Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.jab.docsearch.spider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.jab.docsearch.DocSearch; import org.jab.docsearch.DocSearcherIndex; import org.jab.docsearch.FileEnvironment; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.DateTimeUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.FileUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.I18n; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.NetUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.Utils; /** * Class LinkFinder * * FIXME NPE if ds is null, but this is only if one constructor called! * * @version $Id: 172 2012-09-14 15:24:32Z henschel $ */ public final class LinkFinder { /** * Log4J logger */ private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); /** * FileEnvironment */ private final FileEnvironment fEnv = FileEnvironment.getInstance(); /** * NetUtils */ private final NetUtils netUtils = new NetUtils(); private final String USER_NAME = System.getProperty(""); private int numSkips; // currently not used private DocSearch ds = null; private IndexWriter iw; private int numDeletes; private int numChanges; private int numNew; private int numUnChanged; private int numMetaNoIdx; private int numFails; private long maxFileSizeToGet = 600000; private final String pageName; private String downloadFileDir = System.getProperty(""); private DocSearcherIndex dsi; private String baseUrlFolder = ""; private String domainUrl = ""; private String outFile; private String outBadFile; private ArrayList<SpiderUrl> links = new ArrayList<SpiderUrl>(); private final String[] htmlTypes = { "/", ".htm", ".html", ".jhtml", ".shtm", ".shtml", ".asp", ".aspx", ".php", ".php3", ".php4", ".php5", ".jsp", ".cfm", ".cfml", ".do" }; private final String[] nonHtmlTypes = { ".zip", ".jpg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".db", ".cat", ".wmf", ".tif", ".tiff", ".swf", ".ncd", ".pdd", ".png", ".ppt", ".jpeg", ".mdb", ".msg", ".mpp", ".log" }; private final String[] bogusDirs = { "_vti_", "_private", "file:" }; private int maxLinksToFind = 5000; /** * Constructor (only for test) * * @param pageName * @param outFile */ public LinkFinder(final String pageName, final String outFile, final String outBadFile) { this.pageName = pageName; this.outFile = outFile; this.outBadFile = outBadFile; // init init(); } /** * Constructor * * @param pageName * @param maxLinksToFind * @param ds * @param dsi * @param iw */ public LinkFinder(final String pageName, final int maxLinksToFind, final DocSearch ds, final DocSearcherIndex dsi, final IndexWriter iw) { this.pageName = pageName; this.maxLinksToFind = maxLinksToFind; this.ds = ds; this.dsi = dsi; this.iw = iw; if (ds != null) { downloadFileDir = ds.tempDir; maxFileSizeToGet = ds.getMaxFileSize(); } // init init(); } /** * Constructor * * @param pageName * @param maxLinksToFind * @param ds * @param dsi * @param links */ public LinkFinder(final String pageName, final int maxLinksToFind, final DocSearch ds, final DocSearcherIndex dsi, final ArrayList<SpiderUrl> links) { this.pageName = pageName; this.maxLinksToFind = maxLinksToFind; this.ds = ds; this.dsi = dsi; this.links = links; if (ds != null) { downloadFileDir = ds.tempDir; maxFileSizeToGet = ds.getMaxFileSize(); } // init init(); } /** * Method init */ private void init() { // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { @Override public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String authType) { // nothing } @Override public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String authType) { // nothing } } }; // Install the all-trusting trust manager try { SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom()); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("init() failed", e); } } /** * Checks URL is a HTML file. * * @param url url string * @return true is HTML */ private boolean isHtml(final String url) { String lowerUrl = url.toLowerCase(); // if dynamic, than html // TODO dynamic url isn't