().isFileContent() && term.getFields().isFilename() && term.getFields().isKeywords() && term.getFields().isTitle())) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isSiteSearch(SearchCriteria params) { for (Term term : params.getTerms()) { if (term.getFields() != null && term.getFields().isSiteContent()) { return true; } } return false; } private String getNodeType(SearchCriteria params) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params.getNodeType())) { return params.getNodeType(); } if (isFileSearch(params) && !isSiteSearch(params)) { return Constants.NT_HIERARCHYNODE; // } else if (!isFileSearch(params) && isSiteSearch(params)) { // return Constants.JAHIANT_CONTENT; } return Constants.JAHIAMIX_SEARCHABLE; } private StringBuilder appendConstraints(SearchCriteria params, StringBuilder query, boolean xpath) { StringBuilder constraints = new StringBuilder(64); addTermConstraints(params, constraints, xpath); addDateAndAuthorConstraints(params, constraints, xpath); addFileTypeConstraints(params, constraints, xpath); addLanguageConstraints(params, constraints, xpath); List<NodeProperty> props = params.getPropertiesAll(); if (!props.isEmpty()) { addPropertyConstraints(constraints, props, xpath); } if (constraints.length() > 0) { if (xpath) { query.append("[").append(constraints).append("]"); } else { if (query.indexOf("where") > -1) { query.append(" and "); } else { query.append(" where "); } query.append("(").append(constraints).append(")"); } } return query; } private StringBuilder appendOrdering(SearchCriteria params, StringBuilder query, boolean xpath) { StringBuilder orderByClause = new StringBuilder(); if (params.getOrderings().isEmpty()) { orderByClause.append(xpath ? " order by jcr:score() descending" : " order by score() desc"); } else { for (Ordering ordering : params.getOrderings()) { StringBuilder orderingBuilder = new StringBuilder(); switch (ordering.getOperand()) { case SCORE: orderingBuilder.append(xpath ? "jcr:score()" : "SCORE()"); break; case PROPERTY: orderingBuilder.append(xpath ? "@" : "[").append(ordering.getPropertyName()) .append(xpath ? "" : "]"); break; } if (ordering.getCaseConversion() != null) { orderingBuilder.insert(0, ordering.getCaseConversion() == CaseConversion.LOWER ? xpath ? "fn:lower-case(" : "LOWER(" : xpath ? "fn:upper-case(" : "UPPER("); orderingBuilder.append(")"); } // there is no normalize function for SQL-2 yet, so for now we use it only for xpath and ignore it for SQL-2 if (ordering.isNormalize() && xpath) { orderingBuilder.insert(0, "rep:normalize("); orderingBuilder.append(")"); } orderingBuilder.append(ordering.getOrder() == Order.ASCENDING ? xpath ? " ascending" : " asc" : xpath ? " descending" : " desc"); if (orderByClause.length() > 0) { orderByClause.append(", "); } orderByClause.append(orderingBuilder); } orderByClause.insert(0, " order by "); } query.append(orderByClause); return query; } private StringBuilder addConstraint(StringBuilder constraints, String operand, String constraint) { if (constraints.length() > 0) { constraints.append(" ").append(operand).append(" "); } return constraints.append(constraint); } private void addDateAndAuthorConstraints(SearchCriteria params, StringBuilder constraints, boolean xpath) { if (params.getCreatedBy() != null && params.getCreatedBy().length() > 0) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, getContainsExpr(Constants.JCR_CREATEDBY, stringToJCRSearchExp(params.getCreatedBy().trim()), xpath)); } if (params.getLastModifiedBy() != null && params.getLastModifiedBy().length() > 0) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, getContainsExpr(Constants.JCR_LASTMODIFIEDBY, stringToJCRSearchExp(params.getLastModifiedBy().trim()), xpath)); } if (!params.getCreated().isEmpty() && DateValue.Type.ANYTIME != params.getCreated().getType()) { addDateConstraint(constraints, params.getCreated(), Constants.JCR_CREATED, xpath); } if (!params.getLastModified().isEmpty() && DateValue.Type.ANYTIME != params.getLastModified().getType()) { addDateConstraint(constraints, params.getLastModified(), Constants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED, xpath); } } private