Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import org.jahia.exceptions.JahiaException; import org.jahia.exceptions.JahiaInitializationException; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.utils.LanguageCodeConverters; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.lock.LockException; import javax.jcr.version.Version; import javax.jcr.version.VersionHistory; import javax.jcr.version.VersionManager; import java.util.*; import static org.jahia.api.Constants.*; /** * This is a Jahia service, which offers functionality to publish, unpublish or get publication info of JCR nodes * * @author toto */ public class JCRPublicationService extends JahiaService { private static class Holder { static final JCRPublicationService INSTANCE = new JCRPublicationService(); } private static transient Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JCRPublicationService.class); private int batchSize; private JCRSessionFactory sessionFactory; private MetricsLoggingService loggingService; private Set<String> propertiesToSkipForReferences = Collections.emptySet(); private Set<String> referencedNodeTypesToSkip = Collections.emptySet(); private boolean skipAllReferenceProperties; private JCRPublicationService() { super(); } /** * Get the JCR session factory * * @return The JCR session factory */ public JCRSessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } /** * Set the JCR session factory * * @param sessionFactory The JCR session factory */ public void setSessionFactory(JCRSessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } public void setLoggingService(MetricsLoggingService loggingService) { this.loggingService = loggingService; } /** * Get the singleton instance of the JCRPublicationService * * @return the singleton instance of the JCRPublicationService */ public static JCRPublicationService getInstance() { return Holder.INSTANCE; } public boolean hasIndependantPublication(JCRNodeWrapper node) throws RepositoryException { return node.isNodeType("jmix:publication"); // todo : do we want to add this as a configurable in admin ? // currently it has to be set in definitions files } public void lockForPublication(final List<String> publicationInfo, final String workspace, final String key) throws RepositoryException { JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser( getSessionFactory().getCurrentUserSession(workspace).getUser(), workspace, null, new JCRCallback<Object>() { public Object doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { for (String id : publicationInfo) { doLock(id, session, key); } return null; } }); } private void doLock(String id, JCRSessionWrapper session, String key) throws RepositoryException { try { JCRNodeWrapper node = session.getNodeByUUID(id); if (node.isLockable()) { node.lockAndStoreToken("validation", " " + key + " "); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.debug("Item does not exist anymore : " + id); } } public void unlockForPublication(final List<String> publicationInfo, final String workspace, final String key) throws RepositoryException { JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser( getSessionFactory().getCurrentUserSession(workspace).getUser(), workspace, null, new JCRCallback<Object>() { public Object doInJCR(JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { for (String id : publicationInfo) { doUnlock(id, session, key); } return null; } }); } private void doUnlock(String id, JCRSessionWrapper session, String key) throws RepositoryException { try { JCRNodeWrapper node = session.getNodeByUUID(id); if (node.isLocked()) { try { node.unlock("validation", " " + key + " "); } catch (LockException e) { } } } catch (ItemNotFoundException nfe) { // Item has been deleted, ignore } } /** * Publish a node sub-tree from default into the live workspace. * Referenced nodes will also be published. * Parent node must be published, or will be published if publishParent is true. * * @param uuid UUID of the node to publish * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException in case of error */ public void publishByMainId(final String uuid) throws RepositoryException { publishByMainId(uuid, EDIT_WORKSPACE, LIVE_WORKSPACE, null, true, null); } /** * Publish a node into the live workspace. * Referenced nodes will also be published. * Parent node must be published, or will be published if publishParent is true. * * @param uuid Uuid of the node to publish * @param sourceWorkspace the source workspace of the publication * @param destinationWorkspace the destination workspace of the publication * @param languages set of languages you wish to publish * @param allSubTree * @param comments an optional List<String> of comments that will be used to log the publication in the metrics * service. * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException in case of error */ public void publishByMainId(final String uuid, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace, final Set<String> languages, final boolean allSubTree, List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { List<PublicationInfo> tree = getPublicationInfo(uuid, languages, true, true, allSubTree, sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace); publishByInfoList(tree, sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace, comments); } public void publishByInfoList(final List<PublicationInfo> publicationInfos, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { publishByInfoList(publicationInfos, sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace, true, comments); } public void publishByInfoList(final List<PublicationInfo> publicationInfos, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace, boolean checkPermissions, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { LinkedHashSet<String> allIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (PublicationInfo publicationInfo : publicationInfos) { allIds.addAll(publicationInfo.getAllUuids(false, false, false)); for (PublicationInfo subtree : publicationInfo.getAllReferences()) { allIds.addAll(subtree.getAllUuids(false, false, false)); } } publish(new ArrayList<String>(allIds), sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace, checkPermissions, comments); } public void publish(final List<String> uuids, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { publish(uuids, sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace, true, comments); } public void publish(final