Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package org.jahia.ajax.gwt.helper; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.service.GWTJahiaServiceException; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import org.jahia.bin.Jahia; import; import org.jahia.registries.ServicesRegistry; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.utils.LanguageCodeConverters; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.version.Version; import; import java.util.*; /** * Helper class for populating {@link GWTJahiaNode} instances with the information from the corresponding {@link Node}. * * @author Sergiy Shyrkov */ class NodeHelper { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeHelper.class); /** * Get node url depending * * @param workspace * @param locale */ static String getNodeURL(String servlet, JCRNodeWrapper node, Date versionDate, String versionLabel, final String workspace, final Locale locale, boolean findDisplayable) throws RepositoryException { if (servlet == null) { servlet = "render"; } String url = Jahia.getContextPath() + "/cms/" + servlet + "/" + workspace + "/" + locale; Resource resource = new Resource(node, "html", null, Resource.CONFIGURATION_PAGE); RenderContext renderContext = new RenderContext(null, null, node.getSession().getUser()); renderContext.setMainResource(resource); renderContext.setServletPath("/cms/" + servlet); JCRNodeWrapper nodeForURL = node; if (findDisplayable) { nodeForURL = JCRContentUtils.findDisplayableNode(node, renderContext); if (nodeForURL != null && !nodeForURL.getIdentifier().equals(node.getIdentifier())) { resource = new Resource(nodeForURL, "html", null, Resource.CONFIGURATION_PAGE); } } Template template = RenderService.getInstance().resolveTemplate(resource, renderContext); if (template != null) { url += nodeForURL.getPath() + ".html"; } else { url += nodeForURL.getPath() + ".content-template.html"; } if (versionDate != null) { url += "?v=" + (versionDate.getTime()); if (versionLabel != null) { url += "&l=" + versionLabel; } } return url; } private static Object getPropertyValue(Value value, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { switch (value.getType()) { case PropertyType.DATE: return value.getDate().getTime(); case PropertyType.REFERENCE: case PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE: try { return session.getNodeByUUID(value.getString()).getPath(); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { } default: return value.getString(); } } private static void setPropertyValue(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRPropertyWrapper property, JCRSessionWrapper session) throws RepositoryException { if (property.isMultiple()) { Value[] values = property.getValues(); List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Value value : values) { l.add(getPropertyValue(value, session)); } n.set(property.getName(), l); } else { Value value = property.getValue(); n.set(property.getName(), getPropertyValue(value, session)); } } private JCRVersionService jcrVersionService; private LanguageHelper languages; private PublicationHelper publication; private JCRSessionFactory sessionFactory; private VisibilityService visibilityService; private WorkflowHelper workflow; GWTJahiaNode getGWTJahiaNode(JCRNodeWrapper node) { return getGWTJahiaNode(node, GWTJahiaNode.DEFAULT_FIELDS, null); } GWTJahiaNode getGWTJahiaNode(JCRNodeWrapper node, List<String> fields, Locale uiLocale) { if (fields == null) { fields = Collections.emptyList(); } GWTJahiaNode n = new GWTJahiaNode(); // get uuid try { n.setUUID(node.getIdentifier()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.debug("Unable to get uuid for node " + node.getName(), e); } populateNames(n, node, uiLocale); populateDescription(n, node); n.setPath(node.getPath()); n.setUrl(node.getUrl()); populateNodeTypes(n, node); JCRStoreProvider provider = node.getProvider(); if (provider.isDynamicallyMounted()) { n.setProviderKey(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(provider.getMountPoint(), "/")); } else { n.setProviderKey(provider.getKey()); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.PERMISSIONS)) { populatePermissions(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.LOCKS_INFO) && !provider.isSlowConnection()) { populateLocksInfo(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.VISIBILITY_INFO)) { populateVisibilityInfo(n, node); } n.setVersioned(node.isVersioned()); n.setLanguageCode(node.getLanguage()); populateSiteInfo(n, node); if (node.isFile()) { n.setSize(node.getFileContent().getContentLength()); } n.setFile(node.isFile()); n.setIsShared(false); try { if (node.isNodeType("mix:shareable") && node.getSharedSet().getSize() > 1) { n.setIsShared(true); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error when getting shares", e); } try { n.setReference(node.isNodeType("jmix:nodeReference")); } catch (RepositoryException e1) { logger.error("Error checking node type", e1); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.CHILDREN_INFO)) { populateChildrenInfo(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.TAGS)) { populateTags(n, node); } // icons if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.ICON)) { populateIcon(n, node); } populateThumbnails(n, node); // count if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.COUNT)) { populateCount(n, node); } populateStatusInfo(n, node); if (supportsWorkspaceManagement(node)) { if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.PUBLICATION_INFO)) { populatePublicationInfo(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.QUICK_PUBLICATION_INFO)) { populateQuickPublicationInfo(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.PUBLICATION_INFOS)) { populatePublicationInfos(n, node); } n.set("supportsPublication", supportsPublication(node)); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.WORKFLOW_INFO) || fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.PUBLICATION_INFO)) { populateWorkflowInfo(n, node, uiLocale); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.WORKFLOW_INFOS)) { populateWorkflowInfos(n, node, uiLocale); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.AVAILABLE_WORKKFLOWS)) { populateAvailableWorkflows(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.PRIMARY_TYPE_LABEL)) { populatePrimaryTypeLabel(n, node); } JCRStoreProvider p = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getMountPoints().get(n.getPath()); if (p != null && p.isDynamicallyMounted()) { n.set("j:isDynamicMountPoint", Boolean.TRUE); } if (n.isFile() && (n.isNodeType("jmix:image") || n.isNodeType("jmix:size"))) { // handle width and height try { if (node.hasProperty("j:height")) { n.set("j:height", node.getProperty("j:height").getString()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property j:height on node {}", node.getPath()); } try { if (node.hasProperty("j:width")) { n.set("j:width", node.getProperty("j:width").getString()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property j:width on node {}", node.getPath()); } } if (fields.contains("j:view") && n.isNodeType("jmix:renderable")) { try { if (node.hasProperty("j:view")) { n.set("j:view", node.getProperty("j:view").getString()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property j:view on node {}", node.getPath()); } } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.SITE_LANGUAGES)) { populateSiteLanguages(n, node); } if ((node instanceof JCRSiteNode) && fields.contains("j:resolvedDependencies")) { populateDependencies(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.SUBNODES_CONSTRAINTS_INFO)) { populateSubnodesConstraintsInfo(n, node); } if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)) { populateDefaultLanguage(n, node); } if ((node instanceof JCRSiteNode) && fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.HOMEPAGE_PATH)) { populateHomePage(n, node); } Boolean isModuleNode = null; final JahiaTemplateManagerService templateManagerService = ServicesRegistry.getInstance() .getJahiaTemplateManagerService(); try { if (fields.contains("j:versionInfo")) { isModuleNode = node.isNodeType("jnt:module"); if (isModuleNode) { populateVersionInfoForModule(n, node); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property module version"); } // properties for (String field : fields) { if (!GWTJahiaNode.RESERVED_FIELDS.contains(field)) { try { if (field.startsWith("fields-")) { String type = field.substring("fields-".length()); PropertyIterator pi = node.getProperties(); while (pi.hasNext()) { JCRPropertyWrapper property = (JCRPropertyWrapper); if (((ExtendedPropertyDefinition) property.getDefinition()).getItemType() .equals(type)) { setPropertyValue(n, property, node.getSession()); } } } else if (node.hasProperty(field)) { final JCRPropertyWrapper property = node.getProperty(field); setPropertyValue(n, property, node.getSession()); } else if (isModuleNode != null ? isModuleNode.booleanValue() : (isModuleNode = node.isNodeType("jnt:module"))) { JahiaTemplatesPackage templatePackageByFileName = templateManagerService .getTemplatePackageById(node.getName()); if (templatePackageByFileName != null) { JCRNodeWrapper versionNode = node .getNode(templatePackageByFileName.getVersion().toString()); if (versionNode.hasProperty(field)) { final JCRPropertyWrapper property = versionNode.getProperty(field); setPropertyValue(n, property, node.getSession()); } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property {} on node {}", field, node.getPath()); } } } // versions if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.VERSIONS) && node.isVersioned()) { populateVersions(n, node); } // resource bundle if (fields.contains(GWTJahiaNode.RESOURCE_BUNDLE)) { GWTResourceBundle b = GWTResourceBundleUtils.load(node, uiLocale); if (b != null) { n.set(GWTJahiaNode.RESOURCE_BUNDLE, b); } } populateReference(n, node, fields, uiLocale); populateOrdering(n, node); populateChildConstraints(n, node); populateWCAG(n, node); populateInvalidLanguages(n, node); List<String> installedModules = (List<String>) n.get("j:installedModules"); if (installedModules != null) { List<JahiaTemplatesPackage> s = new ArrayList<>(); LinkedHashMap<JahiaTemplatesPackage, List<JahiaTemplatesPackage>> deps = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String packId : installedModules) { JahiaTemplatesPackage pack = templateManagerService.getTemplatePackageById(packId); if (pack != null) { deps.put(pack, new ArrayList<JahiaTemplatesPackage>()); } } installedModules.clear(); for (Map.Entry<JahiaTemplatesPackage, List<JahiaTemplatesPackage>> entry : deps.entrySet()) { List<JahiaTemplatesPackage> allDeps = entry.getKey().getDependencies(); for (JahiaTemplatesPackage dep : allDeps) { if (deps.keySet().contains(dep)) { entry.getValue().add(dep); } } if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { s.add(entry.getKey()); } } while (!s.isEmpty()) { JahiaTemplatesPackage pack = s.remove(0); installedModules.add(pack.getId()); for (Map.Entry<JahiaTemplatesPackage, List<JahiaTemplatesPackage>> entry : deps.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains(pack)) { entry.getValue().remove(pack); if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { s.add(entry.getKey()); } } } } } return n; } private Boolean supportsPublication(JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { return JCRPublicationService.supportsPublication(node.getSession(), node); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Unable to get the repository descriptor for node {}. Cause: {}", node.getPath(), e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return Boolean.FALSE; } private Boolean supportsWorkspaceManagement(JCRNodeWrapper node) { JCRStoreProvider provider = node.getProvider(); if (provider.isDefault()) { return Boolean.TRUE; } try { Value descriptorValue = node.getSession().getProviderSession(provider).getRepository() .getDescriptorValue(Repository.OPTION_WORKSPACE_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTED); return descriptorValue != null && descriptorValue.getBoolean(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Unable to get the repository descriptor for node {}. Cause: {}", node.getPath(), e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return Boolean.FALSE; } private List<GWTJahiaNodeVersion> getVersions(final JCRNodeWrapper node) throws RepositoryException { return getVersions(node, false); } /** * Get list of version that have been published as GWT bean list * * @param node * @return */ List<GWTJahiaNodeVersion> getVersions(JCRNodeWrapper node, boolean publishedOnly) throws RepositoryException { List<GWTJahiaNodeVersion> versions = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeVersion>(); List<VersionInfo> versionInfos = jcrVersionService.getVersionInfos(node.getSession(), node); for (VersionInfo versionInfo : versionInfos) { if (!publishedOnly || versionInfo.getLabel().startsWith("live_")) { Version v = versionInfo.getVersion(); GWTJahiaNode n = getGWTJahiaNode(node); final String workspace = StringUtils.substringBefore(versionInfo.getLabel(), "_"); GWTJahiaNodeVersion jahiaNodeVersion = new GWTJahiaNodeVersion(v.getIdentifier(), v.getName(), v.getCreated().getTime(), versionInfo.getLabel(), workspace, n); String url = getNodeURL(null, node, versionInfo.getVersion().getCreated().getTime(), versionInfo.getLabel(), workspace, node.getSession().getLocale(), false); jahiaNodeVersion.setUrl(url); versions.add(jahiaNodeVersion); } } return versions; } private void populateAvailableWorkflows(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { if (node.hasProperty(GWTJahiaNode.AVAILABLE_WORKKFLOWS)) { final JCRPropertyWrapper property = node.getProperty(GWTJahiaNode.AVAILABLE_WORKKFLOWS); Value[] values = null; if (property.isMultiple()) { values = property.getValues(); } else { values = new Value[] { property.getValue() }; } List<String> vals = new LinkedList<String>(); if (values != null) { for (Value value : values) { if (value != null) { vals.add(value.getString()); } } } n.set(GWTJahiaNode.AVAILABLE_WORKKFLOWS, StringUtils.join(vals, ", ")); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property " + GWTJahiaNode.AVAILABLE_WORKKFLOWS + " on node " + node.getPath()); } } private void populateChildConstraints(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { // constraints try { n.setChildConstraints(ConstraintsHelper.getConstraints(node)); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateChildrenInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { boolean slowConnection = node.getProvider().isSlowConnection(); boolean allowChildNodes = false; for (String s : node.getNodeTypes()) { if (NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(s).getChildNodeDefinitions().length > 0) { allowChildNodes = true; break; } } n.setHasChildren(allowChildNodes && (slowConnection || node.hasNodes())); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateCount(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { n.set("count", JCRContentUtils.size(node.getWeakReferences())); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Unable to count node references for node"); } } private void populateDefaultLanguage(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { if (node.hasProperty(GWTJahiaNode.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)) { Locale locale = LanguageCodeConverters .languageCodeToLocale(node.getProperty(GWTJahiaNode.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE).getString()); n.set(GWTJahiaNode.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, languages.getCurrentLang(locale)); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property " + GWTJahiaNode.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE + " on node " + node.getPath()); } } private void populateDependencies(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { List<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : ((JCRSiteNode) node).getInstalledModules()) { JahiaTemplatesPackage templatePackageByFileName = ServicesRegistry.getInstance() .getJahiaTemplateManagerService().getTemplatePackageById(s); if (templatePackageByFileName != null) { for (JahiaTemplatesPackage aPackage : templatePackageByFileName.getDependencies()) { if (!dependencies.contains(aPackage.getId())) { dependencies.add(aPackage.getId()); } } } } n.set("j:resolvedDependencies", dependencies); } private void populateDescription(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { // get description try { if (node.hasProperty("jcr:description")) { Value dValue = node.getProperty("jcr:description").getValue(); if (dValue != null) { n.setDescription(dValue.getString()); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.debug("Unable to get description property for node " + node.getName(), e); } } private void populateHomePage(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { if (((JCRSiteNode) node).getHome() != null) { n.set(GWTJahiaNode.HOMEPAGE_PATH, ((JCRSiteNode) node).getHome().getPath()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property " + GWTJahiaNode.HOMEPAGE_PATH + " on node " + node.getPath()); } } private void populateIcon(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { n.setIcon(JCRContentUtils.getIconWithContext(node, true)); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateInvalidLanguages(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { // Invalid Languages if (node.hasProperty("j:invalidLanguages")) { final Value[] values = node.getProperty("j:invalidLanguages").getValues(); List<String> invalidLanguages = new ArrayList<String>(values.length); for (Value value : values) { invalidLanguages.add(value.getString()); } n.setInvalidLanguages(invalidLanguages); } else { n.setInvalidLanguages(new ArrayList<String>()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateLocksInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { n.setLockable(node.isLockable()); try { String username = node.getSession().getUser().getName(); n.setLocked(JCRContentUtils.isLockedAndCannotBeEdited(node)); Map<String, List<String>> infos = node.getLockInfos(); Map<String, List<String>> results = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(infos.size()); if (!infos.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : infos.entrySet()) { for (String s : entry.getValue()) { JCRNodeLockType type = JCRContentUtils.getLockType(s); if (!results.