void addDateConstraint(StringBuilder constraints, SearchCriteria.DateValue dateValue, String paramName, boolean xpath) { Calendar greaterThanDate = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar smallerThanDate = null; if (DateValue.Type.TODAY == dateValue.getType()) { // no date adjustment needed } else if (DateValue.Type.LAST_WEEK == dateValue.getType()) { greaterThanDate.add(Calendar.DATE, -7); } else if (DateValue.Type.LAST_MONTH == dateValue.getType()) { greaterThanDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); } else if (DateValue.Type.LAST_THREE_MONTHS == dateValue.getType()) { greaterThanDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3); } else if (DateValue.Type.LAST_SIX_MONTHS == dateValue.getType()) { greaterThanDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6); } else if (DateValue.Type.RANGE == dateValue.getType()) { greaterThanDate = null; smallerThanDate = null; if (dateValue.getFromAsDate() != null) { greaterThanDate = Calendar.getInstance(); greaterThanDate.setTime(dateValue.getFromAsDate()); } if (dateValue.getToAsDate() != null) { smallerThanDate = Calendar.getInstance(); smallerThanDate.setTime(dateValue.getToAsDate()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown date value type '" + dateValue.getType() + "'"); } try { if (greaterThanDate != null) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, getPropertyName(paramName, xpath) + " >= " + getDateLiteral(DateUtils.dayStart(greaterThanDate), xpath)); } if (smallerThanDate != null) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, getPropertyName(paramName, xpath) + " <= " + getDateLiteral(DateUtils.dayEnd(smallerThanDate), xpath)); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void addFileTypeConstraints(SearchCriteria params, StringBuilder constraints, boolean xpath) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params.getFileType())) { List<String> mimeTypes = JCRContentUtils.getInstance().getMimeTypes().get(params.getFileType()); if (mimeTypes != null && !mimeTypes.isEmpty()) { if (mimeTypes.size() > 1) { StringBuilder fileTypeConstraints = new StringBuilder(128); for (String mimeType : mimeTypes) { addConstraint(fileTypeConstraints, OR, getMimeTypeConstraint(mimeType, xpath)); } addConstraint(constraints, AND, fileTypeConstraints.insert(0, "(").append(")").toString()); } else { addConstraint(constraints, AND, getMimeTypeConstraint(mimeTypes.get(0), xpath)); } } else { logger.warn("Unsupported file type '" + params.getFileType() + "'. See applicationcontext-basejahiaconfig.xml file" + " for configured file types."); } } } private void addPropertyConstraintCategory(StringBuilder categoryConstraints, String name, String value, boolean includeChildren, boolean xpath) { try { Category cat = Category.getCategoryByPath(value, JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUser()); if (cat == null) { logger.warn("User " + JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUser().getUsername() + " has no right to read the category"); return; } addConstraint(categoryConstraints, OR, getPropertyName(name, xpath) + "=" + stringToJCRSearchExp(cat.getID())); if (includeChildren) { addSubCategoriesConstraints(categoryConstraints, cat, name, xpath); } } catch (JahiaException e) { logger.warn("Category: " + value + " could not be retrieved", e); } } private void addSubCategoriesConstraints(StringBuilder categoryConstraints, Category category, String name, boolean xpath) throws JahiaException { List<Category> childs = category.getChildCategories(); if (childs != null && childs.size() > 0) { for (Category cat : childs) { addConstraint(categoryConstraints, OR, getPropertyName(name, xpath) + "=" + stringToJCRSearchExp(cat.getID())); addSubCategoriesConstraints(categoryConstraints, cat, name, xpath); } } } private void addPropertyConstraints(StringBuilder constraints, List<NodeProperty> properties, boolean xpath) { for (NodeProperty property : properties) { if (!property.isEmpty()) { if (NodeProperty.Type.CATEGORY == property.getType()) { StringBuilder categoryConstraints = new StringBuilder(64); for (String value : property.getCategoryValue().getValues()) { addPropertyConstraintCategory(categoryConstraints, property.getName(), value, property.getCategoryValue().isIncludeChildren(), xpath); } if (categoryConstraints.length() > 0) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, categoryConstraints.insert(0, "(").append(")").toString()); } } else if (NodeProperty.Type.DATE == property.getType()) { addDateConstraint(constraints, property.getDateValue(), property.getName(), xpath); } else if (NodeProperty.Type.TEXT == property.getType()) { StringBuilder propertyConstraints = new StringBuilder(64); for (String value : property.getValues()) { if (property.isConstrained()) { String matchType = "="; if (property.getMatch() == MatchType.WITHOUT_WORDS) { matchType = "!="; } addConstraint(propertyConstraints, OR, getPropertyName(property.getName(), xpath) + matchType + stringToJCRSearchExp(value)); } else { addConstraint(propertyConstraints, OR, getContainsExpr(property.getName(), getSearchExpressionForMatchType(value, property.getMatch(), false), xpath)); } } if (propertyConstraints.length() > 0) { if (property.getValues().length == 1) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, propertyConstraints.toString()); } else { addConstraint(constraints, AND, "(" + propertyConstraints.toString() + ")"); } } } else if (NodeProperty.Type.BOOLEAN == property.getType()) { // only handle 'true' case if (Boolean.parseBoolean(property.getValue())) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, getPropertyName(property.getName(), xpath) + "='true'"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown document property type '" + property.getType() + "'"); } } } } private void addTermConstraints(SearchCriteria params, StringBuilder constraints, boolean xpath) { for (Term textSearch : params.getTerms()) { if (!textSearch.isEmpty()) { String searchExpression = getSearchExpressionForMatchType(textSearch.getTerm(), textSearch.getMatch(), textSearch.isApplyFilter()); SearchFields searchFields = textSearch.getFields(); StringBuilder textSearchConstraints = new StringBuilder(256); if (searchFields.isSiteContent() || (!searchFields.isTags() && !searchFields.isFileContent() && !searchFields.isDescription() && !searchFields.isTitle() && !searchFields.isKeywords() && !searchFields.isFilename())) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, xpath ? ("jcr:contains(., " + searchExpression + ")") : ("contains(n, " + searchExpression + ")")); } if (searchFields.isFileContent()) { if (xpath) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, "jcr:contains(jcr:content," + searchExpression + ")"); } else { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, getContainsExpr("jcr:content", searchExpression, xpath)); } } if (searchFields.isDescription()) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, getContainsExpr(Constants.JCR_DESCRIPTION, searchExpression, xpath)); } if (searchFields.isTitle()) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, getContainsExpr(Constants.JCR_TITLE, searchExpression, xpath)); } if (searchFields.isKeywords()) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, getContainsExpr(Constants.KEYWORDS, searchExpression, xpath)); } String[] terms = null; String constraint = "or"; if (searchFields.isFilename() || searchFields.isTags()) { if (textSearch.getMatch() == MatchType.ANY_WORD || textSearch.getMatch() == MatchType.ALL_WORDS || textSearch.getMatch() == MatchType.WITHOUT_WORDS) { terms = Patterns.SPACE.split(cleanMultipleWhiteSpaces(textSearch.getTerm())); if (textSearch.getMatch() == MatchType.ALL_WORDS || textSearch.getMatch() == MatchType.WITHOUT_WORDS) { constraint = AND; } } else { terms = new String[] { textSearch.getTerm() }; } } if (searchFields.isFilename()) { StringBuilder nameSearchConstraints = new StringBuilder(256); for (String term : terms) { final String likeTerm = term.contains("*") ? stringToQueryLiteral(StringUtils.replaceChars(term, '*', '%')) : stringToQueryLiteral("%" + term + "%"); String termConstraint = xpath ? ("jcr:like(fn:name(), " + likeTerm + ")") : ("localname(n) like " + likeTerm); if (textSearch.getMatch() == MatchType.WITHOUT_WORDS) { termConstraint = "not(" + termConstraint + ")"; } addConstraint(nameSearchConstraints, constraint, termConstraint); } addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, nameSearchConstraints.toString()); } if (searchFields.isTags() && getTaggingService() != null && (params.getSites().getValue() != null || params.getOriginSiteKey() != null) && !StringUtils.containsAny(textSearch.getTerm(), "?