List<String> uuids, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace, boolean checkPermissions, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { publish(uuids, sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace, checkPermissions, true, comments); } public void publish(final List<String> uuids, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace, boolean checkPermissions, final boolean updateMetadata, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { if (uuids.isEmpty()) return; final JahiaUser user = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); final Set<String> checkedUuids = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (checkPermissions) { JCRSessionWrapper session = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUserSession(); for (String uuid : uuids) { try { if (session.getNodeByIdentifier(uuid).hasPermission("publish")) { checkedUuids.add(uuid); } } catch (javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.debug("Impossible to publish missing node", e); } } } else { checkedUuids.addAll(uuids); } if (!checkedUuids.isEmpty()) { JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser(user, sourceWorkspace, null, new JCRCallback<Object>() { public Object doInJCR(final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession) throws RepositoryException { JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser(user, destinationWorkspace, null, new JCRCallback<Object>() { public Object doInJCR(final JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession) throws RepositoryException { sourceSession.setSkipValidation(true); destinationSession.setSkipValidation(true); publish(checkedUuids, sourceSession, destinationSession, updateMetadata, comments); return null; } }); return null; } }); // Refresh this user sessions after publication if (sessionFactory.getCurrentUser() != null) { sessionFactory.getCurrentUserSession(sourceWorkspace).refresh(false); sessionFactory.getCurrentUserSession(destinationWorkspace).refresh(false); } } } private void publish(final Set<String> uuidsToPublish, JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, boolean updateMetadata, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { int totalCount = uuidsToPublish.size(); if (batchSize < 0 || totalCount <= batchSize) { // no limit on the batch size long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); doPublish(uuidsToPublish, sourceSession, destinationSession, updateMetadata, comments);"Published {} nodes in {} ms", totalCount, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } else {"Publishing {} nodes in batches of {}", totalCount, batchSize); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<String> batch = new LinkedHashSet<String>(batchSize); int batchIndex = 1; int batchTotalCount = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalCount / (double) batchSize); while (uuidsToPublish.size() > batchSize) { int batchCount = 0; for (Iterator<String> iterator = uuidsToPublish.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { batch.add(; iterator.remove(); batchCount++; if (batchCount >= batchSize) { break; } }"Processing batch {}/{}", batchIndex++, batchTotalCount); doPublish(batch, sourceSession, destinationSession, updateMetadata, comments); batch.clear(); } if (uuidsToPublish.size() > 0) { doPublish(uuidsToPublish, sourceSession, destinationSession, updateMetadata, comments); }"Batch-published {} nodes in {} ms", totalCount, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } } private void doPublish(final Set<String> uuidsToPublish, JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, boolean updateMetadata, final List<String> comments) throws RepositoryException { final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); // uuids.add(publicationInfo.getRoot().getUuid()); final String destinationWorkspace = destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName(); Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toPublish = new LinkedHashSet<JCRNodeWrapper>(); for (String uuid : uuidsToPublish) { try { JCRNodeWrapper node = sourceSession.getNodeByUUID(uuid); if (!node.isNodeType("jmix:nolive") && !toPublish.contains(node) && supportsPublication(sourceSession, node)) { toPublish.add(node); } } catch (javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.debug("Impossible to publish missing node", e); } } String userID = destinationSession.getUserID(); if ((userID != null) && (userID.startsWith(JahiaLoginModule.SYSTEM))) { userID = userID.substring(JahiaLoginModule.SYSTEM.length()); } VersionManager destinationVersionManager = destinationSession.getWorkspace().getVersionManager(); Map<String, Value> previousValue = new HashMap<>(); if (updateMetadata && destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName().equals(LIVE_WORKSPACE)) { for (JCRNodeWrapper jcrNodeWrapper : toPublish) { String nodePath = jcrNodeWrapper.getPath(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Publishing node {}", nodePath); } final boolean hasLastPublishedMixin = jcrNodeWrapper.isNodeType(Constants.JAHIAMIX_LASTPUBLISHED); if (hasLastPublishedMixin) { previousValue.put(nodePath + "/" + Constants.PUBLISHED, jcrNodeWrapper.hasProperty(Constants.PUBLISHED) ? jcrNodeWrapper.getProperty(Constants.PUBLISHED).getValue() : null); previousValue.put(nodePath + "/" + Constants.LASTPUBLISHED, jcrNodeWrapper.hasProperty(Constants.LASTPUBLISHED) ? jcrNodeWrapper.getProperty(Constants.LASTPUBLISHED).getValue() : null); previousValue.put(nodePath + "/" + Constants.LASTPUBLISHEDBY, jcrNodeWrapper.hasProperty(Constants.LASTPUBLISHEDBY) ? jcrNodeWrapper.getProperty(Constants.LASTPUBLISHEDBY).getValue() : null); jcrNodeWrapper.setProperty(Constants.PUBLISHED, Boolean.TRUE); jcrNodeWrapper.setProperty(Constants.LASTPUBLISHED, calendar); jcrNodeWrapper.setProperty(Constants.LASTPUBLISHEDBY, userID); } } if (sourceSession.hasPendingChanges()) {; } if (destinationSession.hasPendingChanges()) {; } } Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toCheckpoint = new HashSet<JCRNodeWrapper>(); JCRObservationManager.setEventListenersAvailableDuringPublishOnly(Boolean.TRUE); try { List<String> toDelete = new ArrayList<String>(); List<JCRNodeWrapper> toDeleteOnSource = new ArrayList<JCRNodeWrapper>(); for (Iterator<JCRNodeWrapper> lit = toPublish.iterator(); lit.hasNext();) { JCRNodeWrapper nodeWrapper =; if (nodeWrapper.hasProperty("j:deletedChildren")) { JCRPropertyWrapper property = nodeWrapper.getProperty("j:deletedChildren"); Value[] values = property.getValues(); for (Value value : values) { toDelete.add(value.getString()); } property.remove(); nodeWrapper.removeMixin("jmix:deletedChildren"); } if (nodeWrapper.isNodeType(JAHIAMIX_MARKED_FOR_DELETION_ROOT)) { nodeWrapper.unmarkForDeletion(); toDeleteOnSource.add(nodeWrapper); toDelete.add(nodeWrapper.getIdentifier()); lit.remove(); } else { for (JCRNodeWrapper nodeToDelete : toDeleteOnSource) { if (nodeWrapper.getPath().startsWith(nodeToDelete.getPath())) { lit.remove(); break; } } } } for (JCRNodeWrapper nodeWrapper : toDeleteOnSource) { try { addRemovedLabel(nodeWrapper, nodeWrapper.getSession().getWorkspace().getName() + "_removed_at_" + JCRVersionService.DATE_FORMAT.print(calendar.getTime().getTime())); nodeWrapper.remove(); } catch (InvalidItemStateException e) { logger.warn("Already deleted : " + nodeWrapper.getPath()); } } for (String s : toDelete) { try { JCRNodeWrapper node = destinationSession.getNodeByIdentifier(s); addRemovedLabel(node, node.getSession().getWorkspace().getName() + "_removed_at_" + JCRVersionService.DATE_FORMAT.print(calendar.getTime().getTime())); node.remove(); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("Already deleted : " + s); } catch (InvalidItemStateException e) { logger.warn("Already deleted : " + s); } };; Set<String> allCloned = new HashSet<String>(); for (JCRNodeWrapper sourceNode : toPublish) { try { sourceNode.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationWorkspace); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { CloneResult cloneResult = ensureNodeInDestinationWorkspace(sourceNode, destinationSession, toCheckpoint); allCloned.addAll(cloneResult.includedUuids); } } uuidsToPublish.removeAll(allCloned); for (String includedUuid : allCloned) { toPublish.remove(sourceSession.getNodeByIdentifier(includedUuid)); } mergeToDestinationWorkspace(toPublish, uuidsToPublish, sourceSession, destinationSession, calendar, toCheckpoint); for (JCRNodeWrapper nodeWrapper : toCheckpoint) { checkpoint(destinationSession, nodeWrapper, destinationVersionManager); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { // Restore previous status for (Map.Entry<String, Value> entry : previousValue.entrySet()) { try { ((JCRPropertyWrapper) sourceSession.getItem(entry.getKey())).setValue(entry.getValue()); } catch (PathNotFoundException ex) { // node is removed during publication } } if (sourceSession.hasPendingChanges()) {; } throw e; } finally { JCRObservationManager.setEventListenersAvailableDuringPublishOnly(null); } boolean doLogging = loggingService.isEnabled(); if (doLogging) { Integer operationType = JCRObservationManager.getCurrentOperationType(); if (operationType != null && operationType == JCRObservationManager.IMPORT) { doLogging = false; } } if (doLogging) { // now let's output the publication information to the logging service. for (JCRNodeWrapper publishedNode : toPublish) { StringBuilder commentBuf = null; if (comments != null && comments.size() > 0) { commentBuf = new StringBuilder(); for (String comment : comments) { commentBuf.append(comment); } } loggingService.logContentEvent(userID, "", "", publishedNode.getIdentifier(), publishedNode.getPath(), publishedNode.getPrimaryNodeTypeName(), "publishedNode", sourceSession.getWorkspace().getName(), destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName(), commentBuf != null ? commentBuf.toString() : ""); } } // Refresh this user system sessions after publication sourceSession.refresh(false); destinationSession.refresh(false); } private CloneResult ensureNodeInDestinationWorkspace(final JCRNodeWrapper node, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, final Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toCheckpoint) throws AccessDeniedException, NoSuchWorkspaceException, RepositoryException { if (!destinationSession.isSystem()) { final String nodePath = node.getPath(); final String destinationWorkspace = destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName(); return JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser(node.getUser().getJahiaUser(), node.getSession().getWorkspace().getName(), null, new JCRCallback<CloneResult>() { public CloneResult doInJCR(final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession) throws RepositoryException { return JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser( node.getUser().getJahiaUser(), destinationWorkspace, null, new JCRCallback<CloneResult>() { public CloneResult doInJCR(final JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession) throws RepositoryException { CloneResult cloneResult = cloneParents(sourceSession.getNode(nodePath), sourceSession, destinationSession, toCheckpoint);;; return cloneResult; } }); } }); } else { return cloneParents(node, node.getSession(), destinationSession, toCheckpoint); } } private CloneResult cloneParents(JCRNodeWrapper node, JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toCheckpoint) throws RepositoryException { CloneResult cloneResult = null; JCRNodeWrapper parent = node.getParent(); try { parent.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { cloneResult = cloneParents(parent, sourceSession, destinationSession, toCheckpoint); try { // Check if node still does not exist in target space - if it has been cloned with parent, return node.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()); return cloneResult; } catch (ItemNotFoundException ee) { } } CloneResult subCloneResult = doClone(node, sourceSession, destinationSession, toCheckpoint); if (cloneResult != null) { subCloneResult.includedUuids.addAll(cloneResult.includedUuids); } return subCloneResult; } private void mergeToDestinationWorkspace(final Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toPublish, final Set<String> uuids, final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, final JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Calendar calendar, Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toCheckpoint) throws RepositoryException { final VersionManager sourceVersionManager = sourceSession.getWorkspace().getVersionManager(); final VersionManager destinationVersionManager = destinationSession.getWorkspace().getVersionManager(); if (toPublish.isEmpty()) { return; } for (final JCRNodeWrapper node : toPublish) { if (!node.isNodeType("mix:versionable")) { ConflictResolver conflictResolver = new ConflictResolver(node, destinationSession .getNode(node.