Java tutorial
/* * Created on Jul 13, 2005 Copyright (C) 2001-5, Anthony Harrison * Created on Jul 13, 2005 Copyright (C) 2001-5, Anthony Harrison * ( This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have * received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.jactr.eclipse.runtime.launching.env; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.commonreality.agents.DumbAgent; import; import; import; import org.commonreality.reality.impl.DefaultReality; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager; import org.jactr.core.reality.ACTRAgent; import org.jactr.core.reality.connector.CommonRealityConnector; import org.jactr.core.reality.connector.LocalConnector; import org.jactr.core.runtime.controller.DefaultController; import org.jactr.core.runtime.controller.debug.DebugController; import org.jactr.eclipse.core.CorePlugin; import org.jactr.eclipse.core.bundles.descriptors.InstrumentDescriptor; import org.jactr.eclipse.core.bundles.descriptors.IterativeListenerDescriptor; import org.jactr.eclipse.core.bundles.descriptors.RuntimeTracerDescriptor; import org.jactr.eclipse.core.bundles.descriptors.SensorDescriptor; import org.jactr.eclipse.runtime.RuntimePlugin; import org.jactr.eclipse.runtime.launching.ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils; import org.jactr.eclipse.runtime.launching.ACTRLaunchConstants; import org.jactr.embed.EmbedConnector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class EnvironmentConfigurator { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(EnvironmentConfigurator.class); static private final String NET_PROVIDER = "org.commonreality.netty.NettyNetworkingProvider"; static public IFile createRuntimeEnvironmentFile(ILaunchConfiguration config, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { /* * make sure we have runs/ */ IFile configurationFile = null; IProject project = ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils.getProject(config); if (config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_SAVE_RUN, true)) { IFolder runtimeFolder = project.getFolder("runs"); if (!runtimeFolder.exists()) runtimeFolder.create(true, true, monitor); /* * create {now} */ Date now = new Date(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); String name = df.format(now); name = name.replace("/", "."); IFolder thisRun = runtimeFolder.getFolder(name); if (!thisRun.exists()) thisRun.create(true, true, monitor); df = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); name = df.format(now).replace(":", ".").replace(" ", ""); thisRun = thisRun.getFolder(name); if (!thisRun.exists()) thisRun.create(true, true, monitor); configurationFile = thisRun.getFile("environment.xml"); } else { // tmp directory and temp file IPath workingLocation = project.getWorkingLocation(RuntimePlugin.PLUGIN_ID); workingLocation.append("/tmp/"); IFolder tmpLocation = project.getFolder(workingLocation); tmpLocation.create(true, true, monitor); // TODO this could screw up if you try to run multiple instances at once configurationFile = tmpLocation.getFile(project.getName() + "-environment.xml"); } return configurationFile; } /** * write the environment file used by org.jactr.jactr to launch this is the * ugliest piece of code I have probably ever written * * @note should be refactored * @param configFile * @param configuration * @param monitor */ static public void writeEnvironmentConfiguration(IFile environmentFile, ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(baos)); IProgressMonitor sub = null; if (monitor != null) { sub = new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 3); sub.setTaskName("Writing environment file"); } else sub = new NullProgressMonitor(); try { Map<IResource, Collection<String>> models = getModelInfo(configuration); Map<SensorDescriptor, Map<String, String>> interfaces = getSensorInfo(configuration); /* * Ok, let's do some output */ if (sub != null) sub.worked(1); pw.println("<!-- automatically generated environment.xml file -->"); pw.println("<environment>"); setupCommonReality(pw, interfaces, models, configuration); /* * we only set the controller, which will send back events (log and * others) if we've got a port and address */ int port = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_DEBUG_PORT, -1); String address = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_DEBUG_ADDRESS, (String) null); String credentials = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_CREDENTIALS, (String) null); /** * will we be listening to this execution? */ boolean attachedRun = port != -1 && address != null && credentials != null; int iterations = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_ITERATIONS, 0); boolean isIterative = iterations != 0; setupBasics(pw, models, interfaces.size() != 0, !isIterative, configuration); pw.println("<attachments>"); setupInstruments(pw, configuration); if (attachedRun && !isIterative) setupNormalAttachedRun(pw, credentials, address, port, mode, configuration); pw.println("</attachments>"); if (isIterative) setupIterativeAttachedRun(pw, credentials, address, port, iterations, mode, configuration); pw.println("</environment>"); pw.flush(); pw.close(); if (sub != null) sub.worked(1); // now we generate it to the appropriate file.. environmentFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()), true, monitor); if (sub != null) { sub.worked(1); sub.done(); } } catch (CoreException e) { CorePlugin.error( "Could not generate the environment config file " + environmentFile.getProjectRelativePath(), e); } } /** * extract the model information * * @param configuration * @return * @throws CoreException */ static protected Map<IResource, Collection<String>> getModelInfo(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException { /* * now for each model defined in the configuration, snag the number of * aliases (usually 1) and snags the specific alias * {ACTR_MODEL_FILE}.numberOfInstances # {ACTR_MODEL_FILE}.#.instanceAlias * String */ Map<IResource, Collection<String>> models = new HashMap<IResource, Collection<String>>(); for (IResource modelFile : ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils.getModelFiles(configuration)) if (modelFile.exists()) models.put(modelFile, ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils.getModelAliases(modelFile, configuration)); return models; } /** * get the common reality sensor info, but only if not using embed * * @param configuration * @return * @throws CoreException */ static protected Map<SensorDescriptor, Map<String, String>> getSensorInfo(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException { boolean usingEmbed = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_USE_EMBED_CONTROLLER, false); /* * now we snag all the reality interfaces */ Map<SensorDescriptor, Map<String, String>> interfaces = new HashMap<SensorDescriptor, Map<String, String>>(); if (!usingEmbed) for (SensorDescriptor sensor : ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils.getRequiredSensors(configuration)) { /* * we need the parameters for the sensor */ Map<String, String> parameters = new TreeMap<String, String>(); parameters = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_PARAMETERS + sensor.getClassName(), parameters); interfaces.put(sensor, parameters); } return interfaces; } /** * write out the common reality section * * @param pw * @param interfaces */ static protected void setupCommonReality(PrintWriter pw, Map<SensorDescriptor, Map<String, String>> interfaces, Map<IResource, Collection<String>> models, ILaunchConfiguration config) throws CoreException { String protocol = INetworkingProvider.NOOP_PROTOCOL; String transport = INetworkingProvider.NOOP_TRANSPORT; if (interfaces.size() != 0) { pw.println("<!-- common reality configuration -->"); pw.println("<commonreality>"); pw.println(" <reality class=\"org.commonreality.reality.impl.DefaultReality\">"); pw.println(" <!-- define all the connections -->"); pw.println(" <services>"); pw.println(String.format(" <server provider=\"%s\"", NET_PROVIDER)); pw.println(String.format(" transport=\"%s\"", transport)); pw.println(String.format(" protocol=\"%s\"", protocol)); pw.println(" address=\"4567\"/>"); pw.println(" </services>"); pw.println(" <!-- define the credentials necessary to connect -->"); pw.println(" <credentials>"); for (SensorDescriptor desc : interfaces.keySet()) { pw.print(" <credential value=\"" + desc.getName() + ":1234\""); if (desc.isClockOwner()) pw.print(" clock-owner=\"true\""); pw.println("/>"); } if (models.size() == 0 && config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.INCLUDE_MOCK_AGENT, false)) pw.println(" <credential value=\"mockAgent:1234\"/>"); else for (Collection<String> modelNames : models.values()) for (String modelName : modelNames) pw.println(" <credential value=\"" + modelName + ":1234\"/>"); pw.println(" </credentials>"); int ackTime = config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_COMMON_REALITY_ACK_TIME, 10000); boolean disconnect = config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_COMMON_REALITY_DISCONNECT, false); pw.println( " <property name=\"" + DefaultReality.ACK_TIMEOUT_PARAM + "\" value=\"" + ackTime + "\"/>"); pw.println(" <property name=\"" + DefaultReality.DISCONNECT_PARAM + "\" value=\"" + disconnect + "\"/>"); pw.println(" </reality>"); /* * now for the sensors */ pw.println(" <sensors>"); for (SensorDescriptor sensor : interfaces.keySet()) { Map<String, String> parameters = interfaces.get(sensor); pw.println(" <sensor class=\"" + sensor.getClassName() + "\">"); pw.println(" <credential value=\"" + sensor.getName() + ":1234\"/>"); pw.println(" <services>"); pw.println(String.format(" <client provider=\"%s\"", NET_PROVIDER)); pw.println(String.format(" transport=\"%s\"", transport)); pw.println(String.format(" protocol=\"%s\"", protocol)); pw.println(" address=\"4567\"/>"); pw.println(" </services>"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entrySet()) pw.println( " <property