Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package org.jahia.ajax.gwt.helper; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.value.*; import; import; import*; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.service.GWTJahiaServiceException; import; import org.jahia.registries.ServicesRegistry; import*; import; import*; import; import; import; import org.jahia.utils.i18n.Messages; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.jcr.PropertyType; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Value; import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Helper class for accessing node types and definitions. * * @author Thomas Draier * Date: Sep 12, 2008 - 11:48:20 AM */ public class ContentDefinitionHelper { private static final Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentDefinitionHelper.class); private NavigationHelper navigation; private ChoiceListInitializerService choiceListInitializerService; public void setNavigation(NavigationHelper navigation) { this.navigation = navigation; } public void setChoiceListInitializerService(ChoiceListInitializerService choiceListInitializerService) { this.choiceListInitializerService = choiceListInitializerService; } private static final List<String> excludedItems = Arrays.asList("j:locktoken", "jcr:lockOwner", "jcr:lockIsDeep", "j:nodename", "j:fullpath", "j:applyAcl", "jcr:uuid", "j:fieldsinuse"); private static final List<String> excludedTypes = Arrays.asList("nt:base", "mix:versionable", "jnt:workflow"); public GWTJahiaNodeType getNodeType(String name, Locale uiLocale) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return null; } ExtendedNodeType nodeType = null; try { nodeType = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(name); } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException e) { return null; } GWTJahiaNodeType gwt = getGWTJahiaNodeType(nodeType, uiLocale); return gwt; } public List<GWTJahiaNodeType> getGWTNodeTypes(List<ExtendedNodeType> availableMixins, Locale uiLocale) { List<GWTJahiaNodeType> gwtMixin = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeType>(); for (ExtendedNodeType extendedNodeType : availableMixins) { gwtMixin.add(getGWTJahiaNodeType(extendedNodeType, uiLocale)); } return gwtMixin; } public GWTJahiaNodeType getGWTJahiaNodeType(ExtendedNodeType nodeType, Locale uiLocale) { GWTJahiaNodeType gwt = new GWTJahiaNodeType(); gwt.setName(nodeType.getName()); gwt.setMixin(nodeType.isMixin()); gwt.setAbstract(nodeType.isAbstract()); gwt.setDescription(nodeType.getDescription(uiLocale)); String label = nodeType.getLabel(uiLocale); gwt.setLabel(label); List<ExtendedItemDefinition> defs = nodeType.getItems(); List<GWTJahiaItemDefinition> items = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaItemDefinition>(); List<GWTJahiaItemDefinition> inheritedItems = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaItemDefinition>(); for (ExtendedItemDefinition def : defs) { ExtendedItemDefinition overrideDef = def; if (!excludedTypes.contains(def.getDeclaringNodeType().getName()) && !excludedItems.contains(def.getName())) { GWTJahiaItemDefinition item; if (def.isNode()) { GWTJahiaNodeDefinition node = new GWTJahiaNodeDefinition(); overrideDef = nodeType.getChildNodeDefinitionsAsMap().get(def.getName()); if (overrideDef == null) { overrideDef = def; } ExtendedNodeDefinition end = (ExtendedNodeDefinition) overrideDef; item = node; node.setRequiredPrimaryTypes(end.getRequiredPrimaryTypeNames()); node.setDefaultPrimaryType(end.getDefaultPrimaryTypeName()); node.setAllowsSameNameSiblings(end.allowsSameNameSiblings()); node.setWorkflow(end.getWorkflow()); } else { GWTJahiaPropertyDefinition prop = new GWTJahiaPropertyDefinition(); overrideDef = nodeType.getPropertyDefinitionsAsMap().get(def.getName()); if (overrideDef == null) { overrideDef = def; } ExtendedPropertyDefinition epd = (ExtendedPropertyDefinition) overrideDef; prop.setInternationalized(epd.isInternationalized()); prop.setRequiredType(epd.getRequiredType()); prop.setMultiple(epd.isMultiple()); String[] constr = epd.getValueConstraints(); if (constr != null && constr.length > 0) { prop.setConstrained(true); prop.setValueConstraints(Arrays.asList(constr)); switch (prop.getRequiredType()) { case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.LONG: case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DOUBLE: case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DECIMAL: case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.BINARY: resolveNumericConstraint(prop); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DATE: resolveDateConstraint(prop); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.STRING: if (prop.getValueConstraints().size() == 1 && GWTJahiaNodeSelectorType.CHOICELIST != def.getSelector()) { prop.setConstraintErrorMessage( epd.getMessage("constraint.error.message", uiLocale)); } break; } } List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue> gwtValues = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>(); for (Value value : epd.getDefaultValues()) { try { GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue convertedValue = convertValue(value, epd); if (convertedValue != null) { gwtValues.add(convertedValue); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } prop.setDefaultValues(gwtValues); item = prop; } item.setAutoCreated(overrideDef.isAutoCreated()); item.setLabel(def.getLabel(uiLocale, nodeType)); item.setMandatory(overrideDef.isMandatory()); item.setHidden(overrideDef.isHidden()); item.setName(overrideDef.getName()); item.setProtected(overrideDef.isProtected()); item.setDeclaringNodeType(def.getDeclaringNodeType().getName()); item.setOverrideDeclaringNodeType(overrideDef.getDeclaringNodeType().getName()); if ("jcr:description".equals(def.getName())) { item.setDeclaringNodeTypeLabel(def.getLabel(uiLocale)); } else { item.setDeclaringNodeTypeLabel(def.getDeclaringNodeType().getLabel(uiLocale)); } item.setSelector(overrideDef.getSelector()); item.setSelectorOptions(new HashMap<String, String>(overrideDef.getSelectorOptions())); item.setDataType(overrideDef.getItemType()); item.setTooltip(def.getTooltip(uiLocale, nodeType)); if (def.getDeclaringNodeType().getName().equals(nodeType.getName())) { items.add(item); } else { inheritedItems.add(item); } } } gwt.setItems(items); gwt.setInheritedItems(inheritedItems); List<String> supertypesNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ExtendedNodeType[] nodeTypes = nodeType.getSupertypes(); for (ExtendedNodeType type : nodeTypes) { supertypesNames.add(type.getName()); } gwt.setSuperTypes(supertypesNames); try { gwt.setIcon(JCRContentUtils.getIconWithContext(nodeType)); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return gwt; } public static void resolveNumericConstraint(GWTJahiaPropertyDefinition prop) { for (String valueConstraint : prop.getValueConstraints()) { final boolean lowerInclusive; Double lowerLimit = null; final boolean upperInclusive; Double upperLimit = null; Pattern pattern = Pattern .compile("([\\(\\[]) *(\\-?\\d+\\.?\\d*)? *, *(\\-?\\d+\\.?\\d*)? *([\\)\\]])"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(valueConstraint); if (matcher.matches()) { try { // group 1 is lower inclusive/exclusive String s =; lowerInclusive = s.equals("["); // group 2 is lower limit s =; if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { lowerLimit = null; } else { lowerLimit = Double.valueOf(; } // group 3 is upper limit s =; if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { upperLimit = null; } else { upperLimit = Double.valueOf(; } // group 4 is lower inclusive/exclusive s =; upperInclusive = s.equals("]"); if (lowerLimit == null && upperLimit == null) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint" + " format for numeric types: neither lower- nor upper-limit specified"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } if (lowerLimit != null && upperLimit != null) { if (lowerLimit > upperLimit) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint format for numeric types: lower-limit exceeds upper-limit"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint format for numeric types"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } if (upperLimit != null) { prop.setMaxValue(Double.toString(upperInclusive ? upperLimit : --upperLimit)); } if (lowerLimit != null) { prop.setMinValue(Double.toString(lowerInclusive ? lowerLimit : ++lowerLimit)); } } } } public static void resolveDateConstraint(GWTJahiaPropertyDefinition prop) { for (String valueConstraint : prop.getValueConstraints()) { final boolean lowerInclusive; Calendar lowerLimit; final boolean upperInclusive; Calendar upperLimit; Pattern pattern = Pattern .compile("([\\(\\[]) *([0-9TZ\\.\\+-:]*)? *, *([0-9TZ\\.