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { results.put(entry.getKey(), new LinkedList<String>()); } results.get(entry.getKey()) .add(JCRNodeLockType.USER.equals(type) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(s) ? StringUtils.substringBefore(s, ":") : ("" + type.toString().toLowerCase())); } } } n.setLockInfos(results); if (node.getSession().getLocale() != null) { String l = node.getSession().getLocale().toString(); n.setCanLock(infos.isEmpty() || (!infos.containsKey(l) && infos.size() > 1)); n.setCanUnlock(infos.containsKey(null) && infos.get(null).contains(username + ":user") && (infos.size() == 1 || infos.containsKey(l) && infos.get(l).contains(username + ":user"))); } else { n.setCanLock(infos.isEmpty()); n.setCanUnlock(infos.containsKey(null) && infos.get(null).contains(username + ":user")); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error when getting lock", e); } } private void populateNames(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node, Locale uiLocale) { n.setName(JCRContentUtils.unescapeLocalNodeName(node.getName())); n.setEscapedName(node.getName()); try { if (node.getPath().equals("/")) { n.setDisplayName("root"); n.setName("root"); n.setEscapedName("root"); } else if (node instanceof JCRUserNode) { n.setDisplayName(((JCRUserNode) node).getDisplayableName(uiLocale)); } else if (node instanceof JCRGroupNode) { n.setDisplayName(((JCRGroupNode) node).getDisplayableName(uiLocale)); } else { n.setDisplayName(WordUtils.abbreviate( JCRContentUtils.unescapeLocalNodeName(node.getDisplayableName()), 70, 90, "...")); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error when getting name", e); } } private void populateNodeTypes(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { List<String> inheritedTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> nodeTypes = null; try { nodeTypes = node.getNodeTypes(); for (String s : nodeTypes) { ExtendedNodeType[] inh = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(s).getSupertypes(); for (ExtendedNodeType extendedNodeType : inh) { if (!inheritedTypes.contains(extendedNodeType.getName())) { inheritedTypes.add(extendedNodeType.getName()); } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.debug("Error when getting nodetypes", e); } n.setNodeTypes(nodeTypes); n.setInheritedNodeTypes(inheritedTypes); } private void populateOrdering(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { // sort try { if (node.getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes()) { n.set("hasOrderableChildNodes", Boolean.TRUE); n.setSortField("index"); } else { n.setSortField(GWTJahiaNode.NAME); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populatePermissions(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { BitSet bs = node.getPermissionsAsBitSet(); if (bs != null) { GWTBitSet gwtBs = new GWTBitSet(bs.size()); gwtBs.setReferenceHashCode(JahiaPrivilegeRegistry.getRegisteredPrivilegeNames().hashCode()); for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1)) { gwtBs.set(i); } n.setPermissions(gwtBs); try { boolean hasAcl = node.hasNode("j:acl") && node.getNode("j:acl").hasNodes(); n.setHasAcl(hasAcl); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void populatePrimaryTypeLabel(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { n.set(GWTJahiaNode.PRIMARY_TYPE_LABEL, node.getPrimaryNodeType().getLabel(node.getSession().getLocale())); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property " + GWTJahiaNode.PRIMARY_TYPE_LABEL + " on node " + node.getPath()); } } private void populatePublicationInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("populate publication info for {}", node.getPath()); } try { if (node.getSession().getLocale() != null) { n.setAggregatedPublicationInfos(publication.getAggregatedPublicationInfosByLanguage(node, Collections.singleton(node.getSession().getLocale().toString()), node.getSession(), true, true)); } } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // do nothing logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (GWTJahiaServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateQuickPublicationInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("populate quick publication info for {}", node.getPath()); } try { if (node.getSession().getLocale() != null) { n.setQuickPublicationInfo(publication.getAggregatedPublicationInfosByLanguage(node, Collections.singleton(node.getSession().getLocale().toString()), node.getSession(), false, false).values().iterator().next()); } } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // do nothing logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (GWTJahiaServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populatePublicationInfos(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("populate publication infos for {}", node.getPath()); } try { JCRSiteNode siteNode = node.getResolveSite(); if (siteNode != null) { JCRSessionWrapper session = node.getSession(); n.setAggregatedPublicationInfos(publication.getAggregatedPublicationInfosByLanguage(node, siteNode.getLanguages(), session, true, true)); n.setFullPublicationInfos(publication.getFullPublicationInfosByLanguage( Arrays.asList(node.getIdentifier()), siteNode.getLanguages(), session, false)); } } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // do nothing logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (GWTJahiaServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateReference(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node, List<String> fields, Locale uiLocale) { // references try { if (node.isNodeType("jmix:nodeReference") && node.hasProperty(Constants.NODE)) { JCRNodeWrapper referencedNode = (JCRNodeWrapper) node.getProperty(Constants.NODE).getNode(); n.setReferencedNode(n.getUUID().equals(referencedNode.getIdentifier()) ? n : getGWTJahiaNode(referencedNode, fields, uiLocale)); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateSiteInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { JCRSiteNode site = node.getResolveSite(); if (site != null) { n.setSiteUUID(site.getUUID()); n.setSiteKey(site.getSiteKey()); if (site.getTemplatePackage() != null) { n.set(GWTJahiaNode.EDIT_MODE_BLOCKED, site.getTemplatePackage().isEditModeBlocked()); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error when getting sitekey", e); } } private void populateSiteLanguages(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { n.set(GWTJahiaNode.SITE_LANGUAGES, languages.getLanguages(node.getResolveSite(), node.getSession().getLocale())); n.set(GWTJahiaNode.SITE_MANDATORY_LANGUAGES, new ArrayList<String>(node.getResolveSite().getMandatoryLanguages())); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get sites languages"); } } private void populateStatusInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { n.setCanMarkForDeletion(node.canMarkForDeletion()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Unable to check if the node " + node.getPath() + " supports marking for deletion. Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { n.set("everPublished", Boolean.valueOf(node.hasProperty("j:published"))); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Unable to check existence of the j:published property on node " + node.getPath() + ". Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // Add 'work in progress' info try { if (node.hasProperty(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS)) { n.set(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS, node.getProperty(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS).getBoolean()); } if (node.hasI18N(node.getSession().getLocale())) { final Node i18n = node.getI18N(node.getSession().getLocale()); if (i18n.hasProperty(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS)) { n.set(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS, i18n.getProperty(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS).getBoolean()); } else { n.set(Constants.WORKINPROGRESS, false); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get repository infos", e); } } private void populateSubnodesConstraintsInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { // reference types try { String cons = ConstraintsHelper.getConstraints(node); if (cons != null) { n.set("referenceTypes", ConstraintsHelper.getReferenceTypes(cons, null)); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error( "Cannot get property " + GWTJahiaNode.SUBNODES_CONSTRAINTS_INFO + " on node " + node.getPath()); } } private void populateTags(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { if (node.hasProperty("j:tagList")) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); Value[] values = node.getProperty("j:tagList").getValues(); for (Value value : values) { b.append(", "); b.append(value.getString()); } if (b.length() > 0) { n.setTags(b.substring(2)); } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Error when getting tags", e); } } private void populateThumbnails(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { if (!n.isNodeType("jmix:thumbnail") || !node.hasNode("thumbnail")) { return; } n.setPreview(node.getThumbnailUrl("thumbnail")); n.setDisplayable(true); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Error checking thumbnails for node " + n.getPath(), e); } } private void populateVersionInfoForModule(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { JahiaTemplateManagerService templateManagerService = ServicesRegistry.getInstance() .getJahiaTemplateManagerService(); JahiaTemplatesPackage