always a html if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) { return true; } // check file suffix for (String tmp : htmlTypes) { if (lowerUrl.endsWith(tmp)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks page is skip type * * @param url url string * @return true is skip type */ private boolean skipType(final String url) { String lowerUrl = url.toLowerCase(); // check file suffix for (String tmp : nonHtmlTypes) { if (lowerUrl.endsWith(tmp)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks for bogus directory * * @param url url string * @return true is bogus directory */ private boolean hasBogusDirs(final String url) { String lowerUrl = url.toLowerCase(); // check file suffix for (String tmp : bogusDirs) { if (lowerUrl.indexOf(tmp) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the next URL number * * @return next URL number or -1 if no next URL available */ private int getNextUrlNo() { int curPos = 0; for (SpiderUrl spy : links) { if (!spy.getIsSpidered() && !spy.getIsDeadLink()) { return curPos; } curPos++; } return -1; } /** * Gets link name by number * * @param linkNumber link number in list * @return link name */ private String getLinkNameByNo(final int linkNumber) { SpiderUrl spy = links.get(linkNumber); return spy.getUrl(); } /** * Gets link URL by number * * @param linkNumber link number in list * @return URL */ private SpiderUrl getSpiderUrl(final int linkNumber) { SpiderUrl spy = links.get(linkNumber); return spy; } /** * Get all links from page */ public void getAllLinks() { // writes links from a page out to a file String urlStr = pageName; String shortUrl = ""; numUnChanged = 0; numSkips = 0; int numSuccesses = 0; int numFailed = 0; int numNoRobots = 0; addLink(urlStr); domainUrl = Utils.getDomainURL(urlStr); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("getAllLinks() domain url='" + domainUrl + "'"); } SpiderUrl curl = new SpiderUrl(urlStr); baseUrlFolder = Utils.getBaseURLFolder(urlStr); int curLinkNo = 0; boolean completedSpider = false; boolean isDead = false; int curPread = 0; if (ds != null) { ds.setIsWorking(true); ds.setProgressMax(maxLinksToFind); ds.setCurProgressMSG("Spidering Files..."); } int numSpidered = 0; int curSuccessNo = 0; // start spider while (curLinkNo != -1) { BufferedInputStream urlStream = null; FileOutputStream fileOutStream = null; try { completedSpider = false; isDead = false; if (ds != null) { ds.setCurProgress(curPread); if (!ds.getIsWorking()) { break; } } curLinkNo = getNextUrlNo(); if (curLinkNo == -1) { logger.debug("getAllLinks() end of links reached."); break; } else { urlStr = getLinkNameByNo(curLinkNo);"getAllLinks() analyzing page='" + urlStr + "'"); curl = getSpiderUrl(curLinkNo); } shortUrl = Utils.concatEnd(urlStr, 33); setStatus(I18n.getString("connecting_to") + " " + shortUrl); // open url URL url = new URL(urlStr); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "DocSearcher " + I18n.getString("ds.version")); conn.connect(); urlStream = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); // filesize int fileSize = conn.getContentLength(); if (fileSize > maxFileSizeToGet) { String ex = I18n.getString("skipping_file_too_big") + " (" + fileSize + " > " + maxFileSizeToGet + ") " + shortUrl; setStatus(ex); throw new Exception(ex); } setStatus(I18n.getString("downloading_uc") + "... " + shortUrl + " " + fileSize + " " + I18n.getString("bytes")); curl.setSize(fileSize); // last modified long curModified = conn.getLastModified(); // was .getDate(); curl.setLastModified(curModified); // content type String curContentType = netUtils.getContentType(conn); curl.setContentType(curContentType); // build the value for downloadFile String dnldTmpName = getDownloadFileName(curl.getContentType(), urlStr.toLowerCase()); String downloadFile = FileUtils.addFolder(downloadFileDir, dnldTmpName); // TODO it is better to use content type! boolean curIsWebPage = isHtml(urlStr.toLowerCase()) || (curContentType.toLowerCase().indexOf("html") != -1); logger.debug("getAllLinks() saving