\\+-:]*)? *([\\)\\]])"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(valueConstraint); if (matcher.matches()) { try { // group 1 is lower inclusive/exclusive String s =; lowerInclusive = s.equals("["); // group 2 is lower limit s =; if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { lowerLimit = null; } else { lowerLimit = DateValue.valueOf(; } // group 3 is upper limit s =; if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { upperLimit = null; } else { upperLimit = DateValue.valueOf(; } // group 4 is upper inclusive/exclusive s =; upperInclusive = s.equals("]"); if (lowerLimit == null && upperLimit == null) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint format for dates: neither min- nor max-date specified"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } if (lowerLimit != null && upperLimit != null) { if (lowerLimit.after(upperLimit)) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint format for dates: min-date > max-date"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } } if (upperLimit != null) { prop.setMaxValue(String.valueOf( upperInclusive ? upperLimit.getTimeInMillis() : upperLimit.getTimeInMillis() - 1)); } if (lowerLimit != null) { prop.setMinValue(String.valueOf( lowerInclusive ? lowerLimit.getTimeInMillis() : lowerLimit.getTimeInMillis() + 1)); } } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint format for dates"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } catch (RepositoryException re) { String msg = "'" + valueConstraint + "' is not a valid value constraint format for dates"; logger.debug(msg); continue; } } } } public List<GWTJahiaNodeType> getNodeTypes(List<String> names, Locale uiLocale) { try { List<GWTJahiaNodeType> list = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeType>(); for (String name : names) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { GWTJahiaNodeType nodeType = getNodeType(name, uiLocale); if (nodeType != null) { list.add(nodeType); } } } return list; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } public List<GWTJahiaNodeType> getSubNodeTypes(List<String> names, Locale uiLocale) { try { List<GWTJahiaNodeType> list = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeType>(); for (String name : names) { ExtendedNodeType t = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(name); NodeTypeIterator nti = t.getSubtypes(); while (nti.hasNext()) { ExtendedNodeType type = (ExtendedNodeType); GWTJahiaNodeType nodeType = getNodeType(type.getName(), uiLocale); list.add(nodeType); } } return list; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } /** * Returns a list of node types with name and label populated that are the * sub-types of the specified base type or that are allowed to be created in * the specified parent node (if the baseType parameter is null). * * @param baseTypes the node type name to find sub-types * @param ctx current processing context instance * @param uiLocale * @param displayStudioElement * @return a list of node types with name and label populated that are the * sub-types of the specified base type or that are allowed to be * created in the specified parent node (if the baseType parameter * is null) */ public Map<GWTJahiaNodeType, List<GWTJahiaNodeType>> getContentTypes(List<String> baseTypes, Map<String, Object> ctx, Locale uiLocale, boolean includeSubTypes, boolean displayStudioElement) { Map<GWTJahiaNodeType, List<GWTJahiaNodeType>> map = new HashMap<GWTJahiaNodeType, List<GWTJahiaNodeType>>(); NodeTypeRegistry registry = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance(); try { ExtendedNodeType content = registry.getNodeType("jmix:droppableContent"); NodeTypeIterator typeIterator = content.getDeclaredSubtypes(); Map<String, ExtendedNodeType> contentTypes = new HashMap<String, ExtendedNodeType>(); while (typeIterator.hasNext()) { ExtendedNodeType type = (ExtendedNodeType); contentTypes.put(type.getName(), type); } List<String> types; if (baseTypes == null) { types = new ArrayList<String>(); } else { types = baseTypes; } Set<ExtendedNodeType> nodeTypes = new HashSet<ExtendedNodeType>(); if (baseTypes != null) { for (String type : types) { recurseAdd(registry.getNodeType(type), types, contentTypes, nodeTypes, includeSubTypes); } } else { recurseAdd(content, types, contentTypes, nodeTypes, includeSubTypes); } typeIterator = content.getDeclaredSubtypes(); while (typeIterator.hasNext()) { ExtendedNodeType mainType = (ExtendedNodeType); List<GWTJahiaNodeType> l = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeType>(); NodeTypeIterator subtypes = mainType.getDeclaredSubtypes(); while (subtypes.hasNext()) { ExtendedNodeType nodeType = (ExtendedNodeType); if (nodeTypes.contains(nodeType)) { final GWTJahiaNodeType nt = getGWTJahiaNodeType(nodeType, uiLocale); if (!displayStudioElement && !Arrays.asList(nodeType.getDeclaredSupertypeNames()) .contains("jmix:studioOnly")) { l.add(nt); } else if (displayStudioElement) { l.add(nt); } nodeTypes.remove(nodeType); } } if (!l.isEmpty()) { map.put(getGWTJahiaNodeType(mainType, uiLocale), l); } } if (!nodeTypes.isEmpty()) { List<GWTJahiaNodeType> l = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeType>(); for (ExtendedNodeType nodeType : nodeTypes) { if (!displayStudioElement && !Arrays.asList(nodeType.getDeclaredSupertypeNames()).contains("jmix:studioOnly")) { final GWTJahiaNodeType nt = getGWTJahiaNodeType(nodeType, uiLocale); l.add(nt); } } map.put(null, l); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return map; } private void recurseAdd(ExtendedNodeType req, List<String> baseTypes, Map<String, ExtendedNodeType> contentTypes, Collection<ExtendedNodeType> result, boolean includeSubTypes) { boolean excludeNonDroppable = false; if (req.getName().equals("jmix:droppableContent") || contentTypes.keySet().contains(req.getName())) { excludeNonDroppable = true; } add(req, baseTypes, contentTypes, result, excludeNonDroppable); if (includeSubTypes) { NodeTypeIterator subtypes = req.getSubtypes(); while (subtypes.hasNext()) { ExtendedNodeType subtype = (ExtendedNodeType); add(subtype, baseTypes, contentTypes, result, excludeNonDroppable); } } } private void add(ExtendedNodeType type, List<String> baseTypes, Map<String, ExtendedNodeType> contentTypes, Collection<ExtendedNodeType> result, boolean excludeNonDroppable) { if (!excludedTypes.contains(type.getName()) && !type.isMixin() && !type.isAbstract() && (!excludeNonDroppable || CollectionUtils .containsAny(Arrays.asList(type.getDeclaredSupertypeNames()), contentTypes.keySet()))) { if (!baseTypes.isEmpty()) { for (String t : baseTypes) { if (type.isNodeType(t)) { result.add(type); return; } } } else { result.add(type); } } } public List<ExtendedNodeType> getAvailableMixin(String type, JCRSiteNode site) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException { ArrayList<ExtendedNodeType> res = new ArrayList<ExtendedNodeType>(); Set<String> foundTypes = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> installedModules = site != null && site.getPath().startsWith("/sites/") ? site.getInstalledModulesWithAllDependencies() : null; Map<ExtendedNodeType, Set<ExtendedNodeType>> m = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getMixinExtensions(); ExtendedNodeType realType = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(type); for (ExtendedNodeType nodeType : m.keySet()) { if (realType.isNodeType(nodeType.getName())) { for (ExtendedNodeType extension : m.get(nodeType)) { // ctx.put("contextType", realType); if (installedModules == null || extension.getTemplatePackage() == null || extension.getTemplatePackage().getModuleType().equalsIgnoreCase("system") || installedModules.contains(extension.getTemplatePackage().getId())) { res.add(extension); foundTypes.add(extension.getName()); } } } } return res; } public GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue convertValue(Value val, ExtendedPropertyDefinition def) throws RepositoryException { String theValue; int type; switch (def.getRequiredType()) { case PropertyType.BINARY: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.BINARY; theValue = val.getString(); break; case PropertyType.BOOLEAN: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.BOOLEAN; theValue = String.valueOf(val.getBoolean()); break; case PropertyType.DATE: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DATE; Calendar date = val.getDate(); if (date == null) { theValue = null; } else { theValue = String.valueOf(date.getTimeInMillis()); } break; case PropertyType.DOUBLE: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DOUBLE; theValue = String.valueOf(val.getDouble()); break; case PropertyType.LONG: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.LONG; theValue = String.valueOf(val.getLong()); break; case PropertyType.NAME: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.NAME; theValue = val.getString(); break; case PropertyType.PATH: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.PATH; theValue = val.getString(); break; case PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE: GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue convertedValue = null; JCRNodeWrapper node = ((JCRValueWrapper) val).getNode(); // check if the referenced node exists if (node != null) { convertedValue = new GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue(navigation.getGWTJahiaNode(node), GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE); } return convertedValue; case PropertyType.REFERENCE: return new GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue(navigation.getGWTJahiaNode(((JCRValueWrapper) val).getNode()), GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.REFERENCE); case PropertyType.STRING: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.STRING; theValue = val.getString(); if (def.getSelector() == GWTJahiaNodeSelectorType.PICKER) { JCRValueWrapper