name=\"" + entry.getKey() + "\" value=\"" + entry.getValue() + "\"/>"); pw.println(" </sensor>"); } pw.println("</sensors>"); /* * and the agents */ pw.println(" <agents>"); if (models.size() == 0 && config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.INCLUDE_MOCK_AGENT, false)) { pw.println(" <agent class=\"" + DumbAgent.class.getName() + "\">"); pw.println(" <credential value=\"mockAgent:1234\"/>"); pw.println(" <services>"); pw.println(String.format(" <client provider=\"%s\"", NET_PROVIDER)); pw.println(String.format(" transport=\"%s\"", transport)); pw.println(String.format(" protocol=\"%s\"", protocol)); pw.println(" address=\"4567\"/>"); pw.println(" </services>"); pw.println(" </agent>"); } else for (Collection<String> modelNames : models.values()) for (String modelName : modelNames) { pw.println(" <agent class=\"" + ACTRAgent.class.getName() + "\">"); pw.println(" <credential value=\"" + modelName + ":1234\"/>"); pw.println(" <services>"); pw.println(String.format(" <client provider=\"%s\"", NET_PROVIDER)); pw.println(String.format(" transport=\"%s\"", transport)); pw.println(String.format(" protocol=\"%s\"", protocol)); pw.println(" address=\"4567\"/>"); pw.println(" </services>"); pw.println(" <property name=\"ACTRAgent.ModelName\" value=\"" + modelName + "\"/>"); pw.println(" </agent>"); } pw.println("</agents>"); pw.println("</commonreality>"); } } static protected void setupBasics(PrintWriter pw, Map<IResource, Collection<String>> models, boolean needsCommonReality, boolean useDebugController, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException { pw.println("<!-- jactr controller configuration -->"); pw.println("<controller class=\"" + (useDebugController ? DebugController.class.getName() : DefaultController.class.getName()) + "\" />"); boolean useEmbed = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_USE_EMBED_CONTROLLER, false); /* * now we need to set up the connector */ String connector = LocalConnector.class.getName(); pw.println("<!-- Connector specifies how we interface with common reality, if at all -->"); if (needsCommonReality) connector = CommonRealityConnector.class.getName(); else if (useEmbed) connector = EmbedConnector.class.getName(); pw.println("<connector class=\"" + connector + "\"/>"); /* * onStart and onStop <onStart class="" /> <outStop class="" /> */ String os = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_ON_START, ""); if (os.length() != 0) { pw.println(" <!-- will execute runnable when the runtime starts -->"); pw.println(" <onstart class=\"" + os + "\"/>"); } os = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_ON_STOP, ""); if (os.length() != 0) { pw.println(" <!-- will execute runnable when the runtime stops -->"); pw.println(" <onstop class=\"" + os + "\"/>"); } pw.println(" <models>"); for (IResource modelFile : models.keySet()) { Collection<String> aliases = models.get(modelFile); String urlString = null; urlString = modelFile.getProjectRelativePath().removeFirstSegments(1).toString(); // urlString = modelFile.getLocation().toFile().toURL().toString(); for (String alias : aliases) pw.println(" <model url=\"" + urlString + "\" alias=\"" + alias + "\"/>"); } pw.println(" </models>"); } static protected void setupInstruments(PrintWriter pw, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException { /* * now we attach the instruments */ for (InstrumentDescriptor instrument : ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils.getRequiredInstruments(configuration)) { /* * now we extract each parameter name/value for said interface */ Map<String, String> parameters = configuration.getAttribute( ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_PARAMETERS + instrument.getClassName(), new TreeMap<String, String>()); String attach = parameters.remove("attach"); if (attach == null) attach = "all"; StringBuilder inst = new StringBuilder(" <attachment class=\""); inst.append(instrument.getClassName()).append("\" attach=\""); inst.append(attach).append("\">\n"); if (parameters.size() != 0) { inst.append(" <parameters>\n"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> parameter : parameters.entrySet()) inst.append(" <parameter name=\"").append(parameter.getKey()).append("\" value=\"") .append(parameter.getValue()).append("\"/>\n"); inst.append(" </parameters>\n"); } inst.append("</attachment>"); pw.println(inst.toString()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static private void setupRuntimeTracers(PrintWriter pw, String credentials, String address, int port, String mode, boolean isIterative, ILaunchConfiguration config) throws CoreException { boolean isDebug = mode.equals(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE); boolean useNetworkSync = config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_IDE_TRACE, false); boolean