packageByFileName = templateManagerService.getTemplatePackageById(node.getName()); if (packageByFileName != null) { JCRNodeWrapper versionInfo = node .getNode(packageByFileName.getVersion().toString() + "/j:versionInfo"); if (packageByFileName != null) { n.set(GWTJahiaNode.DISPLAY_NAME, packageByFileName.getName()); n.set("j:versionInfo", packageByFileName.getVersion().toString()); n.set("j:versionNumbers", packageByFileName.getVersion().getOrderedVersionNumbers()); File sources = templateManagerService.getSources(packageByFileName, node.getSession()); if (sources != null) { n.set("j:sourcesFolder", sources.getPath()); } if (versionInfo.hasProperty("j:scmURI")) { n.set("j:scmURI", versionInfo.getProperty("j:scmURI").getString()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(packageByFileName.getForgeUrl())) { n.set("j:forgeUrl", packageByFileName.getForgeUrl()); } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Cannot get property module version " + n.getPath()); } } private void populateVersions(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { try { n.setCurrentVersion(node.getBaseVersion().getName()); List<GWTJahiaNodeVersion> gwtJahiaNodeVersions = getVersions(node); if (gwtJahiaNodeVersions != null && gwtJahiaNodeVersions.size() > 0) { n.setVersions(gwtJahiaNodeVersions); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateVisibilityInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { Map<JCRNodeWrapper, Boolean> conditionMatchesDetails = visibilityService.getConditionMatchesDetails(node); Map<GWTJahiaNode, ModelData> visibilityInfo = new HashMap<GWTJahiaNode, ModelData>(); for (Map.Entry<JCRNodeWrapper, Boolean> entry : conditionMatchesDetails.entrySet()) { ModelData data = new BaseModelData(); data.set("matches", entry.getValue()); VisibilityConditionRule visibilityConditionRule = null; try { visibilityConditionRule = visibilityService.getConditions() .get(entry.getKey().getPrimaryNodeTypeName()); data.set("xtemplate", visibilityConditionRule.getGWTDisplayTemplate(node.getSession().getLocale())); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (visibilityConditionRule != null) { visibilityInfo.put(getGWTJahiaNode(entry.getKey(), visibilityConditionRule.getRequiredFieldNamesForTemplate(), null), data); } } n.setVisibilityInfo(visibilityInfo); n.setVisible(visibilityService.matchesConditions(node)); } private void populateWCAG(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node) { // WCAG checks try { JCRSiteNode site = node.getResolveSite(); if (site != null) { n.setWCAGComplianceCheckEnabled(site.hasProperty(SitesSettings.WCAG_COMPLIANCE_CHECKING_ENABLED) && site.getProperty(SitesSettings.WCAG_COMPLIANCE_CHECKING_ENABLED).getBoolean()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateWorkflowInfo(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node, Locale displayLocale) { try { n.setWorkflowInfo(workflow.getWorkflowInfo(n.getPath(), false, node.getSession(), node.getSession().getLocale(), displayLocale)); } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // do nothing logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (GWTJahiaServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void populateWorkflowInfos(GWTJahiaNode n, JCRNodeWrapper node, Locale displayLocale) { try { JCRSiteNode node1 = node.getResolveSite(); if (node1 != null) { Map<String, GWTJahiaWorkflowInfo> infoMap = new HashMap<String, GWTJahiaWorkflowInfo>(); JCRSessionWrapper session = node.getSession(); for (String code : node1.getLanguages()) { Locale locale = LanguageCodeConverters.languageCodeToLocale(code); JCRSessionWrapper localeSession = sessionFactory .getCurrentUserSession(session.getWorkspace().getName(), locale); GWTJahiaWorkflowInfo info = workflow.getWorkflowInfo(n.getPath(), true, localeSession, locale, displayLocale); infoMap.put(code, info); } n.setWorkflowInfos(infoMap); } } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // do nothing logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (GWTJahiaServiceException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void setJcrVersionService(JCRVersionService jcrVersionService) { this.jcrVersionService = jcrVersionService; } public void setLanguages(LanguageHelper languages) { this.languages = languages; } public void setPublication(PublicationHelper publication) { this.publication = publication; } public void setSessionFactory(JCRSessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } public void setVisibilityService(VisibilityService visibilityService) { this.visibilityService = visibilityService; } public void setWorkflow(WorkflowHelper workflow) { this.workflow = workflow; } }