value = val instanceof JCRValueWrapper ? (JCRValueWrapper) val : new JCRValueWrapperImpl(val, def, JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUserSession()); if (value.getNode() != null) { return new GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue(theValue, navigation.getGWTJahiaNode((JCRNodeWrapper) value.getNode()), type); } else { return null; } } break; case PropertyType.UNDEFINED: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.UNDEFINED; theValue = val.getString(); break; default: type = GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.UNDEFINED; theValue = val.getString(); break; } return new GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue(theValue, type); } public Value convertValue(GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue val) throws RepositoryException { Value value; switch (val.getType()) { case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.BINARY: value = new BinaryValue(val.getBinary()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.BOOLEAN: value = new BooleanValue(val.getBoolean()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DATE: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(val.getDate()); value = new DateValue(cal); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.DOUBLE: value = new DoubleValue(val.getDouble()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.LONG: value = new LongValue(val.getLong()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.NAME: value = NameValue.valueOf(val.getString()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.PATH: value = PathValue.valueOf(val.getString()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.REFERENCE: value = ReferenceValue.valueOf(val.getString()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE: value = WeakReferenceValue.valueOf(val.getString()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.STRING: value = new StringValue(val.getString()); break; case GWTJahiaNodePropertyType.UNDEFINED: value = new StringValue(val.getString()); break; default: value = new StringValue(val.getString()); break; } return value; } public Map<String, GWTChoiceListInitializer> getAllChoiceListInitializersValues(List<ExtendedNodeType> items, ExtendedNodeType contextType, JCRNodeWrapper contextNode, JCRNodeWrapper contextParent, Locale uiLocale) throws RepositoryException { Map<String, GWTChoiceListInitializer> results = new HashMap<String, GWTChoiceListInitializer>(); Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>(); context.put("contextType", contextType); context.put("contextNode", contextNode); context.put("contextParent", contextParent); for (Map.Entry<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition> item : getChoiceListItems(items).entrySet()) { GWTChoiceListInitializer initializer = getChoiceListInitializerValues(item.getValue(), context, uiLocale); if (initializer != null) { results.put(item.getKey(), initializer); } } return results; } public GWTChoiceListInitializer getInitializerValues(ExtendedPropertyDefinition epd, ExtendedNodeType contextType, JCRNodeWrapper contextNode, JCRNodeWrapper contextParent, Map<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>> dependentValues, Locale uiLocale) throws RepositoryException { Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>(); context.put("contextType", contextType); context.put("contextNode", contextNode); context.put("contextParent", contextParent); for (Map.Entry<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>> entry : dependentValues.entrySet()) { context.put(entry.getKey(), CollectionUtils.collect(entry.getValue(), new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object input) { return input.toString(); } })); } return getChoiceListInitializerValues(epd, context, uiLocale); } private GWTChoiceListInitializer getChoiceListInitializerValues(ExtendedPropertyDefinition epd, Map<String, Object> context, Locale uiLocale) { GWTChoiceListInitializer initializer = null; if (!epd.isHidden()) { Map<String, String> map = epd.getSelectorOptions(); if (map.size() > 0) { final List<GWTJahiaValueDisplayBean> displayBeans = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaValueDisplayBean>(32); final Map<String, ChoiceListInitializer> initializers = choiceListInitializerService .getInitializers(); List<String> dependentProperties = null; if (map.containsKey("dependentProperties")) { dependentProperties = Lists .newArrayList(StringUtils.split(map.get("dependentProperties"), ',')); context.put("dependentProperties", dependentProperties); } List<ChoiceListValue> listValues = null; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (initializers.