*")) { for (String term : terms) { String tag = taggingService.getTagHandler().execute(term); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tag)) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, getPropertyName("j:tagList", xpath) + "=" + stringToJCRSearchExp(tag)); } } if (terms.length > 1) { String tag = taggingService.getTagHandler().execute(textSearch.getTerm()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tag)) { addConstraint(textSearchConstraints, OR, getPropertyName("j:tagList", xpath) + "=" + stringToJCRSearchExp(tag)); } } } if (textSearchConstraints.length() > 0) { addConstraint(constraints, AND, "(" + textSearchConstraints.toString() + ")"); } } } } private void addLanguageConstraints(SearchCriteria params, StringBuilder constraints, boolean xpath) { StringBuilder languageSearchConstraints = new StringBuilder(256); if (!params.getLanguages().isEmpty()) { for (String languageCode : params.getLanguages().getValues()) { if (languageCode != null && languageCode.length() != 0) { addConstraint(languageSearchConstraints, OR, getPropertyName("jcr:language", xpath) + "=" + stringToJCRSearchExp(languageCode.trim())); } } } else { try { JCRStoreService jcrService = ServicesRegistry.getInstance().getJCRStoreService(); JCRSessionWrapper session = jcrService.getSessionFactory().getCurrentUserSession(); if (session.getLocale() != null) { addConstraint(languageSearchConstraints, OR, getPropertyName("jcr:language", xpath) + "=" + stringToJCRSearchExp(session.getLocale().toString())); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { } } if (languageSearchConstraints.length() > 0) { addConstraint(languageSearchConstraints, OR, xpath ? "not(@jcr:language)" : "[jcr:language] is null"); addConstraint(constraints, AND, "(" + languageSearchConstraints.toString() + ")"); } } private String getMimeTypeConstraint(String mimeType, boolean xpath) { if (xpath) { return mimeType.contains("*") ? "jcr:like(jcr:content/@jcr:mimeType," + stringToQueryLiteral(StringUtils.replaceChars(mimeType, '*', '%')) + ")" : "jcr:content/@jcr:mimeType=" + stringToQueryLiteral(mimeType); } else { return "n.[jcr:mimetype]=" + stringToQueryLiteral(mimeType); } } private String getDateLiteral(Calendar date, boolean xpath) { return xpath ? ("xs:dateTime('" + ISO8601.format(date) + "')") : ("'" + ISO8601.format(date) + "'"); } private String getPropertyName(String paramName, boolean xpath) { return xpath ? ("@" + paramName) : ("n.[" + paramName + "]"); } private String getContainsExpr(String paramName, String expr, boolean xpath) { if (xpath) { return "jcr:contains(" + getPropertyName(paramName, xpath) + "," + expr + ")"; } else { return "contains(" + getPropertyName(paramName, xpath) + "," + expr + ")"; } } private String getSearchExpressionForMatchType(String term, MatchType matchType, boolean applyFilter) { return getSearchExpressionForMatchType(term, matchType, applyFilter, null); } private String getSearchExpressionForMatchType(String term, MatchType matchType, boolean applyFilter, String postfix) { // as Lucene does not analyze wildcard terms, check whether integrator requested Jahia // to apply this accent filter if (applyFilter && StringUtils.containsAny(term, "?