to " + downloadFile); fileOutStream = new FileOutputStream(downloadFile); int curSize = 0; int curI; int lastPercent = 0; StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder(); String link = null; boolean inTag = false; boolean getFileSizeFromStream = false; if (fileSize == -1) { getFileSizeFromStream = true; } while ((curI = != -1) { fileOutStream.write(curI); curSize++; if (ds != null) { if (!ds.getIsWorking()) { break; } } // fix problem if filesize not in content length if (getFileSizeFromStream) { fileSize = curSize + urlStream.available(); } // notify of download progress if (curSize > 0 && (curSize % 10) == 0) { int curPercent = (curSize * 100) / fileSize; if (curPercent != lastPercent) { lastPercent = curPercent; setStatus(I18n.getString("downloading_uc") + "... : (" + shortUrl + ") --> " + curPercent + " %" + " ( " + (numSuccesses + numFailed + numNoRobots) + "/" + getNumLinksFound() + ")"); } } // end for percent updates else if (curSize % 40 == 0) { setStatus(I18n.getString("downloading_uc") + "... : (" + shortUrl + ") --> " + curSize + " " + I18n.getString("bytes")); } // handle links if (curIsWebPage) { char c = (char) curI; // LOOK AT THE TAGS // start tag if (c == '<') { inTag = true; tag = new StringBuilder(); } // end tag else if (c == '>') { inTag = false; tag.append(c); String realTag = tag.toString(); String lowerTag = realTag.toLowerCase(); // TODO fix problem with spaces before = // link if (lowerTag.startsWith("<a ")) { link = Utils.getTagString("href=", realTag); link = Utils.getNormalUrl(link); doPossibleAdd(urlStr, link); } // area else if (lowerTag.startsWith("<area")) { link = Utils.getTagString("href=", realTag); link = Utils.getNormalUrl(link); doPossibleAdd(urlStr, link); } // TODO is in param realy a link? else if (lowerTag.startsWith("<param")) { String appletParam = Utils.getTagString("name=", realTag); if (appletParam.toLowerCase().equals("url")) { link = Utils.getTagString("value=", realTag); link = Utils.getNormalUrl(link); doPossibleAdd(urlStr, link); } } } // in tag if (inTag) { tag.append(c); } } // filesize ok if (getFileSizeFromStream && fileSize > maxFileSizeToGet) { break; } } // end while downloading curPread++; fileOutStream.close(); urlStream.close(); curl.setMd5(FileUtils.getMD5Sum(downloadFile)); // now add out document if (ds != null) { curSuccessNo = ds.idx.addDocToIndex(downloadFile, iw, dsi, false, curl); switch (curSuccessNo) { case 0: // good numSuccesses++; break; case 1: // bad numFailed++; break; case 2: // meta robots - no index numNoRobots++; break; } } // delete temp file if (!FileUtils.deleteFile(downloadFile)) { logger.warn("getAllLinks() can't delete file '" + downloadFile + "'"); } numSpidered++; completedSpider = true; // max links found if (numSpidered > maxLinksToFind) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("getAllLinks() failed", e); setStatus(I18n.getString("error") + " : " + e.toString()); isDead = true; } finally { // close resources IOUtils.closeQuietly(urlStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileOutStream); curl.setSpidered(completedSpider); curl.setIsDeadLink(isDead); setStatus(I18n.getString("download_complete") + " " + shortUrl); } } // end for iterating over links if (ds != null) { ds.resetProgress(); } saveAllLinks();"getAllLinks() " + numSpidered + " total web pages spidered for links."); showMessage(I18n.getString("spidering_complete") + " (" + Utils.concatStrToEnd(pageName, 28) + ") ", numSpidered + " " + I18n.getString("documents_indexed") + " " + getNumLinksFound() + " " + I18n.getString("links_found") + "\n\n" + numSuccesses + " " + I18n.getString("documents_spidered_successful") + "\n\n" + numFailed + " " + I18n.getString("documents_spidered_failed") + "\n\n" + numNoRobots + " " + I18n.getString("documents_not_spidered")); } /** * Has base url * * @param toCheck * @return */ private boolean hasBaseUrl(final String toCheck) { boolean retB = false; if (baseUrlFolder.equals("")) { retB = true;"hasBaseUrl() no base