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { listValues = initializers.get(entry.getKey()).getChoiceListValues(epd, entry.getValue(), listValues, uiLocale, context); } } if (listValues != null) { for (ChoiceListValue choiceListValue : listValues) { try { final GWTJahiaValueDisplayBean displayBean = new GWTJahiaValueDisplayBean( choiceListValue.getValue().getString(), choiceListValue.getDisplayName()); final Map<String, Object> props = choiceListValue.getProperties(); if (props != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> objectEntry : props.entrySet()) { if (objectEntry.getKey() == null || objectEntry.getValue() == null) { logger.error("Null value : " + objectEntry.getKey() + " / " + objectEntry.getValue()); } else { displayBean.set(objectEntry.getKey(), objectEntry.getValue()); } } } displayBeans.add(displayBean); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } initializer = new GWTChoiceListInitializer(displayBeans, dependentProperties); } } return initializer; } private Map<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition> getChoiceListItems(List<ExtendedNodeType> allTypes) { Map<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition> items = new HashMap<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition>(); for (ExtendedNodeType nodeType : allTypes) { Collection<ExtendedPropertyDefinition> c = nodeType.getPropertyDefinitionsAsMap().values(); for (ExtendedPropertyDefinition definition : c) { if (definition.getSelector() == SelectorType.CHOICELIST && !definition.getSelectorOptions().isEmpty()) { items.put(definition.getDeclaringNodeType().getName() + "." + definition.getName(), definition); } } } return items; } /** * Get both dynamic and static default values for the specified types and locales * * @param items a list of nodeTypes * @param locales a list of locales * @return the default values per type, per locale * @throws RepositoryException */ public Map<String, Map<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>>> getAllDefaultValues( List<ExtendedNodeType> items, List<Locale> locales) throws RepositoryException { Set<Map.Entry<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition>> entries = getInitializedItems(items).entrySet(); Map<String, Map<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>>> results = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>>>(); for (Locale locale : locales) { Map<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>> defaultValues = new HashMap<String, List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition> entry : entries) { List<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue> propertyDefaultValues = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodePropertyValue>(); for (Value value : entry.getValue().getDefaultValues(locale)) { propertyDefaultValues.add(convertValue(value, entry.getValue())); } defaultValues.put(entry.getKey(), propertyDefaultValues); } results.put(locale.toString(), defaultValues); } return results; } private Map<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition> getInitializedItems(List<ExtendedNodeType> allTypes) { Map<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition> items = new HashMap<String, ExtendedPropertyDefinition>(); for (ExtendedNodeType nodeType : allTypes) { for (ExtendedPropertyDefinition definition : nodeType.getPropertyDefinitionsAsMap().values()) { if (definition.getDefaultValues().length > 0) { items.put(definition.getDeclaringNodeType().getName() + "." + definition.getName(), definition); } } } return items; } /** * Returns a tree of node types and sub-types with name and label populated that are the * sub-types of the specified node types. * * @param nodeTypes * @param excludedNodeTypes * @param includeSubTypes * @param site * @param uiLocale * @param session * @return a tree of node types * @throws GWTJahiaServiceException */ public List<GWTJahiaNodeType> getContentTypesAsTree(final List<String> nodeTypes, final List<String> excludedNodeTypes, final boolean includeSubTypes, final JCRSiteNode site, final Locale uiLocale, final JCRSessionWrapper session) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { try { List<JahiaTemplatesPackage> packages = new ArrayList<JahiaTemplatesPackage>(); if (site.isNodeType("jnt:module")) { packages.add(site.getTemplatePackage()); } else { for (String s : site.getInstalledModules()) { JahiaTemplatesPackage aPackage = ServicesRegistry.getInstance().getJahiaTemplateManagerService() .getTemplatePackageById(s); packages.add(aPackage); } } for (int i = 0; i < packages.size(); i++) { JahiaTemplatesPackage