*")) { term = removeAccents(term); } if (Term.MatchType.AS_IS != matchType) { term = QueryParser.escape(NOT_PATTERN .matcher(OR_PATTERN.matcher(AND_PATTERN.matcher(term).replaceAll(" and ")).replaceAll(" or ")) .replaceAll(" not ")); } if (MatchType.ANY_WORD == matchType) { term = StringUtils.replace(cleanMultipleWhiteSpaces(term), " ", " OR "); } else if (MatchType.EXACT_PHRASE == matchType) { term = "\"" + term.trim() + "\""; } else if (MatchType.WITHOUT_WORDS == matchType) { // because of the underlying Lucene limitations a star '*' (means // 'match all') is added to the query string term = "* -" + StringUtils.replace(cleanMultipleWhiteSpaces(term), " ", " -"); } return stringToJCRSearchExp(postfix != null ? term + postfix : term); } /** * To replace accented characters in a String by unaccented equivalents. */ private String removeAccents(String term) { int length = term.length(); char[] input = new char[length]; term.getChars(0, length, input, 0); char[] output = new char[length]; // Worst-case length required: final int maxSizeNeeded = 2 * length; int size = output.length; while (size < maxSizeNeeded) size *= 2; if (size != output.length) output = new char[size]; int outputPos = 0; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, pos++) { final char c = input[pos]; // Quick test: if it's not in range then just keep // current character if (c < '\u00c0' || c > '\uFB06') output[outputPos++] = c; else { switch (c) { case '\u00C0': // case '\u00C1': // case '\u00C2': // case '\u00C3': // case '\u00C4': // case '\u00C5': // output[outputPos++] = 'A'; break; case '\u00C6': // output[outputPos++] = 'A'; output[outputPos++] = 'E'; break; case '\u00C7': // output[outputPos++] = 'C'; break; case '\u00C8': // case '\u00C9': // case '\u00CA': // case '\u00CB': // output[outputPos++] = 'E'; break; case '\u00CC': // case '\u00CD': // case '\u00CE': // case '\u00CF': // output[outputPos++] = 'I'; break; case '\u0132': // output[outputPos++] = 'I'; output[outputPos++] = 'J'; break; case '\u00D0': // output[outputPos++] = 'D'; break; case '\u00D1': // output[outputPos++] = 'N'; break; case '\u00D2': // case '\u00D3': // case '\u00D4': // ? case '\u00D5': // case '\u00D6': // case '\u00D8': // output[outputPos++] = 'O'; break; case '\u0152': // output[outputPos++] = 'O'; output[outputPos++] = 'E'; break; case '\u00DE': // output[outputPos++] = 'T'; output[outputPos++] = 'H'; break; case '\u00D9': // case '\u00DA': // case '\u00DB': // case '\u00DC': // output[outputPos++] = 'U'; break; case '\u00DD': // case '\u0178': // output[outputPos++] = 'Y'; break; case '\u00E0': // case '\u00E1': // case '\u00E2': // case '\u00E3': // case '\u00E4': // case '\u00E5': // output[outputPos++] = 'a'; break; case '\u00E6': // output[outputPos++] = 'a'; output[outputPos++] = 'e'; break; case '\u00E7': // output[outputPos++] = 'c'; break; case '\u00E8': // case '\u00E9': // case '\u00EA': // case '\u00EB': // output[outputPos++] = 'e'; break; case '\u00EC': // case '\u00ED': // case '\u00EE': // case '\u00EF': // output[outputPos++] = 'i'; break; case '\u0133': // output[outputPos++] = 'i'; output[outputPos++] = 'j'; break; case '\u00F0': // output[outputPos++] = 'd'; break; case '\u00F1': // output[outputPos++] = 'n'; break; case '\u00F2': // case '\u00F3': // case '\u00F4': // case '\u00F5': // case '\u00F6': // case '\u00F8': // output[outputPos++] = 'o'; break; case '\u0153': // output[outputPos++] = 'o'; output[outputPos++] = 'e'; break; case '\u00DF': // output[outputPos++] = 's'; output[outputPos++] = 's'; break; case '\u00FE': // output[outputPos++] = 't'; output[outputPos++] = 'h'; break; case '\u00F9': // case '\u00FA': // case '\u00FB': // case '\u00FC': // output[outputPos++] = 'u'; break; case '\u00FD': // case '\u00FF': // output[outputPos++] = 'y'; break; case '\uFB00': // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; output[outputPos++] = 'f'; break; case '\uFB01': // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; output[outputPos++] = 'i'; break; case '\uFB02': // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; output[outputPos++] = 'l'; break; // following 2 are commented as they can break the maxSizeNeeded (and doing *3 could be expensive) // case '\uFB03': // // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; // output[outputPos++] = 'i'; // break; // case '\uFB04': // // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; // output[outputPos++] = 'l'; // break; case '\uFB05': // output[outputPos++] = 