url!"); } else { String lowerCheck = toCheck.toLowerCase(); String lowerBase = baseUrlFolder.toLowerCase(); if (lowerCheck.startsWith(lowerBase)) retB = true; } return retB; } /** * Sets status * * @param toSet */ private void setStatus(final String toSet) { if (ds != null) { ds.setStatus(toSet); } } /** * Method doPossibleAdd * * @param page * @param link */ private void doPossibleAdd(final String page, final String link) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doPossibleAdd('" + page + "', '" + link + "') entered"); } String tLink = link.trim(); if (!tLink.equals("") && tLink.indexOf("mailto:") == -1) { // remove anchor if (tLink.indexOf("#") != -1) { int anchorPos = tLink.indexOf("#"); tLink = tLink.substring(0, anchorPos); } // replace \\ if (tLink.indexOf("\\") != -1) { tLink = Utils.replaceAll("\\", tLink, "/"); } // use string in '' if (tLink.startsWith("'") && tLink.endsWith("'")) { tLink = tLink.substring(1, tLink.length() - 1); } LinkValue lv = new LinkValue(page, tLink); String realUrl = lv.getRealLink(); // if (realUrl.toLowerCase().startsWith(domainUrl.toLowerCase()) && !hasBogusDirs(realUrl) && hasBaseUrl(realUrl) && !skipType(realUrl)) { addLink(realUrl); } // end for url has domain prefix else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "doPossibleAdd() real url='" + realUrl + "' skipped because it doesn't start with '" + domainUrl + "', or url is not an indexible file type."); } } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doPossibleAdd() link='" + link + "' was a mailto or empty."); } } } /** * Adds link to list * * @param newUrl */ private void addLink(final String newUrl) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("addLink() try to add link='" + newUrl + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(newUrl)) { logger.warn("addLink() url is empty"); return; } int newLen = newUrl.length(); int curPos = 0; boolean okToAdd = true; // search in list for (SpiderUrl spy : links) { String curUrlString = spy.getUrl(); int curLen = curUrlString.length(); // more speed, // check length, because links are length sorted (desc) if (newLen == curLen) { if (newUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(curUrlString)) { okToAdd = false; } } else if (newLen > curLen) { break; } curPos++; } if (okToAdd) { SpiderUrl surl = new SpiderUrl(Utils.replaceAll("|", newUrl, "%7C")); links.add(curPos, surl); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("addLink() skipping double link='" + newUrl + "'"); } } } /** * getNumLinksFound * * @return */ private int getNumLinksFound() { return links.size(); } /** * Saves all links */ private void saveAllLinks() { logger.debug("saveAllLinks() entered"); // now save the output to a file if (dsi != null) { outFile = fEnv.getSpiderIndexURLFile(dsi.getName()); outBadFile = fEnv.getSpiderBadIndexURLFile(dsi.getName()); } File saveFile = new File(outFile); File saveBadFile = new File(outBadFile); PrintWriter pw = null; PrintWriter bpw = null; try { pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(saveFile)); bpw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(saveBadFile)); // save every link for (SpiderUrl spy : links) { if (!spy.getIsDeadLink()) { pw.println(spy.getUrl() + '|' + spy.getLastModified() + '|' + spy.getSize() + '|' + spy.getContentType() + '|' + spy.getMd5()); } else { bpw.println(spy.getUrl()); } } setStatus(links.size() + " total links found, " + numSkips + " links skipped."); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("saveAllLinks() failed", ioe); } finally { if (pw != null) { pw.close(); } if (bpw != null) { bpw.close(); } } } /** * Shows message * * @param title * @param details */ private void showMessage(final String title, final String details) { if (ds != null) { ds.showMessage(title, details); } else {"showMessage() " + title + "\n" + details); } } /** * Checks file for links * * @param origFile * @param thisPageName */ private void checkFileForLinks(final String origFile, final String thisPageName) { String urlStr = thisPageName; String shortUrl = Utils.concatEnd(thisPageName, 33); setStatus(DocSearch.dsLkngFoLnx + " " + shortUrl); domainUrl = Utils.getDomainURL(urlStr); String realTag; String lowerTag; boolean inTag = false; String link = null; long lastPcnt = 0; File testFi = new File(origFile); long thisFileSize = testFi.length(); long curDnldnd = 0; StringBuilder tagBuf = new StringBuilder(); baseUrlFolder = Utils.getBaseURLFolder(urlStr); Reader in = null; try { // open file in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(origFile))); int ch; while ((ch = > -1) { char c = (char) ch; curDnldnd++; if (thisFileSize > 0) { if (curDnldnd % 10 == 0) { long curPcnt = (curDnldnd * 100) / thisFileSize; if (curPcnt != lastPcnt) { lastPcnt = curPcnt; setStatus(DocSearch.dsLkngFoLnx + " " + shortUrl + " --> (" + curPcnt + " %)"); } } } // start tags if (c == '<') { inTag = true; tagBuf = new StringBuilder(); } // end tags else if (c == '>') { tagBuf.append(c); realTag = tagBuf.toString(); lowerTag = realTag.toLowerCase(); if (lowerTag.startsWith("</a")) { doPossibleAdd(thisPageName, link); } else if (lowerTag.startsWith("<area")) { link = Utils.getTagString("href=", realTag); link = Utils.getNormalUrl(link); doPossibleAdd(thisPageName, link); } else if (lowerTag.startsWith("<param")) { String appletParam = Utils.getTagString("name=", realTag); if (appletParam.toLowerCase().equals("url")) { link = Utils.getTagString("value=", realTag); link = Utils.getNormalUrl(link); doPossibleAdd(thisPageName, link); } } //else if (lowerTag.startsWith("<a href=")) { else if (lowerTag.startsWith("<a ")) { link = Utils.getTagString("href=", realTag); link = Utils.getNormalUrl(link); } inTag = false; } // if (inTag) { tagBuf.append(c); } } in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("checkFileForLinks() failed", ioe); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } /** * Gets number of deletes * * @return */ public int getNumDeletes() { return numDeletes; } /** * Gets number of updates * * @return */ public int getNumUpdates() { return numChanges; } /** * Gets number of news * @return */ public int getNumNew() { return numNew; } /** * Gets number of fails * * @return */ public int getNumFails() { return numFails; } /** * Gets number of unchanges * @return */ public int getNumUnchanged() { return numUnChanged; } /** * Gets number of meta no index * * @return */ public int getNumMetaNoIdx() { return numMetaNoIdx; } /** * Method update * * @throws IOException */ public void update() throws IOException { numDeletes = 0; numChanges = 0; numNew = 0; numFails = 0; numUnChanged = 0; numMetaNoIdx = 0; IndexReader ir =; int maxNumDocs = ir.maxDoc(); int maxTotal = maxNumDocs + maxNumDocs / 10; int curDocNum = 0; if (ds != null) { ds.setStatus(DocSearch.dsTtlDxInIdx + " " + maxNumDocs); ds.setIsWorking(true); ds.setProgressMax(maxTotal * 2); ds.setCurProgressMSG("Spidering Files..."); } // assign index location to urls currently in the index int lastFound = 0; for (SpiderUrl spy : links) { curDocNum++; if (ds != null) { ds.setCurProgress(curDocNum); if (!ds.getIsWorking()) { break; } } String curFi = spy.getUrl(); lastFound = ds.idx.spiderIndexNum(lastFound, curFi, ir); spy.setIndexLocation(lastFound); if (lastFound == -1) { logger.debug("update() " + curFi + " currently is not in the index"); } } // now iterate over all the spider urls int curSpiderNum = getNextUrlNo(); int totalSpidered = 0; while (curSpiderNum != -1) { curDocNum++; if (ds != null) { ds.setCurProgress(curDocNum); if (!ds.getIsWorking()) { break; } } SpiderUrl curSpider = getSpiderUrl(curSpiderNum); int curNumLinksFound = getNumLinksFound(); int curIdxNum = curSpider.getIndexLocation(); // TODO is this getsize realy needed, than the url ist in index? long curUrlSize = netUtils.getURLSize(curSpider.getUrl()); String shortUrl = Utils.concatEnd(curSpider.getUrl(), 33); String dnldTmpName = getDownloadFileName(curSpider.getContentType(), curSpider.getUrl().toLowerCase()); String downloadFile = FileUtils.addFolder(downloadFileDir, dnldTmpName); // document is to big if (curUrlSize > maxFileSizeToGet) { logger.debug("update() '" + shortUrl + "' is to big"); setStatus(I18n.getString("skipping_file_too_big") + " (" + curUrlSize + " > " + maxFileSizeToGet + ") " + shortUrl); curSpider.setSize(curUrlSize); } // document is in index else if (curIdxNum != -1) { logger.debug("update() '" + shortUrl + "' is in index"); setStatus(DocSearch.dsCkgFoUpdtsToDoc + " " + shortUrl + " (" + totalSpidered + " / " + curNumLinksFound + ")"); int curSpiderStatus = netUtils.getURLStatus(curSpider, downloadFile); switch (curSpiderStatus) { case -1: // broken url logger.debug("update() '" + shortUrl + "' is broken"); setStatus(DocSearch.dsBknLink + " " + shortUrl); curSpider.setIsDeadLink(true); // remove from index ir.deleteDocument(curIdxNum); numDeletes++; break; case 0: // same logger.debug("update() '" + shortUrl + "' no changes"); setStatus(DocSearch.lnkNoChanges + " " + shortUrl); numUnChanged++; totalSpidered++; break; case 1: // changed logger.debug("update() '" + shortUrl + "' is changed"); setStatus(DocSearch.dsReIdxgLnk + " " + shortUrl); ir.deleteDocument(curIdxNum); ir.close(); iw = new IndexWriter(dsi.getIndexPath(), new StandardAnalyzer(), false); // iw.setUseCompoundFile(true); int curAddedSuccess = ds.idx.addDocToIndex(downloadFile, iw, dsi, false, curSpider); iw.close(); ir =; if (curAddedSuccess == 0) { numChanges++; totalSpidered++; } else if (curAddedSuccess == 2) { numMetaNoIdx++; } else if (curAddedSuccess == 1) { logger.warn("update() indexing failed " + shortUrl); numFails++; } // get links from downloaded file if (isHtml(curSpider.getUrl())) { checkFileForLinks(downloadFile, curSpider.getUrl()); } break; } } // document is not in index else { logger.debug("update() '" + shortUrl + "' is not in index"); setStatus(DocSearch.dsSpiderNewUrl + " " + shortUrl + " (" + totalSpidered + " / " + curNumLinksFound + ")"); boolean downloadOk = netUtils.downloadURLToFile(curSpider, downloadFile); if (downloadOk) { iw = new IndexWriter(dsi.getIndexPath(), new StandardAnalyzer(), false); // iw.setUseCompoundFile(true); int curAddedSuccess = ds.idx.addDocToIndex(downloadFile, iw, dsi, false, curSpider); iw.close(); ir.close(); ir =; if (curAddedSuccess == 0) { numNew++; totalSpidered++; } else if (curAddedSuccess == 2) { numMetaNoIdx++; } else if (curAddedSuccess == 1) { logger.warn("update() indexing failed " + shortUrl); numFails++; } if (isHtml(curSpider.getUrl())) { checkFileForLinks(downloadFile, curSpider.getUrl()); } } else { setStatus(DocSearch.dsBknLink + " " + shortUrl); curSpider.setIsDeadLink(true); } } // last things to do curSpider.setSpidered(true); curSpiderNum = getNextUrlNo(); if (curSpiderNum == -1) { break; } if (totalSpidered > maxTotal) { break; } // delete temp file if (!FileUtils.deleteFile(downloadFile)) { logger.warn("update() can't delete file '" + downloadFile + "'"); } } setStatus(DocSearch.dsSpdrUpdteComp + " " + dsi.getName()); saveAllLinks(); // update the date of the index dsi.setLastIndexed(DateTimeUtils.getToday()); ir.close(); ds.resetProgress(); } /** * Gets a tempfilename * * @param contentType content type of object * @param url URL * @return temp filename */ protected String getDownloadFileName(final String contentType, final String url) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("getDownloadFileName('" + contentType + "', '" + url + "') entered"); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("temp_spidered_document_").append(USER_NAME); // first: content type if (contentType.toLowerCase().endsWith("html")) { result.append(".htm"); } // second: extension else if (url.endsWith("/")) { result.append(".htm"); } else { String extension = FileUtils.getFileExtension(url); if (extension.equals("unknown")) { result.append(".htm"); } else { result.append('.').append(extension); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("getDownloadFileName() result='" + result + "'"); } return result.toString(); } }