aPackage = packages.get(i); if (aPackage != null) { for (JahiaTemplatesPackage dep : aPackage.getDependencies()) { if (!packages.contains(dep)) { packages.add(dep); } } } } List<ExtendedNodeType> types = new ArrayList<ExtendedNodeType>(); for (JahiaTemplatesPackage pkg : packages) { if (pkg != null) { for (NodeTypeIterator nti = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeTypes(pkg.getId()); nti .hasNext();) { ExtendedNodeType extendedNodeType = (ExtendedNodeType) nti.nextNodeType(); if (isValidNodeType(extendedNodeType, nodeTypes, excludedNodeTypes, includeSubTypes, site)) { types.add(extendedNodeType); } } if (pkg.isDefault()) { for (NodeTypeIterator nti = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeTypes("system-jahia"); nti .hasNext();) { ExtendedNodeType extendedNodeType = (ExtendedNodeType) nti.nextNodeType(); if (isValidNodeType(extendedNodeType, nodeTypes, excludedNodeTypes, includeSubTypes, site)) { types.add(extendedNodeType); } } } } } Map<ExtendedNodeType, List<ExtendedNodeType>> r = new HashMap<ExtendedNodeType, List<ExtendedNodeType>>(); for (ExtendedNodeType nt : types) { if (!nt.isMixin() && !nt.isAbstract()) { ExtendedNodeType parent = findFolder(nt); if (!r.containsKey(parent)) { r.put(parent, new ArrayList<ExtendedNodeType>()); } r.get(parent).add(nt); } } List<GWTJahiaNodeType> roots = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaNodeType>(); for (Map.Entry<ExtendedNodeType, List<ExtendedNodeType>> entry : r.entrySet()) { GWTJahiaNodeType nt = getGWTJahiaNodeType(entry.getKey() != null ? entry.getKey() : NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType("nt:base"), uiLocale); roots.add(nt); for (ExtendedNodeType type : entry.getValue()) { nt.add(getGWTJahiaNodeType(type, uiLocale)); } } if (roots.size() == 1 && (roots.get(0).isMixin() || roots.get(0).getName().equals("nt:base"))) { List<ModelData> l = roots.get(0).getChildren(); roots.clear(); for (ModelData o : l) { roots.add((GWTJahiaNodeType) o); } } return roots; } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException(Messages.getInternalWithArguments("label.gwt.error.cannot.translate", uiLocale, e.getLocalizedMessage())); } } private ExtendedNodeType findFolder(ExtendedNodeType nt) throws RepositoryException { if (!"jmix:droppableContent".equals(nt.getName()) && nt.isNodeType("jmix:droppableContent")) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Detected component type {}", nt.getName()); } ExtendedNodeType[] supertypes = nt.getSupertypes(); for (int i = supertypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ExtendedNodeType st = supertypes[i]; if (st.isMixin() && !st.getName().equals("jmix:droppableContent") && st.isNodeType("jmix:droppableContent")) { return st; } } } return null; } private boolean isValidNodeType(ExtendedNodeType ent, List<String> nodeTypes, List<String> excludedNodeTypes, boolean includeSubTypes, JCRNodeWrapper node) throws RepositoryException { if (ent == null) { return false; } if (includeSubTypes) { if (isNodeType(nodeTypes, ent) && checkPermissionForType(ent, node)) { return excludedNodeTypes == null || !isNodeType(excludedNodeTypes, ent); } } else { for (String nodeType : nodeTypes) { if (ent.getName().equals(nodeType) && checkPermissionForType(ent, node)) { return excludedNodeTypes == null || !isNodeType(excludedNodeTypes, ent); } } } return false; } public boolean checkPermissionForType(String typename, JCRNodeWrapper node) throws RepositoryException { ExtendedNodeType type = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(typename); return checkPermissionForType(type, node); } private boolean checkPermissionForType(ExtendedNodeType type, JCRNodeWrapper node) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException { NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType("jmix:accessControllableContent").getDeclaredSubtypes(); List<ExtendedNodeType> superTypes = Arrays.asList(type.getSupertypes()); NodeTypeIterator it = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType("jmix:accessControllableContent") .getDeclaredSubtypes(); boolean allowed = true; while (it.hasNext()) { ExtendedNodeType next = (ExtendedNodeType); if (superTypes.contains(next)) { allowed = node.hasPermission("component-" + next.getName().replace(":", "_")); // Keep only last (nearest) accessControllableContent mixin if type inherits from multiple ones, so continue looping } } return allowed; } private boolean isNodeType(List<String> nodeTypes, ExtendedNodeType type) { if (nodeTypes != null) { for (String nodeType : nodeTypes) { if (type.isNodeType(nodeType)) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } }