Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.widget.contentengine; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.*; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Margins; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.*; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.*; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.*; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.core.JahiaGWTParameters; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.messages.Messages; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.util.Formatter; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.util.URL; import; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.widget.AsyncTabItem; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.widget.definition.PropertiesEditor; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.widget.edit.mainarea.Module; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.widget.edit.mainarea.ModuleHelper; import java.util.*; /** * User: toto * Date: Jan 6, 2010 * Time: 8:10:21 PM */ public class ContentTabItem extends PropertiesTabItem { protected int maxNameSize = 32; private transient boolean isNodeNameFieldDisplayed = false; protected transient Field name; protected transient CheckBox autoUpdateName; protected transient Field<String> nameText; protected transient FieldSet nameFieldSet; protected transient Label autoUpdateLabel; private boolean nameEditable = true; private List<String> nameNotEditableForTypes; private List<String> invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes; private transient List<CheckBox> invalidLanguagesCheckBoxes; private transient FieldSet invalidLanguagesFieldSet; private boolean defaultAutoUpdate = true; public Field<String> getName() { return nameText; } /** * Get the list of checked languages checkboxes. * @return the list of checked languages checkboxes if they are available or * null if they are not present based on invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes. */ public List<CheckBox> getCheckedLanguagesCheckBox() { List<CheckBox> values = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); if (invalidLanguagesCheckBoxes != null) { for (CheckBox check : invalidLanguagesCheckBoxes) { if (check.getValue()) { values.add(check); } } return values; } return null; } @Override public AsyncTabItem create(GWTEngineTab engineTab, NodeHolder engine) { setMultiLang(true); nameText = null; autoUpdateName = null; nameFieldSet = null; nameEditable = true; if (dataType == null) { dataType = Arrays.asList(GWTJahiaItemDefinition.CONTENT); } invalidLanguagesCheckBoxes = null; invalidLanguagesFieldSet = null; return super.create(engineTab, engine); } @Override public void init(final NodeHolder engine, AsyncTabItem tab, String language) { super.init(engine, tab, language); if (engine.getMixin() != null && nameFieldSet != null) { final Field<?> titleField; PropertiesEditor.PropertyAdapterField adapterField = propertiesEditor.getFieldsMap().get("jcr:title"); if (adapterField != null) { ((FieldSet) adapterField.getParent()).insert(name, 0); titleField = adapterField.getField(); FieldSet titleFieldSet = propertiesEditor.getFieldSetsMap() .get(adapterField.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType()); propertiesEditor.remove(titleFieldSet); propertiesEditor.insert(titleFieldSet, 0); } else { propertiesEditor.insert(nameFieldSet, 0); titleField = null; } if (nameEditable && !engine.isMultipleSelection()) { if (autoUpdateName != null) { autoUpdateName.removeAllListeners(); } if (titleField != null) { List<Listener<? extends BaseEvent>> listeners = new ArrayList<Listener<? extends BaseEvent>>( titleField.getListeners(Events.KeyUp)); for (Listener listener : listeners) { titleField.removeListener(Events.KeyUp, listener); } } isNodeNameFieldDisplayed = true; boolean autoUpdate = defaultAutoUpdate; boolean nameEditingAllowed = isNameEditableForType(engine); if (nameEditingAllowed && autoUpdateName != null) { if (autoUpdate && (engine.isExistingNode() || !JahiaGWTParameters.getLanguage().equals(language))) { if (titleField != null && titleField.getValue() != null) { String generated = generateNodeName((String) titleField.getValue()); autoUpdate = nameText.getValue().equals(generated); } else { autoUpdate = false; } } autoUpdateName.setValue(autoUpdate); autoUpdateName.setVisible(true); autoUpdateLabel.setHtml(" " + Messages.get("label.synchronizeName", "Automatically synchronize name with title") + ":"); } else { autoUpdate = false; if (autoUpdateLabel != null) { autoUpdateLabel.setHtml(""); } if (autoUpdateName != null) { autoUpdateName.setVisible(false); } } nameText.setEnabled(nameEditingAllowed && !autoUpdate); if (titleField != null && autoUpdateName != null) { autoUpdateName.addListener(Events.Change, new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent event) { nameText.setEnabled(!autoUpdateName.getValue()); if (autoUpdateName.isEnabled()) { autoUpdateName.setData("realValue", autoUpdateName.getValue()); } if (autoUpdateName.getValue()) { if (titleField.getValue() != null) { nameText.setValue(generateNodeName((String) titleField.getValue())); } else { nameText.setValue(engine.getNodeName()); } } } }); titleField.addListener(Events.KeyUp, new Listener<FieldEvent>() { public void handleEvent(FieldEvent fe) { if (autoUpdateName.getValue()) { if (titleField.getValue() != null && ((String) titleField.getValue()).trim().length() > 0) { nameText.setValue(generateNodeName((String) titleField.getValue())); } else { nameText.setValue(engine.getNodeName()); } } } }); } } else { isNodeNameFieldDisplayed = false; if (autoUpdateName != null) { autoUpdateName.setVisible(false); } autoUpdateLabel.setHtml(""); nameText.setValue(""); nameText.setEnabled(false); } } if (invalidLanguagesFieldSet != null) { propertiesEditor.insert(invalidLanguagesFieldSet, 0); } tab.layout(); } @Override public void attachPropertiesEditor(final NodeHolder engine, AsyncTabItem tab) { // handle jcr:title property setNameField(engine, tab); // attach properties node // Add information field FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet(); final FormLayout fl = new FormLayout(); fl.setLabelWidth(0); fieldSet.setLayout(fl); fieldSet.setHeadingHtml(Messages.get("label.information", "Information")); FormData fd = new FormData("98%"); fd.setMargins(new Margins(0)); final GWTJahiaNode selectedNode = engine.getNode(); Grid g = new Grid(1, 2); g.setCellSpacing(10); FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel(); if (selectedNode != null) { String preview = selectedNode.getReferencedNode() != null ? selectedNode.getReferencedNode().getPreview() : selectedNode.getPreview(); if (preview != null) { g.setWidget(0, 0, new Image(URL.appendTimestamp(preview))); } if (JahiaGWTParameters.isDevelopmentMode()) { String path = selectedNode.getPath(); if (path != null) { flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("label.path") + ":</b> " + path)); } String id = selectedNode.getUUID(); if (id != null) { flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("", "ID") + ":</b> " + id)); } if (selectedNode.isFile() != null && selectedNode.isFile()) { Long s = selectedNode.getSize(); if (s != null) { flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("label.size") + ":</b> " + Formatter.getFormattedSize(s.longValue()) + " (" + s.toString() + " bytes)")); } } Date date = selectedNode.get("jcr:lastModified"); if (date != null) { flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("label.lastModif") + ":</b> " + org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.util.Formatter.getFormattedDate(date, "d/MM/y"))); } if (selectedNode.isLocked() != null && selectedNode.isLocked() && selectedNode.getLockInfos() != null) { StringBuilder infos = new StringBuilder(); if (selectedNode.getLockInfos().containsKey(null) && selectedNode.getLockInfos().size() == 1) { for (String s : selectedNode.getLockInfos().get(null)) { infos.append(Formatter.getLockLabel(s)); } } else { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : selectedNode.getLockInfos().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() != null) { if (infos.length() > 0) { infos.append("; "); } infos.append(entry.getKey()).append(" : "); int i = 0; for (String s : entry.getValue()) { if (i > 0) { infos.append(", "); } infos.append(Formatter.getLockLabel(s)); i++; } } } } flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("info.lock.label") + ":</b> " + infos)); } flowPanel.add(new HTML( "<b>" + Messages.get("nodes.label", "Types") + ":</b> " + selectedNode.getNodeTypes())); flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("", "Tags") + ":</b> " + selectedNode.getTags() != null ? selectedNode.getTags() : "")); if (engine.getNode() != null && ModuleHelper.getModulesByPath() != null) { List<Module> modules = ModuleHelper.getModulesByPath().get(engine.getNode().getPath()); if (modules != null && modules.size() > 0 && modules.get(0).getScriptInfo() != null) { flowPanel.add(new HTML("<b>" + Messages.get("", "Script info") + ":</b> " + modules.get(0).getScriptInfo())); } } g.setWidget(0, 1, flowPanel); } if (preview != null || JahiaGWTParameters.isDevelopmentMode()) { fieldSet.add(g, fd); propertiesEditor.add(fieldSet); } } //Invalid