useArchivalSync = config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_RECORD_TRACE, false); /* * if iterative run, no sync is permitted - unless it is archival. iterative * normal : only archival, if selected. iterative debug : only archival, if * selected. normal : selected debug : +networked */ if (isIterative) useNetworkSync = false; else useNetworkSync ^= isDebug; // we force it on // not using any? leave if (!useArchivalSync && !useNetworkSync) return; Map<String, Map<String, String>> traceListeners = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); Collection<RuntimeTracerDescriptor> selectedTraceListeners = ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils .getRequiredTracers(config); selectedTraceListeners.forEach((rtd) -> { try { traceListeners.put(rtd.getClassName(), config.getAttribute( ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_PARAMETERS + rtd.getClassName(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("EnvironmentConfigurator. threw Exception : ", e); } }); if (isDebug && !isIterative) // we must be using network sync.. traceListeners.put(ProceduralModuleTracer.class.getName(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP); if (traceListeners.size() > 0) { /* * now we actually do the writing. If there are */ pw.println("<!-- and this routes events like log and production firing over the network -->"); pw.println(" <attachment class=\"" + RuntimeTracer.class.getName() + "\" attach=\"all\">"); pw.println(" <parameters>"); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + RuntimeTracer.EXECUTOR_PARAM + "\" value=\"Background\"/>"); Collection<String> sinks = new ArrayList<String>(); if (useArchivalSync) sinks.add(ArchivalSink.class.getName()); if (useNetworkSync) sinks.add(NetworkedSink.class.getName()); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + RuntimeTracer.SINK_CLASS + "\" value=\"" +",")) + "\"/>"); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + RuntimeTracer.LISTENERS + "\" value=\"" + traceListeners.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + "\"/>"); traceListeners.entrySet().forEach((e) -> { Map<String, String> params = e.getValue(); if (params.size() > 0) { pw.println("<!-- parameters for " + e.getKey() + "-->"); params.entrySet().forEach((pe) -> { pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + pe.getKey() + "\" value=\"" + pe.getValue() + "\"/>"); }); } }); pw.println(" </parameters>"); pw.println(" </attachment>"); if (useNetworkSync) { /* * auto install the synch manager.. */ pw.println("<!-- since we are connecting to the IDE, we'll auto install the sync tool -->"); pw.println(String.format("<attachment class=\"%s\" />", SynchronizationManager.class.getName())); } } // /* // * the uses of traces is more complex than the above. Tracers are used if // we // * are non-iterative debug (which gives us break point control). Tracers // are // * used there are requested tracers (from the run config), AND at least // one // * sync // */ // // if (useTracer) // { // pw.println("<!-- and this routes events like log and production firing over the network -->"); // pw.println(" <attachment class=\"" + RuntimeTracer.class.getName() // + "\" attach=\"all\">"); // // pw.println(" <parameters>"); // pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + RuntimeTracer.EXECUTOR_PARAM // + "\" value=\"Background\"/>"); // // /* // * normal runs almost always route to the IDE, but iterative runs never // * do. However, iterative runs are allowed to use the ArchivalSink // */ // StringBuilder sinks = new StringBuilder(); // // if (!isIterative // && config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_IDE_TRACE, true)) // sinks.append(NetworkedSink.class.getName()).append(","); // // if (config.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_RECORD_TRACE, false)) // sinks.append(ArchivalSink.class.getName()).append(","); // // sinks.delete(sinks.length() - 1, sinks.length()); // // pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + RuntimeTracer.SINK_CLASS // + "\" value=\"" + sinks.toString() + "\"/>"); // // Collection<RuntimeTracerDescriptor> traceListeners = // ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils // .getRequiredTracers(config); // StringBuilder listeners = new StringBuilder(); // boolean hasDebug = false; // for (RuntimeTracerDescriptor listener : traceListeners) // { // if (!hasDebug // && listener.getClassName().equals( // ProceduralModuleTracer.class.getName())) hasDebug = true; // // listeners.append(listener.getClassName()).append(","); // // Map<String, String> parameters = config.getAttribute( // ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_PARAMETERS + listener.getClassName(), // new TreeMap<String, String>()); // if (parameters.size() > 0) // { // pw.println("<!