Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.htmlparser.jericho.Attribute; import net.htmlparser.jericho.Element; import net.htmlparser.jericho.HTMLElementName; import net.htmlparser.jericho.Source; import net.htmlparser.jericho.StartTag; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.jahia.settings.SettingsBean; import org.jahia.utils.i18n.Messages; import org.jahia.utils.i18n.ResourceBundles; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; /** * This class is used to validate an HTML fragment against the WAI (Accessiweb Section 508) rules. All the 55 "Bronze" criteria can be found * here: <br/> * <a href="" * target="_blank">Accessiweb</a> * * @author Xavier Lawrence */ public class WAIValidator { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WAIValidator.class); private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); private boolean isDataTable = true; private int formLevel; private Locale uiLocale = SettingsBean.getInstance().getDefaultLocale(); private ResourceBundle bundle = null; protected final Map<String, String> linkToDest = new HashMap<String, String>(); public WAIValidator(Locale uiLocale) { super(); this.uiLocale = uiLocale; } /** * Validates a HTML fragment represented as a String. * * @param inputHTML * The html fragment * @return EngineValidationHelper containing the validation errors, in case of no errors, an empty EngineValidationHelper is returned. */ public ValidatorResults validate(final String inputHTML) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Validate: " + inputHTML); } final ValidatorResults evh = new ValidatorResults(); bundle = ResourceBundles.getInternal(uiLocale); if (inputHTML == null || inputHTML.length() == 0) return evh; final String tmp; if (!inputHTML.startsWith("<body>")) { tmp = "<body>" + inputHTML + "</body>"; } else { tmp = inputHTML; } final Source source = new Source(tmp); // The DOMFragmentParser generates a HTML and a BODY element which are // of no interest for us. We select the HTMLBodyElement which will then // be consumed in the validateHtml method. It is the starting root element // of the HTML fragment. linkToDest.clear(); final List<Result> results = validateHtml(source.getChildElements().get(0), source); for (Result result : results) { if (Result.Type.ERROR.equals(result.getType())) { evh.addError(result); } else if (Result.Type.WARNING.equals(result.getType())) { evh.addWarning(result); } else if (Result.Type.INFORMATION.equals(result.getType())) { evh.addInfo(result); } } return evh; } /** * Validates an HTML fragment starting from any Node. * * * @param node * The starting Node. * @param source * @return A list of Result Objects, the list will be empty in case no errors occurred. */ protected List<Result> validateHtml(Element node, Source source) { final List<Result> errors = new ArrayList<Result>(); try { validateHtml(node, errors, 0, source); } catch (DOMException de) { logger.error("Cannot validate html: " + de.getMessage(), de); final Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Cannot validate html: " + de.getMessage(), new Object[] { de.getMessage() })); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } return errors; } /** * Recursive method that goes through all the nodes of the parsed HTML tree. * * * @param node * The current Node being processed. * @param errors * The List of errors reported so far * @param level * The level in the Tree of the node being processed * @param source * @throws DOMException * If something goes wrong. */ private void validateHtml(Element node, List<Result> errors, int level, Source source) throws DOMException { if (processNode(node, errors, level, source)) { level++; for (Element child : node.getChildElements()) { validateHtml(child, errors, level, source); } } } /** * Method that tests the class of the given node and invokes the proper validation method. * * * @param errors * The List of reported errors so far * @param level * The level of the Node in the DOM tree. * @param source * @return True if the next Node to process is a Child Node, False if the next Node has to be a Sibling Node. * @throws DOMException * If something goes wrong. */ private boolean processNode(Element element, List<Result> errors, int level, Source source) throws DOMException { if (element == null) { return false; } resetIsDataTable(level); Result err = null; if (HTMLElementName.A.equals(element.getName())) { err = validateLink(element, source); } else if (HTMLElementName.IMG.equals(element.getName())) { err = validateImage(element, source); } else if (HTMLElementName.AREA.equals(element.getName())) { err = validateAreaShape(element, source); } else if (HTMLElementName.FORM.equals(element.getName())) { errors.addAll(validateForm(element, level, source)); } else if (HTMLElementName.TABLE.equals(element.getName())) { errors.addAll(validateTable(element, level, source)); } else if (HTMLElementName.FRAMESET.equals(element.getName())) { errors.addAll(validateFrameset(element, level, source)); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignoring node of type: " + element.getName()); } } if (err != null) { errors.add(err); } return true; } /** * Sets the isDataTable boolean to false and stores the level of the Node which invoked this method. The variable is used to distinguish * data Tables, which need to be validated, against formatting or form tables which don't. * * @param level * The level of the Form tag being processed. */ protected void setIsDataTable(final int level) { if (!isDataTable) { throw new IllegalStateException("isDataTable allready set"); } formLevel = level; isDataTable = false; } /** * If the level given in parameter is equal to the formLevel which previously set the isDataTable to false, then we have finished * processing the form and we can set the variable back to true. * * @param level * The level of the tag being processed. */ protected void resetIsDataTable(final int level) { if (level == formLevel) { isDataTable = true; } } /** * Validates a link Element. * * * @param node * The HTMLAnchorElement. * @param source * @return Result or null if no error occurred. */ protected Result validateLink(Element node, Source source) throws DOMException { final Attribute href = node.getAttributes().get("href"); if (href == null) { return null; } // Criteria 6.1 String linkValue = node.getTextExtractor().toString(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(linkValue) && !node.getChildElements().isEmpty()) { linkValue = node.getChildElements().get(0).toString(); } linkValue = linkValue != null ? text2XMLEntityRef(StringUtils.stripToEmpty(linkValue)) : ""; final int length = linkValue.length(); if (length > 80) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Link value should not be longer than 80 characters. Length = " + length, new Object[] { linkValue, Integer.toString(length) }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } // Criteria 6.3 bis final Attribute title = node.getAttributes().get("title"); if (title != null) { final String titleValue = text2XMLEntityRef(title.getValue()); final int length2 = titleValue.length(); if (length2 > 80) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Attribute 'title' should not be longer than 80 characters. Length = " + length2, new Object[] { linkValue, titleValue, Integer.toString(length2) }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(linkValue)) { // Criteria 6.5 final String hrefValue = href.getValue(); if (linkToDest.containsKey(linkValue)) { final String dest = linkToDest.get(linkValue); if (!hrefValue.equals(dest)) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "All same link values(" + hrefValue + ") should point to the same destination", new Object[] { hrefValue }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } } else { linkToDest.put(linkValue, hrefValue); } } return null; } /** * Validates an Img Element. * * * @param node * The HTMLImageElement. * @param source * @return Result or null if no error occurred. */ protected Result validateImage(final Element node, Source source) { final Attribute src = node.getAttributes().get("src"); final String srcText = src == null ? "n/a" : src.getValue(); // Criteria 1.1 final Attribute alt = node.getAttributes().get("alt"); if (alt == null) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Missing 'alt' attribute for image " + srcText, new Object[] { srcText }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } final String altValue = text2XMLEntityRef(alt.getValue()); final int length = altValue.length(); if (length == 0) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "'alt' attribute for image " + srcText + " is empty", new Object[] { srcText }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", ""), Type.WARNING); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } // Criteria 1.4 if (length > 60) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Attribute 'alt' should not be longer than 60 characters. Length = " + length + ". Use attribute 'longdesc' if you want a longer description", new Object[] { altValue, srcText, Integer.toString(length) }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } return null; } /** * Validates an Area Element. * * * @param node * The HTMLAreaElement. * @param source * @return Result or null if no error occurred. */ protected Result validateAreaShape(final Element node, Source source) { logger.debug("validateAreaShape"); // Criteria 1.1 final Attribute shape = node.getAttributes().get("shape"); if (shape != null) { final String shapeValue = shape.getValue(); final Attribute alt = node.getAttributes().get("alt"); if (alt == null) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Missing 'alt' attribute for 'area' element", new Object[] { shapeValue }), getContextForArea(node, source), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } final String altValue = text2XMLEntityRef(alt.getValue()); final int length = altValue.length(); if (length == 0) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "'alt' attribute for 'area' element " + shapeValue + " is empty", new Object[] { shapeValue }), getContextForArea(node, source), node.toString(), getMessage("", ""), Type.WARNING); setPosition(node, source, ve); return ve; } } return null; } private String getContextForArea(Element areaNode, Source source) { String ctx = areaNode.toString(); Element map = areaNode.getParentElement(); if (map.getName().equals(HTMLElementName.MAP) && map.getAttributeValue("name") != null) { StartTag img = source.getFirstStartTag("usemap", "#" + map.getAttributeValue("name"), false); if (img != null) { ctx = img.getElement().toString(); } } return ctx; } /** * Validates a Table Element. * * * @param node * The HTMLFormElement. * @param source * @return A List of Result Objects. */ protected List<Result> validateTable(final Element node, int level, Source source) { logger.debug("validateTable"); final List<Result> errors = new ArrayList<Result>(); if (!isDataTable) { return errors; } // Criteria 5.3 int headerCellCount = 0; for (Element tableChildElement : node.getChildElements()) { if (HTMLElementName.THEAD.equals(tableChildElement.getName())) { headerCellCount += countHeadersInRows(tableChildElement.getChildElements()); } else if (HTMLElementName.TR.equals(tableChildElement.getName())) { headerCellCount += countHeadersInRow(tableChildElement); } else if (HTMLElementName.TBODY.equals(tableChildElement.getName())) { headerCellCount += countHeadersInRows(tableChildElement.getChildElements()); } } if (headerCellCount == 0) { final Result ve = new Result( getMessage("", "No header cell was found in the table"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", ""), Type.WARNING); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } Element firstLine = null; for (Element childElement : node.getChildElements()) { if (HTMLElementName.THEAD.equals(childElement.getName())) { firstLine = childElement.getChildElements().get(0); break; } else if (HTMLElementName.TR.equals(childElement.getName())) { firstLine = childElement; break; } else if (HTMLElementName.TBODY.equals(childElement.getName())) { firstLine = childElement.getChildElements().get(0); break; } } if (firstLine == null) { logger.debug("No table data, returning..."); return errors; } // get the first cell if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("First line: " + firstLine.getName()); } final Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); int scopes = 0; int elementCount = -1; for (Element element : firstLine.getChildElements()) { elementCount++; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("First line in loop: " + element.getName()); } if (!HTMLElementName.TH.equals(element.getName())) { // deactivated this check because TD elements ARE allowed, even in THEAD sections. /* final Result ve = new Result(bundle.get( "", "The first row of a 'table' element should contain 'th' elements only"), node.toString(), node.toString(), bundle.get( "", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); return errors; */ } else { final Attribute scope = element.getAttributes().get("scope"); final Attribute id = element.getAttributes().get("id"); if ((scope == null && id == null) || (scope != null && id != null)) { final Result ve = new Result(getMessage("", "'th' elements should have an attribute 'scope', set to 'col' or 'row' OR an 'id' attribute, but not both at the same time"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); return errors; } if (id == null) { if (!"col".equals(scope.getValue().toLowerCase()) && elementCount > 0) { final Result ve = new Result(getMessage( "", "The 'th' elements of the first row of the table should have a 'col' scope"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); return errors; } scopes++; } else { ids.add(id.getValue()); } } } if (scopes > 0 && !ids.isEmpty()) { final Result ve = new Result( getMessage("", "The 'th' elements of the first row of the table should all use the same attribute"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); return errors; } // check the rest of the table cells if (!ids.isEmpty()) { final Set<String> headers = new HashSet<String>(); processTable(node, headers, ids, errors, level, source); final Set<String> ids2 = new HashSet<String>(ids); for (String value : ids2) { if (headers.contains(value)) { headers.remove(value); ids.remove(value); } } for (String headerAttribute : headers) { final Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Attribute 'header' (" + headerAttribute + ") has no corresponding 'id'", new Object[] { headerAttribute }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } } return errors; } /** * Recursive method to process a Table element and all its children * * @param node * The current node of the Table. * @param headers * The current list of 'headers' attributes (present in tds) * @param errors * @param source */ protected void processTable(final Element node, final Set<String> headers, final Set<String> ids, final List<Result> errors, int level, Source source) { // Criteria 5.4 if (HTMLElementName.TD.equals(node.getName().toLowerCase())) { final Attribute header = node.getAttributes().get("headers"); if (header == null) { final Result ve = new Result( getMessage("", "Missing 'headers' attribute for 'td' element"), node.getParentElement().getParentElement().toString(), node.getParentElement().getParentElement().toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } else { final String value = header.getValue(); for (String token : PATTERN.split(value)) { headers.add(token); } } } else if (HTMLElementName.TH.equals(node.getName().toLowerCase())) { final Attribute id = node.getAttributes().get("id"); if (id != null) { ids.add(id.getValue()); } } for (Element element : node.getChildElements()) { if (processNode(element, errors, level, source)) { processTable(element, headers, ids, errors, level, source); } } } protected int countHeadersInRows(List<Element> rowElements) { int headerCellCount = 0; for (Element rowElement : rowElements) { if (HTMLElementName.TR.equals(rowElement.getName())) { headerCellCount += countHeadersInRow(rowElement); } } return headerCellCount; } protected int countHeadersInRow(Element rowElement) { int headerCellCount = 0; for (Element cellElement : rowElement.getChildElements()) { if (HTMLElementName.TH.equals(cellElement.getName())) { headerCellCount++; } } return headerCellCount; } /** * Validates a Form Element. * * * @param node * The HTMLFormElement. * @param level * The level of the root form node in relation to the top root node of the html fragment. * @param source * @return A List of Result Objects. */ protected List<Result> validateForm(final Element node, final int level, Source source) { logger.debug("validateForm"); setIsDataTable(level); final Set<String> fors = new HashSet<String>(); final Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); final