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()))); conflictResolver.setToCheckpoint(toCheckpoint); conflictResolver.applyDifferences(); continue; } final String path = node.getPath(); String destinationPath = null; try { destinationPath = node.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { return; } // Item exists at "destinationPath" in live space, update it JCRNodeWrapper destinationNode = destinationSession.getNode(destinationPath); // Live node exists - merge live node from source space destinationSession.checkout(destinationNode); final String oldPath = handleSharedMove(sourceSession, node, node.getPath()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Merge node : " + path + " source v=" + node.getBaseVersion().getName() + " , dest node v=" + destinationNode.getBaseVersion().getName()); } String expectedDestinationPath = null; try { String parentDestinationPath = node.getParent().getPath().equals("/") ? "" : node.getParent().getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()); expectedDestinationPath = parentDestinationPath + "/" + node.getName(); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { // Not found - parent is not yet published } if (expectedDestinationPath == null || !expectedDestinationPath.equals(destinationPath)) { try { destinationSession.checkout(destinationNode.getParent()); // previous parent JCRNodeWrapper nodeParent = node.getParent(); String newParentPath = null; try { newParentPath = nodeParent .getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { ensureNodeInDestinationWorkspace(nodeParent, destinationSession, toCheckpoint); newParentPath = nodeParent .getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName()); } JCRNodeWrapper destinationNewParent = destinationSession.getNode(newParentPath); destinationSession.checkout(destinationNewParent); // new parent recurseCheckout(destinationNode, null, destinationSession); // node and sub nodes String newDestinationPath = newParentPath + "/" + node.getName(); destinationSession.move(destinationPath, newDestinationPath);; destinationPath = newDestinationPath; destinationNode = destinationSession.getNode(destinationPath); if (destinationNewParent.getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes()) { NodeIterator ni = node.getParent().getNodes(); boolean found = false; while (ni.hasNext()) { JCRNodeWrapper currentNode = (JCRNodeWrapper); if (!found && currentNode.getIdentifier().equals(node.getIdentifier())) { found = true; } else if (found) { try { destinationSession.getNode(newParentPath + "/" + currentNode.getName()); destinationNewParent.orderBefore(node.getName(), currentNode.getName()); destinationNewParent.getSession().save(); break; } catch (PathNotFoundException e1) { } } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }; checkpoint(sourceSession, node, sourceVersionManager); ConflictResolver resolver = new ConflictResolver(node, destinationNode); resolver.setToCheckpoint(toCheckpoint); try { resolver.applyDifferences(); if (!resolver.getUnresolvedDifferences().isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Unresolved conflicts : " + resolver.getUnresolvedDifferences()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error when merging differences", e); } ((JCRWorkspaceWrapper.VersionManagerWrapper) destinationVersionManager).addPredecessor(destinationPath, sourceVersionManager.getBaseVersion(path)); toCheckpoint.add(destinationNode); if (oldPath != null) { try { JCRNodeWrapper snode = destinationSession.getNode(oldPath); recurseCheckout(snode, null, destinationSession); JCRNodeWrapper oldParent = snode.getParent(); oldParent.checkout(); snode.remove(); snode.getSession().save(); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { // already removed } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Merge node end : " + path + " source v=" + sourceSession.getNode(path).getBaseVersion().getName() + " , dest node v=" + destinationSession.getNode(destinationPath).getBaseVersion().getName()); } } } class CloneResult { JCRNodeWrapper root; Set<String> includedUuids; } CloneResult doClone(JCRNodeWrapper sourceNode, JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Set<JCRNodeWrapper> toCheckpoint) throws RepositoryException { CloneResult cloneResult = new CloneResult(); cloneResult.includedUuids = new HashSet<String>(); JCRNodeWrapper parent = sourceNode.getParent(); final String sourceNodePath = sourceNode.getIndex() > 1 ? sourceNode.getPath() + "[" + sourceNode.getIndex() + "]" : sourceNode.getPath(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cloning node : " + sourceNodePath + " parent path " + parent.getPath()); } final String destinationWorkspaceName = destinationSession.getWorkspace().getName(); String destinationParentPath = null; try { destinationParentPath = parent.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationWorkspaceName); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { CloneResult parentCloneResult = cloneParents(sourceNode.getParent(), sourceSession, destinationSession, toCheckpoint); if (!parentCloneResult.includedUuids.contains(sourceNode.getParent().getIdentifier())) { return cloneResult; } cloneResult.includedUuids.addAll(parentCloneResult.includedUuids); destinationParentPath = parent.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationWorkspaceName); } JCRNodeWrapper destinationParent = destinationSession.getNode(destinationParentPath); if (destinationParent.hasNode(sourceNode.getName())) { logger.error("Node " + sourceNode.getName() + " is in conflict, already exist under " + destinationParent.getPath() + " - cannot publish !"); return cloneResult; } try { Set<String> deniedPaths = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> included = new HashSet<String>(); getDeniedPath(sourceNode, deniedPaths, included); cloneResult.includedUuids.addAll(included); JahiaAccessManager.setDeniedPaths(deniedPaths); destinationSession.checkout(destinationParent); String destinationPath; if (destinationParentPath.equals("/")) { destinationPath = "/" + sourceNode.getName(); } else { destinationPath = destinationParentPath + "/" + sourceNode.getName(); } try { String correspondingNodePath = sourceNode.