Languages selection List<GWTJahiaLanguage> siteLanguages = JahiaGWTParameters.getSiteLanguages(); if (engine instanceof AbstractContentEngine) { siteLanguages = ((AbstractContentEngine) engine).getLanguageSwitcher().getStore().getModels(); } if (invalidLanguagesFieldSet == null && siteLanguages.size() > 1 && engine.getNodeTypes().get(0).getSuperTypes().contains("jmix:i18n") && isInvalidLanguagesAvailableForType(engine)) { final List<String> siteMandatoryLanguages = JahiaGWTParameters.getSiteMandatoryLanguages(); invalidLanguagesCheckBoxes = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); LayoutContainer layoutContainer1 = new LayoutContainer(); layoutContainer1.setBorders(false); layoutContainer1.setLayout(new FillLayout(Style.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) { @Override protected void setSize(Component c, int width, int height) { // This method stays empty so that we do not rely on GWT to calculate the size of the // checkboxes but let the browser do it. } }); layoutContainer1.setWidth("100%"); for (final GWTJahiaLanguage siteLanguage : siteLanguages) { CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); checkBox.setBoxLabel(siteLanguage.getDisplayName()); checkBox.setValueAttribute(siteLanguage.getLanguage()); /*checkBox.addListener(Events.Change, new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent componentEvent) { CheckBox checkBox1 = (CheckBox) componentEvent.getSource(); if (engine instanceof AbstractContentEngine) { final ComboBox<GWTJahiaLanguage> languageSwitcher = ((AbstractContentEngine) engine).getLanguageSwitcher(); if (languageSwitcher != null) { final ListStore<GWTJahiaLanguage> store = languageSwitcher.getStore(); if (store != null) { GWTJahiaLanguage storeModel = store.findModel("language", checkBox1.getValueAttribute()); storeModel.setActive(checkBox1.getValue()); } languageSwitcher.getView().refresh(); } } } });*/ if (siteMandatoryLanguages.contains(siteLanguage.getLanguage())) { checkBox.setValue(true); checkBox.setEnabled(false); } if (selectedNode == null || !selectedNode.getInvalidLanguages().contains(siteLanguage.getLanguage())) { checkBox.setValue(true); } // Deactivate interactions between display languages checkboxes and language switcher /*else if (engine instanceof AbstractContentEngine) { AbstractContentEngine contentEngine = (AbstractContentEngine) engine; final GWTJahiaLanguage model = contentEngine.getLanguageSwitcher().getStore().findModel( "language", siteLanguage.getLanguage()); model.setActive(false); }*/ layoutContainer1.add(checkBox); invalidLanguagesCheckBoxes.add(checkBox); } invalidLanguagesFieldSet = new FieldSet(); invalidLanguagesFieldSet .setHeadingHtml(Messages.get("label.validLanguages", "Valid display languages")); invalidLanguagesFieldSet.setLayout(new FormLayout()); invalidLanguagesFieldSet.add(layoutContainer1, fd); } super.attachPropertiesEditor(engine, tab); } protected void setNameField(NodeHolder engine, AsyncTabItem tab) { if (!engine.isMultipleSelection()) { tab.setLayout(new RowLayout()); final FormLayout fl = new FormLayout(); fl.setLabelWidth(0); PropertiesEditor.PropertyAdapterField titleField = propertiesEditor.getFieldsMap().get("jcr:title"); if (nameText == null) { nameFieldSet = new FieldSet(); nameFieldSet.setHeadingHtml(Messages.get("label.systemName", "System name")); nameFieldSet.setLayout(fl); nameText = new TextField<String>(); nameText.setId("JahiaGxtField_systemName"); nameText.setWidth("250"); ((TextField) nameText).setMaxLength(maxNameSize); ((TextField) nameText).setAllowBlank(false); nameText.setStyleAttribute("padding-left", "0"); nameText.setFireChangeEventOnSetValue(true); final HBoxLayout hBoxLayout = new HBoxLayout(); hBoxLayout.setHBoxLayoutAlign(HBoxLayout.HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE); final LayoutContainer panel = new LayoutContainer(hBoxLayout); panel.add(this.nameText, new HBoxLayoutData(0, 5, 0, 5)); autoUpdateLabel = new Label(""); panel.add(autoUpdateLabel, new HBoxLayoutData(0, 5, 0, 5)); if (titleField != null) { autoUpdateName = new CheckBox(); autoUpdateName.setId("JahiaGxtCheckbox_syncSystemNameWithTitle"); autoUpdateName.setWidth(10); panel.add(autoUpdateName, new HBoxLayoutData(0, 5, 5, 5)); } name = new AdapterField(panel); name.setFieldLabel(Messages.get("label.systemName", "System name")); FormData fd = new FormData("98%"); fd.setMargins(new Margins(0)); nameFieldSet.add(name, fd); boolean nameWriteable = !engine.isExistingNode() || (PermissionsUtils.isPermitted("jcr:write_default", engine.getNode()) && !engine.getNode().isLocked()); if (!nameWriteable) { nameText.setReadOnly(true); if (autoUpdateName != null) { autoUpdateName.setEnabled(false); } } tab.setData("NodeName", null); } String nodeName = (String) tab.getData("NodeName"); if (nodeName == null || !nodeName.equals(engine.getNodeName())) { tab.setData("NodeName", engine.getNodeName()); if (titleField != null) { List<Listener<? extends BaseEvent>> listeners = new ArrayList<Listener<? extends BaseEvent>>( titleField.getListeners(Events.KeyUp)); for (Listener listener : listeners) { titleField.removeListener(Events.KeyUp, listener); } } nameText.setValue(engine.getNodeName()); if (autoUpdateName != null) { autoUpdateName.removeAllListeners(); autoUpdateName.setData("realValue", null); } } } } /** * Return true if nodeNameField is displayed * * @return */ public boolean isNodeNameFieldDisplayed() { return isNodeNameFieldDisplayed; } public void setNameEditable(boolean nameEditable) { this.nameEditable = nameEditable; } public String generateNodeName(String text) { text = text.replaceAll("[]", "a"); text = text.replaceAll("", "ae"); text = text.replaceAll("", "c"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "e"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "i"); text = text.replaceAll("", "n"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "o"); text = text.replaceAll("", "oe"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "u"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "y"); text = text.replaceAll("[?]", "A"); text = text.replaceAll("", "AE"); text = text.replaceAll("", "C"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "E"); text = text.replaceAll("[??]", "I"); text = text.replaceAll("", "N"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "O"); text = text.replaceAll("", "OE"); text = text.replaceAll("[]", "U"); text = text.replaceAll("[?]", "Y"); String nodeName = text; final char[] chars = nodeName.toCharArray(); final char[] newChars = new char[chars.length]; int j = 0; for (char aChar : chars) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(aChar) || aChar == 32 || aChar == '-') { newChars[j++] = aChar; } } nodeName = new String(newChars, 0, j).trim().replaceAll(" ", "-").toLowerCase(); if (nodeName.length() > maxNameSize) { nodeName = nodeName.substring(0, maxNameSize); if (nodeName.endsWith("-") && nodeName.length() > 2) { nodeName = nodeName.substring(0, nodeName.length() - 1); } } return nodeName; } public void setMaxNameSize(int maxNameSize) { this.maxNameSize = maxNameSize; } @Override public void setProcessed(boolean processed) { if (!processed) { isNodeNameFieldDisplayed = false; nameText = null; nameEditable = true; } super.setProcessed(processed); } public void setNameNotEditableForTypes(List<String> nameNotEditableForTypes) { this.nameNotEditableForTypes = nameNotEditableForTypes; } private boolean isNameEditableForType(NodeHolder engine) { return nameNotEditableForTypes == null || nameNotEditableForTypes.isEmpty() || engine == null || !engine.isExistingNode() || !engine.getNode().isNodeType(nameNotEditableForTypes); } public void setInvalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes(List<String> invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes) { this.invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes = invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes; } private boolean isInvalidLanguagesAvailableForType(NodeHolder engine) { if (invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes != null && !invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes.isEmpty() && engine != null) { for (GWTJahiaNodeType type : engine.getNodeTypes()) { if (invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes.contains(type.getName())) { return true; } for (String superType : type.getSuperTypes()) { if (invalidLanguagesAvailableForTypes.contains(superType)) { return true; } } } } return false; } @Override public void doValidate(List<EngineValidation.ValidateResult> validateResult, NodeHolder engine, TabItem tab, String selectedLanguage, Map<String, List<GWTJahiaNodeProperty>> changedI18NProperties, TabPanel tabs) { Field<String> nameField = getName(); if (nameField != null && !nameField.isValid()) { EngineValidation.ValidateResult result = new EngineValidation.ValidateResult(); result.canIgnore = false; result.errorTab = tab; result.errorField = nameField; validateResult.add(result); } super.doValidate(validateResult, engine, tab, selectedLanguage, changedI18NProperties, tabs); } public void setDefaultAutoUpdate(boolean defaultAutoUpdate) { this.defaultAutoUpdate = defaultAutoUpdate; } }