Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.value.ValueHelper; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.lock.LockException; import javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException; import javax.jcr.version.VersionException; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; /** * Wrapper for {@link javax.jcr.Property} to allow more data format. * * @author toto */ public class JCRPropertyWrapperImpl extends JCRItemWrapperImpl implements JCRPropertyWrapper { private static final Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(JCRPropertyWrapperImpl.class); private JCRNodeWrapper node; private Property property; private String name; private ExtendedPropertyDefinition def; /** * Constructor * * @param objectNode JCRNodeWrapper of the node holding this property * @param property wrapped property object * @param session wrapped session which loaded this property * @param provider JCR store provider for this property * @param def definition of this property */ public JCRPropertyWrapperImpl(JCRNodeWrapper objectNode, Property property, JCRSessionWrapper session, JCRStoreProvider provider, ExtendedPropertyDefinition def) { super(session, provider); this.node = objectNode; = property; this.item = property; if (property != null) { try { this.localPath = property.getPath(); this.localPathInProvider = localPath; = property.getName(); this.def = def; } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * Constructor * * @param objectNode JCRNodeWrapper of the node holding this property * @param property wrapped property object * @param session wrapped session which loaded this property * @param provider JCR store provider for this property * @param def definition of this property * @param name name of this property */ public JCRPropertyWrapperImpl(JCRNodeWrapper objectNode, Property property, JCRSessionWrapper session, JCRStoreProvider provider, ExtendedPropertyDefinition def, String name) { super(session, provider); this.node = objectNode; = property; this.item = property; = name; this.localPath = node.getPath() + "/" + name; // todo : node.getPath() returns the global path, not local path - should use node.getRealNode() this.localPathInProvider = localPath; this.def = def; } public void setValue(Value value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { node.checkLock(); Value modifiedValue = JCRStoreService.getInstance().getInterceptorChain().beforeSetValue(node, name, def, value); property.setValue(modifiedValue); } public void setValue(Value[] values) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { node.checkLock(); Value[] modifiedValues = JCRStoreService.getInstance().getInterceptorChain().beforeSetValues(node, name, def, values); property.setValue(modifiedValues); } public void setValue(String value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (value != null) { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } else { remove(); } } public void setValue(String[] values) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (values != null) { Value[] v = new Value[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] != null) { v[i] = getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(values[i]); } else { v[i] = null; } } setValue(v); } else { remove(); } } /** * @deprecated As of JCR 2.0, {@link #setValue(Binary)} should be used instead. */ public void setValue(InputStream value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (value != null) { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } else { remove(); } } public void setValue(long value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } public void setValue(double value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } public void setValue(Calendar value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (value != null) { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } else { remove(); } } public void setValue(boolean value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } public void setValue(Node value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (value != null) { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue( value instanceof JCRNodeWrapper ? ((JCRNodeWrapper) value).getRealNode() : value, def.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE)); } else { remove(); } } public void setValue(Binary value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (value != null) { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } else { remove(); } } public void setValue(BigDecimal value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { if (value != null) { setValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } else { remove(); } } @Override public void addValue(String value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(InputStream value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(long value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(double value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(Calendar value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(boolean value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(Node value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(value, true); } @Override public void addValue(Node value, boolean weak) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value, weak)); } @Override public void addValue(Binary value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(BigDecimal value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValue(getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(value)); } @Override public void addValue(Value value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { addValues(new Value[] { value }); } @Override public void addValues(Value[] values) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { List<Value> newValues = new ArrayList<Value>(Arrays.asList(getValues())); boolean updated = false; for (Value value : values) { if (!newValues.contains(value)) { newValues.add(value); updated = true; } } if (updated) { setValue(newValues.toArray(new Value[newValues.size()])); } } public String getString() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getString(); } /** * @deprecated As of JCR 2.0, {@link #getBinary()} should be used instead. */ public InputStream getStream() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getStream(); } public long getLong() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getLong(); } public double getDouble() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getDouble(); } public Calendar getDate() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getDate(); } public boolean getBoolean() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getBoolean(); } public JCRNodeWrapper getNode() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { Value value = getValue(); int type = value.getType(); switch (type) { case PropertyType.REFERENCE: case PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE: return session.getNodeByUUID(value.getString()); case PropertyType.PATH: case PropertyType.NAME: String path = value.getString(); boolean absolute = StringUtils.startsWith(path, "/"); return (absolute) ? session.getNode(path) : getParent().getNode(path); case PropertyType.STRING: try { Value refValue = ValueHelper.convert(value, PropertyType.REFERENCE, session.getValueFactory()); return session.getNodeByUUID(refValue.getString()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // try if STRING value can be interpreted as PATH value Value pathValue = ValueHelper.convert(value, PropertyType.PATH, session.getValueFactory()); absolute = StringUtils.startsWith(pathValue.getString(), "/"); return (absolute) ? session.getNode(pathValue.getString()) : getParent().getNode(pathValue.getString()); } default: throw new ValueFormatException( "Property value cannot be converted to a PATH, REFERENCE or WEAKREFERENCE"); } } public JCRNodeWrapper getContextualizedNode() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { JCRNodeWrapper ref = getNode(); try { return session.getNode( getParent().getPath() + JCRSessionWrapper.DEREF_SEPARATOR + ref.getRealNode().getName()); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { throw new ItemNotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public JCRNodeWrapper getReferencedNode() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getNode(); } public Binary getBinary() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getBinary(); } public BigDecimal getDecimal() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return getValue().getDecimal(); } public Property getProperty() throws ItemNotFoundException, ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { Value value = getValue(); Value pathValue = ValueHelper.convert(value, PropertyType.PATH, session.getValueFactory()); String path = pathValue.getString(); boolean absolute = StringUtils.startsWith(path, "/"); return (absolute) ? session.getProperty(path) : getParent().getProperty(path); } public long getLength() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return property.getLength(); } public long[] getLengths() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return property.getLengths(); } public ExtendedPropertyDefinition getDefinition() throws RepositoryException { return def; } public int getType() throws RepositoryException { return def.getRequiredType(); } public String getName() throws RepositoryException { return name; } @Override public JCRItemWrapper getAncestor(int i) throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException { return provider.getItemWrapper(property.getAncestor(i), session); } public JCRNodeWrapper getParent() throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException { return node; } public int getDepth() throws RepositoryException { return property.getDepth(); } public boolean isNode() { return property.isNode(); } public boolean isNew() { return property.isNew(); } public boolean isModified() { return property.isModified(); } @Override public boolean isSame(Item item) throws RepositoryException { return property.isSame(item) || (item instanceof JCRItemWrapperImpl && item.isSame(property)); } @Override public void accept(ItemVisitor itemVisitor) throws RepositoryException { property.accept(itemVisitor); } /** * @deprecated As of JCR 2.0, {@link Session#save()} should * be used instead. */ public void save() throws AccessDeniedException, ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException, InvalidItemStateException, ReferentialIntegrityException, VersionException, LockException, NoSuchNodeTypeException, RepositoryException {; } @Override public void refresh(boolean b) throws InvalidItemStateException, RepositoryException { property.refresh(b); } @Override public void remove() throws VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { node.checkLock(); JCRStoreService.getInstance().getInterceptorChain().beforeRemove(node, name, def); property.remove(); JCRNodeWrapper n = node; if (n instanceof JCRNodeDecorator) { n = ((JCRNodeDecorator) n).getDecoratedNode(); } if (n instanceof JCRNodeWrapperImpl) { ((JCRNodeWrapperImpl) n).flushLocalCaches(); } } public boolean isMultiple() throws RepositoryException { return property.isMultiple(); } public JCRValueWrapper getValue() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { Value value = JCRStoreService.getInstance().getInterceptorChain().afterGetValue(this, property.getValue()); return wrap(value); } public JCRValueWrapper getRealValue() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return wrap(property.getValue()); } private JCRValueWrapper wrap(Value value) throws RepositoryException { return new JCRValueWrapperImpl(value, getDefinition(), getSession()); } public JCRValueWrapper[] getValues() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { Value[] values = JCRStoreService.getInstance().getInterceptorChain().afterGetValues(this, property.getValues()); return wrap(values); } public JCRValueWrapper[] getRealValues() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException { return wrap(property.getValues()); } private JCRValueWrapper[] wrap(Value[] values) throws RepositoryException { JCRValueWrapper[] wrappedValues = new JCRValueWrapper[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Value value = values[i]; wrappedValues[i] = new JCRValueWrapperImpl(value, getDefinition(), getSession()); } return wrappedValues; } public String getLocale() throws RepositoryException { if (def.isInternationalized()) { Node parent = property.getParent(); String parentName = parent.getName(); if ("jcr:frozenNode".equals(parentName)) { // we have a property of a version node -> get the locale as property try { return parent.getProperty(Constants.JCR_LANGUAGE).getString(); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { return null; } } return StringUtils.substringAfter(parentName, "j:translation_"); } return null; } @Override public boolean removeValue(Value value) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { return removeValues(new Value[] { value }); } @Override public boolean removeValues(Value[] values) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException { Value[] valueArray = getValues(); if (valueArray == null || valueArray.length == 0) { return false; } List<Value> newValues = new ArrayList<Value>(Arrays.asList(valueArray)); boolean updated = false; for (Value value : values) { if (newValues.contains(value)) { newValues.remove(value); updated = true; } } if (updated) { setValue(newValues.toArray(new Value[newValues.size()])); } return updated; } @Override public Property getRealProperty() { return property; } }