Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2019 Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * Evgeny Mandrikov - initial API and implementation * *******************************************************************************/ package org.jacoco.core.test.validation.java5; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jacoco.core.internal.instr.InstrSupport; import org.jacoco.core.test.TargetLoader; import org.jacoco.core.test.validation.Source.Line; import org.jacoco.core.test.validation.ValidationTestBase; import org.jacoco.core.test.validation.java5.targets.FinallyTarget; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LineNumberNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; /** * Test of filtering of duplicated bytecode that is generated for finally block. */ public class FinallyTest extends ValidationTestBase { private Map<Integer, String> tags; public FinallyTest() { super(FinallyTarget.class); } @Before @Override public void setup() throws Exception { super.setup(); tags = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); } public void assertFinally(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler) { assertEmpty(line); } else { assertFullyCovered(line); } } public void assertTwoRegions1(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("1.8")) { // assertPartlyCovered(line); } else { assertFullyCovered(line); } } public void assertTwoRegionsReturn1(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("1.8")) { // assertEmpty(line); } else { assertFullyCovered(line); } } public void assertTwoRegionsReturn2(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("1.8")) { // assertEmpty(line); } else { assertNotCovered(line); } } public void assertEmptyTry1(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("1.8")) { // compiler bug fixed in javac >= 1.8: assertPartlyCovered(line); } else { assertFullyCovered(line); } } public void assertEmptyTry2(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("1.8")) { // compiler bug fixed in javac >= 1.8: assertFullyCovered(line); } else { assertEmpty(line); } } public void assertAlwaysCompletesAbruptly0(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler) { // uncovered case: assertEmpty(line); } else { assertPartlyCovered(line); } } public void assertAlwaysCompletesAbruptly1(final Line line) { if (isJDKCompiler) { // uncovered case: assertPartlyCovered(line); } else { assertFullyCovered(line); } } @Test @Override public void execute_assertions_in_comments() throws IOException { super.execute_assertions_in_comments(); gotos(); } /** * This test studies placement of GOTO instructions. */ private void gotos() throws IOException { final Set<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(); if (isJDKCompiler) { expected.add("example.2"); } else { expected.add("example.0"); } expected.add("breakStatement.for"); if (isJDKCompiler) { if (JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("10")) { // expected.add("breakStatement.1"); } else { expected.add("breakStatement"); } expected.add("breakStatement.2"); } else { expected.add("breakStatement"); } if (isJDKCompiler) { expected.add("emptyCatch.2"); } else { expected.add("emptyCatch"); expected.add("emptyCatch.1"); } if (isJDKCompiler) { expected.add("catchNotExecuted.2"); } else { expected.add("catchNotExecuted"); expected.add("catchNotExecuted.1"); } if (isJDKCompiler) { expected.add("nested.5"); expected.add("nested.6"); } else { expected.add("nested.0"); expected.add("nested.3"); } if (isJDKCompiler && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("1.8")) { expected.add("emptyTry.2"); } if (!isJDKCompiler) { expected.add("alwaysCompletesAbruptly.0"); } assertEquals(expected, getTagsWithGotos()); } private Set<String> getTagsWithGotos() throws IOException { final Set<String> gotoTags = new HashSet<String>(); byte[] b = TargetLoader.getClassDataAsBytes(FinallyTarget.class); final ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(); InstrSupport.classReaderFor(b).accept(classNode, 0); for (final MethodNode m : classNode.methods) { if ("main".equals( { // skip it continue; } int lineNumber = -1; for (AbstractInsnNode i : m.instructions) { if (AbstractInsnNode.LINE == i.getType()) { lineNumber = ((LineNumberNode) i).line; } if (Opcodes.GOTO == i.getOpcode()) { String tag = tags.get(Integer.valueOf(lineNumber)); if (tag == null) { throw new AssertionError("No tag at line " + lineNumber); } gotoTags.add(tag); } } } return gotoTags; } public void tag(final Line line, String tag) { assertFalse("duplicate tag " + tag, tags.containsValue(tag)); assertNull("duplicate tag in " + line, tags.put(Integer.valueOf(line.getNr()), tag)); } }