List<Result> errors = new ArrayList<Result>(); /* * <FORM action="..." method="post"> <LABEL for="firstname">First name: </LABEL> <INPUT type="text" id="firstname"> */ processForm(node, fors, ids, errors, level, source); final List<String> fors2 = new ArrayList<String>(fors); for (final String value : fors2) { if (ids.contains(value)) { fors.remove(value); ids.remove(value); } } for (final String forAtt : fors) { final Result ve = new Result(getFormatted("", "There is no 'id' attribute in any 'input' element for attribute 'for' (" + forAtt + "). Check all your 'label' elements in the 'form'", new Object[] { forAtt })); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } for (String id : ids) { final Result ve = new Result(getFormatted("", "All text 'input' elements should have a corresponding 'label' element." + "'Input' element with id (" + id + ") has no label", new Object[] { id })); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } return errors; } /** * Recursive method to process a Form element and all its children * * @param node * The current node of the Form. * @param fors * The current list of 'for' attributes (present in labels) * @param ids * The current list of 'id' attributes (present in text inputs) * @param errors * @param source */ private void processForm(final Element node, final Set<String> fors, final Set<String> ids, final List<Result> errors, int level, Source source) { // Criteria 11.1 if (HTMLElementName.LABEL.equals(node.getName())) { final Attribute forAttr = node.getAttributes().get("for"); if (forAttr == null) { final Result ve = new Result( getMessage("", "Missing 'for' attribute for 'label' element"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } else { fors.add(forAttr.getValue()); } } else if (HTMLElementName.INPUT.equals(node.getName())) { if ("text".equalsIgnoreCase(node.getAttributeValue("type"))) { final Attribute idAttr = node.getAttributes().get("id"); if (idAttr == null) { final Result ve = new Result( getMessage("", "Missing 'id' attribute for 'input' element"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } else { ids.add(idAttr.getValue()); } } } for (Element element : node.getChildElements()) { if (processNode(element, errors, level, source)) { processForm(element, fors, ids, errors, level, source); } } } protected List<Result> validateFrameset(final Element node, int level, Source source) { final List<Result> errors = new ArrayList<Result>(); final Set<String> noframes = new HashSet<String>(); for (Element childElement : node.getChildElements()) { processFrameset(childElement, noframes, errors, level, source); } // Criteria 2.3 if (noframes.isEmpty()) { Result ve = new Result(getMessage("", "Missing <NOFRAMES> tag after frameset definition")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } return errors; } /** * Validates a Frame Element. * * * @param node * The HTMLFrameElement. * @param source * @return Result or null if no error occurred. */ protected void processFrameset(final Element node, final Set<String> noframes, final List<Result> errors, int level, Source source) { if (HTMLElementName.FRAME.equals(node.getName().toLowerCase())) { logger.debug("validateFrame"); // Criteria 2.1 final Attribute name = node.getAttributes().get("name"); if (name == null) { Result ve = new Result( getMessage("", "Missing 'name' attribute for 'frame' element"), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } else { // Criteria 2.1 (Remarque) final String nameValue = text2XMLEntityRef(name.getValue()); if (nameValue.indexOf(' ') > -1) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Attribute 'name' cannot contain any white space", new Object[] { nameValue }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } else { // Criteria 2.5 final Attribute title = node.getAttributes().get("title"); if (title == null) { Result ve = new Result(getFormatted("", "Missing 'title' attribute for 'frame' element", new Object[] { nameValue }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } } // Criteria 2.10 final Attribute scrolling = node.getAttributes().get("scrolling"); if (scrolling != null && "no".equals(scrolling.getValue().toLowerCase())) { Result ve = new Result( getFormatted("", "Scrolling should be set to at least 'auto' for frame " + nameValue, new Object[] { nameValue }), node.toString(), node.toString(), getMessage("", "")); setPosition(node, source, ve); errors.add(ve); } } } else if (HTMLElementName.NOFRAMES.equals(node.getName().toLowerCase())) { noframes.add(node.getName()); } for (Element element : node.getChildElements()) { if (processNode(element, errors, level, source)) { processFrameset(element, noframes, errors, level, source); } } return; } public String toString() { return getClass().getName(); } private void setPosition(Element node, Source source, Result result) { result.setColumn(source.getColumn(node.getBegin())); result.setLine(source.getRow(node.getBegin())); } private String getFormatted(String key, String defaultValue, Object[] args) { return Messages.format(getMessage(key, defaultValue), uiLocale, args); } private String getMessage(String key, String defaultValue) { return Messages.get(bundle, key, defaultValue); } private static String text2XMLEntityRef(String str) { if (str == null || str.length() == 0) { return str; } str = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(str); str = StringUtils.replace(str, "&", "&"); str = StringUtils.replace(str, "<", "<"); str = StringUtils.replace(str, ">", ">"); str = StringUtils.replace(str, """, "\""); str = StringUtils.replace(str, "'", "'"); return str; } }