'f'; output[outputPos++] = 't'; break; case '\uFB06': // output[outputPos++] = 's'; output[outputPos++] = 't'; break; default: output[outputPos++] = c; break; } } } return (new String(output)).trim(); } private String cleanMultipleWhiteSpaces(String term) { return MULTIPLE_SPACES_PATTERN.matcher(term).replaceAll(" "); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) */ public Suggestion suggest(String originalQuery, RenderContext context, int maxTerms) { return suggest(originalQuery, new String[] { context.getSite().getSiteKey() }, context, maxTerms); } public Suggestion suggest(SearchCriteria originalQuery, RenderContext context, int maxTermsToSuggest) { return suggest(originalQuery.getTerms().get(0).getTerm(), originalQuery.getSites().getValues(), context, maxTermsToSuggest); } public Suggestion suggest(String originalQuery, String[] sites, RenderContext context, int maxTermsToSuggest) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(originalQuery)) { return null; } if (sites.length == 1 && sites[0].equals("-all-")) { List<String> sitesNames = JahiaSitesService.getInstance().getSitesNames(); sites = sitesNames.toArray(new String[sitesNames.size()]); } Locale locale = context.getMainResourceLocale(); Suggestion suggestion = null; JCRSessionWrapper session; try { session = ServicesRegistry.getInstance().getJCRStoreService().getSessionFactory() .getCurrentUserSession(context.getWorkspace(), locale); QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); StringBuilder xpath = new StringBuilder(64); xpath.append("/jcr:root[rep:spellcheck(") .append(stringToJCRSearchExp(originalQuery + CompositeSpellChecker.SEPARATOR_IN_SUGGESTION + CompositeSpellChecker.MAX_TERMS_PARAM + "=" + maxTermsToSuggest + CompositeSpellChecker.SEPARATOR_IN_SUGGESTION + CompositeSpellChecker.SITES_PARAM + "=" + StringUtils.join(sites, "*"))) .append(")"); if (locale != null) { xpath.append(" or @jcr:language='").append(locale).append("'"); } xpath.append("]"); xpath.append("/(rep:spellcheck())"); Query query = qm.createQuery(xpath.toString(), Query.XPATH); RowIterator rows = query.execute().getRows(); if (rows.hasNext()) { Row r = rows.nextRow(); Value v = r.getValue("rep:spellcheck()"); if (v != null) { String[] suggestions = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(v.getString(), CompositeSpellChecker.SEPARATOR_IN_SUGGESTION); suggestion = new Suggestion(originalQuery, suggestions[0], Arrays.asList(suggestions)); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Making spell check suggestion for '" + originalQuery + "' site '" + Arrays.asList(sites) + "' and locale '" + locale + "' using XPath query [" + xpath.toString() + "]. Result suggestion: " + suggestion); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return suggestion; } /** * Creates the {@link Query} instance by converting the provided * {@link SearchCriteria} bean into XPath query. * * @param criteria the search criteria to use for the query * @param session current JCR session * @return the {@link Query} instance created by converting the provided * {@link SearchCriteria} bean into XPath query or <code>null</code> * if the query cannot be created * @throws InvalidQueryException * @throws RepositoryException */ public Query buildQuery(SearchCriteria criteria, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws InvalidQueryException, RepositoryException { Query query = null; String xpathQuery = buildXpathQuery(criteria, session); String sql = buildSQLQuery(criteria, session); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(xpathQuery)) { QueryManagerWrapper qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); query = qm.createDualQuery(xpathQuery, Query.XPATH, sql); } return query; } public TaggingService getTaggingService() { return taggingService; } public void setTaggingService(TaggingService taggingService) { this.taggingService = taggingService; } public void setTypesToHideFromSearchResults(Set<String> typesToHideFromSearchResults) { this.typesToHideFromSearchResults = typesToHideFromSearchResults; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return true; } }