-- params for " + listener.getClassName() + " -->"); // for (Map.Entry<String, String> parameter : parameters.entrySet()) // pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + parameter.getKey() // + "\" value=\"" + parameter.getValue() + "\"/>"); // } // } // // // kill ',' // if (listeners.length() != 0) // listeners.delete(listeners.length() - 1, listeners.length()); // // if (mode.equals(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE) && !hasDebug) // { // if (listeners.length() != 0) listeners.append(","); // listeners.append(ProceduralModuleTracer.class.getName()); // } // // pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + RuntimeTracer.LISTENERS // + "\" value=\"" + listeners + "\"/>"); // // pw.println(" </parameters>"); // // pw.println(" </attachment>"); // } } static protected void setupNormalAttachedRun(PrintWriter pw, String credentials, String address, int port, String mode, ILaunchConfiguration config) throws CoreException { INetworkingProvider provider = null; try { provider = INetworkingProvider.getProvider(NET_PROVIDER); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RuntimePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, String.format("Failed to get networking provider %s", NET_PROVIDER), e)); } pw.println("<!-- this attachment sets up the network communication and control -->"); pw.println(" <attachment class=\"" + RemoteInterface.class.getName() + "\" attach=\"all\">"); pw.println(" <parameters>"); /* * by default we always use this set up.. */ ITransportProvider transport = provider.getTransport(INetworkingProvider.NIO_TRANSPORT); pw.println(String.format(" <parameter name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>", NetworkedEndpoint.TRANSPORT_CLASS, transport.getClass().getName())); IProtocolConfiguration proto = provider.getProtocol(INetworkingProvider.SERIALIZED_PROTOCOL); pw.println(String.format(" <parameter name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>", NetworkedEndpoint.PROTOCOL_CLASS, proto.getClass().getName())); /* * this newClient call might seem expensive the the services don't create * state info until they are configured and started. */ pw.println(String.format(" <parameter name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>", NetworkedEndpoint.SERVICE_CLASS, provider.newClient().getClass().getName())); pw.println( " <parameter name=\"" + NetworkedEndpoint.CREDENTAILS + "\" value=\"" + credentials + "\"/>"); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + NetworkedEndpoint.ADDRESS + "\" value=\"" + address + ":" + port + "\"/>"); /* * this is generally commented out because it is sooooo expensive. */ pw.println(" <parameter name=\"SendModelOnSuspend\" value=\"false\"/>"); // pw.println(" <parameter name=\"SendModelOnSuspend\" value=\"" // + mode.equals(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE) + "\"/>"); pw.println(" </parameters>"); pw.println("</attachment>"); setupRuntimeTracers(pw, credentials, address, port, mode, false, config); } static protected void setupIterativeAttachedRun(PrintWriter pw, String credentials, String address, int port, int iterations, String mode, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException { setupRuntimeTracers(pw, credentials, address, port, mode, true, configuration); int deadlockWaitTime = configuration.getAttribute(ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_ITERATIVE_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, 10000); pw.println("<!-- this is an iterative run -->"); pw.println(" <iterative iterations=\"" + iterations + "\">"); /* * we always install this guy to track what's going on.. */ pw.println(" <iterative-listener class=\"" + NetworkedIterativeRunListener.class.getName() + "\">"); pw.println(" <parameters>"); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"address\" value=\"" + address + ":" + port + "\"/>"); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"credentials\" value=\"" + credentials + "\"/>"); pw.println(" <parameter name=\"" + NetworkedIterativeRunListener.DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_PARAM + "\" value=\"" + deadlockWaitTime + "\"/>"); pw.println(" </parameters>"); pw.println(" </iterative-listener>"); for (IterativeListenerDescriptor desc : ACTRLaunchConfigurationUtils.getRequiredListeners(configuration)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" <iterative-listener class=\""); sb.append(desc.getClassName()).append("\">\n"); /* * now we extract each parameter name/value for said interface */ Map<String, String> parameters = configuration.getAttribute( ACTRLaunchConstants.ATTR_PARAMETERS + desc.getClassName(), new TreeMap<String, String>()); if (parameters.size() != 0) { sb.append(" <parameters>\n"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> parameter : parameters.entrySet()) sb.append(" <parameter name=\"").append(parameter.getKey()).append("\" value=\"") .append(parameter.getValue()).append("\"/>\n"); sb.append(" </parameters>\n"); } sb.append(" </iterative-listener>\n"); pw.println(sb.toString()); } pw.println(" </iterative>"); } }