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationWorkspaceName); logger.warn("Cloning existing node " + sourceNode.getPath()); // Node has been moved destinationSession.checkout(destinationSession.getNodeByIdentifier(sourceNode.getIdentifier())); destinationSession.checkout(destinationParent); // new parent recurseCheckout(destinationSession.getNode(correspondingNodePath), null, destinationSession); // node and sub nodes destinationSession.move(correspondingNodePath, destinationPath);; } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { // Always checkpoint before first clone for (String s : included) { JCRNodeWrapper n = sourceSession.getNodeByIdentifier(s); if (n.isNodeType("mix:versionable")) { checkpoint(sourceSession, n, sourceSession.getWorkspace().getVersionManager()); } } if (sourceNode.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().isMixin() && !destinationParent .isNodeType(sourceNode.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().getName())) { destinationParent.addMixin(sourceNode.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().getName());; } destinationSession.getWorkspace().clone(sourceSession.getWorkspace().getName(), sourceNodePath, destinationPath, false); for (String s : included) { JCRNodeWrapper n = destinationSession.getNodeByIdentifier(s); if (n.isNodeType("mix:versionable")) { toCheckpoint.add(n); } } JCRNodeWrapper n = destinationSession .getNode(sourceNode.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationWorkspaceName)); try { if (n.getParent().isNodeType("mix:versionable")) { toCheckpoint.add(n.getParent()); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e1) { } } if (destinationParent.getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes()) { NodeIterator ni = sourceNode.getParent().getNodes(); boolean found = false; while (ni.hasNext()) { JCRNodeWrapper currentNode = (JCRNodeWrapper); if (!found && currentNode.getIdentifier().equals(sourceNode.getIdentifier())) { found = true; } else if (found) { try { destinationSession .getNode((destinationParentPath.equals("/") ? "" : destinationParentPath) + "/" + currentNode.getName()); destinationParent.orderBefore(sourceNode.getName(), currentNode.getName()); destinationParent.getSession().save(); break; } catch (PathNotFoundException e1) { } } } } } finally { JahiaAccessManager.setDeniedPaths(null); } JCRNodeWrapper destinationNode = null; try { cloneResult.root = destinationSession .getNode(sourceNode.getCorrespondingNodePath(destinationWorkspaceName)); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return cloneResult; } private void getDeniedPath(JCRNodeWrapper sourceNode, Set<String> deniedPaths, Set<String> includedUuids) throws RepositoryException { includedUuids.add(sourceNode.getIdentifier()); NodeIterator it = sourceNode.getNodes(); while (it.hasNext()) { JCRNodeWrapper nodeWrapper = (JCRNodeWrapper); if (nodeWrapper.isVersioned() || nodeWrapper.isNodeType("jmix:nolive") || sourceNode.getProvider() != nodeWrapper.getProvider()) { deniedPaths.add(nodeWrapper.getPath()); } else { getDeniedPath(nodeWrapper, deniedPaths, includedUuids); } } } private String handleSharedMove(JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRNodeWrapper sourceNode, String destinationPath) throws RepositoryException { String oldPath = null; if (sourceNode.hasProperty("j:movedFrom")) { Property movedFrom = sourceNode.getProperty("j:movedFrom"); List<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value>(Arrays.asList(movedFrom.getValues())); for (Value value : values) { String v = value.getString(); if (v.endsWith(":::" + destinationPath)) { oldPath = StringUtils.substringBefore(v, ":::"); values.remove(value); break; } } if (oldPath != null) { sourceSession.checkout(sourceNode); if (values.isEmpty()) { movedFrom.remove(); } else { movedFrom.setValue(values.toArray(new Value[values.size()])); }; } } return oldPath; } private void checkpoint(Session session, JCRNodeWrapper node, VersionManager versionManager) throws RepositoryException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Checkin node " + node.getPath() + " in workspace " + session.getWorkspace().getName() + " with current version " + versionManager.getBaseVersion(node.getPath()).getName()); } if (node.isNodeType(JAHIAMIX_NODENAMEINFO)) { boolean doUpdate = true; String nodePath = node.getPath(); if (node.hasProperty(FULLPATH)) { Value fp = node.getProperty(FULLPATH).getValue(); doUpdate = fp == null || !StringUtils.equals(fp.getString(), nodePath); } if (doUpdate) { node.setProperty(FULLPATH, node.getPath()); } }; Version version = versionManager.checkpoint(node.getPath()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Checkin node " + node.getPath() + " in workspace " + session.getWorkspace().getName() + " with new version " + version.getName() + " base version is " + versionManager.getBaseVersion(node.getPath()).getName()); } } private void recurseCheckout(Node node, List<String> prune, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { session.checkout(node); NodeIterator ni = node.getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { Node sub = ni.nextNode(); if (prune == null || !prune.contains(sub.getIdentifier())) { recurseCheckout(sub, prune, session); } } } /** * Unpublish a node from live workspace. * Referenced Node will not be unpublished. * * @param uuids uuids of the node to unpublish * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException */ public void unpublish(final List<String> uuids) throws RepositoryException { unpublish(uuids, true); } /** * Unpublish a node from live workspace. * Referenced Node will not be unpublished. * * @param uuids uuids of the node to unpublish * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException */ public void unpublish(final List<String> uuids, boolean checkPermissions) throws RepositoryException { final JahiaUser user = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); final List<String> checkedUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); if (checkPermissions) { JCRSessionWrapper session = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUserSession(); for (String uuid : uuids) { if (uuid != null && session.getNodeByIdentifier(uuid).hasPermission("publish")) { checkedUuids.add(uuid); } } } else { checkedUuids.addAll(uuids); } JCRCallback<Object> callback = new JCRCallback<Object>() { public Object doInJCR(final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession) throws RepositoryException { for (ListIterator<String> it = checkedUuids.listIterator(checkedUuids.size()); it.hasPrevious();) { String uuid = it.previous(); if (uuid != null) { JCRNodeWrapper destNode = sourceSession.getNodeByIdentifier(uuid); destNode.setProperty("j:published", false); boolean doLogging = loggingService.isEnabled(); if (doLogging) { Integer operationType = JCRObservationManager.getCurrentOperationType(); if (operationType != null && operationType == JCRObservationManager.IMPORT) { doLogging = false; } } if (doLogging) { String userID = destNode.getSession().getUserID(); if ((userID != null) && (userID.startsWith(JahiaLoginModule.SYSTEM))) { userID = userID.substring(JahiaLoginModule.SYSTEM.length()); } loggingService.logContentEvent(userID, "", "", destNode.getIdentifier(), destNode.getPath(), destNode.getPrimaryNodeTypeName(), "unpublishedNode", destNode.getSession().getWorkspace().getName()); } } }; return null; } }; JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser(user, EDIT_WORKSPACE, null, callback); JCRTemplate.getInstance().doExecuteWithSystemSessionAsUser(user, LIVE_WORKSPACE, null, callback); } public List<PublicationInfo> getPublicationInfos(List<String> uuids, Set<String> languages, boolean includesReferences, boolean includesSubnodes, boolean allsubtree, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace) throws RepositoryException { List<PublicationInfo> infos = new ArrayList<PublicationInfo>(); Set<String> allUuids = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String uuid : uuids) { if (!allUuids.contains(uuid)) { final List<PublicationInfo> publicationInfos = getPublicationInfo(uuid, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, allsubtree, sourceWorkspace, destinationWorkspace); for (PublicationInfo publicationInfo : publicationInfos) { infos.add(publicationInfo); allUuids.addAll(publicationInfo.getAllUuids()); } } } return infos; } /** * Gets the publication info for the current node and if acquired also for referenced nodes and subnodes. * The returned <code>PublicationInfo</code> has the publication info for the current node (NOT_PUBLISHED, PUBLISHED, MODIFIED, UNPUBLISHABLE) * and if requested you will be able to get the infos also for the subnodes and the referenced nodes. * As language dependent data is always stored in subnodes you need to set includesSubnodes to true, if you also specify a list of languages. * * @param uuid The uuid of the node to get publication info * @param languages Languages list to use for publication info, or null for all languages (only appplied if includesSubnodes is true) * @param includesReferences If true include info for referenced nodes * @param includesSubnodes If true include info for subnodes * @return the <code>PublicationInfo</code> for the requested node(s) * @throws RepositoryException */ public List<PublicationInfo> getPublicationInfo(String uuid, Set<String> languages, boolean includesReferences, boolean includesSubnodes, boolean allsubtree, final String sourceWorkspace, final String destinationWorkspace) throws RepositoryException { final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentUserSession(sourceWorkspace); final JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentUserSession(destinationWorkspace); return getPublicationInfo(uuid, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, allsubtree, sourceSession, destinationSession); } public List<PublicationInfo> getPublicationInfo(String uuid, Set<String> languages, boolean includesReferences, boolean includesSubnodes, boolean allsubtree, final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, final JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession) throws RepositoryException { JCRNodeWrapper stageNode; try { stageNode = sourceSession.getNodeByUUID(uuid); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("ItemNotFoundException for {} in workspace {}", uuid, sourceSession.getWorkspace().getName()); throw e; } List<PublicationInfo> infos = new ArrayList<PublicationInfo>(); PublicationInfo tree = new PublicationInfo(); infos.add(tree); PublicationInfoNode root = getPublicationInfo(stageNode, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, allsubtree, sourceSession, destinationSession, new HashMap<String, PublicationInfoNode>(), infos); tree.setRoot(root); return infos; } /** * Gets the publication info for the current node and if acquired also for referenced nodes and subnodes. * The returned <code>PublicationInfo</code> has the publication info for the current node (NOT_PUBLISHED, PUBLISHED, MODIFIED, UNPUBLISHABLE) * and if requested you will be able to get the infos also for the subnodes and the referenced nodes. * As language dependent data is always stored in subnodes you need to set includesSubnodes to true, if you also specify a list of languages. * * @param languages Languages list to use for publication info, or null for all languages (only appplied if includesSubnodes is true) * @param includesReferences If true include info for referenced nodes * @param includesSubnodes If true include info for subnodes * @param sourceSession * @param destinationSession * @param infosMap a Set of uuids, which don't need to be checked or have already been checked * @return the <code>PublicationInfo</code> for the requested node(s) * @throws RepositoryException */ private PublicationInfoNode getPublicationInfo(JCRNodeWrapper node, Set<String> languages, boolean includesReferences, boolean includesSubnodes, boolean allsubtree, final JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, final JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Map<String, PublicationInfoNode> infosMap, List<PublicationInfo> infos) throws RepositoryException { PublicationInfoNode info = null; final String uuid = node.getIdentifier(); info = infosMap.get(uuid); if (info != null && (!allsubtree || info.isSubtreeProcessed())) { return info; } if (info != null && uuid == null) { info.setStatus(PublicationInfo.PUBLISHED); return info; } if (info == null) { info = new PublicationInfoNode(node.getIdentifier(), node.getPath()); if (node.isNodeType("jmix:nolive")) { info.setStatus(PublicationInfo.PUBLISHED); return info; } info.setSubtreeProcessed(allsubtree); infosMap.put(uuid, info); if (node.hasProperty("j:deletedChildren")) { try { JCRPropertyWrapper p = node.getProperty("j:deletedChildren"); Value[] values = p.getValues(); for (Value value : values) { try { JCRNodeWrapper deletedNode = destinationSession.getNodeByUUID(value.getString()); PublicationInfoNode deletedInfo = new PublicationInfoNode(deletedNode.getIdentifier(), deletedNode.getPath()); deletedInfo.setStatus(PublicationInfo.DELETED); info.addChild(deletedInfo); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cannot find deleted subnode of " + node.getPath() + " : " + value.getString() + ", we keep the reference until next publication to be sure to erase it from the live workspace."); } } } } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("property j:deletedChildren has been found on node " + node.getPath() + " but was not here"); } } if (node.hasProperty(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS) && node.getProperty(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS).getBoolean() && !node.isMarkedForDeletion() && (!node.isNodeType(Constants.JAHIANT_TRANSLATION) || !node.getParent().isMarkedForDeletion())) { info.setWorkInProgress(true); } info.setStatus(getStatus(node, destinationSession, languages, infosMap.keySet())); // If in conflict we still need to have the translation nodes has they are part of the node to make it valid // in case we manage to resolve the conflict on publication if (info.getStatus() == PublicationInfo.CONFLICT) { return info; } if (node.hasProperty("j:lockTypes")) { try { Value[] lockTypes = node.getProperty("j:lockTypes").getValues(); for (Value lockType : lockTypes) { if (lockType.getString().endsWith(":validation")) { info.setLocked(true); } } } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { // Property has been removed } } } if (info.getStatus() == PublicationInfo.CONFLICT) { return info; } if (includesReferences || includesSubnodes) { if (includesReferences) { getReferences(node, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos, info); } NodeIterator ni = node.getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { JCRNodeWrapper n = (JCRNodeWrapper) ni.nextNode(); if (!supportsPublication(sourceSession, n)) continue; if (info.getStatus() == PublicationInfo.MARKED_FOR_DELETION || info.getStatus() == PublicationInfo.DELETED) { PublicationInfoNode child = getPublicationInfo(n, languages, includesReferences, true, true, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos); info.addChild(child); } else if (languages != null && n.isNodeType("jnt:translation")) { String translationLanguage = n.getProperty("jcr:language").getString(); if (languages.contains(translationLanguage)) { PublicationInfoNode child = getPublicationInfo(n, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, allsubtree, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos); info.addChild(child); if (child.isWorkInProgress()) { info.getChildren().clear(); info.getReferences().clear(); info.addChild(child); info.setWorkInProgress(true); break; } } } else { boolean hasIndependantPublication = hasIndependantPublication(n); if (allsubtree && hasIndependantPublication) { PublicationInfo newinfo = new PublicationInfo(); infos.add(newinfo); newinfo.setRoot(getPublicationInfo(n, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, allsubtree, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos)); } if (!hasIndependantPublication) { if (n.isNodeType("jmix:lastPublished")) { PublicationInfoNode child = getPublicationInfo(n, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, allsubtree, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos); info.addChild(child); } else if (includesReferences) { getReferences(n, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos, info); } } } } } return info; } /** * Get the publication status of a specific node */ public int getStatus(JCRNodeWrapper node, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Set<String> languages) throws RepositoryException { return getStatus(node, destinationSession, languages, Collections.<String>emptySet()); } /** * Get the publication status of a specific node, taking into account nodes being published at the same time (used for conflict detection) */ public int getStatus(JCRNodeWrapper node, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Set<String> languages, Set<String> includedUuids) throws RepositoryException { int status; if (!node.checkLanguageValidity(languages)) { status = PublicationInfo.MANDATORY_LANGUAGE_UNPUBLISHABLE; for (String language : languages) { Locale locale = LanguageCodeConverters.getLocaleFromCode(language); if (node.checkI18nAndMandatoryPropertiesForLocale(locale)) { status = PublicationInfo.MANDATORY_LANGUAGE_VALID; } } } else if (!node.hasProperty("j:published")) { // Node has never been published, check for potential conflict in live if (checkConflict(node, destinationSession, includedUuids) == PublicationInfo.CONFLICT) { return PublicationInfo.CONFLICT; } status = PublicationInfo.NOT_PUBLISHED; if (node.isNodeType(JAHIANT_TRANSLATION)) { boolean hasProperty = false; final PropertyIterator iterator = node.getProperties(); while (iterator.hasNext() && !hasProperty) { Property property = (Property); hasProperty = ((ExtendedPropertyDefinition) property.getDefinition()).isInternationalized(); } if (!hasProperty) { status = PublicationInfo.PUBLISHED; } } } else if (node.hasProperty("j:published") && !node.getProperty("j:published").getBoolean()) { status = PublicationInfo.UNPUBLISHED; } else { if (node.hasProperty("jcr:mergeFailed")) { status = PublicationInfo.CONFLICT; } else if (node.getLastModifiedAsDate() == null) { // No modification date - node is published status = PublicationInfo.PUBLISHED; } else { if (node.isNodeType("jmix:markedForDeletion")) { status = PublicationInfo.MARKED_FOR_DELETION; } else { Date pubProp = node.getLastPublishedAsDate(); if (pubProp == null) { destinationSession.getNodeByUUID(node.getIdentifier()).getLastModifiedAsDate(); } Date modProp = pubProp != null ? node.getLastModifiedAsDate() : null; if (modProp == null) { logger.debug("Unable to check publication status for node {}." + " One of properties [last published or last modified (live) / last modified] is null." + " Considering node as modified.", node.getPath()); status = PublicationInfo.NOT_PUBLISHED; } else { if (modProp.after(pubProp)) { if (node.hasProperty(FULLPATH) && !node.getCanonicalPath().equals(node.getProperty(FULLPATH).getString())) { // Check conflict in case of renamed / moved node if (checkConflict(node, destinationSession, includedUuids) == PublicationInfo.CONFLICT) { return PublicationInfo.CONFLICT; } } status = PublicationInfo.MODIFIED; } else { status = PublicationInfo.PUBLISHED; } } } } } return status; } private int checkConflict(JCRNodeWrapper node, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Set<String> includedUuids) throws RepositoryException { try { try { JCRNodeWrapper parent = node.getParent(); JCRNodeWrapper n = destinationSession.getNodeByIdentifier(parent.getIdentifier()) .getNode(node.getName()); if (n.getIdentifier().equals(node.getIdentifier())) { return 0; } else if (includedUuids.contains(parent.getIdentifier()) && parent.hasProperty("j:deletedChildren")) { //find if the live node has to be deleted JCRPropertyWrapper p = parent.getProperty("j:deletedChildren"); Value[] values = p.getValues(); for (Value value : values) { if (n.getIdentifier().equals(value.getString())) { return 0; } } } } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { } // Conflict , a node exists in live that has not been deleted properly in default, or has just been created in live! return PublicationInfo.CONFLICT; } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { } return 0; } private void getReferences(JCRNodeWrapper node, Set<String> languages, boolean includesReferences, boolean includesSubnodes, JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRSessionWrapper destinationSession, Map<String, PublicationInfoNode> infosMap, List<PublicationInfo> infos, PublicationInfoNode info) throws RepositoryException { if (skipAllReferenceProperties) { return; } List<ExtendedPropertyDefinition> defs = node.getReferenceProperties(); for (ExtendedPropertyDefinition def : defs) { String propName = def.getName(); if (propertiesToSkipForReferences.contains(propName) || propName.startsWith("jcr:") || !node.hasProperty(propName)) { continue; } Property p = node.getProperty(def.getName()); if (def.isMultiple()) { Value[] vs = p.getValues(); for (Value v : vs) { try { JCRNodeWrapper ref = node.getSession().getNodeByUUID(v.getString()); if (!skipReferencedNodeType(ref) && supportsPublication(sourceSession, ref)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calculating publication status for the reference property {}", propName); } PublicationInfoNode n = getPublicationInfo(ref, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, false, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos); info.addReference(new PublicationInfo(n)); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { if (def.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE) { logger.warn("Cannot get reference " + p.getName() + " = " + v.getString() + " from node " + node.getPath()); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cannot get reference " + p.getName() + " = " + v.getString() + " from node " + node.getPath()); } } } } } else { try { JCRNodeWrapper ref = (JCRNodeWrapper) p.getNode(); if (!supportsPublication(sourceSession, ref)) continue; if (!skipReferencedNodeType(ref)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calculating publication status for the reference property {}", propName); } PublicationInfoNode n = getPublicationInfo(ref, languages, includesReferences, includesSubnodes, false, sourceSession, destinationSession, infosMap, infos); info.addReference(new PublicationInfo(n)); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { if (def.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE) { logger.warn("Cannot get reference " + p.getName() + " = " + p.getString() + " from node " + node.getPath()); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cannot get reference " + p.getName() + " = " + p.getString() + " from node " + node.getPath()); } } } } } } public static boolean supportsPublication(JCRSessionWrapper sourceSession, JCRNodeWrapper node) throws RepositoryException { JCRStoreProvider provider = node.getProvider(); if (provider.isDefault()) { return true; } Value workspaceManagement = sourceSession.getProviderSession(node.getProvider()).getRepository() .getDescriptorValue(Repository.OPTION_WORKSPACE_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTED); if (workspaceManagement == null) { return false; } Value writeSupported = node.getSession().getProviderSession(node.getProvider()).getRepository() .getDescriptorValue(Repository.WRITE_SUPPORTED); if (writeSupported == null) { return false; } return workspaceManagement.getBoolean() && writeSupported.getBoolean(); } private boolean skipReferencedNodeType(JCRNodeWrapper ref) throws RepositoryException { for (String ntName : referencedNodeTypesToSkip) { if (ref.isNodeType(ntName)) { return true; } } return false; } protected void addRemovedLabel(JCRNodeWrapper node, final String label) throws RepositoryException { if (node.isVersioned()) { node.getVersionHistory().addVersionLabel(node.getBaseVersion().getName(), label, false); } NodeIterator ni = node.getNodes(); while (ni.hasNext()) { JCRNodeWrapper child = (JCRNodeWrapper); addRemovedLabel(child, label); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void start() throws JahiaInitializationException { // nothing to do } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void stop() throws JahiaException { // nothing to do } public void print(VersionHistory vh) throws RepositoryException { Version root = vh.getRootVersion(); print(root, 0); } public void print(Version v, int indent) throws RepositoryException { System.out.print(StringUtils.leftPad("", indent) + "---- " + v.getName()); Version[] preds = v.getPredecessors(); System.out.print("("); for (Version pred : preds) { System.out.print(" " + pred.getName()); } System.out.print(")"); System.out.println(""); Version[] succ = v.getSuccessors(); for (Version version : succ) { print(version, indent + 2); } } public void setPropertiesToSkipForReferences(String propertiesToSkipForReferences) { this.propertiesToSkipForReferences = tokenize(propertiesToSkipForReferences); this.skipAllReferenceProperties = propertiesToSkipForReferences.contains(".*"); } public void setReferencedNodeTypesToSkip(String referencedNodeTypesToSkip) { this.referencedNodeTypesToSkip = tokenize(referencedNodeTypesToSkip); } public void addReferencedNodeTypesToSkip(String referencedNodeTypesToSkip) { this.referencedNodeTypesToSkip.addAll(tokenize(referencedNodeTypesToSkip)); } public void addPropertiesToSkipForReferences(String propertiesToSkipForReferences) { this.propertiesToSkipForReferences.addAll(tokenize(propertiesToSkipForReferences)); } private static Set<String> tokenize(String input) { Set<String> result; String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(input, " ,"); if (tokens == null || tokens.length == 0) { result = Collections.emptySet(); } else { result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); result.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens)); } return result; } public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; } }